The interior is decorated in various shades of yellow, this is a real bomb, the explosion of which gives a good mood and positive attitude. And it seems to have long been a well-known fact. But the question of whether or not to issue a bedroom in similar shades, is still, for many people remains open.

Interiors in yellow color can lift your mood at the mere sight of them.
In this article we will talk in detail about all the advantages and disadvantages, design features, and many other combinations. Read will be in summer it's hot!

A similar design of the bedroom often turn people radiate positive.
Bedroom design in shades of yellow, advantages and disadvantages
- Bedroom design in shades of yellow, advantages and disadvantages
- Features design bedroom design in yellow and shades
- Who can and who can not use a yellow tint in the interior?
- Bedroom in yellow: winning combination shades
The yellow color in the bedroom, decorated in different styles
- Classical
- Modern
- Minimalism
- The choice of furniture, lighting and accessories for the yellow bedroom
- VIDEO: Design a bedroom with yellow curtains and photo wallpapers.
- 50 design options bedroom in yellow shades:
Yellow carries the warm energy, optimism and carefree, you can even say the children's joy. It is associated in humans with good and positive, and even with the warm summer sun, ripe juicy, albeit a bit of a sour lemon, but also with a wealth of gold decoration. All these associations cause us a pleasant feeling, but it's still all over you need to know when to stop and stick to it.

This bright and bold design solution capable of effectively transform a home.
It is important to remember that yellow colors - a bright accent, it's not quiet and neutral various shades of beige or gray, it's a real colorful explosion. Such daring, original and requires more attention explosion. He has both obvious advantages, but also rich and disadvantages. This is what we just did now, and we'll talk. Right at the beginning, so you immediately understand for yourself and decide whether you fit this option registration of their place of rest, or should choose something else.

The yellow color is not often chosen for the decoration of the bedroom, since such a room should have a proper rest.
Advantages of yellow in the interior of the bedroom:
- These colors and shades of the walls, curtains, furniture visually seem airy and light, which can have a positive impact on the overall picture of a small room cluttered with furniture.
- This range of colors cheers up perfectly. Psychotherapists and psychologists even advise their patients with depressive disorders behavior to make repairs to your home or simply add yellow or green decorative elements, because clinical studies have shown that the elements of the color spectrum of a beneficial effect on the psyche person.
- If you find it hard to get up in the morning, that psychologists advise to add to the room longer yellow, but with a cold midtone colors. Since he perfectly invigorates and energizes the large amount of time.
- This color palette is able to expand a small bedroom space in an instant, at the same time making it more bright, warm and comfortable.

These finishing options can be accessed, if the room is darkened and a small amount of natural light penetrates it.
Disadvantages of yellow in the interior of the bedroom:
- If your bedroom windows face south, that is, the sun, the direction, it is better to give preference to the cooler shades. After warm colors only enhance the unpleasant feeling of stuffiness, heat. Specifically yellow, partly having the properties of white shades, very much reflects the sun's ultraviolet rays, which is not always a positive effect on the human eye.
- Bright colors have very unpleasant property. They quickly bored, so if you've noticed for a such a trait as frequent desire for new changes, then a bedroom in shades of yellow should think not twice, but three times.
- The abundance of bright can lead to headaches and as a consequence, irritability.

According to psychology, the yellow color - a natural antidepressant, so being in a positive atmosphere, he becomes more confident in themselves, forgetting about many problems.
Features design bedroom design in yellow and shades
You still decide to issue a bedroom in a similar color scheme, but you confuse the shortcomings, and you want them all to avoid? H worry, we have prepared for you a list of special features of the development of the design project to all the negative aspects can be better smoothed.

Such a design of the bedroom is recommended to apply not only to lovers of luscious shades, but depressed people.
So, if a window in a room overlooking the sunny side, it is not necessary to make out all the walls, furniture, textiles in shades of yellow palette. Create a mix of different colors combined with each other from a different color spectrum, and let it be a lemon accent. For example, it is possible to paint the wall, which is located next to the bed, and to maintain this motif in textiles, and all other elements of the room to make a purple or white.

When you are in this room depressing thoughts recede, and the mood rises.
The north side of the house, on the contrary, deprived of natural sunlight even in the clear day. Therefore, the design is completely in yellow will be the way like never before.

It is worth remembering that the yellow color is not suitable for people suffering from restless sleep or insomnia, as it radiates energy.
Also, if the room is your bedroom is not large enough, it is necessary to understand that deep rich shades will be visually more narrow space and therefore in this case should be preferred pastel tones.

Owls, hard awakening from sleep, yellow room will suit perfectly.
Who can and who can not use a yellow tint in the interior?
Bedroom can serve not only a simple holiday destination. If you add in its interior more bright colors, as if specifically, yellows, then this room can become a real tool to combat bad mood or even depression! It is thanks to this property, it becomes necessary for almost all the inhabitants of modern cities that are daily exposed to stress at work, school, and just on the streets.

With this finish can arrange the bedroom so that she will feel more comfortable.
Note! The bedroom is decorated in sunny colors, can help you quickly wake up in the morning and feel more energetic because of the enormous tidal forces.

Solar is able to revive the colors of many of the interiors and make more vivid the most boring band.
A bedroom in shades of lemon suit bold and energetic people, or vice versa, a person who lacks these qualities.

Original colors, not only uplifting and makes the room more comfortable, but also adjusts the space depending on the shade.
But you should pay attention to the fact that these colors can aggravate anxiety disorder constantly excites people. Such decisions should avoid if you or someone in your family suffers from insomnia.

A similar color scheme and are advised to contact the owners of the spacious rooms.
Bedroom in yellow: winning combination shades
If mentally travel back to the earliest years of school life, and to remember the lessons of the fine arts, you can dig into the secret corners memories memory that yellow - this is one of the existing three primary colors (except he has a red and blue).

This coloring is ideal for the decoration of the narrow bedroom with low walls.
This means that the color is truly unique and can not be obtained by mixing. It is thanks to this feature it can perfectly be combined with all existing palettes. But the most advantageous combination it forms with shades of green, red, purple. Yet it is important to choose the right temperature, lightness and saturation.

Yellow color in the room can be as basic as and accent.
Note! If you do not have a flair of color, the work you can greatly facilitate the color wheel.

Positive and energetic colors can occur not only in the interior decoration of the room, but in pieces of furniture.
The yellow color in the bedroom, decorated in different styles
Yellow - a real star who could at any time explode and fill the world around us a variety of colors. Just imagine how many of these bright colors can be shades! This lemon and zinc yellow, and light golden, and even imagine canary. Eyes sting from such a medley.

Such a design decision will make the bedroom more comfortable and sunny.
Such a numerous variety, of course, has its significant advantages, but also tangible disadvantages are also present. And one of them - a great choice, oddly enough, can become a real problem. In humans, there is a dilemma not only so, what specific combination of select, but also to how properly and, most importantly, what shade of yellow to integrate into the bedroom, which is decorated in a particular style. Now we will try to answer all the questions with the help of specific examples.

In the design of the bedroom in shades of yellow to avoid excessive saturation of bright and rich tones, so you run the risk of quickly tire of such a situation.
Your bedroom is decorated in classicism? Then give preference to a golden hue. After all, the classic style known for its abundance of gold ornaments luxury expensive and beautiful furniture. And that's a picture of the palace of Versailles does not fit neon lemon, right?

Light golden yellow coloring and in combination with natural wood and brown tones can be attributed to classical perpetuating.
For modern style has no boundaries. It's a real hodgepodge of styles, textures, colors. There will be a place anyone yellow, purple, but at least the gray-brown-crimson hue.

Yellow is suitable for more modern styles such as high-tech or pop art.
Minimalism is strict, laconic and functional. Its color palette is more inclined to the quiet shades of gray. But who said that such a palette you can not add some fun and add a small bright accent. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise minimalist deftly go into high-tech. Although, maybe it's for the best.

The yellow room is equally important to both natural and artificial lighting.
The choice of furniture, lighting and accessories for the yellow bedroom
Another important parameter in the organization and design of the yellow bedroom - the right choice of furniture, lighting and other various accessories. The main rule that should guide the choice of all the extra pieces of furniture - this contrast. Accessories and furniture should stand out from the crowd and be bright. Let us consider an example that all it was all clear.

Correctly chosen lighting in tandem with the yellow color will make the room visually larger and more spacious.
Suppose, on the walls in your bedroom pokleit The Yellow Wallpaper. Then, if you choose furniture that will also be the same color, but still, in addition to this, the lamps are on dating plastic elements similar in tone, all merge into one, and the porridge will look flat, ugly, cheap. What to do to avoid such a situation? Quite simply, the furniture should be totally different, but to combine colors. For example, orange, emerald green or purple.

On a yellow background will look harmonious objects made of natural wood.
Conversely, if you want to make furniture of lemon, it is necessary to choose the color for the walls on the basis of contrast. Here, just as in the first case, fit the bright purple, orange, green color, but do not just forget about something quiet and air - pastels, beige color, or sulfur range. Again, the right choice will help the familiar color wheel.

Such details can make the interior more comfortable.