Design bedroom 10 square meters. m: the best ideas for the interior of a small room

An area of ​​ten square meters enough for the realization of the grand design projects, all the wishes of the owners of the apartment. However, using modern techniques, some design tweaks, you can create a fairly comfortable bed. Make extraordinary design bedroom 10 square meters can on their own. It is only necessary to choose the right style is ideally select a color palette, decoration materials, furniture. About all the intricacies of design small bedroom we describe in detail in this publication.

Fashionable interior bedroom area of ​​10 sq m

Laconic colors, straight and clean lines - all this allows you to create an elegant interior that is "not steal" precious square footage

Embody the big ideas in a confined space


  • Embody the big ideas in a confined space
  • Room design options
  • Organization destinations
  • color solutions
  • Tips on arrangement of the bedroom 10 square meters. m
  • Setting up your bedroom, a living room of 10 square meters. m
  • Video: Design a bedroom area of ​​10 square meters. m in pre-fabricated house
  • Gallery: 50 Bedrooms resettlement options

Create an attractive interior in a small bedroom is quite difficult without certain skills. To realize all the ideas in the interior of the room, you must follow a specific plan of action.

Designer lamps on bedside tables

First, determine the minimum set of furniture, without which you can not do

The first stage of the repair should be the choice of style, color palette. This will depend on the choice of building materials, project design, space furniture. Learn more about choosing stylistic trends will be discussed in the next section.

Important! Style bedroom should be close to the stylistic direction in which other apartments are decorated room. This will make housing more harmonious.

The next step - the creation of a graphic room plan. It is necessary to specify every detail: the measurements, the location of windows, doors, outlets, beds, bedside tables. The plan is easy to draw on a normal sheet of paper.

Scheme bedroom area of ​​10 square meters

Example plan diagrams bedroom with furniture

you can make a list of necessary finishing materials near the graphic image of the room. This will help you not to forget anything in the store. Building materials should be selected on the basis of environmental considerations, safety. Save on their purchase is not necessary. Pre-need to decide on color, texture, pattern finishes. This will help speed up the repair process.

Wooden antique wall in the bedroom

For a small space is best suited simple and easy interior

Room design options

Contents bedroom design 10 square meters can be in virtually any style direction. Consider the features of the most popular options:

  1. Classic. This direction is universal. Classics like almost everyone. There is nothing repulsive. Direction characterized by a certain rigor in the forms, lines. Colors preferably selected light. Bright elements may be present in the bedroom accessories.
    Two black cabinets in white bedroom

    Classic is different in the photo example of a modern version of a classic bedroom

  2. Japanese. Warm, atmospheric style. It is characterized by bright colors: red, yellow, orange, white, and other. To finish, you can use fabric wallpaper typical ornaments, Japanese drawings.
    Sakura Japanese Mural on the bedroom

    Japanese style is reminiscent of minimalism in terms of the fact that there should also be no extra furniture

  3. Provence. Gentle, reverent style direction. In most cases it is selected single girls, romantic person, couples. subtle shades can be used in the interior: pink, mauve, purple, white, milk, sand. Characterized by floral print, many textiles. Bed need to buy double with metal bumpers decorated with wrought.
    Cozy bedroom in the style of the French Provence

    Romantic Provence is often chosen by young girl

  4. Minimalism. A good solution in the presence of a small area in the bedroom. This provides for maximum functionality of the space. From a design plan you need to remove any of the items are not benefiting. Restrictions on the amount of furniture, the lack of accessories make the room more spacious. The color palette of light is selected.
    Pendant lights over the bed in the bedroom

    The interior is almost no furniture - it is about minimalism

  5. Loft. This style will suit practical people. Bedchamber need as close to an industrial area. The decoration used brick, wood, metal. The main color is usually gray. It is combined with white, brown, sand, light blue. As decoration used the picture, bright curtains, unusual lamps.
    The floor in the bedroom mirror industrial style

    Bedroom of a young man with a brick wall in the loft

Organization destinations

Having defined with a small bedroom design style 10 square meters, it is necessary to move to the selection of the main parts - bed. Organization of entertainment in a small space has its own characteristics. Thus, the owners will likely have to bow out with a desire to buy a large double bed. Contain the subject with the other necessary furniture simply will not work. The best solution would be to purchase a corner sofa bed. It is compact, the day when assembled will make the room more freely. Sofa should be chosen with lower legs. High legs instantly reduce space. To place this item must be in the far corner, away from the window, the door opening.

Corner sofa with pull-out sleeper

Folding mini sofa takes up very little space

If the bedroom is performing only one function, you can afford to buy a large bed. You should choose low bed model with integrated departments inside. This box can be installed on the podium. Podium is easy to assemble on their own out of the ordinary wooden planks. To do this, you must buy the material to prepare a tool to find a step by step assembly instructions on the Internet. Assembled podium can be painted with paint, varnish.

Keeping things in the podium under the bed

The podium is expedient to provide a convenient storage system

White bed with drawers in the bedroom area of ​​10 squares

Bed with drawers will fit a lot of things, and eliminating the need for bulky cabinet

Bed, built-in cupboard - ideal for a large family living in a small apartment. Such a bed does not take place during the day, easily decomposed. This furniture will make the room more functional, space - FREE.

Bed-transformer in a small bedroom

Folding bed will allow to walk freely around the room during the day

Together with her in the room fit a dresser, mirror, cupboard, storage for clothes. Saved place on the day, you can put a folding dining table, making room for a while in the dining room.

Bed without legs in a small bedroom

Bed without legs like connoisseurs of innovative solutions and housewives, because to get out under this furniture is much easier

color solutions

Bedroom interior defines not only the selected style. Main humor creates colors. The style directions are usually offered several colors to choose from. Proper selection of colors allows to solve several problems:

  • visually increase the area;
  • hide flaws;
  • allocate the necessary zone.
Gray wall in a modern bedroom

Even the most modest interior will look attractive, if you pick the right color gamut

Pink headboard in the bedroom girl

Bedroom of a young girl with an interesting contrast combination of rich pink color with white and black tones

The bedchamber people relax from the hectic, sleep. The situation around should help to relax. When choosing the color of the room is required to consider the following recommendations:

  1. Do not be guided only by personal preference. Favorite colors can negatively affect the quality of sleep, to excite consciousness, interfere with sleep.
  2. Use bright colors in the details. It should be a small stain in the interior. For example, soft pillows on the bed.
  3. Light colors - a good choice when space is limited room. They visually expand the space, make it more spacious. On a light background looks brighter furniture and decor.
    Gray bed in white bedroom area of ​​10 square meters

    White - the undisputed leader in terms of the expansion of space

  4. Do not be afraid to use white. Milk, white color, many people are afraid to apply for the walls. Their fears they justify resemblance to the hospital ward. However, when properly used shades of white can look very cool and stylish.
  5. White blends perfectly with the gray. This tandem will give space ease freshness. This solution is suitable to modern style trends.
    The interior of a small bedroom in blue and white colors

    White furniture looks good against a light gray wall

  6. Make bedchamber deeper help light colors of blue, blue. This interior is refreshing, to help sleep, relax after a hard day's work.
    Blue blanket in the bedroom with gray walls

    Pastel blue color is designed for relaxation and recreation

  7. Bulking bedroom will use several shades of one color. Diversify the palette can be bright decor, decoration.
Red blanket on the bed in a white bedroom

Limited accents of red color will add elegance in white interior

Tips on arrangement of the bedroom 10 square meters. m

The table contains useful tips from experienced designers:

The choice of furniture Do not buy a lot of items. Enough to buy a bed (sofa bed), wardrobe, mirror, bedside tables.

Choose a reliable furniture made from natural materials.

furniture layout For the interior of the small room do not need to buy a large closet. Enough compact chest. It can be positioned close to the doorway.

Smaller shelves can be built into the armrests of the sofa, bed. Place on the shelves books, small accessories.

Bed set on a podium. Multi-level floor looks unusual.

Making room walls Walls should be light, small pictures are allowed.

Contents bedroom wall can be wallpapered, painted, decorative plaster. In all cases, you should buy high-quality, durable materials.

Making the ceiling The ceiling is better to issue a tension structure. Stretch ceiling has a lot of positive qualities. It will protect the new repair flood neighbors, installed in just one day, available in a wide variety of colors.

On the ceiling is best to use a gloss. The glossy surface of the interior will help to visually enlarge the space.

When there are several functional areas in the room can create a multi-level ceiling.

Shine Small rooms need to cover more intensively.

Windows in the bedroom is better not to hang thick curtains. The ideal option would be buying white, light curtains in the room. They must pass the sunlight.

Artificial lighting of the room should include a number of sources. Big chandelier on the ceiling, you can arrange additional lighting around the perimeter. On bedsides desirable to set the original sconces.

Floor Flooring bedroom should be warm. The ideal solution would be the carpet. Carpeting is inexpensive, sold in different colors. A good solution would be to laminate, oak parquet.

On the floor, you can set the heating system. "Warm floor" system will allow to create a comfortable, pleasant atmosphere. The cost of such a system is quite high, its installation should be dealt with professionals only.

Floor mirror in the interior of the narrow bedroom

Narrow room will look wider if you put a long wall mirror. The effect will increase many times, if the mirror is located opposite picture window

Striped wallpaper in the interior of the children's bedrooms

Also visual space contributes to increase the vertical strips on the wallpaper

Realistic wallpapers design small bedroom

Wallpapers with realistic panorama - another way to fool the eye

Setting up your bedroom, a living room of 10 square meters. m

In small apartments bedroom has to be combined with other functional areas. Most often it is combined with the living room. Submit a living-bedroom on the ten square meters problematic. However, it is actually using practical design techniques. For a start will have to replace the usual bed in the sofa-bed. At night, it can be spread to sleep during the day - to use as a place to relax with a TV.

Sofa bed for classical interior

A sofa bed can choose absolutely any style of interior

When choosing a sofa, consider the reliability of a design, density, upholstery style. Save on buying it is not necessary. Opposite the sofa should be set a TV. To save space, the TV is better to hang on the bracket. Around this same wall, set a small coffee table. In the afternoon it will be possible to move closer to the sofa.

Butterfly wardrobe in a small bedroom

Opposite the window is better to put the mirror box

Keep bedding, personal items can be in the spacious wardrobe. Ideal wardrobe with mirrored doors. Mirrors visually increase the space of the room, decorate the interior. Wardrobe can be ordered by individual measures. Filling cabinet should be chosen on their own, too.

Video: Design a bedroom area of ​​10 square meters. m in pre-fabricated house

Gallery: 50 Bedrooms resettlement options