Bedroom - a special space, a place of solitude. Properly designed interior creates an atmosphere of calm and serenity. High-quality bed, nice wardrobe, chest of drawers - the main attributes of the room. In the creation of warmth and comfort in a setting apart from furniture participate a variety of accessories and decorative items: lamp on the bedside table, designer curtains, etc. Special attention is paid carpet.

Bedroom - a special room home, and the atmosphere is so it must be unique, have, adjusts to rest.
Do rug in a modern bedroom is needed?
- Do rug in a modern bedroom is needed?
- The carpets in the bedroom: the size and placement rules
- Variety of designs and shapes
- Classification of carpets by material
- The selection of colors and patterns
- What to look for: advice of leading experts in interior design
- VIDEO: Unusual carpets for modern bedrooms.
- 50 Carpet design options for the bedroom:
Long gone times when the carpet is performed purely protective, sound-proof and heat-saving features. Today fleecy coating design is a separate component. It gives the room a unique look and flavor.

One of the key design elements of the room is the carpet.
Choosing a carpet in the bedroom, it is important to correctly prioritize. When buying keep in mind that natural products from sheep and camel wool will last an average of half a century, and synthetic - no more than 10 years. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken with the choice, you should know the answers to the following questions.
- For what purposes is bought?
small size options ideal for space zoning. Models of irregular shape, modest bed mats successfully accentuate the overall style of the room. Play a key role coating, it is better to stay in large and medium sizes.

Being a bright accent, eye-catching, it is able to change the style of design.
- Understand the importance of tactile indicators and determine the hygienic characteristics
On this depends the complexity of care. Remember that wool carpet - expensive, fine thing with its nuances. Material perfectly absorbs smells and pollution, it easily settles fungus and parasites unlike synthetic, which, in turn, loses in softness, elasticity topcoat.

Carpet can define the idea of style or make the overall look of the room well-maintained, making it feel at home.
Carpet must be pleasant to the touch. Equally look great product with high and low pile. First Embodiment acts more as a design element. Carpets with a smooth riding is appropriate to use in sleeping area.
And no matter what style decorated room and picked up furniture. Good, good workmanship carpet succinctly fit into any room, visually streamline space, will connect all the parts into a single composition.

To properly and harmoniously selected carpet in a room, you need to know the variety, the features of the structure and color combinations.
The carpets in the bedroom: the size and placement rules
Carpets vary in size and functionality. Therefore, the location depends on the purpose of its use. Traditionally carpets trail on the floor and hung on the wall. Successful placement will provide a pleasant feeling while in the room. If a wall is more or less clear, then with the floor, things are different.

The base of the carpet - one of the key moments of choice.
Choose the best option in a particular case, the problem is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It seems that the complex: bought and bed. However, properly chosen size capable of creating a feeling of bulkiness or conversely randomness. Accounting area, in particular the bedside area, will help to avoid internal discord inside the room.

Each type of carpet is unique in its own way, at the cost of the villi and the packing density of blade they differ different type texture.
Two variants Palace location can be identified.
- Decorative
It gives brightness and contrast setting. Attracts attention to detail, for example, emphasizes the refined form of flower stands. In such cases, preference should be given to small mats of different shapes and colors.

High-quality rug will serve as interior decoration of many years, having an attractive appearance for a long time.
- Functional, practical
Key importance is attached to the bed. Its dimensions determine the choice of coating and method of placement. The size depends on the wishes of the owners. The carpet under the bed in the bedroom is considered a classic of the genre. Put it can be as smooth and at an oblique angle, when a part of a berth does not stand on it.

Carpets are performed by machine mass on professional equipment, home on a special machine or by hand using improvised means.
IMPORTANT! We should not try to fill all the space in its entirety. Suffice it to lay the lateral zones and footboard. Major furniture is better to place on "naked" sex. Chest of drawers or dressing table, if desired, you can beat a separate small rug or do without it.
Universal scheme of placement and the size grid no. Products impressive size and their correct placement can create a single idea of thematic focus. Small allocate individual parts. As a result, it creates a feeling of completeness of the living space of the image.

The carpets have a rich product range, featuring a variety of sizes, allowing to enter the web most harmoniously in any room space, even a small-sized.
Variety of designs and shapes
When choosing a carpet for the bedroom area focuses on the choice of the shape and texture of the carpet. It is important to take into account the geometry of space, arrangement of furniture set. Predominance of rectangular and square designs conventionally involves the presence of the same flooring. The same principle works with ovals and circles.

The carpets have a rich color palette, so there is always the possibility to choose the model to match existing furniture or to individual elements of the interior.
However, current trends break down the classic stereotypes. Depending on the situation, carpets can be in the form of geometric shapes, with self-colored bright accent in the middle of an image, such as a flower, a large pattern around the perimeter. These solutions bring bold notes of negligence, diluted peaceful atmosphere.

Many carpets models are self-contained single accents.
Standard models are perfectly combined with asymmetric. Mats, skins, long carpets, items of any shape or with a shaped edge of the trail on both sides of the sleeping bed, and put a copy of a large oval under it. Numerous photos of carpets under the bed in the bedroom can be found in special directories online stores, where there are the most unexpected designs.

Taking into account the production of the material, its quantity and structure of the pile, have a wide value range.
Important features include carpet texture. It depends on the density and structure of yarns and weaves that affect the performance characteristics and durability. The major types are as follows.
- Lint-free
Characterized by non-uniform grainy structure. Smooth and hard. It has a light massage effect. Do not cause allergic reactions, easy to care for, are not habitat dust mites.

Contemporary rug in the bedroom - a unique accessory special room interior.
TIP! To quickly cheer up after a good night's sleep, you can purchase the carpet mat. Walked on bare feet facilitates the rapid restoration of vital energy, awakening at the expense of coarse woven texture. Bedroom appropriate model of small dimensions, situated next to the bed.
- pile
In common parlance are known as "fuzzy." pile length varies from about 3 to 100 mm. The index is higher the softer the finish. Bedroom usually chosen medium and vysokovorsovye carpets. The most pleasant option for tired feet.

Carpets in the bedroom - a separate line of carpet that needs careful care.
TIP! Difficult to clean. Dust, dirt easily retained in the soft fluffy structure. An ideal variant arrangement - bedside zone.
Classification of carpets by material
In the production of carpets used synthetic and natural material. Each species has its own structural features, advantages and disadvantages that affect the pricing, durability, and recommendations for cleaning. Mixed type occurs when manufacturers combine several materials during manufacture.

Typically, such coatings can not be vacuumed once a week.
The most expensive and quality are considered natural. Semi-synthetic - is the most common option due to the affordable cost, simplicity of maintenance. Fully Synthetic - the most durable and cheap. For registration of the sleeping rooms are not very suitable option because It looks simple and ordinary. What is the composition selected, it's up to the owners, based on their preferences and financial opportunities.

The selection is made on the basis of practical considerations, do not forget about color.
By popular materials used for production of carpet, are as follows.
- natural wool
Most durable and warm products. Wear-resistant, pleasant to the touch with a resilient pile. No different bright colors because of the difficulty of staining, require careful maintenance.
- Cotton
An inexpensive option, does not cause allergies, clean easily. Easily wrinkled and deformed. Contact with moisture quickly wears out.

Models carpet in the bedroom and are subject to various features of the interior of the room or area.
- Silk
The most expensive version of the highest quality, very durable. Bright, unusual items, often handmade, with a clear design and a shiny surface.
- Durable nylon (nylon, polyamide)
Most picky in care. They have a smooth structure. They dry quickly and do not shrink. Burn out of direct sunlight, electrified.

The priority of groups subtle shades of pastel (pink, sky, mints, turquoise, purple, green) and classical beige-brown scale.
- Polypropylene
The texture is similar to wool. Are low cost, simplicity of cleaning, color saturation, resistance to external adverse factors.
- Viscose
Cheap imitation silk. Products with colorful intricate patterns and gloss. Weakness in the wet state.

Color solutions bedroom carpets varied.
Among the materials are also found microfiber, jute, furs and animal skins, acrylic hat set, mat and so on.
The selection of colors and patterns
Selecting the color of the carpet in the bedroom on the floor depends on the color palette is already present in the interior of the room. Desirably, the coating is different from the tone of the floor and walls. Otherwise, the sense of discomfort, a general view of the risk of becoming uncomfortable and unimpressive, all elements will merge into a shapeless mass.

So he looks stylish, beautiful and does not destroy the overall picture of design.
IMPORTANT! It is better to play on the contrast. The main thing is not too smart with lots of colors.
Two variants are possible color manipulation.
- Strengthening basic palette
Palace in the bedroom is chosen taking into account the colors of furniture, curtains, wallpaper.
- The introduction of additional color nuances
Carpet stands on the existing background. Serves as a kind of separator layers, it brings order and balance space.

Those who are not accustomed to give up the bright colors, it is necessary to look at the floor coverings in the shade of fuchsia, purple, wine, green, orange, aqua.
Priority colors for sleeping room are pastels: heavenly, pink, beige, purple, turquoise, etc.
IMPORTANT! Avoid acidic, "screaming" range, depriving the interior relaxed comfortable atmosphere. If you still want to add brightness, you can pay attention to the carpet of purple, lilac, green, orange colors.
Pure white should be avoided because of the impracticality. Too dark colors will make the situation grim and depressing. Although in some cases, dark brown / green / blue carpet - the perfect solution for the dilution of design, made in plain, monochrome colors. The bright spot will not spoil the appearance and add speakers.

Extraordinary items are made to order, usually a model for individual zones.
To emphasize the design of the furniture decorative accessories, should opt for a pale products. A carpet with a pattern, geometric shapes or patterns fit in the case, if you want to divert attention from the content of a room or space to balance.
What to look for: advice of leading experts in interior design
Over time, changing the color palette, the size and shape of the articles, but the fashion for carpets hardly ever take place. Without it the image of the room seems to be incomplete, and the room is somewhat impersonal and empty.
Choosing a carpet - a matter of taste and financial opportunities. However, do not neglect the advice of professionals designers, who for years have accumulated knowledge and increase them to transfer this experience to the masses.
- Before buying, you should decide on a location, consider the style of the room and furniture set.
- Select the appropriate form and texture.
- To study the performance and recommendations for care.
- Decide on the color scheme.
- Once the carpet is spread out, must be carefully vacuumed.

Regardless of whether a tone or contrast buy carpet shade should be pleasant and appropriate.
And finally, a few tips.
- The carpet in the bedroom, "looking down". It should not cause discomfort on waking. After all, before it comes to the first foot awakened person.
- It should not take more than 2/3 of the room
The carpet in the bedroom is the perfect complement of the image of the room. Wisely choose the size, color, material products create a unique look of the room, set priorities. Properly selected carpet on the floor in the bedroom should be well combined with the design of the space, not to stand out from the crowd.

The carpet in the bedroom should be soft, pleasant to touch surface protecting floor covering from drafts, and the legs - the cold.