Linoleum - a common flooring used in various orientation areas - from offices, hospitals, schools to residential. The reason is an acceptable cost, strength, good thermal insulation and noise protection properties.

The building materials market represented a huge range of floor coverings.
Captivates and richness selecting a pattern and colors. It has an aesthetic property of organic approach to design of premises for different purposes. The final choice is associated with some nuances concerning the performance.

One of the budget options floor design in the bedroom is linoleum.
Rules for choosing a good linoleum bedroom
- Rules for choosing a good linoleum bedroom
- Selection of linoleum for the rooms
- The best places to lay linoleum in the bedroom
- Advantages and disadvantages of materials
- Photo bedroom design with linoleum
- VIDEO: How to choose the linoleum for the apartment.
- Linoleum in the interior - 50 stylish design options:
Solid linoleum, economical and easy to install and has sufficient durability. Prejudice on linoleum, not based on the most prominent samples of the PVC coating of the Soviet era. Modern products are radically different from their predecessors, and with high-quality and aesthetically.

Linoleum - a polymeric flooring.
The thickness of the coating material is subdivided into the following categories:
- Domestic. Characterized by subtlety and fragility to withstand small loads.
- Semi-commercial. It falls under the category average thickness. It has good sound insulation and resistance to physical shock, and moisture.
- Commercial. Excellent quality indicators are reflected in the high prices for such a product. In the conditions of the house to use it does not make sense.

Linoleum is sold in rolls and thus provides a monolithic flooring.
What to consider when choosing linoleum in the bedroom.
- Simple and effective rule: you must pick up the coating connection with their own smell. Pungent odor associated with low coating quality, and hence the content in its composition harmful to health supplements. At high quality natural or synthetic linoleum no odor, the coating has a greasy luster drawings distinct and looking naturally. Good flooring must have five layers.
- Web width must be selected under the size of the room. Leave the stock to be able to fit the pattern, cutting the cloth in the joints. We consider thresholds and battery niches and other features of the geometry of the floor.

Modern industry produces high-quality samples, which do not have these drawbacks.
- Refrain from buying in the market, even if the price is tempting. Humidity heated commercial space direct impact on the success of quality assurance products.
- Ask a health certificate from the sellers. Safety standards have passed the examination of the material indicated on the labels.
- When checking the coating must be unrolled. The only way to verify the absence of waves, the hillocks on the surface or regions of peelable film. The presence of such defects in the coating of the discharge eliminates potential purchases. Irregularities in the operation are not smoothed.

Bedroom of such coverage would be enough, but with minimal load on it.
- If in addition to the bedroom is planned to lay the same linoleum in the other room, the purchase must be in one piece. But it is necessary to take into account the layout of the rooms and the size of the passages and stairs in the house to deliver the convenience of the web to the installation site.
- Folding the cloth in half might be damaged, which can not be corrected. Scotch glue on the front surface is not necessary because of the difficulty in removing the remaining trace of adhesive. It obverse when minimized must be inside. Use the tape on delivery.

He has a high moisture resistance, acts as shumoizolyatora.
- Prefer embodiments equipped with special protective film. They promotes long preservation appearance and easy to clean.
- The ideal option would be viewing the samples in a particular bedroom, where they are to be laying. Selection will be accurate in tone interior. In memory in such a case it is not necessary to rely.
- Check the uniformity of the party (in the case of rebuy). Even numbers are also available with matching shade from production of different batches may vary.

For laying linoleum in the bedroom you can select the most inexpensive type of home.
How to choose linoleum for the bedroom if there is a family of small children or allergies? Stop the choice on the natural product with wood flour in the base. Treat it have to care, because of its susceptibility to damage of mechanical nature, but it meets all environmental safety standards.

Semi-commercial species, perhaps the most appropriate.
Originality bedroom can inject a liquid with a beautiful linoleum simulated natural stone. For a cold room will type semi-commercial linoleum. It is thicker and better consumer retains heat.

Most often it is the original coloring, resembling flooring or tile, or may be completely monotonous.
Selection of linoleum for the rooms
Choose flooring for the hall can in accordance with its size and taste preferences hosts. Classical texture with imitation precious tree species is perfect for an elegant style common room. Dark or bright saturated shades curtains and furniture require flooring with imitation bleached oak.

Some models have a semi-commercial linoleum-base insulation.
Important! For wide and free from a large number of furniture halls celebration and elegance will impart gloss radiant linoleum.

Insulation allows to make the floor warm even on the first floor of the building without having to install additional equipment.
If the house does not have small children, it suggests a lack of permanent loads on the floor. The coating can pick up normal. If a large family, the semi-commercial coverage will come in handy. Have children need to pay attention not only on the performance, but also behavioral characteristics of the moment. All desire to taste peculiar to kids requires selecting a natural material for the floor covering with the presence of bactericidal properties and warm base.

Many believe that the linoleum laying in the bedroom is not suitable, it is harmful, not eco-friendly, but it is not so.
The best places to lay linoleum in the bedroom
Cold floor requires the use of a heater in the form of a cork backing. Due to the high density of the final coating does not sag when walking due to the high density. This same quality allows you to safely set the furniture on this type of coverage. Due to the fragility of the material laying linoleum requires extreme caution accuracy.

Modern industry produces patterns that can be attributed to natural materials.
The top layer polymer. For proper operation of the material will last for about 40 years. If the room has a flat floor, can be used for laying linoleum with a polyester base. In the presence of cracks and irregularities in some places use pattern with PVC-basis having a thickness of 2.5 mm.

Such linoleum is the most suitable material for the bedroom.
Advantages and disadvantages of materials
- Good sound insulating characteristics help especially in panel houses with good audibility between apartments. Soft surface muffles the steps. Efficiency increases noise obstruction outside using a cork substrate.
- Linoleum is simple and easy to care for. Not afraid of scratches, as laminated board or parquet, for example. In some models, provides dirt and water-repellent effect.
- Ease of installation works. Special training and qualification does not require installation. And to save money, with linoleum flooring can build their own.
- The economic component. Compared with parquet flooring, laminate, linoleum is clearly wins in the price.

When choosing a cover make sure to check the documents confirming the quality of the goods.
- in the case of smoldering or burning emission of harmful compounds occurs;
- Cheap cover short-lived;
- with strong physical influences can break.

In the bedroom you spend at least 1/3 days, and the situation that surrounds you should not release harmful substances.
Photo bedroom design with linoleum
The choice of options for a wide bedrooms and is associated with the personal perception of the owners to the color and overall style of the room. Even in the absence of a certain style, you can act according to combinability of linoleum with the color and texture of the wallpaper, which will ensure harmony in the surroundings and a relaxing vacation. As an example, a cream-colored wallpaper fit covered with white parquet pattern.

Externally, linoleum can often be confused with laminate.
To choose among a wide range of linoleum is not easy. What linoleum is better for the bedroom? Colors and decor should be correlated with features of interior design bedrooms, where the installation is planned to cover. Beauty figure should also be in harmony with the general atmosphere in furniture items, wall design, the purpose of the room.

It is much easier to care for than laminate and is not prone to scratches.
Diagonal patterns and light colors visually expand the space. The spacious bedroom with light walls for contrast and respectability may be choose darker tones. For classic style, you can use an ensemble of linoleum and doors.

Linoleum bristling not under the influence of moisture, such as when outdoor watering flowers.
Light colors will find continuation in shades of doors, giving an aesthetic flair and an interior finish. Light linoleum bright highlights dark furniture. The same can be done exactly the opposite.

It does not leave marks on the legs that often happens with laminate floors.
Plain and calm surface of the walls is suitable to a rich ornamentation and vivid colorings flooring. But overloading and walls of a saturation is no longer necessary. South side bedroom involves the use of cold tones. The use of matte coatings hide small defects floor.

Installation of linoleum does not require special skills, be able to cope with it even a novice.
The common opinion about the harmfulness and the impossibility of applying the linoleum bedroom is erroneous. Its production process puts coating in series with natural, environmentally friendly materials.

With the laying of linoleum can handle even far from the construction work man.
Which is better to lay linoleum in the bedrooms? Natural types of articles are impregnated with linseed oil, has a positive effect on the duty to preserve appearance. They are most suitable for the design of floors in the bedroom.

This coating is not afraid of moisture or detergents.
Because of the high density of small loads is not necessary, more attention should be paid to comfort. A single layer soft material with jute or flax substrate or artificially foamed base PVC is an excellent solution to the floor covering.

The undeniable advantage of buyers say its budgetary and durability.