Billiard Room: Ideas and interior design, choice of pictures and wallpapers, photo examples

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Billiard room - the perfect place for spending time with friends and family. Construction of this building requires certain rules. If carefully and thoroughly consider the environment - the room will be a favorite destination of visitors and households.

a billiard room in the apartment

Billiard room in a private home - a multi-functional space that performs several tasks.

To equip the play area in the house is much easier than in a city apartment. Usually suburban housing area allows you to allocate additional space for leisure activities and meet all the necessary conditions. Choose the design options for the billiard room in a private home can be on the Internet a photo directory.

billiard room

This indicator hosts status, a certain level of prosperity, the room is very prestigious and is available not at all.

  • Proper lighting. Most often, a billiard place in rooms without windows, for example, in the cellar. Bright daylight is contraindicated for this game. It will interfere with the players. Lighting should be soft and diffused. If the game room making attic, all window curtain special black-out curtains that do not transmit light. Also need additional reinforcement floors, not every design is able to withstand the heavy weight of the equipment.
billiard room photo

This is a game room where you can have fun and one, and with friends.

  • size of the room. Organization and execution of the entire space will set the pool table. The size of the playing field and cue length will depend on the type of billiards. It is necessary to provide space for free movement around the table and movements. Leaving the scene of "butt" is impossible. Players should be able to wipe. The distance to the wall is usually slightly exceeds the length of the cue. Table with parameters 2,54 x 1,27m. It requires a minimum room size of 5.8 x 4.5 m. For the very small area of ​​the table needed 5 x 4,1m. Please note, the furniture is not taken into account.
billiard room ideas

In the initial stages of the design plan for first make up, together with the furniture, and then choose the most suitable room.

  • Climate Features. Humidity in the billiard room must not exceed 60%. Acceptable temperature ranges between 18-20 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, the wooden surface of the table and cues will last a long time.
billiard room photo ideas

The constant aim for the game activates the eye muscles, strengthening them and improving visual acuity.

  • Flooring. Weighty game balls can damage the tiles, but at the same time can crack of solid concrete. Sex is better to cover the carpet, use wood or cork.
billiard room photo ideas

Billiards - game, forcing to be in constant motion, and thus helps to relieve stress and overcome physical inactivity.

you can buy special collapsible pool table for small urban apartments. There will also be appropriate to organize a playing space in the biggest rooms in the living room or rooms combined.

billiard room design

Billiard can be used as a guest room, especially when the relevant planning and design.

functional improvement


  • functional improvement
  • unique interior
  • Attention to detail
  • Choosing the right furniture
  • VIDEO: The interior of the billiard room of the apartment.
  • 50 stylish designs billiard room:

The next important step after selecting a room will be its functional content. Must be properly zoned all the billiard room.

billiard room design photo

Based on the variety of tasks performed by this premise, it is necessary to think through its arrangement, with many different factors need to be taken into account.

The main purpose of the room - play. In addition to compliance with all the dimensions and parameters, it is necessary to correctly position the specialized furniture. Stands for cues, supports for bowls and other attributes of the place near the table, so that during the game do not have to do a lot of unnecessary movements.

billiard room design photo

Billiard room - a centuries-old tradition, special atmosphere, inviting and peaceful, and create it - a special art.

Take care about the leisure of other family members or participants holidaymakers. In another part of the room you can arrange a small seating area with sofas and a TV. In this case, a billiard room will be an excellent area for public entertainment and recreation.

Additional information: should clean away all fragile items, and raise the screen as possible. During the game, the ball can take off the table limits and damage the environment.

billiard room design photo

If you succeed, and in the design of a billiard room in the house will be in harmony of tradition and modernity, this room will be one of the most popular in the home and for the owners and their guests.

For lovers of strong drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails suitable option billiard room with bar. You can individually set the bar with high chairs, work area for washing dishes. Put the coffee machine and other appliances.

billiard room design ideas

Depending on the size of the house and the amount of space in it, under the billiard can be identified as a separate room, and combine it with the library, living room or to arrange in the lobby.

If desired, a billiards room can become a versatile place for fun. Special table with a removable tabletop designed for the organization of holidays.

billiard room design ideas

The best option of accommodation deemed basements, and so has his reasons.

unique interior

The table in the billiard room sets the whole design. Each owner makes out the room according to their tastes and preferences.

billiard room design ideas

Daylight, so necessary for all the other rooms in the house, a billiard room is contraindicated in: it would inevitably interfere with the game.

  • Modern style. For fans to keep up with the times like a billiard room in the style of hi-tech. Create a stylish design will help metal surfaces lamps and accessories, blue baize table and discreet gray walls. In the recreation area a billiard room will look great variety of technical devices: consoles, speakers, ultra-modern flat screen televisions.
billiard room interior

This combination is used in a variety of styles, it is only necessary to supplement the situation related accessories.

  • Classic style. Classically decorated billiard room is considered the English style. Wallpaper is not used, instead the walls are lined with wooden panels, in harmony with the game table materials. The upper part of the walls is coated tissue web. Pay attention to the carpet. In the classical interior is important to use only cloth green. To install lighting the traditional lamp. In other parts of the room is appropriate to arrange the massive wooden furniture with leather trim.
billiard room interior photo

A classic for the billiard room in a private home is considered the English style.

  • East style. The abundance of gold in combination with a rich wine hues to really decorate any billiard room. Golden lights over the table and burgundy cloth will be the main elements of the color composition. Background with oriental ornaments and low sofas with golden legs will go well with the basic components of the game room. In the recreation area can accommodate large hookah and gold-embroidered cushions.
billiard room interior photo

Eastern stylistic direction prefers burgundy range and a large amount of gold.

  • Gangster style. If you want to really impress your guests, recreate in a billiard room in the spirit of "Al Capone". Most of this style reminiscent of Art Deco: mix luxury with unobtrusive gloss and nacre. The decoration is best to stick to black and white colors. On the walls you can place black and white photographs of famous gangsters of the twentieth century. In the recreation area of ​​such a room is appropriate to smoke expensive cigarettes and have a few glasses of spirits for sincere conversation. Bar and comfortable sofas complement the original design solution.
billiard room stylish interior

In other areas of the room is also used furniture made of wood, preferably - a massive, all kind produces an impression of reliability and solidity.

Attention to detail

When decorating a billiard room, follow these tips:

  • Choose durable accessories and place them away from the playing area;
  • combine with the main interior decor style;
  • additional attributes should not clutter the space and interfere with the players to move freely around the table.
billiard room interior photo

Depending on the type of billiards and a specific size of the table under it, is determined by the size of the room.

If in the billiard room smoking allowed, decorate the room to help a variety of ashtrays with thematic symbols. Depending on the style, the walls will be decorated skins, horns and heads of animals. Subject details add interesting touches in the decoration and emphasize its individuality. Globes, maps, telescopes create an atmosphere wanderings. Masks, drums, various amulets will look well in ethnic design. Medieval motifs suggest the presence in the interior of knight's armor or individual helmets, swords and shields. Especially the original owners will want to hang on the walls of flags with family crest. Fairy dragon head will give the design a billiard room fantastic character.

billiard room under the Middle Ages

Since the game has attracted the attention, sitting on the sofa and chairs should see the playing field, and, therefore, be quite high.

the game time flies. Clock - is an integral part of the billiard room. In addition to its direct purpose, clocks in different shapes and styles in addition to decorate a room.

Relive environment paintings, collages and photos from the actual symbols. It can be fatal beauty with cues, hilarious animals for billiard tables, interesting pictures of the owners themselves.

billiard room decor

Separately, you can arrange a corner bar - bar, high stools or chairs, a small work area.

Depending on the design of the walls will look harmonious wallpaper with interesting designs and patterns. For modern style suit wallpaper with abstract or geometric elements. For ethnic or eastern direction you can choose options from elegant monogram or symbolic representations. When decorating the walls it is important to consider not only a decorative function. Billiards - quite a romp. Knocking balls can irritate the other inhabitants of the house. For noise reduction suitable cork wallpaper or wall may be further enhanced soundproofing layer.

billiard room interior design ideas

The interior of the billiard room in the house can be very busy, the number of functional areas only accessible area is limited in it.

Choosing the right furniture

The main stage in the billiard equipment will be the choice of furniture. It should be functional, comfortable, compact. There are some rules and standards for the selection of a suitable environment.

billiard room furniture

In connection with the specifics of the billiard room the choice of materials for its decoration special attention.

It is important when buying a table, note the following points:

  • availability of certificates confirming the quality of the table;
  • manufacturing material;
  • presence of rubber with cloth on the back side of the beads;
  • the use of a suitable cloth optimum content of 50% wool and 80% nylon and 20% to 50% percent.

For rooms with high humidity or with unstable beams is better to buy a light table made of MDF or particle board.

billiard room decoration

Billiard tables are made of wood, and at the heart of countertop is marble slab, that is, the weight of such products is very high.

It plays a special role kievnitsa. It is stored cues, balls, care accessories. Basic furniture must be combined with each other. For finishing and decoration kievnits use the same cloth, and the same pattern of thread as for the table. They can stand on the floor or mounted on the wall, place the main stand so that it does not interfere with the game.

billiard room decoration photos

The main thing that the flooring was not slippery and do not threaten the players fall.

Do not forget about seats for fans and observers. Choose a comfortable and highly furnished. Seated need to see the whole process and the playing field.

billiard room options

The interior of the billiard room in the house should have proper lighting.

Billiards - exciting competition, won the hearts of many people around the world. Thoughtful interior billiard room will allow to enjoy the process, not only the players but also the audience. Equipped games area will be a highlight of the house and loved holiday destination for your friends and relatives.

VIDEO: The interior of the billiard room of the apartment.

50 stylish designs billiard room: