Bedroom, the place where you want to rest and relaxation, the stylish and contemporary solutions. But often, the size of this area do not allow to implement the conceived ideas. There are many questions. How to make a bedroom design 12 square meters. m. in a modern style? Reveal design secrets.

The bedroom is the most intimate, quiet and comfortable place in the house where you want to relax, calm down and relax after a busy day.
Visual methods of expansion space in a small bedroom
- Visual methods of expansion space in a small bedroom
- Modern solution combining a bedroom with balcony
- Variety of modern style for a small bedroom
Interior options bedroom 12 sqm in a private house
- The modern layout of the bedroom in a private home
- Stylish ideas for interior design in prefabricated houses (Khrushchev)
- Making children's bedrooms in a modern style
- VIDEO: Design a small bedroom.
- 50 variants of modern design bedroom 12 sq.m .:
There are many methods of increasing the visual room.
- The choice of colors
One of the most important factors affecting the feeling of spaciousness in the room, is the color. A well-known factor that increases the light and dark decreases, works in interior design. For a small bedroom is necessary to choose the color of the cold range. They will optically expand the space. It is bright and gentle colors: green and blue, gray and pink. You can use peach of a warm palette.

Use white color, which is more than all the colors increases the space.
Important! If the ceiling and walls made into a single scale, the area will appear larger due to erase borders.
You can make a contrast wall for a long and narrow bedroom.

Then the bedroom is visually expand the boundaries.
- The graphics in the interior
Wonderful works to expand and increase the room selection wallpaper stripes. Vertical stripe lengthen room. It is better to use on two walls. An interesting solution that decorate one wall, one-style, and the other was diluted with geometric pattern.

Horizontal, on the contrary, it pushes the space.
Cheat vision help wallpapers and murals.

They are able to increase the area several times, creating a sense of infinity.
Important! Do not use in a small bedroom, large pictures, it will reduce its size.
- Gloss and mirrors
Designers love to use gloss and a mirror when you make a small bedroom design. Mirrors play a role not only functional but also decorative. If the bedrooms are located on the sides of the mirror bed, the room visually increase. But in this case the mirror should be strictly vertical.

Any deviation will lead to a distortion of the whole room.
The room will also be great due to the reflection of light, if you hang a mirror opposite a window or light fixtures. This element of the decor in the form of a mosaic, tiles, panels used for finishing walls and ceilings.

This decision is filled with light and expand space.
Glossy ceilings and walls play a similar role, but they give a softer effect razdvizheniya boundaries and depth.
- Lighting
On how to position the light sources it depends bedroom is spacious and bright or not. Natural light always wins when creating any interior. Installing large wide windows provide space and natural light. In contemporary design bedroom 12 sqm popular spotlights. Especially, if you place them along the walls. Artificial light is reflected from the walls and create optical depth. In the dark corners of the bedroom, you can put a floor lamps, sconces hang. Ceiling lights along the perimeter perfectly expand the boundaries of the bedroom.

The main thing that every meter of space was illuminated.
- Furniture for a small bedroom
In the small bedroom the necessary freedom and space, so the furniture should be of compact and functional. Wardrobe, built-in cabinets, transformers, folding tables, all this will help to relieve the space. Minimalism and comfort - this is the motto for small bedrooms.

Furniture should not be too bright and contrast.
Very handy if your bedroom has a view of the square. Then properly position the furniture will not create problems. If the layout of the rectangular type, you need to skillfully arrange the furniture.

Good fit and will occupy shelves, closets and mezzanine.
- The decor and textiles
To achieve the goal of expanding the boundaries in the bedroom area, a great role play decor. Floor-length light curtains, the carpet with an asymmetrical pattern, natural textiles in the same color scheme with bathroom, all this will make the bedroom limitless.

No flashy elements.
Note! Decorating a bedroom, follow one style. Do not mix different accessories and decoration styles.
Careful attention is paid to the bed, because it occupies a central place in the bedroom.

The headboard is decorated with pictures, photo wallpapers and other elements.
Modern solution combining a bedroom with balcony
The problem of lack of space in the bedroom will help to solve it by combining with a balcony or loggia. The room will not only be bigger, but lighter. Due to the addition of more interior space designer can change dramatically.

There is the possibility of adding the working area, a dressing room or extra area for pleasure or sports.
Decorating the walls of this is done with different materials. You can use wallpaper, digital printing, plaster, textiles, cork panels, etc.

Lighting is better to provide with the help of LED strips and spotlights.
- Work zone
Members Area can be arranged in this area. Put a table, shelves with books, computer and chair. And get a little job.
- Area sports
Here you can use the balcony as a sports area, placing simulators and sports equipment.
- wardrobe Zone
A great option if you arrange on the balcony of the dressing room.
- for recreation area
Extra seating area and can be used in this zone. Enough to place the sofa or chair.

Interior bedroom of 12 square meters can get very cozy and cute.
Variety of modern style for a small bedroom
The modern-style bedrooms of little used areas such as hi-tech, minimalist, Scandinavian style, modern, modern classic.

Modern design bedroom 12 square meters of accommodation here means the most necessary and modern furniture and accessories.
- Minimalism
Restraint, functionality and comfort - the main characteristics of which should be to create a small bedroom interior. In this zone, placed at least furniture and appliances and decorative elements. In minimalism reigns monochrome interiors and clear lines. Lighting uses multilevel.

Finishing materials are always natural.
- High tech
This style related to minimalism, but in his arsenal appears modern high-tech equipment. Preference is given to built-in appliances. This style also dictates laconic shapes, geometric shapes and clean lines.

Area increased by combining three neutral shades and lighting.
- Scandinavian style
Suitable for bedrooms small area. In this style dominates the white and gray. Room heralded the most necessary furniture.

All simple, light and airy.
- modern
This style avoids sharp corners and choose smooth lines and shapes, whereby space seems freer.

This is exactly what is needed for small bedrooms.
- Modern classic
Classic is always popular and in demand. Convenience, elegance and beauty characteristic of this area.

Apply light shades and allowed to have a small amount of decoration.
Interior options bedroom 12 sqm in a private house
If we consider the design of bedrooms twelve meters in a private home, there is usually taken as the basis for eco-style.

Use natural eco-friendly materials: wood, stone, natural fabrics.
The modern layout of the bedroom in a private home
Often in private homes the bedroom is placed on the second floor, as it is the warmest in the house. But the pitched roof in the attic space narrows. The correct decor and finishes are able to solve this problem. Use several options for creating a harmonious interior in the area. the window can be arranged in the roof, and the bed is located near the inclined wall. In straight wall are arranged closet. The beams that support the roof are left in plain sight. This solution is used in eco style, loft and country. Finishing materials are selected any: wallpaper, paneling, panels, paint. When one material, the area of the wall will increase.

If you want to use the classic or modern style, the bumps on the ceiling cleaned using drywall.
If floor private house, the bedroom is placed at a remote location with access to a yard.
Stylish ideas for interior design in prefabricated houses (Khrushchev)
Create a cozy and modern bedroom can be of any, even the smallest rooms. Panel house Khrushev usually with low ceilings and an unsuccessful plan. Here, the area is expanded by the lighting elements and lengthen the room: the wallpaper with vertical lines, glossy ceilings, mirrors, light fixtures.

Interesting interior of the bedroom 12 square meters. m. You can see in the photo.
Making children's bedrooms in a modern style
When choosing interior child's bedroom requires a special approach. All the details are important. Decoration materials must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. The color scheme is calm with bright elements in the decor.
Important! When registering children's consult with the child, as he spends the most time in this room.
When a small child's bedroom using a modular design, which combines a desk, a bed and shelves. It will be combined working area, play area and bedroom.

The emphasis is on free space, which is essential for the physical development of the child.
If a family is more than one child, they take into account the bunk beds that unload space.
Summing up, it is obvious that the real and the right approach to the interior, even the smallest bedroom has become a modern, stylish and very comfortable place to relax.