Someone might say that the mezzanine in the hallway - a relic of the Soviet past, and will be wrong. It was and remains a popular way to store things, especially in confined spaces small apartments. Another question is whether the regiment look rough box on the ceiling, which catches the eye and will complement the functional interior.

Most often used for decorating the room beautiful and spacious mezzanine.
Modern design options mezzanine in a corridor
Modern design options mezzanine in a corridor
- In a large hall
- In a small hallway
- What is a mezzanine and why it is needed
- Where to place a mezzanine in the hallway
How to look at different styles mezzanine and hallway corridor
- modern
- Classic
- Minimalism
- Contemporary
- Country
- Provence
- How you arrange mezzanine and decorate it
- Popular materials for the manufacture of mezzanine: it's better to choose a design point of view
- The choice of the door to the mezzanine
- opening mechanism
- How to make the lower part
- VIDEO: The mezzanine in the hallway with his hands.
- 50 designs mezzanine in the corridor:
Looking for fresh ideas and inspiration have handy collection of photos mezzanine in modern interiors.
In a large hall

Such convenient design for storage, space-saving, it is not a thing of the past.
In a small hallway

Modern manufacturers produce stylish and attractive options, with features that are worth a closer look familiar.
What is a mezzanine and why it is needed
The word "mezzanine" multiple meanings. In this case, we will focus on two of them. First - shelf near the ceiling, which is used for storage. The second - top furniture section installed in the cabinet. In any case - it is an additional compartment for storing infrequently used items. Mezzanine in the hallway are the following.
- Stationary - space under the ceiling, limited below deck, sides and back - room walls. Front niche often closed doors, but can remain open.
- Attachments - are ready locker which is fastened to the wall with the mounting rail or on conventional sheds (Lever, "eye" et al.).
- Furniture components sektsii- headset. Tables represent the side and rear walls, the bottom and the front. Installed on top of the cabinet without additional fastening to the wall.

In comparison with conventional furniture designs, mezzanine increasingly used as additional space storing various accessories.
Equally important is the model pripotolochnoy shelves.
- Unilateral - access to shelf space has only one hand;
- Two-way (pass-through) - to the stored things can get from two sides. Typically, these are located under the mezzanine ceiling between the corridor and the kitchen, bathroom less often.
- Open - shelf near the ceiling without the facade fence.
- Closed - mezzanine with doors.
- Corner - installed in a corner, it can be opened, closed or combined.

Mezzanine in a corridor used to store off-season clothes and shoes.
Where to place a mezzanine in the hallway
The most popular, and often the only option:
- mezzanine above the entrance to the hall;
Mezzanine can be used as a storage room and placed directly under the ceiling.
- above the cupboard in the hallway;
With a variety of materials and finishing options today mezzanine can become even and interior decoration.
- over the entrance from the hallway to the kitchen.

Often, such an option can be found in small apartments, where there is no extra space to store items.
Additional Information! Equip a mezzanine under the ceiling at a height of 2 m above the floor. If the repair is at the planning stage, it is necessary to take into account height, which rise after the floor covering installation.
How to look at different styles mezzanine and hallway corridor
If the mezzanine is not part of the furniture, it is important that it is in harmony with it. Sometimes when updating furniture should think about changing the facade to the shelf near the ceiling. Exist many examples of stylistic contradictions spoils the impression about the situation. So oak facade will be totally out of place in a minimalist interior and shelves with curtains never find their place in the classics.

The standard and most common type is the hinged model, is located near the ceiling.
The main condition of style - harmony, everything should be done in the same way. Consequently, the design of the mezzanine in many respects depends on the type and color of furniture, decoration. The materials used are not limited Nouveau. Sliding doors mezzanine can be decorated with stained glass, provided that they will complement the rest of the environment. They can even decorate the wrought iron elements, if there's a staircase such handrails. The main finishing material are MDF facades.

With adequate finish such structures are well fit into the interior.
Increasingly luxurious and elegant classic meets in ordinary hallways medium and large sizes. The basis of the composition is the overall furniture with quilted leather inserts and mirrors with bevel. Even if the mezzanine hallway above the door is not part of the headset, it is interesting it will not be difficult to beat.

Hull structures are mounted directly on the furniture. Typically, these are located on the mezzanine of the upper tiers of the cabinets.
Materials for facades can serve as natural wood or MDF with good texture. Original look of the door decorated with leather inserts that mimic coach tie. Along the perimeter of the niche can be identified with stucco, to the point, to create a support for the shelves on the walls in the form of half-columns. The bottom shelf can be decorated with acrylic mirror plastic diamonds.

The size of the inner space of this design will depend on the height of the enclosure and the free space between the upper tier and the ceiling of the room.
Tip! The regeneration of deep niches should think about additional lighting. The best option is a ceiling for the LED lamp enclosure.
In the hallway, where nothing is superfluous, pritolochnaya design should not attract attention. The doors are made of MDF with a plastic coating. They close the whole gap vsploshnuyu. Used furniture without handles, opens up under pressure. It will also be relevant facades of tinted Plexiglas.

The advantage of hinged cabinets is that they do not occupy space on the floor.
This style has long filled the house and captured the hearts, but many still mistakenly call it modernity. The word "Contemporary" means "modern". Comfort in the interior is created with the help of inexpensive items, smooth surfaces and a minimum of decoration. Contemporary mezzanine in a corridor near the ceiling must be discreet. Suitable door laminated chipboard or MDF with a plastic coating.

Choosing the right furniture, you should definitely take into account the features of the design.
In a unique rustic style is dominated by simplicity and naturalness. There will be enough checkered curtains or painted swing door with round wooden handle. Niche can remain open for the storage of small things in a wicker basket.

Most often to accommodate curtain designs choose hallway.
Predominant natural materials and pastel colors. Permitted coloring light paint any surface, including wood furniture. Facades can be solid or in the form of blinds with wooden doors. It is appropriate to use a design using decoupage.

Another suitable location for the mezzanine is a long corridor.
How you arrange mezzanine and decorate it
The mezzanine will look harmoniously only if it corresponds to the design of the interior. It can be reflected in the shoe shelf or an interior door with stained glass. There are many interesting options for large and small apartments.

Suspended structures can be located on the perimeter of the ceiling of the corridor.
Note! Sometimes a photo can be seen that the cabinet doors are covered with wallpaper to mask under the "environment." Wishes to follow the example need to understand that in the near future the wallpaper around the knobs on the doors will start to get dirty and wipe.
Popular materials for the manufacture of mezzanine: it's better to choose a design point of view
The list of materials for manufacturing the mezzanine limited.
- Wood. An aesthetically and environmentally friendly design. By cons should include the high cost, the need to have woodworking tools for self manufacturing. Minimum risk of deformation during temperature variations, but the walls must be sufficiently strong to support the weight of the wooden locker and its contents.

Place the front door on the ceiling does not occupied, and there decorated accommodation hinged shelves make it useful and decorate the space.
- Plasterboard. The price of everything in the end will be relatively low. Suitable for the manufacture of non-standard elements. For example, when an opening is made arch and the upper part of the facade is a niche. Appearance is quite discreet. When correctly assembled the frame, the bottom shelf can withstand a lot of weight. The disadvantages include the need for a primer, putty and finish construction, so the mezzanine of plasterboard should be done in the initial stages of repair.

Bilateral mezzanine can be hung in a long passage, it will have doors on both sides
- Chipboard and MDF has a smooth surface and an inexpensive cost. Well suited for the construction of mezzanines furniture, but also can be made from it stationary. Wooden yard collect frame, which is attached to the panel. Can be mounted at the end of repair work. From the material can be made private lockers, which are hung on the wall in any place and at any time.

If there is no free space should pay attention to models with sliding doors.
The choice of the door to the mezzanine
One of the main issues of design enclosed mezzanine under the ceiling in the hallways - the choice of material for the door and the way of its opening. Several options:
- wood;
- plywood;
- laminated chipboard;
- laminated MDF;
- MDF with plastic lining;
- MDF with decorative inserts (veneer, tinted or mirrored glass, leather, printing, etc.);
- wooden louvered doors.

The bottom of the mezzanine should decorate so that it does not spoil the design of the corridor.
opening mechanism
From the opening mechanism it depends not only on design, but also functionality.
- Hinged - hinged, quite comfortable and practical. Provide full access to the niche.
- Sliding - set when there is no room for a full plowing. Can not provide full access to things.

If the room has enough free space, you can buy a spacious and functional mezzanine.
- Folding - a very convenient option for long mezzanine.
- Raising up - the door opens up on accessories. The mechanism prevents it from closing under its own weight, which allows full use of the width of the opening. Convenient and reliable, but not cheap.

For a small entrance hall ideal angle model.
Note! Do not make too long sash. over time, they can sag on its hinges. You should also pay attention to the choice of a convenient handle.
How to make the lower part
The lower part of the shelf according to the rules of design should not stand out much. If its manufacturing laminated chipboard, choose a light color, the ceiling in tone. If drywall - is recommended staining. Wood surfaces coated stained and lacquered in tone facade. Suspension and stretch ceiling under the shelf can be done, but it will take at least 5 cm in height. Fans customized solutions okleivayut its mirror plexiglass.

Whichever comfortable and durable was not itself hinged construction, apartments design should not be affected by its presence.
Do not try to disguise the mezzanine in the hallway. It is necessary to make a full-fledged part of the interior, then the whole situation will be comfortable and harmonious.

In the modern interior hallways are often found open model. By type, these mezzanine resemble a furniture shelf.