The lighting in the hallway: Interior photos, select some fixtures

It plays a significant role in the design of lighting hallway. Since it can be advantageous to emphasize the interior of a room and highlight certain areas. In shopping centers a wide range of lighting products, but sometimes it is difficult to choose the best option from among the models. For this reason it is necessary to think in advance and the interior, which luminaires perfectly fit here.

lighting in the hallway design photo

Theater begins with a hanger, but the house - from the entrance hall.

Options for lighting in the hallway and corridor (photo collection)


  • Options for lighting in the hallway and corridor (photo collection)
  • Light proportions as a means of correction in the hallway
  • What is the floor lights in the corridor
  • How to light up the hall in the form of a square or the letter D
  • How to light up a long and narrow hallway
  • How to create an accent wall lights with the help of a hallway and corridor
  • zoning light
  • VIDEO: How to choose the lighting in the hallway.
  • 50 lighting options in the modern hall:

Before mounting the device, it should be provided that it was convenient that they did not interfere with the stay in this room. The majority of apartments a small hallway. Compared to other rooms, to its coverage of the approach is not as thorough.

lighting in the hallway photo ideas

Throw in the right light, so that guests can appreciate the beauty and comfort of your home.

However, even here there is a diversity of species, which affects the selection of lighting fixtures and their installation method. hallway lighting can be both general and local. Acceptable combination of these two species.

lighting in the hallway ideas

Lighting of the first room of your house or apartment will depend on its size and the presence (or absence) of the adjacent corridor.

Let us consider each separately.

  1. Total. It is suitable for small rooms. If, moreover, there is enough natural light, you can use low-power lamp. The main thing is to illuminate the whole room. To do this, fit floor lamps, chandeliers, spotlights, concealed lighting, but they are highly attached - to the ceiling.
  2. Local. This coverage is used to isolate a particular zone or as an extra light. For example, in a large and long hallway, where a chandelier is not enough. Remedy the situation, you can use spotlights, floor lamps and sconces.
  3. There is coverage of natural and artificial origin.
lighting in the hallway decor photo

Select a light level to a mirror you see clearly, without a shadow of his reflection, but it is not blinking in the bright light too.

There are differences in the lighting - they are equipped with a motion sensor, or all the time on or off.

lighting in the hallway photo design

Lighting should hide flaws or lack of maintenance.

Light proportions as a means of correction in the hallway

In most cases, this room has a custom layout - it is elongated, narrow, or, on the contrary, broad. These disadvantages can be corrected right lighting. Consider some examples.

lighting in the hall interior photo

The diffused light from the frosted lamps will help to distract eyes from unwanted object.

  • Elongated corridor. The main emphasis - on the backlit walls. Lighting devices are placed on the ceiling or on the walls, but they need to cover the top of the wall. This visually expand the space. The greatest effect can be achieved with a large mirror, placing it on a long wall.
lighting in the hall interior photo

The level of light in the first and adjacent rooms should be approximately equal in intensity. This will make your home one.

  • In the hall with curves used lights of various types, but designed in the same style. In this way we reach the zoning and planning all the flaws become imperceptible.
lighting in the hallway photo design

For convenience and to save electricity in large halls make several groups of light sources with different switches.

  • When a small hallway with high ceilings need to visually reduce the height. In this case, use lamps with directional light scattering. It covers only the floor and walls.
lighting in the hallway decor

In long corridors, set checkpoints switches that can be turned on at the beginning of the corridor, and off - in the end.

  • Visually make a corridor above will help well-lit ceiling light. It is also necessary instruments with directional light, but the light is directed at the ceiling.
lighting in the hallway photo views

If placed in the hallway a separate dressing room and there their lighting shall be provided.

These methods are actually functioning and allow us to solve two problems immediately - here and lighting, and a change room layout. You only need to choose the right lighting fixtures.

lighting in the hallway decor ideas

Do not place the sconces on the walls of the corridors where'll keep walking and can accidentally hurt and break the wall lights.

What is the floor lights in the corridor

Illuminated floor creates comfort and emphasizes the imperceptible elements of interior decoration. Where the hall is a place that separates the room, floor lamps can be used as a nightlight. To illuminate the floor are used: Point light, flexible neon, LED ribbon, flexible neon, halogen lamps, lamps, recessed into the floor.

lighting in the hallway design ideas

Do not install the hanging ceiling in rooms with low ceilings, it is better select the built-in models.

Regarding the latter, they are glowing modules that are part of the flooring. They can be installed in different ways. Such lamps transform the interior and has two obvious advantages - impact resistance and moisture resistance.

lighting in the hall interior photo

When selecting bulbs pay attention to its range.

How to light up the hall in the form of a square or the letter D

Of course, the square-shaped corridor is more convenient, here is the main source of lighting fixture. It should match the general interior. And if the shape of the corridor as a "G" letter? What to do in this case? Here it is necessary to divide a room for minor multifunctional zones, each of them must be illuminated.

lighting in the hallway ideas options

By area of ​​light propagation light can be general and local.

Install them should be so that all angles are covered corridor. Perhaps the use of a number of lighting fixtures, as an additional option for them - local lighting. You can apply highlighting mirrors, paintings, pieces of furniture.

lighting in the hallway kinds of ideas

The task of the total light - cover the entire hall area.

How to light up a long and narrow hallway

Most of our apartments has a hall layout. The correct lighting will correct place. The most suitable option for this - spotlights mounted in the suspended ceiling.

lighting in the hall decoration

To install spotlights need tension or suspended ceilings, which provide even and reflective effect, which will give additional light.

Their correct place in the following way: two lamps installed directly over the front door, then - on the one across the hall through a length equal to the distance. In addition, the lighting can be built into a cabinet.

lighting in the hall interior photo

With wall-spot can be achieved even general lighting.

When a narrow hallway with a high ceiling devices better place on the walls. This technique is visually expand the space and reduce the ceiling. If the hallway quite narrow, it will help correct bra, placed only on one wall.

lighting in the hall decoration ideas

Local, local coverage can be found on the wall near the mirror, on the mirror, be built into a cabinet, shelf or cover picture.

On a note. Are going to place a few lights in the corridor, they are more correctly be divided into multi-function category. This will provide an opportunity to highlight the area, which is necessary for the given period. Switches must also be several.

lighting in the hallway photo decoration

This organization of space allows you to quickly find things and scrutinize yourself in the mirror before leaving the house.

How to create an accent wall lights with the help of a hallway and corridor

Among the design ideas we would like to note highlighting the baseboards. This is the original resolution of the most important for areas where there are steps. LED devices here will be very helpful. Light will help highlight certain areas, thereby transforming the interior. So it is possible to simulate the visual increase space or to emphasize certain elements.

lighting in the hallway photo decor

Modern fixtures are available with sensors of movement, you can install them yourself.

a variety of floor lamps used for the latter option. If the lamp is used as the backlight, the cover has to be directed upwards. In any other case cover "looks" down.

lighting in the hallway design ideas

On mounting place of the lighting is ceiling, wall, built-in furniture and even the floor.

Secret lights in the corridor will help to generate the original interior. If such coverage is disposed over the entire length of the corridor, the hall will increase significantly. lighting devices located near the floor, will cause the effect of soaring walls.

lighting in the hallway

The entrance hall will seem bigger and brighter.

zoning light

The division of space into sections is carried out to create coziness and comfort in the room. The zones must be clearly delineated, each of them has a specific function. In addition, zoning has a different purpose - to generate visual illusions capable design embellish or expand room.

lighting in the hallway design ideas

Much will depend on the overall design of the room.

Consider the main zone.

  1. Located at the front door. Here necessarily switch location, good coverage area, because right here we dress and undress. After all, without the light is not so easy to find the necessary items.
  2. The place where the mirror. Lamps are placed on both sides of the mirror surface or above it. This will allow visually increase the amount of lighting devices. Nowadays you can see a mirror with built-in lighting in stores.
  3. In this area there are a wardrobe, rack, shelf. As a rule here or recessed lighting devices are located near them.
  4. This zone is intended for large rooms. Here, set a chair (chair), poof, banquette, or other furniture. For coverage of this area set a floor lamp - it will fill the room warm and comfortable.
  5. This is all the space hallway. It is appropriate to any lighting. In the corners are placed spots.
lighting in the hallway options

As the lights will be in your field of vision, it will be visible to any imperfection, it means that all the work to be performed very carefully.

It is worth remembering that for any category of luminaires need an independent source of control or need to pick up the equipment with motion sensors.

lighting in the hallway kinds

All mounting options must implement your ideas for lighting the hall so that it was safe to use and functional to use and beautiful.

VIDEO: How to choose the lighting in the hallway.

50 lighting options in the modern hall:
