Select accessories for the bathroom, not get lost in the sea of brands and offerings, is not easy. Shop should be responsibly and wisely to regularly visit a family room at the same time pleasing to the eye and most effectively perform its functions.

In the bathroom, every detail is not only able to perform their functions, but may serve as interior decoration
How to choose accessories for bathrooms and toilets
- How to choose accessories for bathrooms and toilets
- Subtleties accommodation accessories in the room of small dimensions
- What material is better to choose accessories
- Style, material and color
- How do I put in the bathroom all the necessary accessories
- Video on how to choose bathroom accessories
- Photo: Accessories in the interior of the bathroom
Before purchasing, it is desirable to have a clear idea of how the obvious features of the object of daily use, as well as the important from the point of view of safety and comfort regulations.

A variety of add-ons and accessories will make water treatment more comfortable, and the very stay in the bathroom will be more comfortable and enjoyable
Attention should be paid to the following:
- Functional comfort. Thing should be placed in an accessible for all members of a family site, including young children. Not cause discomfort during daily use.
- Security. The fire item should not be far away from heat sources, electrical, hinder the passage of people. Family members can be hooked on the improper positioning of fastener, hook, shelf. Hanging next to the electrical wiring or towels placed close to a radiator plastic cup pose a potential risk of fire or property damage.
- Appearance. The new purchase should organically fit into the interior of the premises without causing rejection of design, color scheme. There is nothing worse than ugly, distracting from the overall number of accessories for the bathroom stuff, daily annoying and spoils the mood when visiting the toilet.
Hold in mind these requirements, it becomes easier to pick up and turn in the situation the missing piece.

In the process of saturation of the interior additional elements it is important not to exceed the Edge of Reason and will spam room space
In any field of activity is better to turn to professionals. Designers and help design the interior to meet aesthetic requirements, to choose a common stylistic ensemble for the premises. Builders, repairers securely attach the thing, if necessary, check the placement in accordance with the safety requirements.
Retailers and online stores offer a variety of products for the operation and decoration bathrooms. With self-selection should be acquainted with reviews of accessories, see the alternatives and similar things in catalogs. Imagine how the new product will look in the bathroom, as will be fixed, and what will take place.

Before you go shopping, make a detailed list of everything you need - from hooks for clothes to rugs and mirrors
Subtleties accommodation accessories in the room of small dimensions
It is not always sanitary convenience situated in a chic loft or a luxury cottage with a large area for each room. Often to the owner of a small-sized housing is not an easy task to deploy the necessary accessories for the bathroom on a few square meters with a low ceiling. In this case it would be appropriate following recommendations:
- Carefully measure the available space. You need to know precisely what it must fit the dimensions of accessories for the bath.
- Rational use of the available cubic capacity. Positioning compact objects relative to each other.
- If possible, choose a compact things. Massive sink looks more solid and richer small but could take half the room is not designed for such large items.
- Place of purchase, taking into account the necessary space for movement and functional amenities. On a giant shelf it will fit all the bottles and hygiene products, but the use of them will be a little, if it blocked the half of the room.

Wall mount helps to save space in a small bathroom

On open shelves is not desirable to put all available hygiene - in sight should be only what use every day
The main criterion for getting the size of a future purchase. Bulky, large interior accessories in the bathroom can not fit into or block the access to other objects in the room.
What material is better to choose accessories
Should be guided on the stability of things to aggressive environment in the bathroom. It is recommended to choose items that are not subject to degradation due to:
- high humidity;
- corrosion, rust;
- temperature difference.

Complete sets of plastic - the most inexpensive, but do not always look cheap

Bathroom interior in modern style is best suited metal accessories with chromed surfaces
Constant companions water treatments are hot water and steam. The atmosphere in the bathroom can be variously protected from their effects. But despite good ventilation, isolation, bathrooms, and size of the premises, it is better to give preference to the following materials:
- plastics;
- glass;
- rubber;
- bronze;
- stainless steel, or stainless steel.

Beautiful glass jars suitable for storing small things and create a feeling of luxury

Chic look of ceramic accessories, but quite fragile and are expensive

Wooden accessories perfectly fit into the interior of Provence and country style
Products made of wood should be pre-treated with protective compounds and paints, or purchase already processed. Some breeds tend to swell and deform when exposed to prolonged wet environment. Before buying it should be clarified whether the item is suitable for long-term presence in the bathroom.

On the countertop next to the sink place the desk accessories, that should always be at hand
Style, material and color
In addition to resistance to the harmful effects of the environment on the bathroom accessories, consider the combination of designs and the overall stylistic harmony. Purchases must approach each other, do not stand out from the total number of color or shape. Thing can be beautiful and stylish on its own, but in combination with other existing pieces of furniture to cause discord and rejection.

In the classical interior is a frequent speaker in the mirror as the main element of the decoration
It is advisable to take into account the views of all members of the family to avoid future unnecessary scandals due to differences in preferences.

In a large room looks original hanger, chosen in the relevant style direction
Classic design for the bathroom is the color palette, reminiscent of marine landscapes and ships, combining subtle shades of blue and white with chrome luster polished and plumbing holders. Popular variety of experiments with radical black. The possibilities are limited only by imagination and sense of taste designer.
How do I put in the bathroom all the necessary accessories
For each variety of objects there are subtleties in the selection and installation.
- Bath screens can be mounted on a self-regulating rod or hung on the fixed and preset basis. Cheap product is subject to rapid deterioration, rot and mold. The shutter should be cleaned regularly from accumulating at the bottom edge of the dirt and dry the moisture.
Shutter preferably selected from synthetic material and the metal used for the suspension plated cornice
- Holders toothbrushes, glasses should be located at an accessible location with a smooth surface, to prevent falling at an awkward handling.
If you do not want to drill additional holes have to choose the products on suckers or a system in which several accessories are fixed on a common bracket
- Bath screens can be mounted on a self-regulating rod or hung on the fixed and preset basis. Cheap product is subject to rapid deterioration, rot and mold. The shutter should be cleaned regularly from accumulating at the bottom edge of the dirt and dry the moisture.
- Bathing mat is better to choose from moisture-resistant, quick-drying material. It should be non-slip and does not spoil the water.
Mat should be enjoyable for the feet, and the color should be chosen to match other accessories
- Accessories to be wall-mounted. The general rule is to require stable fixation. It should take into account the planned load on them.
Comply with the styling will be easier if you purchase accessories from the same collection
- Towel racks and can be fixed permanently to a wall or screwing temporarily, by vacuum suction.
Among the holders of towels optimal model of "two in one" - a shelf with a bar, where the towel dries up first in the expanded position and then folded on a shelf
- Makeup Mirrors should be stably and reliably fixed at the face that is accessible to all members of the family, even the youngest. If you fall on the floor towel does not bear serious consequences, the fall Loose glass products are dangerous to life and health. Broken mirror often beyond repair.
Depending on the style of the room, the mirror can be as simple and concise as well as luxurious with a rich decor
- Holders of paper towels should be closed casing that protects against moisture and splashes.
When selecting the holder closed model should evaluate usability of the device
- Different shelves for bath set depending on the stored content, and frequency of its use. Packaged in moisture resistant containers of personal hygiene can be placed on the corner of the bathroom. Household cleaning supplies are stored on shelves high up near the ceiling so as not got small children and save space or closed securely under the bathroom.
Next to the bathroom you need to place a convenient shelf for a variety of tools used during the adoption of water treatments
- The handrails for the bath should be comfortable to hold, but they should not be fastened with a large distance from the wall or the edge of the bath to avoid interference with the movement.
Before securing the rail is important to accurately determine its location
Compact mutual arrangement of accessories for the bath and the toilet is possible with the correct choice of dimensions, rational distribution of free volume space and consolidation in accessible locations without interfering with the movement around the room.

Combined holder to save space on the wall

Genuine Accessories will be a real gem of a bathroom
When the creative and rational approach possible to achieve staffing bathroom space with everything you need to family members was not crowded, and the atmosphere was beautiful. Enough in advance to make planning and measurement, have good taste.