Private room - the most important premises for any single tenant an apartment or private house. For modern man is not only a bedroom, but also a place for relaxation, privacy, and even possibly work. To all the zones present in the room, creating a comfortable and functional interior, should be very carefully think through all its parts. This is especially important if the interior of the room is planned for the girl. Unlike men, young women are more attentive to small details, and they are important even the smallest elements in the room.

Room for girls should reflect the character of the mistress, as well as being comfortable and easy
To design of the room was acceptable for a young woman, it is important to take into account all the nuances of her image life: how much time she spends at home, he works, how much of attention to their appearance, and so on. P. All these factors have a direct impact on what materials to use furniture on which zones divide the interior and how to plan lighting.

The girl should be sure to participate in the interior of his room
In addition to the arrangement of furniture, the important role played by color finishes and decor. Since personal bathroom - this room, where she will spend a large part of their free time, you should use the most pleasing her eye colors and shades. In a well-decorated interior room for a young girl should ideally combine functionality and comfort, practicality and beauty.
The stylish interior of the room a modern girl
- The stylish interior of the room a modern girl
- The basic principle of the design rooms for girls
- What is the design of the room prefer young girls
- Wallpaper in the interior of the room for the girl
- Options bedroom for the girl in a modern style
- Video: room interiors for girls
- Photo: Example of 50 rooms modern girls
To design a room intended for a young girl pleased her eyes, it is important to consider not only the global features of the modern style, but also a personal preference. Special musical preferences, unusual hobbies, favorite sports, and even your favorite food may find their place in the interior, making it in their own families and dear to the heart. For example, it is possible to design the interior in color clothes favorite superhero, use trim wallpaper like in your favorite movie, or to arrange a decorative shelf in the form of a favorite musical instrument. These original designs are able to create a unique room, which always want to come back.

When making a room you can use the interests and hobbies: collecting, painting, books - all this will create an original and modern interior
If we talk about global matters, in modern interiors can not do without zoning space. Even a small room can be divided into a sleeping area, work, and others. You can add a nook on the windowsill or in a corner of the room, where she will be able to dive into his thoughts. design of the room for the girl in a modern style can not be similar to the other rooms, because each young lady is unique and different, and its features are simply obliged to be reflected in the interior.

The sleeping area should be comfortable bed and roomy storage system

To sit with a laptop, see the mail or write notes, you need a workplace. It is best to place it in a bright place - near a window

And of course, you need a dressing table
Should remain unchanged but the main distinguishing features of the modern style:
- The predominance in the interior simple and concise form. There is no place for excess twists and jewelry - everything is simple and functional.
- Playing on the contrast. Fancy decorations, focuses on attention, must be present, but in moderation.
- Free space. The interior must be sufficiently light and air.
- Combinations of materials. In the modern style perfectly combine as the most modern materials and natural wood and metals.

If you allow the area of the room, it is worth thinking about the device the guest area with a sofa, chair or puffs
All that is within the boundaries of the common rules may vary as your heart desires, creating a real dream room.

For a romantic and delicate fairies, you can create a snow-white room, which will be the highlight of white color all over except for the floor

Active girls like the abundance of bright colors
The basic principle of the design rooms for girls
Rationality - a fundamental element, designed to create a comfortable habitat. Room design for girls implies a more decorative elements than a typical men's bedroom, but here it is important to observe balance. Private room - this is primarily a functional room with a clearly defined task (to ensure a comfortable stay, and possibly work), and not a museum where the visitor dazzled. In this respect the modern style is the best option - if its implementation is extremely difficult "to overreact".

Try to strike a balance between the aesthetic and the practical side

Despite widespread sterotipy that there are "feminine" and "masculine" colors, preference is given to colors, are most like
Although the main difference between the modern style - it is laconic, it is also possible to find ways to create a special atmosphere. For example, you can use the soft curtains, decorative suspended ceiling or patterned wallpaper. Every element of the interior, used wisely, will create a cozy room without overwhelming the space.
What is the design of the room prefer young girls
Perhaps the most difficult question, which can only be raised, is: "What do girls like" Surprisingly, the overall the answer to it is practically impossible, because every girl is unique, and in the age of modern technology preferences vary dramatically.

Shabby chic is one of the most romantic styles. Many girls choose it in order to emphasize their femininity
Probably, we should highlight the main details that are most important to each of the young of the fair sex:
- Stylishness. The sense of style all people are different, so the ordinary trend of the girl will not please everyone. Only the fact that she personally believes stylish, able to give her an aesthetic pleasure, so it's worth to the maximum to take into account personal preferences.
- Originality. This important difference of women from men. It is unlikely that the girl wants to imagine the same room as the girlfriend. She wants to be unique, so to develop the interior design for a young lady standing in a close cooperation with itself. And even in this case, to create something unique will have to work hard.
- Modernity. Most girls want to keep up with the times, so they will appreciate the availability of new technologies on their personal territory, even if their role is not so significant.

Modern style with a minimal amount of furniture chosen girl living in step with the times

Classical bedroom for girls - is a calm, cozy and a bit of solemnity

Scandinavian style with its simplicity is perfect for small spaces
As you can see, none of the above items is not something specific. Any furniture, decoration and decoration should be chosen in the course of close cooperation with the girl. The only way to please her dreams and whims.
Wallpaper in the interior of the room for the girl
Of course, in any environment, like furniture and lighting play an important role. However, it is finishing surfaces in the majority forms an impression of the room as a whole. Properly executed finish even capable to change the visual size of the room, not to mention the emotional perception. And if the walls and ceiling in a modern interior, as a rule, are located within the narrow confines, the walls provide huge scope for creativity.

Lover of bright colors like room with flowered wallpaper,
When finishing facilities in a modern style, a huge variety of materials can be used, however, if it is a room for the girls, the best option will be exactly the wallpaper. A variety of types of wallpaper allows you to use them in completely different areas, and countless colors help to create a unique cosiness that will appreciate, any young mistress.

Love wallpaper in a room for a young girl

Making the wall above the bed photo wallpapers with large flowers
It is important to remember that the wallpaper should not be fed up with bright colors, otherwise they would detract from the entire interior, and at the same time you should avoid boring monotonous colors.

As decorative elements can use all that like the mistress of the room - photos, souvenirs, toys, embroidery or patterns
Well-chosen wallpaper, especially if the pattern and color are the favorite for a girl, play a key role in the formation of modern room capable of become a real pride of every housewife.
Options bedroom for the girl in a modern style
We offer for your consideration a few concepts room design for a girl. Depending on the lifestyle and preferences, you can select the following types:
- Classical bedroom. The room is designed primarily for sleep, it is recommended to use a calm tone, ability to relax and calm the nervous system. Zoning is not necessary, but you can separate the bed from the closet, dresser and other furniture. Perfect for this decorative divider with shelves.
Separate the sleeping area by using a screen
- Work room. If the girl is planning not only to relax but also to work in the room (study or work), it is necessary to allocate a separate working area. It is recommended to use different wallpapers related to the purpose of each part of the room (for example, some desktop wallpaper should not unduly weaken, because the critical concentration). As a tool for zoning approach bookcase or other similar rack.
If the room is small for the workplace involve the windowsill
- A guest room. If a girl is very sociable, often calling to his friends and collect the company need to be concerned about the presence in the interior of the guest area. Sofa with a coffee table, a wardrobe separated from the bed or decorative partitions, will be interesting to spend time with friends, without disturbing the other tenants of the apartment. It is also recommended to use a different wallpaper for each zone, and a separate lighting.
Comfortable place for get-togethers with her friends
Of course, in the case of the interior design of the room for a young girl can not exist uniform standards. Take as a basis the most suitable concept and start creating, not forgetting about the main distinguishing features of modern style. The reward will be a unique and unique interior, which will be a delight for the girl for years.

Bedroom interior creative girl

Sophisticated design with a French accent

Interior room for the girl could be made in any style - most importantly, to reflect her inner world