Not everyone can boast a large corridor. Typically, an entrance hall, a long and narrow, or small square. And to make a comfortable space and "roomy", at least visually, is not easy. But probably.

Wallpapers for a small hallway - it's a great opportunity for interesting design decisions, playing with light, color and form.
Purpose hall and Design
- Purpose hall and Design
- Recommendations for the hall design
Wallpapers for a narrow corridor
- Color
- Texture
- VIDEO: The design of a narrow corridor. How to cheat the space.
- 50 options for wallpaper design for narrow corridors:
Hall - a unique place in any house or apartment. It can not do. And the owners, and numerous guests and relatives, crossing the threshold of your home, be sure to turn in the hallway. Therefore, along with the living room, the corridor should be, as they say, at a height.

Compact hall with a narrow corridor will not seem cramped, if you choose the wall light shades.
However, to meet the guests is not the only purpose of your corridor. There are a couple of fundamental points. For example, it is in the hallway, as a rule, is a wardrobe. It is placed, and the things that are at the moment, and those for which the season is yet to come. Proper location of wardrobes are not "steal" space, but on the contrary, can visually expand it. For example, in the case of the correct location of the mirrors.

The corridor is a room that is the most exposed to pollution. Therefore, the wallpaper is necessary to choose the ones that are easy to clean.
Mini storage - it is also about the corridor. For many it is located in the hall closet, in which there is a place for everything from nails to home canning jars.

There are many design options walls with wallpaper in various colors, with patterns and textures.
Redistributive function - is another purpose of the corridor. And we are not surprised that this hall so "rich" inputs and outputs. Indeed, precisely because it can get into the room, the kitchen or bathroom with toilet.

Small entrance hall you should not clutter up the furniture and accessories.
But other than that, entrance may be the one place where you'll wipe the dog paws after a walk, drying umbrellas, talk on the phone and to leave, at least briefly, dirty shoes.

It is appropriate to use one striking piece of furniture - a chair, a table, a lampshade - combining it in color and form with attachments.
And all these features combined in a hallway, you must correctly combine furniture and decoration. Taking into account:
- the number of square meters of the hall;
- shape (a long and narrow or small square);
- Ceiling height (this figure will depend largely on future design);
- how smooth wall surface (this will affect the choice of materials);
- the presence or absence of natural light (e.g., in narrow corridors glossy surface of the walls is not the best option without natural light);
- what is the probability of strong pollution hallway;
- the presence of furniture in the hallway, her style;
- Finally, the decisive factor should be your comfort and aesthetic satisfaction.

Small compact lobby may seem more spacious, if you use the techniques that visually enhances the space.
Recommendations for the hall design
There are some simple but very effective ways to transform the narrow space in the hallway, which is enough room for everyone and everything.
First of all, let's talk about the decor. A narrow hallway - this is not a reason to abandon your beloved cute decorative knick-knacks. Quite the contrary, they can be used to visually change the space. For example, the lighting. Modern technologies and materials make it possible to clear up the most daring fantasies. Fixtures built in cabinets and shelves, quietly installed on the walls at different heights.

With proper arrangement of burning "beacons", hall looks more spacious and roomy.
Do not forget the pictures. The notion that the location on the wall in a narrow corridor picture "steal" space - a mistake. The main thing is to choose the right plot and the frame. Do not use massive gilded "border", and it is better to give preference concise thin strips, so fashionable today.

Walls and ceiling light shades bring in a small room "air". The distance between the walls and the ceiling and the floor seems to be more.
Finally, floor. Long carpet or a small rug with an interesting ornament appropriate to complement the room. In addition to practical functions, mat or track is also an aesthetic purpose, so choose should not be just the right size, but also coloring, style and accessories.

Preference is given to finishing materials on a natural basis - "breathing" is not conducive to the emergence of the fungus on the walls, as well as a safe composition.
Wallpapers for a narrow corridor
Perhaps, the colors of the wallpaper has a key role in the design of the narrow living room. So you need to choose carefully.
Firstly, discard the dark tones. At the very least, if you really can not do without them, beat the "black" white doors or decorative elements on the walls. Only under these conditions, the dark colors have the right to take up space in the narrow hallway.

Black and white hallways are able to tune up an entirely new way and turn a small hallway into a cozy and stylish accommodation.
Second, even with the bright, life-affirming colors need to be careful, and do not fill all of space. Bright color dilute mild pastel shades.

The choice falls on options that provide great opportunities for combination with other types of wall coverings, furniture, combining with interior items.
Third, the pattern chosen with special care. For example, remember that vertical stripes will narrow corridor even more narrow, and the horizontal visibility will create a large hall.

Wallpaper with a fine pattern and vertical lines to virtually expand the space.
Fourth, may join in one hall two contrasting colors will be the best decision in your case. Thus, it is possible to solve a practical problem (to arrange a darker shade on most of the brand) and aesthetic (light colors visually add a few square meters). Bright play a very effective alternative.

Pattern with a pattern embossed, textured wall coverings also contribute to increasing the visual small room.
Well, finally, fifth, finishing material for the walls should be in harmony with the general decoration of the apartment and the floor in the hallway.

Doors and wallpaper should not be of the same tone, otherwise the door simply get lost on the general background.
As a rule, an entrance in the house or apartment - a place subject to contamination. It is here that you enter from the street into the shoes and outerwear. So, it makes sense to use the finish for the walls, which could be washed or cleaned without damage to the surface. Bear in mind that for every wallpaper is a special sign indicating which cleaning they may be exposed. What kind of "survive" a soft, wet cleaning, and others can be cleaned even with special tools. Therefore, carefully read the composition and recommendations for use of wallpaper.

Pokleit wallpaper in the hallway is necessary after replacing the doors. If the work will be done in reverse order, the wallpaper can be damaged during installation of the door.
So, we proceed to the consideration of possible options.
- Vinyl wallpaper washable.

Vinyl wallpaper may have a smooth, almost mirror-like surfaces, and look spectacular in small hallways of both classical and contemporary styles.
One of the most suitable options for the corridor design. Qualitative material is wear resistant, easily withstand the mechanical action and even with the use of clean. But if you decide to glue these wallpapers yourself, keep in mind that when applying the glue they expand a little, and after drying are narrowed, so the result may be a "disconnect" pieces. Taking into account this fact, the vinyl washable solve the issue hallway decoration as "excellent". Even bright colors for a long time to be presentable, with the ability to wash wallpaper. By the way, if you consider yourself to fans of the new and original, then stop your choice on vinyl wallpaper with a silk finish. For the interior of a narrow corridor, such wallpapers - this is a fine choice, but in order to make them presentable enough just to "walk" with a damp sponge.
- Fiberglass.

They are very resistant to mechanical stress, long lasting. To clear them from the dirt, you can even rub the brush cover, not fearing for his integrity.
A relatively new kind of finishing materials, but already has earned universal recognition. First of all, it features eco-friendliness and reliability. In addition, glass is known for its fire safety and durability. With their help, you can regularly update the design of the hall, as they are resistant to solvents and can be repainted several times. Finally, if you are a lover of pets, such wallpaper perfectly transfer and claws of cats and dogs teeth. And your hallway for a long time will delight you with exquisite appearance.
- Cork wallpaper.

Such finishing material is environmentally friendly, durable and has a variety of nice looking shades.
This is also a relatively new material. It provides a firm base paper, on which a thin layer of cork. As a rule, cork wallpaper recommended for areas where the lighting is good, because the cork has the ability to absorb light.
- The liquid wallpaper.

Be sure to take a look at this option, if you want to get the most beautiful and practical cover for its passage.
This beloved by many an option has an impressive list of advantages. In contrast to the above finishing materials, wallpaper applied with a spatula, and therefore wall coverings in general has no joints. Cleaning such surfaces are usually made with a vacuum cleaner. If liquid wallpaper top coat of a special lacquer, the walls can be cleaned with a damp sponge and even use detergents.
- Fabric wallpaper.

Beauty and luxury of this material does not need to be discussed.
This embodiment has the base paper, and on top - a layer of textile. This is a truly luxurious solution for the hallway, in addition, textile wall also possess excellent thermal insulation properties. And despite the high cost of finishing material, the ratio of "price-quality" is justified.
- Non-woven wallpaper.

Consider the advantages of nonwoven strength, air permeability and poor combustibility.
Strength, durability and good looks - that is what material has been gaining popularity. It is on the non-woven wallpaper is created deep drawing, so necessary a small room. And thanks to a finishing corridor no longer looks tiny.
- Paper wallpaper.

Produced two-layer paper wallpaper. This type of article has an additional layer that protects its wear and damage.
The most budget option, but this is probably the only advantage. Such wallpaper can pokleit their own, without involving professional artists. But their life is very low, therefore, opt for paper wallpaper, you will have to again and again to hone skills pasting walls.
- 3D wallpaper.

Simply select the desired image for their entrance, which will be combined with the overall style of the apartment.
It's a real know-how. Today, their range is enormous, and allows you to select an option for any hallway.
A little secret: combining expensive cork wallpaper with cheap paper, you're guaranteed to get a interesting design and significantly save on expensive finishing materials.
As you can see the range of finishing materials for the hall is big enough and there are plenty to choose. So, your little hallway - this is not a sentence, make a difference in your power. The answer to the question: "Is it possible to make a narrow hallway stylish and comfortable" - is obvious. Of course yes. It will have to make more effort, and may simply be trusted solution to professional designers. And then, despite the modest size, the hall will be a place where they did not want to leave even in the luxurious living room.

Light wallpaper will not look pale, if combined with various design elements that can be in the form of additional colors in the design of the walls, and interior items.