Pillow for wedding rings: types, forms, materials and décor

Today, wedding pillow is necessary as air for the wedding ceremony in a registry office. The newly minted spouses give positive consent to the marriage and exchange rings, placed on a special soft stand. To give a unique and solemn moment of marriage will help cushion the rings to the wedding with his hands. This tradition came to us from the European countries. And it became popular rather quickly.

Cushion for wedding rings - a small thing, but this cute little thing will be captured on photo and enter into a single image of the entire celebration

choices line the most diverse, from simple wedding products to the standard type of unconventional, exclusive copies. How to make a wedding ring pillows with their hands? It can fulfill the parents, friends or close relatives of the newlyweds, who know deep psychological pair. Favorite hobby, favorite color of the material, or the place of our first meeting - that these aspects may underlie and push on the creation of a highly individual holiday accessory.

On the delicate and refined cushion made pictures of the couple ring


  • 1 Pillow for wedding rings materials and decor
  • 2 Types of wedding rings cushions
  • 3 Square wedding rings pillow with a pillowcase of satin ribbons
  • 4 Round wedding decorative pillow for rings
  • 5 Wedding cushion for rings in the form of heart
  • 6 Mounting rings for
  • 7 Video: Heart Pillow for rings with their hands / video master class
  • 8 A selection of photos for selection and production of ring pillows with their hands:

Pillow for wedding rings materials and decor

  • A small piece of tissue, the size of 0.2 * 0.2 meters.
  • The substance for stuffing.
  • Materials for decoration: lace, beads, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, white feathers.
  • Hand needle or sewing machine.
  • Thread, scissors, glue gun.

By the choice of fabric for the cushions should be approached thoughtfully. Because it imprinted on wedding rings - a symbol of the unity of two hearts. Fill the pillow best synthetic padding or hollofaybera. A specialized department in the children's world or in the shop for sewing is fine. Buy a pair of running meters is enough to cushion for wedding rings proved a non-empty.

Types of wedding rings cushions

Wedding Pillow, made with the help of a sewing machine and their varieties

If the house is in the presence of a foot and an electric machine, the produce accessory for newlyweds rings is pretty simple.

What does that require:

  • Choose your favorite fabric.
  • On the underside of the workpiece, a chalk pencil or apply special markings in the form of a square, with a side of 20 cm. This is the standard size pads have rings.

    Cut two squares of white satin, and two squares of colored satin

  • Using scissors, cut two squares.

    Fold in half colored squares (facing inward) and the anchoring pins edge

    Sutured squares, spread sewn squares so that the seam was in the middle

  • On the main front side of one of the square, by hand, using a needle, lock all the decorative elements: lace, beads, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, white feathers.

    Gut-wrenching resulting pocket on the front side, so that the seam appeared in the middle

    Tack nezashitye edges, departing from the edge of 0.5 cm

  • Sew wedding rings on a pillow for three geometric guide on the reverse side of the material.

    Sew together two white squares, putting them into colored stripes wrenching on the front side

  • Remove the workpiece with four pillows, a free hand.
  • Fill a festive accessory cotton or synthetic padding.

    Stuffing a pillow filled anchoring nezashity edge pins, carefully sutured manually strip of cloth we catch pin

  • The edge of the fourth side overlozhit or gently bend inward, sew the last section of the article.

    Thread tying knot on the gray bar in the center, decorate with sparkling brooch

    With the help of a satin ribbon to match the "Bantu" tie wedding rings

  • Apply decorative elements conceived by a glue gun.

Square wedding rings pillow with a pillowcase of satin ribbons

Spectacular accessory for mounting rings. Wide ribbons for braiding consist of satin rims sold in a store or studio for sewing. Choose your favorite tape in color and size. Spread future pillowcase in the form of a square on the desktop.

Have a lace on a distance of 2 cm from the edge of a square satin, fix needles and sew

Nastrachivaem satin tape strips along the lace

Alternately every horizontal tape is pulled through the vertical guide. product ends fix safety pins.

Connecting the upper part to the lower perimeter and stitched by a distance of 0.5-0.7 cm from the edge, leaving a portion of the eversion

When all the strips are woven through, execute the sewing operation to cushion perimeter. Second, the back side of the pillow is made of satin fabric of the same color without decoration. The sides sewn lace cutting elements. Then proceed to the final sewing operations.

Everts, straighten corners fills Sintepuh or hollofaybera and carefully sutured exposed portion of thin igolochkoj

The next step is the application of decorative elements on the front of the cushion for the rings. Using a thin strip of glue fix.

Attach the ribbon to the center of the rings in the pads

From tape to make beautiful fluffy bow

It will be located and decorations for newlyweds. The final touch will serve as a decorative buckle and a big bow.

Turns away ribbons for ring down so that it was visible from above the front side of the tape, we put in the middle of wide satin ribbon bow glue and glue

Glue on top of a paper flower for scrapbooking

That's all. Gorgeous wedding ring pillow of satin ribbons ready.

Beautiful cushion for the rings with their hands ready

Wedding pillows made using needle and thread, glue and their varieties

Lovely individual instance. Only a few operations and pad ready!

  • Select material.
  • Draw and cutting with scissors two squares the size of 20 * 20 cm.
  • Specify flat dotted line that will keep your glue gun.
  • Trim seam pass three parties in the product, and the fourth strontium, leave on time intact.
  • Remove the working material on the front side.
  • The resulting billets fill hallofayberom, cotton or synthetic padding.
  • Treat the free edge at the fourth side cushions, the fabric is not drizzled, and wrap it in the inside of the product.
  • Follow blindhem on the last side or seal adhesive.
  • Decorate the front of the decorative elements and lace on the sides.

Round wedding decorative pillow for rings

For stylish round shaped, perfectly combined with the fine work of a jeweler, best suited dense material. Two pieces of crepe de chine or satin will just be out of place. We make a line on which the pad will stick together. Do not forget to arrange tucks in the upholstery in two or three places and elements of lace on the sides. With glue gun sizing portions of the working material. Remember about the free portion to evert outwardly festive accessory. Run flat round seam is not professional is not easy. Using the same glue instead of thread will give the product the ideal shape. For the perfect filler padding polyester or synthetic wool. For the elements of decor you can buy a lace ribbon and thin ribbons of white. They are fixed individually for each ring or bind together. Such, round, original form with the rings in the center - perfect for a wedding.

Wedding cushion for rings in the form of heart

Materials and tools for making the symbolic holder for rings in the form of heart

To make the original cushion for wedding rings on their hands, must be defined in advance with thoughts and dreams. The main form of expression of love - it is the human heart. Therefore, the design of an instance in the form of pillow heart, the most classic and the appropriate option.

Forming wire heart from paper cut

Cut the remaining wires in view of the fact that the ends must be superimposed on each other by 2-3 cm, zamatyvaem ends of the wire as tightly as possible scotch

This form can be achieved as with the help of glue gun, and by means of the machine, if you are a professional seamstress, able to smoothly and accurately do the seams.

Wrap the yarn loop heart from different angles and in different directions, in order to fully close the space in the center of the wire frame

To avoid marriage and missteps, it is necessary to make a heart stencil on paper. Then cut it out with scissors and placed on a work surface festive fabric. With the help of chalk put the edge of the future for the rings cushion. Cut another two resulting heart, do not forget to leave the fabric seam allowance.

Glue lace and stretch to the button tape

Decorate the finished front strontium cushion for the rings are best wide ribbon and bow with a wide bead. Wedding rings will take place just on the periphery of a bow. The color scheme of any of your choice. Of course, you should avoid dark colors.

Ring Pillows ready - put on the ring on the tape and tying a bow

Mounting rings for

mounting ring options might be different. You can show your own ingenuity and add individual items.

  • First, stop your choice on these ancillary materials such as velvet and pearls. Use the glue gun lock the two large pearls and a few small beads. Wedding rings will not fall, if you will join them in this fascinating combination.
  • Second, use as a holder rings satin ribbons. Tie a bow and an original two drops of adhesives to strengthen them on a pillow. Put on top of the ribbons and two rings. Such a retention mechanism will allow the construction safety and integrity, original appearance.
  • Thirdly, an excellent solution can serve as a belt, fabric flowers. Collapse can be from a variety of colored, satin ribbons. Master class on their manufacture can be completed in 10-15 minutes. Consolidate and tuck the tip of the tape, and make circular movements satin flowers by placing one edge to the other. Finished fabric bunches with several beads, prodernutymi through rings, durable will keep all original compositions.

Thus, marriage is an exciting, touching event in the life of every young person. In order not to spoil the mood, you need to think carefully about all the events in advance. Decoration of the hall, champagne, glasses and decoration pillow for rings. Everything must be in the same style. There are many options. The color and taste are no comrades. The choice of form and method of fabrication for the rings cushion for you, dear newlyweds, and dear parents.

Video: Heart Pillow for rings with their hands / video master class

A selection of photos for selection and production of ring pillows with their hands: