What is the filler for pillows better, how to choose, advice

Modern science shows how important a person to secure a good night's sleep. This affects their health and nervous system, brain activity. Filler for pillows while performing one of the most important functions, it is worth to choose the right, to fit in all respects. It does not always stop at a particular company, you need to understand the types and purchase act on this knowledge.

One of the most important parameters when you buy this bedding - material contained inside.


  • 1 What is the filler for pillows better views, features
  • 2 The main types of filler cushions
    • 2.1 Cotton
    • 2.2 Natural silk
    • 2.3 hollofayber
    • 2.4 Fluff or down-feather
    • 2.5 Wool
    • 2.6 latex pillows
    • 2.7 orthopedic pillows
    • 2.8 cotton pillows
    • 2.9 Buckwheat filler cushions
    • 2.10 Bamboo
    • 2.11 synthetic filler
    • 2.12 sintepon
    • 2.13 Anti-stress pillows
  • 3 Rating pillows for fillers
  • 4 Filler for pillows: what firm to choose
  • 5 VIDEO: How to choose a filler for pillows.
  • 6 VIDEO: Top filling for pillows.

What is the filler for pillows better views, features

During the trip to the store, many buyers face the challenge when given a wide choice is not clear what is the basis, and a filler cushion for the best of the options. In this case, you need to know about the categories that could help determine the choice. Main criteria: natural and synthetic.

The most common mistakes that buyers - is to buy the same type of cushions for all family members.

Further there are ramifications, categorizes the range, the natural material is divided into: vegetable and animal origin. The inner cushion material made from plants mainly using:

  • bamboo fibers;
  • eucalyptus;
  • silks;
  • buckwheat;
  • cotton, other things.

Each of them has its pros and cons, you should be aware before you choose your pillow.

A filler material of animal origin is often:

  • wool (camel, sheep);
  • down;
  • feathers;
  • horsehair others.

The wool contains a valuable ingredient - lanolin. This animal wax has healing properties for rheumatism and pain in joints.

The main disadvantages of natural material is the difficulty of washing, back pain and a high probability of occurrence of allergies in those prone to it. The advantages generally considered hygroscopic, vlagovpityvaemost and environmental friendliness.

Common synthetic filler for pillows: hollofayber, padding polyester, gel, latex, silicone, etc. In these products there are no odors, they are well keep their shape, easy to clean, hypoallergenic, have thermoregulation, are sold at good price. But wrong selection can hurt neck, plus the lifetime of these pillows shorter.

The most popular synthetic fillers for pillows are made of polyester (polyester).

The main types of filler cushions

To understand what are the products for sleep, and what better cushion, it is necessary to grasp the essence, structure and properties. Then it will be possible to determine the ideal choice, then buy it.


Cotton inner material - a fiber of natural origin, having a considerable list of positive characteristics. It is very well absorb the sweat excretion, leaving the surface dry and comfortable, so this option is valued in the hot season.

On a pillow owner will be able to get quality sleep, because the product follows the shape of the head, neck, making a morning rise ceases to be painful.

But the cleansing will be difficult, since cotton "does not like" to get rid of moisture and odors, and dries for a long time. Because when you purchase it is important to remember that the acquisition will not durable.

Natural silk

It is a natural filler for different pillows, has one drawback - the price is above average. The rest of its properties - advantages concerning comfort, softness during sleep, as well as the durability (with proper care).

The fibers of this product for a long time retain elasticity, shape and appearance, which means durability and full service for several years, even with active use.

This pillow has less comfortable qualities due to the nature of work on the filaments of silkworms. Their waste product envelops the thread, making them antimicrobial, because there will not mold, mildew or mites. allergic suitable.


Most experienced buyers think that pillows hollofaybera - successful investment in his dream. This thing does not lose its shape over time, and has: water absorbency, breathability, softness, lightness, durability, other. I wonder what it is called artificial swan down, as it looks like.

Products with this filler will give comfort during sleep, ensuring the safety of health.

The product does not allow the accumulation of dust inside, there do not develop excessive microorganisms do not start mites. Available this will also be a pleasant moment. But if care is not correct, the material may become wrinkled and lose elasticity. Another disadvantage can be considered expensive.

Fluff or down-feather

One popular natural fillers is considered down, as it has long been available type of fiber. However, it is hardly a high quality, especially when compared with more modern versions. Pooh quickly absorbs moisture, which does not evaporate, it is mixed with accumulated dust and mites infest. Allergy sufferers they can not sleep.

3. Down-feather as a filler for pillows is perfect lovers of classical softness, do not suffer from allergies.

As well as a mixture of feathers and down, constantly norovyaschie to get out through the small holes of matter and fly in the air, stabbing a man in a dream. Wash them is almost impossible, the hostess has to flush the contents separately, dry it, then re-sew the pillow.


Natural material - wool, often used camel or sheep, their properties are best suited for use during sleep. But leaving this option fussy, easily rolled into lumps, they are very difficult to break.

Their positive qualities - the softness, elasticity, hygroscopicity, and they retain heat and have a therapeutic effect.

Also because of shortcomings: the wool tends to accumulate moths, dust mites, and wash it does not make sense. Thus, if such a cushion allergic or asthmatic sleeps, it may worsen the disease.

latex pillows

A vegetable filler, its fibers are produced using milk of Hevea (African tree grows and South America), it is cured and foamed. The result is a rubber foam having a plurality of holes. It turns out the thing that can help a person suffering from pain in the back, neck.

The highest orthopedic the properties of the latex.

But latex has high rates, however, negate their qualities such as: ortopedichnost opportunity regularly and without hassle to care for the product, durability, does not absorb odors, does not allow for the development of pests.

The latex obtained from the sap of rubber trees, which is vulcanized and foamed.

Although we can not keep silent about the specific aroma of the latex, hold about 10-14 days after purchase. And here it is celebrated often poor absorption of moisture. And manufacturers, in an effort to reduce the cost of pillows, try latex mix with other raw materials in different ratios. The more starting material, the smoother and more uniform will result.

orthopedic pillows

Artificial filler is highly valued these days and for good reason. Its properties demonstrate many advantages over naturally occurring things. The consumer takes the best orthopedic pillows, as they are repeated body shape and allow free to use them for people with various illnesses, including musculoskeletal apparatus.

They relieve pain, have no smell.

Also a big plus is considered soft, easy care and no risk to sleep on the pillow, which is already infested ticks or have accumulated a lot of dust. Choice is justified by the fact that such products are not from the smell comes, they are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly.

If handled properly and orthopedic better than others persist, will serve for decades, protecting the hosts a dream.

cotton pillows

One of the cheapest options considered filler wool. Is soft and easily, in this regard, it is better than many other materials. But has a serious drawback: it does not stay in operation for several years, others, shelf life will expire after about six months.

It is available to all sections of the population.

Buckwheat filler cushions

Pillows of buckwheat husks prevalent among seekers methods of pain relief in the neck or back due to incorrect posture during the night's rest. Grech has advantages in this area, because the bed is the product for many years serves as a natural material. Its value, as "remembers" the shape, good air permeability, but does not collect dust.

As a vegetable filler can act buckwheat husks and a variety of herbs, hop cones and rice hull.

But such things need to get used to, it turns out quite tough for people who are used to a soft pillow. Some do not like that the husks inside noisy when touching and handling. A lifetime is limited to a few years, a maximum of 5.

These fillers do not perform the basic function - to add volume and shape, but also have aromatherapy effect on our body.


Bamboo products make good use of eco-friendly gizmos fans in his home. The plant itself is not affected by pests, not processed after harvesting. The fibers are separated and crushed, make beautiful thin elastic strings, their length is approximately 18 cm.

Preferring environmentally friendly natural materials, it may be advisable to pay attention to the cushion with bamboo fiber.

If the choice fell on the bamboo pillows, then this option may be the best. It is only necessary to consider that you need to take care of it, as specified in the instruction, otherwise the content will lumps, it is impossible to fix.

Pillow with bamboo filler keeps cool in the summer and in the winter - heat. It does not accumulate static electricity and does not absorb odors.

synthetic filler

This variant is common in people with allergies, as well as those who experience pain due to incorrect position of the spine during the night.

Synthetics considered: hollofayber, Fiber, microfiber, holfiteks, silicone, latex.

These pillows are well supported by the head, do not accumulate dust and are approved for use in children. Also service life have quite durable when properly used and cleaned.


It is composed of fibers having no clear structure. They can simply be washed in a machine, dryer and beskhlopotnaya. But many owners say the fragility of the product, it quickly loses its former appearance, elasticity, ceases to carry out direct functions.

Sinteponovye pillow soft, light in weight, not prone to the appearance of dust, then there will be ticks.

Anti-stress pillows

These pillows are inside synthetic granules, rather densely filling the space inside the "shell". Upon contact with the surface, the shoulders and neck relaxed since the nerves affected antistress balls. Often it is a special form of the pillow itself in the form of a horseshoe, is worn on the back of the neck, keeping the back of the head. But it can be represented in the form of a square or even soft toys.

Pillow Antistress help you quickly fall asleep and sleep well even after a very hard day.

Wash such a thing is not difficult, you can put on a manual typewriter or prostirnut hands. It is useful to give her baby, the main thing that they do not get to the content.

Rating pillows for fillers

Decent choice of pillow filler is helpful to be familiar with the conclusions drawn on the basis of expert opinions, as well as - reviews.

  1. Bamboo yarn. They are considered the most environmentally friendly at the same time, affordable and practical.
  2. Buckwheat hulls. This polished grain buckwheat, many positive evaluations, it is useful for health.
  3. Latex content. If it is completely natural, it becomes the best filler for orthopedic pillows.
  4. Downy, feathers composition. He is more popular than others, as available.
  5. Hollofayber. If something duvet and replace the contents, then these balls.

    natural and synthetic ingredients: There are many types of fillers, including two main categories can be distinguished.

Remain in the public esteem variants anti-stress, but they are no longer used for a night's rest, and during the day or as a decorative element. Because the cushion in the rating are not logged in.

Filler for pillows: what firm to choose

The range of large, many different proposals are introduced into a light stupor unprepared buyer. To figure out what would be the most appropriate analysis will help, you can do the following for it.

  1. Try to "lie down" on the pillow. How her comfortable.
  2. A rectangle or a square? Suitable.
  3. Standard parameters.
  4. If you plan to stay the night on the side, the height should be 12 cm ± 2 cm.
  5. Fabric on it should be dense enough thread - fit snugly and does not crumble.
  6. If there is a risk of allergies, it is better to select only hypoallergenic options.
  7. The presence of labels, easy washing, drying.
  8. If there is a purpose, a pillow must comply.

    Pillow - individual items, which should be selected, guided by the characteristics of physiology.

It is not always possible to rely solely on the firm, but many recommend: English Home, Kauffmann, Christian Fischbacher, St Seraphim fluff, Le Vele and others. It is important in any case, check all the details before purchasing, because health is worth exactly spent a dozen or slightly more minutes.

Prerequisite is a good buying quality. Dimensions, which will have a purchase - not fundamental.

VIDEO: How to choose a filler for pillows.

VIDEO: Top filling for pillows.