Despite the urban motifs, which are imbued with contemporary styles, a person is still a desire for a natural and sometimes even primitive elements. It is to this type of decoration include fireplaces. The first prototypes of them were still in the Stone Age when man learned to produce and maintain a flame. Ancient "fireplace" is an open pockets, in which the flame was maintained for heating and cooking. No decorative features in those days, these elements are not carried. Way of life and a constant struggle for survival does not leave time for the ancient people admiring beautiful. When the home began to assume a more "civilian" appearance, they were installed the furnace. At first they were made of stone, but already had a primitive chimneys, allowing to protect the room from smoke and soot. Then the furnace began to use more modern brick and fireplaces began to decorate an expensive apartments. In the Renaissance they began to decorate with marble and mosaics decorating. In big castles and fireplaces set appropriate. They say that in the Middle Ages to the knight's feasts they roasted whole pigs on a spit.
Then, more and more attention has been paid to the finish fireplaces, their appearance and the selection of accessories. Included with the hot "heart" of the house came in elegant plug for agitating the coals, tongs and shovel neat brush for shoveling the ashes. Possible effect "memory" of their ancestors, but the fire continues to fascinate human wild dance of "tongues" and crackling soothes better than pills from nerves. Fireplaces are associated with a homey feel and comfort. The highlight of any room interior will be just decorative, "furnace". Install it in a private home is much easier than in a city apartment. However, this does not mean that the idea of mega-cities residents will have to give. There are several ways to create a false fireplaces, this imitation is merely a decoration. Some people believe that the word "room" is derived from the fireplace, because it implied a heated room where the whole family. This ability to bring people together and focus retained to the present day. Decorative fireplace in the apartment serves as the center of all types of conditional premises. Take a look at the simplest and most popular methods of making your own hands and find out what materials to use is preferable.
- What is a decorative fireplace?
Varieties of ornamental fireplaces
- Electric fireplaces in the interior of the apartment
- Bio Fireplace in the interior
- Gas fireplaces: a live fire in the urban interior
- Raised fireplace
Decorative trim a fireplace with his hands
- drywall
- From a cardboard box
- of bricks
- polyurethane
- From the laminated plates coated
- What to put inside
- Decorating false fireplaces
- conclusion
What is a decorative fireplace?
The housing conditions are usually no opportunity for a full installation of the fireplace: a large load on the floors, there is no place to spend the chimney, there is no place to store fuel. In addition, it is unlikely someone decides to turn a modern accommodation in the store bundles of firewood and buckets of coal. Open flames in the room, too, is dangerous, especially as the risk of not only the owners of the premises, but also all the inhabitants of an apartment building. In such cases, use the available analogues - bio, electric fireplaces and models that run on gas. High-grade construction will inevitably involve additional costs, and a budget option to cope with the main task - the decoration of the room, but the result is a low-cost. In such an interior element will fit organically as models differ not only in size and materials, but also the style of performance.

Varieties of ornamental fireplaces
There are three main types of decorative fireplaces and a separate species:
- Bio Fireplace. Working on a special fuel, provide "live" fire and partially heat the room.
- Electric fireplaces. The front panel display is set, as in the TV, which simulates the tabs of the flame. Conventionally, they are classified into the simulation, giving warmth, and functional fireplaces that are exclusively used for heating. The second model is usually not designed for the decoration of the room, so not considered to design an art object.
- Gas fireplaces. Are present flame used for additional Ardagh room.
- Ornamental plants, which are made with their own hands. Simulated fire is achieved through the use of candles or lamps. Most of the room is not heated models. In some cases, the focus of an impromptu set ekokaminy.
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For location of decorative fireplaces are classified into three types:
- Central. Set in the middle of the room;
- Corner. Suitable for decorating small spaces, because it does not take up much space;
- Pristennye. Located in one of the walls. This type is considered to be the most popular.

Electric fireplaces in the interior of the apartment
Electric fireplaces on the type of installation are divided into three types:
- Floor. Portable installation is a common electric furnace, which is stylized fireplace.
- Suspended. A relatively new model, which hung on the wall. It fits perfectly into such options in contemporary styles: neoclassical, modern, high-tech minimalism.
- Embedded. They consist of a hearth and a "portal" - the box that simulates the original fireplace. Integrated model in special niches in the wall or furniture. To distinguish it from the original at first glance is almost impossible.

Electric fireplaces do not require constant cleaning, they do not allow smoke and soot. Compared with their gas, "relatives", these models are safe to use because they do not have a "live" fire. Models equipped with the screens, can boast the image of a dynamically moving flames.

Bio Fireplace in the interior
Bio- or ekokaminy become a real fashion "trend" of recent years. They do not mimic the flame, and give a real fire. The combustion process is not accompanied by the liberation of smell, smoke and soot, that is, no by-products are released into the air. Such a marvelous effect is achieved by using a special type of fuel oil - denatured ethanol. On combustion it releases water vapor and carbon dioxide. Both substances are safe for humans. The hearth is in reliably protected "nest" of stainless steel, and flame intensity is adjusted at the discretion. The range is rich and is presented as models with glass panels and wooden elements in the best traditions ekostilya and versions of "antique". Prices for a similar technique so far little "bites" customer wallets. Constant purchase canisters with fuel also will entail additional expenditure, although ethanol is a renewable resource. Biofireplaces versatile and can decorate furniture kitchen, living room or bedroom.

Gas fireplaces: a live fire in the urban interior
Gas fireplaces at the time came to replace wood burning. These units can not be called cheap, since they themselves, and their installation is very costly. It is more convenient to install these models in apartments where is supplied with gas central heating. Otherwise, you must purchase an additional fuel in the cylinders, and they in turn need to be stored somewhere. The design includes a firebox of the fireplace and chimney and ash pan as unnecessary offline. Gas fireplaces are classified into closed and open types. In the first case a flame flares of the partition of refractory glass. By flue gas model requirements are less stringent than for wood burning fireplaces: it can be narrower and have a minimal number of "knees". The device is well-heated room. The relevance of their use in the apartment, where conventional batteries can not cope with the main task. Also, there is another classification by the number of glass walls:
- Unilateral. The traditional model, where you can watch the flames only from the front;
- Double-sided. Typically, this angle options, equipped with two glass walls;
- Constituents. Pristennye model or central, built-in decorative columns that are open for viewing from three angles.

Gas fireplaces do not require constant flipping of fuel, but it is usually decorated with an imitation fireplace to create a strong resemblance to the original wood-burning.
Exploit gas models need to be more cautious than electric, because the first create a "live" fire. Before switching on the equipment, you must read the instructions for use.

Raised fireplace
Fascinating process will be the creation of an exclusive fireplace yourself. like interior solutions often found in contemporary design. They can make plasterboard, decorative brick, plywood, polystyrene or polyurethane simple carton. Simulation course has two drawbacks:
- Visually, it can not be confused with the original, but the qualities of the thing is beautiful in its uniqueness.
- Raised fireplace is not suitable for space heating. It is set only for beauty.
Imitations are made quickly enough, if the "box" is made qualitatively, the decor will last more than one year. Also, the dummy patterns are classified into three types: - Actual. Maximum reliably mimic the original. Usually performed in a classical style with stucco or artificial stone. The hearth set burner or ekokamin smaller - quite an expensive option.
- Actual without heating. In fact, they represent mockup. To simulate a candle flame is used.
- Contingent. They can be made from any readily available materials. This type includes even painted on the wall the centers, as in the fairy tale about Pinocchio.
See also:Design project of apartments with their own hands

Decorative trim a fireplace with his hands
Produce quite realistic simulation alone. If you do not have construction skills, then they resort to the easiest options, on which work is more about needlework. Incidentally, this piece of furniture is able to conceal the obvious defects of the walls, they simply close them. If the room has a niche, then it is used as a natural recess for arranging the fake fireplace. Since these models do not require additional installation of the chimney and have a small size, they can build and install, even in the bay window. The role of the mantelpiece perform decorated windowsill. Consider the step by step master classes, where they work with different materials.

Make gypsum fireplace can be a couple of days. Before carrying out basic work necessary to prepare a project: to draw the future of the product on the paper, having worked all the details. Some go further and made models out of cardboard to visually assess the appearance and make adjustments if necessary. Place in the future fireplace free from furniture and start to create the frame. It is made of metal or wooden bars. Then cut drywall sheets to the required size modules. They are attached to the frame and the ground, that the cover is better lay on the surface. The final stage - a decorative finish. of the foam and to artificial stone: Here, any materials can be used. Widely practiced with the use of imitation brick elements stucco. These fireplaces are true classics of the genre to portray: Wood originals that have been used in the past century.

From a cardboard box
When you select a box guided by its size and the thickness of the cardboard. The denser the material is, the structure will last longer. On one wall of the box that will be the front, the contour pencil applied future source. It can be square, semi-circular, or a combination. The excess part of the cut, but in such a way that at the front side walls and "ceiling" of the remaining gap. They need to be bent inward and glue to the double sided tape. Only in this case the focus of the contours will acquire a neat appearance. If you plan to create a complex topography on the surface, this will help other smaller boxes, which are cut from the items you want. After the cardboard frame is ready, decorate. So as a special strength cardboard is no different, it is not necessary to coat the structure with heavy surfacing materials. The best option would be a foam. With stationery knife, soldering iron and paint, you can create high-quality imitation brickwork. Inner hearth back wall paint over black. Complete the decoration of this churochek laying slides. Put candles inside the structure is not recommended. A good fire for its mobility, if necessary, it is transferred to another place.

When heated, the foam soldering iron, the material emits toxic substances that work on the street. Cover the surface only water-based paint, and attach with glue without acetone in the composition. Polystyrene is melted by contact with aggressive chemicals.

of bricks
Although the design can not be used for its intended purpose, it has a monumental. Brick fireplaces perfectly mimic the real thing, but do not have a chimney or ash. Keep in mind that the interior element to move have already received, so a choice of a place to host it is determined in advance. It requires mortar and brick to create a very similar decor. The work performed by analogy with the construction of walls. For decorating the fireplace generally used ceramic tiles, which was fixed on the surface. In the hearth lit candles or install light bulbs, since the material is not afraid of the fire.
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Polyurethane fireplace will last a long time and it does not scare mechanical damage. Material staunchly stand "blows of fate" in the face of random kicks and falls heavy on it. When heated, it does not burn, but melts, so the focus will be purely nominal. Fireplace made of plasterboard analog, but without frame. Bond modules better with screws rather than glue, because sooner or later the parts can simply "fall off" the design. The main advantage of the material can assume a variety of shapes of its surfaces. Ready fireplace can have many twists and trim parts, simulating the stucco. Finalizing painting designs in the desired color. Usually selected tone harmonious with the rest of the interior.

From the laminated plates coated
Perhaps the most difficult to work with this material will cut it into modules. For this purpose, use a hacksaw and a saw with a fine tooth comb, a plate kept at a certain angle to facilitate the process. Creating a fireplace made of this material is similar to the manufacture of plasterboard. The frame is optional if it will still be, then the design will acquire additional strength. During the final registration plates are painted or pasted over with foam, imitating brick or stone.

What to put inside
Inside light candles, electric lights, or "naked" lamps, miniature ekokaminy. The latter option would require additional cost, since equipment still belongs to the category of road. The meaning of such a combination is only in cases where the Bio Fireplace is small and looks very modern interior in a classical style. Decorative "box" will correct the situation. Candle set permissible only in pockets of brick fireplaces. Models made from other materials that may cause a fire in direct contact with fire. The optimal solution - the electric light, but even with it should be more cautious. Locate bulb away from the hearth wall, since the inclusion of long-term, they tend to be heated passively and can affect the temperature-sensitive materials.

Decorating false fireplaces
When decorating in the course are the following tools:
- Paper and cardboard. Suitable for who can draw;
- Wallpaper. A cheap and practical material;
- The cloth. Nontrivial variant which accentuate "artificial" simulation;
- Wood veneer. Lightweight material, which without weighing the design and give it a neat appearance;
- Styrofoam. Malleable, so with the help of a soldering iron is easy to create an original topography;
- Artificial stone or brick. Suitable for false fireplaces with "claim" to the maximum similarity with the original.

This list is not exhaustive as any of the materials at hand can be a part of the design. All that is required for this - a fantasy.

Live fire in the house will become a center of attraction of the room, which will meet the family and guests. Unconsciously man stretches to heat and flames that it is given. Designers feeling of comfort is achieved in various ways, but the most "faithful" considered arrangement of the hearth room. He can "to acquire" the environment of any interior, but will remain an independent element outside its scope.