The best mirror for any man - loving eyes of his mate. That expression allows for 100% confidence in their own attractiveness. However, without the usual mirror, too, can not do. This is the most commonly used piece of furniture - try to count how many times a day you resort to his help and all will become clear without words. The larger the mirrors in the house, the better - they help us to look good, their brilliance and depth expand the space, make the room more bright and stylish. Variants plurality of reflecting surfaces - from miniature equipped with a bellows holder to giant panels from floor to ceiling. Mount for a mirror on the wall are selected depending on the accessory species.
Features mounting mirrors
- In the frame
- unframed
mounting methods
- Adhesive or sealant
- staples
- decorative holders
- suspensions
- Drilling holes in the canvas
- steel plate
- Double sided tape
Features mounting to different surfaces
- Concrete
- gypsum plasterboard
- PVC panel
- Or ceramic tiles
- How to determine the height of the mirror mount
- Tips on how to choose the right mirror
- conclusion
Features mounting mirrors
There are various methods of installation reflecting "portals". Their choice depends on the shape, size, design features and interior destination element. For quality lock products better to invite professionals. But if necessary, it is possible to do on their own. It is only necessary to study all the details of this process and to arm the right tools and fittings for fixing.

In the frame
Enclosed in a frame to hang the canvas a snap. Typically, the structure is provided with special fasteners that hold it securely to the wall. And even if they do not exist - no problem! On the frame is always possible to secure the metal hinges and hang the mirror on the conventional self-tapping screws. For fixing impressive and bulky products need special plate with several holes for secure fastening of the frame.
Alternatively, for mounting the mirror in a massive frame can use the following method. You will need:
- steam rails whose length is slightly less than the base frame, and the cross section parameters - 50h20 mm;
- roulette;
- saw;
- electric drill;
- self-tapping screws.
Each of the rods must be sawed on the long side at an angle of 45˚. Then, one of the elements fix the rear surface of the frame, away from the top one fifth of the height of the entire structure. Second - rigidly mount to the wall at the desired height. Set construction, connecting strips in the "lock".

If the mirror in the frame does not fit into your decor, give preference to self web. Mirror surface in this case, becomes a part of finishing. It can be as decorative elements of different shapes - dial figures butterflies, flowers, clouds, and laconic paintings of all sizes. They should be mounted concealed manner that fastening elements are not visible.

mounting methods
The rich arsenal of modern building materials for maximum freedom of choice of fasteners. The mirror can be stuck, suspended using the bracket, braces, self-made holders. The choice of material also depends on whether there is a web-holes.
Adhesive or sealant
The easiest way to install a mirror without frame - stick it to the surface with a special glue. Installation reflective glass occurs in minutes. Clay - the optimal means for fixing canvases on the door wardrobe and other smooth surfaces. In its structure no acid which may damage the layer of amalgam. If necessary, allowed to use liquid nails. The only condition - to the back surface must be pre-applied sealant.
Installation steps:
- Preparation of the surface - it should be clean and free of grease. The wall must be freed from the wallpaper, since the material subsequently detaches with a mirror. Alternatively, the top or non-woven paper furnish is possible to fasten a sheet of plywood, metal or plastic, which act as a substrate. Concrete wall must be free of crumbling fragments. If the base is the door, and any other element of the interior, which can be temporarily dismantled, use this opportunity. Stick a mirror in a horizontal position is much easier.
- If you plan to fix the vertical, you must insure and provide structural integrity for the duration of the adhesive hardening. To hold the mirror on the wall at this time, you can use double sided tape, wooden supports.
- The next step - applying glue to the back side of the web. The composition is applied stripes or dots. The main condition - it is necessary to indent from the edge of the article, because the glue to remove speaking almost impossible. As a result, the appearance of finishing will be spoiled.
- Followed by press fabric to the ground and wait for a few minutes. Then, set a backup and allow the construction of a couple of days. During this time, the glue is completely dry and the retaining elements can be removed.
See also:Moldings for walls: 40 + design techniques for interior decoration

This type of mounting is extremely easy to use because it requires no glass drilling. Staples are fixed directly on the wall. They support the mirror from the bottom or on the sides. On sale there are different variants of such holders. They differ in the manufacture of materials, design features and design.

decorative holders
Holders who simultaneously act element of decor, are very relevant. They consist of a suspension and pretty lining, which completely hides the screw bonnet, gives the product an aesthetic and a finished look. A well-chosen covers allow to "marry" a mirror with the other design elements. Chrome, gold, with inserts of natural stone, wood - there is a perfect set for any interior. Such attachment is not suitable for large panoramic mirrors as high loads they are not "on the shoulder."

A good method for mounting small blades - hung with hooks mounted on the wall, and a thin cord or string glued to the substrate.
Drilling holes in the canvas
Mounting holes in mirror canvas remove a lot of questions. Do not need any additional equipment in the form of staples or cords. Screws penetrate through the canvas and securely fix it even on an uneven wall. Another thing, when there is no such slots, and a massive mirror and more. Mount such a product only to the glue is very risky. However, no hopeless situations. With appropriate skills and tools necessary holes so it is possible to do yourself. Step by step the process is as follows:
- mirror sheet is laid on a flat surface and fix it;
- marker mark the places for future openings;
- glued over the mark of a cup of clay, which is then filled with water;
- holes are drilled using a special drill bit with a diamond tip.
Glass - fragile material, so hurry in this matter is not welcome. Proceed slowly and do not forget to add water to the cup plasticine. It is necessary to cool the drill bit, allows to avoid the formation of pulverized glass, protects the glass from cracking.
The holes are ready and you are ready for installation. The screws are screwed into the dowels previously recessed in a wall. Between the dowel and the mirror should be set plastic pads that make mounting less rigid base would smooth fluctuations and reduce the risk of cracking.
To save the wallpaper under the mirror, cut crosswise into place material attachments and bend angles. If you later need arises to move an accessory, you need only remove the fastener elements and glued wallpaper into place. If done carefully, the wall will be as good as new.

steel plate
Plate - great hardware that makes it possible to install fabric without making holes. Therefore, do not have to think about how to decorate unattractive cap bolts. Yes, and look after the smooth surface with no protruding elements is much more convenient.
The plates are made of solid steel sheet, which is adhered to the back side of the mirror. Qualitative adhesive provides a reliable and durable grip. The plates have special slots for which they are hung on the screws, screwed into the wall.
See also:Preparing the walls for painting: the procedure works

Double sided tape
Double sided tape - ideal for securing small mirrors on a smooth surface. This is a great option when you need to quickly and effortlessly decorate furniture mirrors, front door, tile, plastic panels, painted or wallpapered walls. It is indispensable for mounting the mirror panel, which consist of many small elements. Small weight of the product allows you to securely fix them on the surface.
If this installation method is ideal for your application, please note the following tips:
- before installing prepare the surface as a base, and the mirror itself. They should be dry, clean of dust and grease;
- mark the exact location of the mirror installation. Adhesive tape stick instantly, so the move does not work - will have to tear off, possibly together with the wallpaper or paint layer;
- uniformly distribute pieces of adhesive tape on the reverse surface of the web. The interval between - about 10 cm;
- Protective material removed just before installation. If you do this in advance, the glue has dried and become less clingy;
- attach the mirror to the prepared base and press various areas. By doing so you will ensure a secure fit throughout the product area.
The temperature at which the appropriate mounting method, in the range of up to + 10˚ + 25˚. If the temperature regime does not meet these parameters - use other options.

Features mounting to different surfaces
The base material also influences the choice of the installation process. In dependence thereon selected a particular fixture, place limits on the maximum allowable weight of the product.
Concrete foundation has high strength. Do it opening without special tools will not work. If you have to "overcome" the concrete wall, it is necessary to arm puncher. Another option - to fix the mirror with glue. To improve adhesion, the surface must be carefully de-dusted and primed with a special compound.
For expansion space often use mirrors in the wall. These paintings need to paste a special ballistic film. If the panel is broken, the coating does not allow hard fragments to fall on your head. They will remain on the wall.

gypsum plasterboard
Lacing Drywall - one of the most popular ways of leveling and insulating walls. When mounting the mirrors on the FCL should use special anchor fasteners or anchors butterfly, the spacing of which is expanded at the time of screwing the threaded element. Smooth surface plates is very convenient for sticking mirrors. It is necessary to take into account the weight of the panel - it should not exceed 20 kg.

PVC panel
Plastic siding - an inexpensive finishing material, which is often used in the bathroom or the toilet. No big deal to hang on the wall with a mirror like finish in the frame. If we need to enter into the interior of the glass plate without fasteners are kindly requested to provide a place for it. Since the PVC panels are mounted on a wooden or metal lath attaching the mirror is not a problem. We just need to leave it under the free space. Then, at the junction of the materials will not be changes, and the wall surface is smooth and aesthetic. Small decoration - mirror mosaic figures can be mounted using double-sided tape. This method is best to use the toilet, the walls of which no condensation occurs.

Or ceramic tiles
The smooth surface of the tile - the perfect base for gluing decorative elements. Make a hole in the tile and ceramic granite need maximum accuracy, using a special drill with a diamond tip. Improper hole drilling tiles can lead to cracking and chipping, and as a consequence - the need to replace part of the furnish. Large mirror sheets should be placed on free sites provided at the stage of creation of the design project. Cloth fixed by glue or metal fasteners, which is subsequently closed decorative overlays.
See also:Inner trim timber imitation

How to determine the height of the mirror mount
Mirror - the perfect interior decoration. But it has to cope with their duties in addition to aesthetic features. It should be placed so that when you use any of the family members did not feel inconvenience and discomfort. Of course, in private rooms need to be adapted to the owner. But the general accessories - bathroom, living room or hallway should be easy for everyone.
Mirror should be indented from the sink by 20-40 cm. This arrangement will provide reliable protection against splashes, and at the same time will contribute to the comfort of use. From the floor should be retreat distance equal to 1 m 20 cm. This will ensure the safety of young children. The upper edge has to exceed the growth of the highest household for a couple of centimeters. Consider these points when choosing a mirror. They will help you determine the size of the web.
In the hallway is better to use a high mirror floor. With it, you will always be able to adequately assess their appearance before leaving the house. Panel height should be comfortable for the main "champion" for growth among the members of your family.

Tips on how to choose the right mirror
It would seem that in this complex? However, there are some nuances. If you want to buy a really quality product, you should know - on what parameters need to evaluate the store vending mirror panel.
Be sure to pay attention to the following details:
- a certificate from the manufacturer with an indication of the materials used in the manufacture of the product;
- glass thickness - is desirable that this parameter is in the range between 4 and 6 mm. Thinner alternatives often have an uneven surface. Thanks to this picture is distorted, and the reflection becomes distant from the real. But you're not going to arrange a room of laughter right at home. It depends on the glass thickness quality and cost of the mirror. For the manufacture of high-quality mirrors are used three kinds of glass grades - M1 - improved mirror M2 - mirror M3 - window polished;
- good mirror surface is as smooth as possible. It should not be a stain, scratch, points and chips. Especially undesirable presence of air bubbles;
- considerable importance is the quality of the protective coating. It usually consists of three layers. In conventional embodiments, a layer of silver deposited directly on the glass, a layer of copper having a corrosion protection and finishing - consists of two or three layers of paint. In current embodiments, this layer may be made of polymeric materials;
- special attention should be paid to the edges of the material - the most extensive and complex on the edge of the configuration - a sign of a decent product. Processing is performed not only for decorative purposes but also to protect the coating layers. From the method of this process depends on the durability and strength of the mirror.
Here are edging variants of ascending - from the cheapest to the most expensive. It is produced by:
- stripping - removal of sharp edges with sharp edges;
- easy handling - giving rounded edges;
- polishing - formation of a smooth and transparent trapezoidal edge:
- grinding - obtaining matte opaque edges of the same shape;
- beveling - Education chamfered edges, known as facet or chamfer.
When choosing a mirror, go past it and look closely at the image. The quality product you will not see the ripples, the image will not "float" and warp. If there is the slightest hint of any such defects give up the purchase.

Prefer high quality mirrors and competently organize their installation. The right choice of fastening - one of the leading factors that make the life of "magic glass" can be extended to infinity.