Variety of paint tools in the construction market is now so widespread that even the experts sometimes get lost in front of a choice: the painting of heating pipes. Regularly repainted and tint lines in the apartment has no interest to anyone, so come first requirement of durability of the coating.
Correctly picked up paint not only protects metal from corrosion and to highlight the style of the room, but also last a long time, not cod and maintaining the initial color. Following the recommendations of professionals who can quickly and efficiently perform painting pipes with their own hands.

Requirements for painting material
Before proceeding to a paint selection for heating pipes, necessary to define what features should perform coating. The main task - it is definitely metal protection against external corrosion. Recently, in order to give the heating element decorative appearance, staining is conducted and even plastic pipes are already coated with a protective layer of heaters. In this case, you can use the paint without corrosion protection properties.
Before painting central heating pipes in the apartment, it is necessary to consider such an important factor, as the smell. It refers not only to unpleasant sensations during work. Sharp lasting fragrance indicates the presence of toxic substances in the composition of the material and can be dangerous to human health at high concentrations. Due to the fact that the ideal room ventilation is difficult to ensure, should give preference to paint odorless.
To coating is not tarnished and cracked over time should take into account the operating conditions. Since the heating temperature is increased and ranges generally ranging between 40 and 80 ° C, then the ink must be resistant to such heat. For periodic cleaning of the pipes of dust and other contaminants household important resistance to abrasion and the action of aggressive media.

Based on the above, for heating pipes paint should have the following properties:
- ability to withstand extremes of temperature and heating to 90 ° C;
- abrasion resistance;
- resistance to aggressive environments;
- good adhesion to the corresponding base;
- the possibility of applying directly to rust;
- odor and safety for human health;
- suitable colors.
Choosing paint
paints should be selected with a mark "radiator" or the like to obtain the best effect. This will ensure the stability of high temperature and color preservation. From economy most embodiments above requirements corresponds enamel PF-115. Good results are also heat-resistant enamel KO-168 based on silicon. From oil paints should be abandoned, as they inevitably color fades with time, the applied coating dries long and significantly stinks all the time.
Important! To protect metal surfaces from the effects of the environment as part of the paint must be corrosion inhibitor. When using the decorative coating pipes without this additives must previously applied special primer layer for radiators. It is considered the most appropriate lead-Surikov primer number 81.
Paints suitable for heating pipes, are divided into three types:
- Alkyd enamel;
- acrylic enamel;
- water-dispersed compositions.
Alkyd enamel are quite common due to the most affordable cost. That's where the benefits end. Alkyd enamel is the most stinking from the list of colors, even after drying for some time gives a distinctive unpleasant odor during operation of the heating system, slightly tarnishes with time. The color change is particularly noticeable in the case of coloring in white, for the rest of this feature can not be ignored. complete drying time is 24 hours, at 4 - 6 hours longer sticky.

Acrylic enamels are based in organic solvents, however peculiar smell when working with them there, but it is much smaller than the previous type. These dyes have a very wide color gamut, dry for 1 hour, but in most cases require priming metal surfaces. Acrylic paints are glossy and matte. The first beautiful shine, and the last good hiding unevenness of the painted surface. In this case, the initial brightness of the color is maintained.

Water-dispersion paints are considered the most safe for health. However, they are not inferior to the rest of the durability and beauty coverage. This quick-drying paint is odorless. It should only verify the existence of a special mark on the bank, indicating the possibility of the use of heaters.

Now the most popular colors of the following brands:
- Haytskorperlak;
- Radiator Paint;
- Elementfarg Alcides;
- Millertemp;
- Mipaterm 600;
- Radiator;
- Priming enamel UNIPOL;
- Enamel VD-AK-1179;
- Enamel GF-0119.
As for color, then it all depends on the features of the interior, lighting and aesthetic taste of the owners. Besides the standard range can be used metallic paint for gold, silver, chrome, bronze, combine different colors or patterns apply. From the point of view of heat engineering dark shades preferable as contribute to a better heat transfer.

Instructions for painting pipes
In order for the result and pleased the paint work is not necessary to alter, spending extra money and time, you must adhere to the technology and to comply with the recommendations specialists. Quality pre-treatment often has a greater impact on the durability and aesthetics of the coating than paint choice.
Preparatory work
First of all, you need to take care of the protection of the floor, walls and surrounding objects. To do this, fit the old newspapers, magazines, oilcloth or foil construction. No matter how you tried to do everything carefully, paint can still drip or splash out at the wrong place. Therefore it is better to be safe, so you do not think about how to remove ink stains.
On a note! To work useful personal protective equipment: gloves, hat, work clothes, you do not mind staining. If the paint is to be used to the smell, it will need more and respirator.
Before painting, the surface of the pipes must be cleaned of dust, dirt and old paint. If you have previously deposited layers of paint thin enough, well kept, and do not crack, it is possible to leave them and do a sweep with sandpaper. Particular care is necessary to treat the place with rust. From the surface degreasing copes well white spirit or any weakly alkaline solution.

Get rid of old paint in the following ways:
- With a special solution for washing.
Gel liquid is applied to the surface and film wraps. After a short time the old coating softens and is easily removed with a spatula, a scraper or a wire brush. Paint remover has a sharp smell and toxic contains aggressive substances, so must work with special care.
- Using a blowtorch.
Paint is heated and moves easily under the pressure of a spatula or similar tool. It can only be used when working on the street.
- With the help of a hair dryer building.
By heating the old coating is easily peeled off and behind any sharp object. This method is similar to the previous one, only much simpler and safer, can be used in any room. Because of the metal's ability to quickly release heat it does not always work well it warm, so in some cases the use of a hair dryer will be ineffective.
- Using a drill or grinder with a nozzle in the form of a wire brush.
Old paint peeled off pretty quickly, but in hard brush is powerless, it is necessary to use a narrow spatula, knife or chisel.

How best to remove paint from the pipes and radiators depends on the presence of a suitable tool and subjective individual preferences. But in any case, the old cracked cover must be removed, so that the new well has laid down and kept for a long time. Then the surface is degreased, cleaned with a damp cloth and dry.
After a thorough cleaning of all the accumulated layers or when dealing with a new metallic surface uncoated corrosion primer should be applied if there is no special protective components in the paint. In some cases it is important to improve the ability of the primer adhesion to the substrate. If the paint is applied the type 3 in 1, containing a rust converter, primer and color pigments, it is immediately ready for its application without preparation.
Important! Regardless of the type of paint, the work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Evaporation of any paints contain substances that are better not to breathe unnecessarily. It is therefore recommended to ensure the absence of pets, children and other family members during the application.
The application of paint
There are several methods to dye tube:
- brush;
- roller;
- spray;
- Spray gun or spray.
The application of paint to a brush is the most common and affordable option. In this case, special skills are required. Just take a good brush and picking up a small amount of paint on the tip evenly, slowly, spread it over the surface. It is necessary to strive to make the layer as thin as possible. This will provide uniform coverage and no stains. If the paint is enlightened, better then paint again, you apply a thick layer.
Tip! The cheapest tassels often fall bristles. Therefore, their cost is not worth saving. However, even high-quality copies sometimes leave hairs. If necessary villi can be removed using a needle.
Very conveniently paint pipe and batteries using a special brushes radiator. It has a long handle and a curved shape, so you can easily cover all remote sites.

With foam rollers of small diameter which is openly positioned paint conduit with the free space around. They are also suitable for the face of the heating devices. Craftsmen even make special adaptations of the two rollers, allowing not only to ensure even application, but also to perform the job very quickly.
Sometimes smooth tubes use simple washcloths, allowing accurate apply a thin layer on all sides. Gloves, of course, will be dirty, but the painting is completed in the shortest possible time.

Working with the spray is the most convenient and fast. It must be shaken for one minute and can be sprayed onto the prepared surface. By performing smooth zigzag motion gradually cover a desired portion. It is important to maintain the distance recommended by the manufacturer and does not stay long in one place.
Aerosols provide beautiful decorative coating, but are expensive and bad cover hard to reach places. In this regard, they are generally applied to the well base or primed after preparatory background ink layer.

Professional spray gun in the home is rarely used, but if the paint work expected a lot, it is necessary to acquire this device. Sprayer allows you to quickly apply even layers with minimal ink consumption and has a special nozzle for ease of operation with the surfaces of the most intricate shapes.

helpful hints
To perform the work with his own hands with the best result will help to expert advice on how best to paint the heating pipes:
- When removing the old layer of paint it is important not to overdo it, putting efforts in order not to damage the pipe connections.
- Open container with paint remover will need to very carefully, holding the bottle neck by themselves, so as not to inhale the toxic fumes. Working with these corrosive can be carried out only under conditions of good ventilation in the room.
- If it is possible to dismantle the heaters, it is much easier dyeing process. Radiators can be drawn out and paint in the open air, turning them comfortable side.
- Staining pipes and radiators at best done off the heating system. Otherwise, on the hot surface paint will fall unevenly, can be divorce, swellings, spots and stripes.
- If you need to work in the heating season, it is possible to get out of the situation by closing the valves on the batteries and wait for them to cool down completely. In this case, the room considerably colder, and the only good paint radiators, since the pipe will still be hot.
- You need to paint from top to bottom neat movements slowly.
- Should strive to paint the surface on all sides, not just from the front. Otherwise, the remaining parts will rust, but unpainted space always visible, though not at first sight.

When selecting colors for heating pipes is very important to pay attention to its heat resistance and other performance characteristics. The use of high-quality paints and varnishes ensure health safety at work and the durability of the coating.
Surface preparation for painting is the key to the future quality of the coating. Painted by all the rules, the heater is reliably protected against corrosion and permanently preserve attractive appearance.