Not every owner of the apartment boasts a huge bedroom. In older homes they differ modest size. This complicates the arrangement of the room, as in a small space is not so easy to put everything you need. For full functionality, design bedrooms 3 by 3 m. The need to take into account the many nuances. How to set priorities, learn on.
- Advantages and disadvantages
- choice of style
- Expanding small bedroom space 9 sq. m
- color solutions
- Decorating the walls, ceiling and floor
- Furniture
- How to arrange the furniture
- Textiles and decoration
- Small bedroom with balcony
- conclusion
Advantages and disadvantages
The presence of a small bedroom is often frustrating their hosts, as unlikely to get fit as many items, such as a huge bed, wardrobe, desk, spacious wardrobe, etc. In addition to this significant drawback, small rooms have low ceilings, narrow window. Many believe, square room also causes inconvenience in the arrangement of furniture.

Cons small bedrooms easily turn into pluses, if the right approach to interior design, layout. Designers believe that the square room on the contrary facilitates the placement of furniture. It is believed a small bedroom more cozy than a huge room filled with a variety of components. The design does not require any frills, welcomes the simplicity that allows to give comfort, refinement.

choice of style
The first step arrangement of bedrooms - style choice that will not only help to determine the further processing, but talk about the host. The most suitable for small rooms embodiments are presented in the table.
Style | Description |
Minimalism | The most common option for a small space. Use only the necessary, without unnecessary detail, the decor. Geometric shapes a clear, calm colors, vivid details not found. The contrast is not welcome, shades should be slightly lighter or darker than the base color. |
Classic | Line concise and clear. Material only natural. If the budget is limited, it is possible imitation wood for furniture made of MDF. Used textiles, floral designs, muted colors, tending to natural. Chance of emphasis in the form of mirrors, sculptural fragments. |
High tech | This innovative solution, the use of progressive elements of the type of bed-transformer, drawers and shelves. The atmosphere is calm and at the same time allowed contrasting combinations, cheer up in the morning and evening to ensure relaxation. |
Japanese | Reminiscent of minimalism, complementary elements in the Japanese style. Furniture without frills, simple, low. Color choose natural, pastel, soft lighting. A distinctive feature is the decoration of the bedroom décor related to Japanese culture. |
See also:Design bedroom 10 square meters. m - interior for a small area

Expanding small bedroom space 9 sq. m
In this small room, everyone is important centimeter to arrange the most comfortable and cozy. Achieving results contribute expert advice, allowing visually expand the space. They are the following lines:
- Natural light is very important. If you can increase the window openings, it is certainly worth making.
- The color palette is selected wall light, neutral without contrast. Floor pick up the color a few shades darker.
- The glossy surface copes with the specified task.
- Artificial lighting is important. Bedroom 3 on 3 zoning approach than one huge chandelier. This may be a point or a multi-level lighting, wall lights.
- The biggest furniture - bed, the other elements should have a light, airy design.
- Against the background of a bright palette, use one small bright accent, such as curtains, cushions, mat.
Mirrors are the best elements for the expansion of space. One large mirror and wardrobe with mirrored doors did the trick. It is better to install in front of windows, but exclude accommodation opposite the bed.

color solutions
The bedroom is designed for relaxation, sleep, so you need to get rid of the bright, flashy colors, irritatingly acting on the nervous system. It should stay on the calm, soothing colors. To visually expand the space of a small room, it is recommended to use light pastel colors. Dark colors on the contrary more than reduce the room will press.
If there is a desire to decorate the walls with bright photos, pictures, whimsical paintings, better these ideas are not put into practice. They will cause a dull or funny thoughts that do not give the possibility to sleep peacefully, so monochromatic palette is preferable.

Tip: You can vary the design decoration only on one wall, which is at the head of the couch or bed. It is allowed to issue more colorful or with patterns, pictures.

Decorating the walls, ceiling and floor
Light shades should be used in the decoration of a small bedroom. Visually expand the space, the room will look advantageous. Materials for walls choose paint, wallpaper. In the presence of a perfectly flat surface is perfect gloss paint. Wallpaper preferred plain. the presence of bands of interesting looks, of which the horizontal position will expand the bedroom, and the vertical will make the ceiling higher. Mural, especially on the wall, is not recommended. They will give the rest of the details even more small, little significance appearance.
See also:Design a bedroom 12 sq. m. - 50 photos of the interior

Ceiling simplest option would be painting white. More sophisticated and expensive way is suspended ceiling with a glossy surface. It is well set off the surface, allowing you to visually expand the space well. Floor is the perfect solution or laminate flooring, which is placed diagonally. A cheaper embodiment will linoleum simulating a wooden surface.

Spaciousness in a small bedroom will continue only if there is a minimum amount of furniture. The abundance of detail heaped room, does not give the possibility to move freely. Bed plays a major role in the bedroom. However, for convenience and beauty is only one element is not enough. We need other furniture, such as the clothing wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside table. A variety of shelves, niches add practicality and functionality.
In a small room, you can get rid of unnecessary items, and you can pick them as functional. Presentable modern interior is able to perform its functions under the following guidelines:
- Better to choose a bed with drawers underneath, which can be folded sheets and other things.
- Bed without legs visually less.
- Instead of the standard stowage locker cabinets fit or high shelves.
- Built-in furniture takes up less space.
- To save a style of furniture is recommended to use one headset.
- Furniture should not be of the same tone with the walls, so as not to merge with them.

How to arrange the furniture
Placing furniture, remember, it should not interfere with the passage. Wardrobe should be set along the wall, located near the doorway. The bed is better to put the window in the far corner, so it does not clutter the space and not interfere pass. In addition, it will provide enough light.
In a small bedroom is also necessary to be guided by certain principles of arrangement of furniture:
- It is necessary to draw a sketch, which will be the dimensions of the walls, the dimensions of the furniture, receptacles, lighting fixtures.
- First of all, it is to determine the location for the bed.
- You need to decide what furniture is needed.
- Partitions and screens are inappropriate as stealing precious centimeters.
- The shelves above the bed is not recommended to hang as using sharp edges.
- The mirror opposite the bed, according to psychologists, can not be installed.
- Modular furniture is most preferred because it allows the sofa to lay down at the right moment.

Textiles and decoration
bedroom design will not tolerate the presence of a large number of accessories. Massive frame, an abundance of pictures, shelves and other wall elements will play not in favor of enlargement, will perform the role of an interior cluttering the room is small in size. A single picture or mirror to decorate the room. Shelf can be hung one, and it is not recommended to fill it completely.
See also:Design a bedroom for parents
Textiles should be, but in a reasonable amount. No need to hang a valance or coarse, heavy curtains with a large pattern. The material must be easy laid, preferably monophonic or vertical stripes. The emphasis will be more colorful bedspread and a few bright pillows, adding humor to the design.

Tip: to visually make the ceiling higher, it is necessary to hang the curtains on the ledge near the ceiling. They should be self-colored, and the creases that they form, will make the effect of vertical stripes.

Small bedroom with balcony
Availability of a balcony will be one of the options to increase the area. These two rooms can be combined by adding additional squaring and natural light, which will be much easier to get inside. Bedroom acquire flavor that can beat the original.
Such an option is required to document assure rearrangement align with corresponding instances in order to avoid illegal remodeling. In addition, the demolition of the partition may be unsafe, so the advice of a competent person is a must.

If the documents are received, then followed by the execution of works. The first thing you may need structural reinforcement. Next you need to insulate a balcony, using foam, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene. If the house is cold and the corners of the room, it is better to make a warm floor or install an electric heater.
Use the freed space can be in a variety of ways. Completely removing all the walls, the room will be a whole, and to perform additional space for relaxation, for example, setting a comfortable rocking chair. If you leave the partition, you can use zoning is possible to build a workplace by putting a small convenient table. Main imagination and the room can be changed beyond recognition.

bedroom design make usable, beautiful and functional. Any room, the more square-shaped, filled with the necessary elements on the basis of the degree of importance. The modern world is full of "smart" furniture, pull-out shelves, other designs, makes maximum use of space. It is important to use bright colors for the walls, ceiling and floor are darker. Every object, accessory complement each other, in the case of a small room they need a little bit to do the bedroom visually less.