Bamboo curtains: model on windows and doorways, the description, examples, photos

Making repairs, or simply by changing the situation in the flat or house, many of us would like to add to the interior some "highlights". Often in the decoration of the room help window, or rather curtains or blinds. So, they play the role of not only protection from the sun, but a supplement to the general interior. Conventional blinds is no surprise. They are present in almost every home or office. But bamboo curtains will help make any room special.

Bamboo has always positioned itself as the most safe and environmentally-friendly material of natural origin.


  • 1 Curtains made of bamboo
  • 2 Bamboo curtains on the door in the interior
  • 3 Roller blinds made of bamboo at the windows
  • 4 Features curtains of bamboo slats and straw
  • 5 The advantages of bamboo products
  • 6 How to pick up bamboo blinds
  • 7 VIDEO: How to choose bamboo curtains.
  • 8 50 bamboo curtains in the interiors options:

Curtains made of bamboo

Few people know that bamboo curtains in our country is the second time staying at the "peak" of popularity. The fashion for such products in the Soviet apartments, cafes, shops came in 1970, when the Soviet Union is working closely with Southeast Asian countries. But soon the wooden replaced by textile curtains and blinds process.

This is a real find for people who care about their own health and the health of their loved ones.

Today, bamboo curtain popular than ever, because the most popular materials - eco-friendly, natural.

Drapes are perfect for homes where there are allergies, due to natural hypoallergenic wood.

Wooden curtains serve several functions.

  • Protect the room from direct sunlight penetration.
  • Complement the interior.
  • Maintain clean atmosphere in the room.
  • As for the design of the room, it should be noted that the curtains are absolutely versatile and suited to any style.

    Set design afford even one person.

Curtains of bamboo sticks are horizontal and vertical. With regard to the principle of action, most of these blinds are rolled mechanism. Blades assembled on cord and twisted into a roll. The cord has a special hardener, with which you can fix the roll at the correct height. Also, these blinds can be collected on the basis of the work of Roman curtains - fabric folds in small waves. Yet this mechanism works is compared with an accordion.

It - practical, environmentally friendly, natural and beautiful decoration materials, which, thanks to its versatility, can be used in almost any room design.

Bamboo curtains are a lot of advantages.

The main ones are:

  • eco-friendly material;
  • They have natural colors and shades;
  • inexpensive;
  • not afraid of sunlight, so over the years retain their color;
  • presentable appearance;
  • interesting look in any interior;
  • easy to care for.

For the manufacture of curtains are split and whole-cut stems, which are subject to special treatment.

Note! Bamboo does not tolerate excessive moisture. Therefore it is not recommended to use them in the bathroom.

Bamboo curtains on the door in the interior

Often on interior doors only set the curtains, using them as a decoration and as a delineation of space. Textiles have almost gone out of fashion, but the bamboo curtains on the door is increasingly gaining popularity. These curtains are ideal for a door in the kitchen, balconies, loggias, and even in the living room and bedroom.

Recently went on sale and artificially colored solutions.

On the doorways they perform several functions.

  • Delineation of space.
  • Interior addition.
  • It is worth noting that the bamboo curtain on the door can be a separate element in the interior, and complement the overall design of a room or the entire house (apartment).

    The most popular and widespread officially recognized interior curtains vertical type.

On doorways tend to use vertical blinds. The mechanism can be both Roman and roll.

Among the advantages of bamboo curtains for doorways should be highlighted:

  • maintaining a clean atmosphere;
  • hygiene;
  • anti-static;
  • presentable;
  • space saving (for opening doors need an extra bed);
  • Free air circulation;
  • visual increase in area;
  • affordable price;
  • interesting addition to the general interior.

The only thing the wooden curtain inferior to conventional doors - is that they do not provide protection against the penetration of cold and noise.

They are often equipped with special lifting device, by analogy with roller blinds.

Roller blinds made of bamboo at the windows

Bamboo blinds is the upgraded version of conventional blinds. In this case, instead of the plastic used in the manufacture of ekomaterialy. Such shutters may be vertical and horizontal. In the first case, the bamboo strips are woven closely together. The output is a single dense web.

Curtains have extremely beautiful natural hues, gamma varies from a bright green to a saturated honey smoothly passing into brown.

Horizontal look like regular wood blinds - they are made of bamboo slats. According to the mechanism they are Roman (folded like an accordion or waves) and roll.

Such window decoration give the room notes of oriental comfort and warmth.

The second mechanism is a lot easier, so this kind of blinds cheaper. Affordable price, ease of maintenance, environmental friendliness make roller wood blinds are very popular for several years. And it is worth noting that the popularity is growing every year a very steady pace.

Horizontal model bamboo curtains are designed for window decoration.

As for the interior, recently it was thought that such natural blinds perfectly fitting only in the eastern interior. But today they are used in absolutely any styles from country to loft style.

Color of bamboo curtains mostly natural, without painting.

Important! In total there are about 200 species of bamboo. Such variety allows manufacturers to produce natural blinds completely different colors and shades.

Features curtains of bamboo slats and straw

So, curtains of bamboo slats - it is an excellent substitute for the plastic blinds. Material is not only natural, but also presentable appearance. Complementary advantages affordable price and ease of care. All this makes the bamboo curtain is very popular commodity.

Similar curtains are used extensively for visual zoning veranda, opening onto a terrace and exit to the balcony.

When buying products pay attention to the mechanism - a Roman or roll. Aesthetically pleasing look both options, but Roman slightly more expensive than roll. A great role played by the quality of the web. The vertical curtains straws should be tightly braided together. If the straw is located at quite a distance from each other, it will affect the appearance and light transmission. Also pay attention to the quality of production: on the web should not be protruding threads, uneven stitches, and so on.

It is noteworthy that the installation of constructions made of bamboo as all window and located near his doorway, and on separately taken the glass panel.

The advantages of bamboo products

Bamboo products have many advantages, so the number of fans of such products is growing every day. By the way, in many Asian beliefs it said that bamboo is an excellent conductor of vital energy. So it or not - is not for us to judge. But, clearly, this material is used in homes for centuries people from all over the world.

Curtains without any problems can be raised to the desired height that allows you to adjust the degree of brightness of the room.

So, once again about the benefits.

The main advantage of bamboo is its environmental friendliness and naturalness, which is very important for many of us. So, for people suffering from allergies, asthma, it is recommended to use only natural materials in the home, which will not serve stimuli. Such a material is bamboo. In addition, after a long use of a variety of plastic materials, it became clear that the natural ingredients - the best materials in the housing decoration.

Due to its natural origin, wood blinds promote good air circulation in the room.

The big advantage is price policy. The low price is because bamboo - a very undemanding plant that grows quickly without requiring any special care. Young bamboo sticks are very flexible, and at the same time, durable, so they are easy and convenient to use in production. All this does not require large expenditures of manufacturers, so the price on the corresponding product.

Door made of transparent glass suitable bamboo blinds. It can be both individual and thin strips, and the complex web of natural wood.

A large number of species of bamboo makes it possible to produce products of different colors, shades, textures. Therefore, among these curtains there is a fairly large selection.

The lifting mechanism at the Roman curtains of bamboo is the same as that of the tissue, and they are going in the same uniform folds.

Various design solutions in the manufacture give an opportunity to significantly transform the interior with minimal financial costs.

Due to the small gaps in the netting, passing beautiful rays are scattered in the room, without creating a hot, uncomfortable atmosphere.

Easy to clean. Bamboo curtains do not need a long and carefully washed. It is enough to wipe with a damp cloth or fabric slats from dust when needed.

Bamboo slats are raised and lowered in the same way as conventional plastic blinds.

How to pick up bamboo blinds

The main criterion when choosing bamboo blinds is, of course, the quality of the product. It is necessary to examine carefully the curtain. No harm will also ask the seller to provide a description of the manufacturer.

Roller blinds bamboo work on the principle of normal tissue, only the former have a high weight and torsional form a thick shaft.

The next criterion - compatibility with the interior. But there can hardly be Caique any difficulty, because, as has been said, such products harmoniously fit into any room, regardless of its design style. Minimalism, classic, loft, country, modern - everywhere these curtains will look harmoniously and effectively.

According to feng shui, such curtains are able to absorb the negative energy, do not let her into the house.

A lot of importance is the color of the product. Designers recommend choosing the curtains of natural shades. These colors, in the first place, fit in any interior. Second, natural shades "warm" room, even if the primary colors - cold.

Roman blinds made of bamboo will be a great solution for high ceilings and large windows.

So, bamboo curtains - this is a great option as in the design of the design (the windows), and in the zoning of the space (in the doorways). Savings increase in visual area, environmental friendliness, aesthetics - this is not the strengths of these curtains.

Wide bamboo curtain looks very unusual and tasteful.

VIDEO: How to choose bamboo curtains.

50 bamboo curtains in the interiors options: