Plaid of pompons: description and photos for making your own hands

In today's world, where the bulk of the things that surround us, made factory production, handmade things are gaining increasing popularity. Brand «hand made» is valuable uniqueness of the created product.

In winter, when it's cold and wet, I want the house to be a place of warmth and comfort. Plaid of pompons with your hands creates a special atmosphere in the house, twice as nice, if it's a blanket in addition to the aesthetic appeal is still useful.


  • 1 How to make a rug out of his hands pompons
  • 2 How to make a frame for weaving the rug of pompons
  • 3 The choice of thread for the plaid of pompons
  • 4 Children's blanket of pompons
  • 5 Knitted blanket for a newborn with pompons
  • 6 Video: Plaid of pompons
  • 7 Photo collection of beautiful rugs pompoms made with his own hands:

How to make a rug out of his hands pompons

Beautiful fluffy blankets of pompons look unusual and stylish, and will be able to decorate any room

Before you take up the manufacture of pompons plaid with your hands, you should read the instructions carefully. Knitting equipment diverse: you can associate a blanket on the needles or use a special cloth as a base.

The description is quite simple, but in fact - it is a very time-consuming procedure that requires time, effort, perseverance, because you have to do a lot of repetitive actions, from which may appear on the hands calluses. If the master is patient, you get a warm, fluffy blanket of pompons, which will decorate homes and warm owner.

It is necessary to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • special frame;
  • yarn;
  • scissors.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

How to make a frame for weaving the rug of pompons

Production of frames for weaving the rug rather difficult process for women, 90% of men have to use force. You need to prepare materials.

  1. Rake 3 cm wide. frame length - 144 cm, height - 136 cm. Since this is a rather extensive thing, the frame must be strong to bear the weight of the thread does not break, do not spoil the whole work. wood quality does not matter.
  2. Self-tapping screws for fastening the rails to each other.
  3. Nails in an amount of 132 pieces 7-8 cm in length.
  4. Hammer.

frame manufacturing technology is simple. First you need to bond with each other at the corners of four rails, two rails 144 cm in length will be located at the bottom and at the top of the frame, and two more - at 136 cm - left and right. Thus, you get a square. Slats fastened at the corners of self-tapping screws, length of rails on the finished frame due to mounting will be the same.

At the beginning of making a square or rectangular wooden frame

Then, using a hammer, it is necessary to hammer nails. It is necessary to depart from the corner of 8 cm., To begin to drive every 4 cm. 33 on each side of the nail. The frame is ready.

Semidesyatku drive in nails at a distance of 4 cm from each other

In order not to doubt the strength of the frame, you can take additional bracing in the form of narrow, short strips in the corners of the main frame to the rear side.

On this frame will weave a blanket child-sized 115 cm by 115 cm, and fringed at the ends - 130 cm to 130 cm.

The choice of thread for the plaid of pompons

Depending on the intended use of things choice boils down to three types of yarn:

  • cotton;
  • wool;
  • acrylic.

Types of yarn: wool, acrylic, cotton

Cotton is environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, provide good air circulation, can be easily machine washable in manual mode, the yarn is not stretched and retains color. The disadvantage of cotton is probably the only one, is the weight - a blanket to get pretty heavy.

Wool has healing properties, warms, it prevents moisture entering from the outside, outputs it from the inside. In this case, a blanket of wool can cause allergies is very capricious in care, it can be stretched or, conversely, uzhatsya after washing. On pure wool pellets appear over time. Definition of quality: the tension, the fibers can be reduced in size, but the thread remains intact.

Acrylic like wool, but stronger, well holds the color does not fade in the sun, wear resistance, slowly thins, but does not transmit moisture but retains heat well. After washing can stretch out, it is recommended to wash with the delicate cycle.

Based on the fact that each type has its drawbacks, it is best to choose a natural yarn with a touch of artificial. On plaid with fringe 130 cm to 130 cm. It needs 11 skeins of yarn by 100 m.

weaving technology.

  1. Start braiding should be from the base. If the novice master, better to choose two different colors, so it will be easier to cut the pom-poms. The base layers 20 will be weaving. First you need to fix the knot thread on the upper-left corner nail.

    First, we will weave the foundation vertically, for the convenience of the best to do it in other threads, a tone darker or lighter, or even a different color

  2. Further it is necessary to hold up the nails on the bottom rail, round the first two nails together, then hold up, just go around the following two top nail. So to the very end.

    Now turn the thread on the horizontal part and likewise, clasping two cloves, pletom to the bottom

  3. When all nails at the bottom and at the top of wound, the last of the lower thread to skip to the nearest lateral nail right, go around it to hold the thread horizontally to the left parallel to the nail. Circumnavigate the two left nail, also spend horizontally to the right rail to round two nails - and back to the left. Continue up to the top.

    So it will look like 1 wound row vertically and horizontally 1

  4. When a thread reaches the left corner of the nail, you must throw it to the extreme horizontal nail and continue weaving under the previous scheme. So make 20 layers of warp. After this, tie a knot on the thread left corner nail.

    Then again weave vertical portion and then a horizontal line and so on until the yarn 20 is wound on the vertical portion and the horizontal portion 20 at

  5. Next, take a different color and do the same procedure only 30 layers - is the foundation.

    The next step we take another color yarn and wound likewise vertically and horizontally to 30 threads, they will be our future pompons

  6. Then you must take the lengths of approximately 10-15 cm., To tie each intersection crosswise, so it does not blossomed. Trim the ends of the segments at a distance of 2 cm from the assembly. We must be as careful not to miss a single intersection, otherwise everything will collapse.

    Tie knots at the intersections, not missing a single intersection, or a blanket will not work

  7. Cut the thread at the edges, in the middle between the nails around the perimeter, making fringe.

    Cut away our blanket with nails, go around the perimeter of the frame and where marked with a red line cut in half

  8. Carefully remove the frame.
  9. Scissor 30 midway between the upper layers of dressings, fluff. If the base of a different color, select the thread will be easier.

    Take a pair of scissors and cut off our units with the four sides of 30 threads, without touching the base

  10. The final step in the manufacture of pompons plaid on the frame - trim excess, fringe align the edges, fluff.

    Cut all pompons and eventually get such a wonderful fluffy Baby Soft

Plaid get soft with fluffy pompoms.

Children's blanket of pompons

The choice of yarn - a very important moment, depends on how the baby will be comfortable. Based on the foregoing description of the species is better to choose a mixture of cotton fibers, bamboo or lye. If the choice fell on the coat. It is better to mix it with acrylic yarn - rug last longer, it would be better to hold the form, save the color. To be sure of hypoallergenic material you need to buy yarn with the word "child", she has mixed in the right proportions.

Weave is similar to the above technique, the only difference is in the size of the frame and the number of yarn. Depending on its quality for a newborn 80 cm by 100 cm leaves from 9-10 skeins of 100m.

Knitted blanket for a newborn with pompons

For kids can be connected without frame. To do this as a basis, you can use a special mesh. You can take a multi-colored yarn. This work will be pleasing to the eye.

Required materials: yarn of different colors, scissors, soft-mesh base

  1. First you need to cut with a ruler to measure out the right size, outline, cut along the contour.
  2. Prepare by winding fingers, with a spacing of 2 cm. Make about 55 turns.

    Grab a small piece of yarn and begin to wind it on your fingers, carefully pull the tip

  3. Carefully remove with your fingers.

    In order to get pompons medium size, wrap the yarn around your hand 55-60 times

  4. Cut yarn length of 15 cm., To pass through the center of a coil, knot tie taut, making a turn to 3 such strength.

    Carefully remove the yarn with your hands and put on the table, measured piece of thread of the same color of 15-20 centimeters in length

  5. Scissors cut the yarn in the middle of both sides. Fluff pompom, cut the excess.

    We wrap the thread around the center yarn to divide it into two equal halves, and tying a knot at the ends

    Take a sharp pair of scissors and carefully cut the loops on both sides, trimming slightly protruding thread

  6. Make the size of the mesh base.

    We do the same with the other colors of yarn and form many pompoms as you want on the basis of size

  7. Pompon Mark, pass through openings thread segments mesh to link both ends of the reverse side.

    Take the first pompons and gently pushes the yarn through the mesh holes, tying edge tight knot on the wrong side, cut the excess portion of thread scissors

    The same method to attach the first and subsequent rows of pompons other colors

  8. It does the same with the other, densely When sewing them to one another across the square bases. Trim the excess from the inside.

    Once you're finished, we turn over a blanket inside out and check if all the threads are cut on the underside of the base fabric sew if desired

    Colorful children's blanket with his hands ready


  1. Knitted fabrics are subject to stretching and the formation of a pellet, they should not be tumble dry or stiff brushes to clean.
  2. In the event of a pellet - to remove a razor or a special machine.
  3. Tightening easy to remove needle: pull thread from the wrong side.
  4. After washing to dry completely decomposed, by ironing is better to abstain.
  5. Washable blanket at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees delicate wash mode so that it last longer, it is better to use dry cleaning services.

With proper care plaid long will please the warm and cozy kind handmade items reflect the inner world of the owner, create a special type of housing do unique.

Video: Plaid of pompons

Photo collection of beautiful rugs pompoms made with his own hands: