We strive to create comfort in your home. Tablecloths, towels, napkins being an indispensable part of goods, further saturate the room with warmth and comfort. With these elements of the interior at any time to transform the look of any room.
Each hostess knows that the atmosphere in the house is created from trifles.
A tablecloth on the table will allow to feel the atmosphere of family warmth and comfort. In this article, we'll show you how to sew tablecloths and napkins on the table with his hands. Small items, sewn by the hands, will give a unique personality of your home environment.
Conventional wipes can transform the kitchen and turn everyday meals into a cozy family meal.
- 1 The necessary materials at hand sewing
2 Sewing decoration elements with his own hands: milestones
2.1 selection of material
- 2.1.1 Natural fabrics (thick cotton, linen)
- 2.1.2 Natural fabric with an admixture of synthetic fibers
- 2.1.3 synthetic material
2.2 How to calculate the flow of matter
- 2.2.1 Consumption on tablecloth
- 2.2.2 Material consumption at wipes
- 2.3 cutting
- 2.4 Processing preform
- 2.5 hem stitching
2.1 selection of material
- 3 decorating models
- 4 VIDEO: How to sew a beautiful linen napkins.
- 5 50 original choices of fabric napkins:
The necessary materials at hand sewing
For tailoring its decor elements hands of textile must be in a good mood, desire and some tools at hand:
- Blanket section;
- Sewing machine;
- Basic Sewing: Scissors, threads, measuring tape, pins, needles;
- Marking pencil;
- Ironing board and iron.
Napkins perform not only decorative but also practical function.
Sewing decoration elements with his own hands: milestones
selection of material
Crucial moment, before you make a napkin or tablecloth fabric with your hands, is the selection of fabrics for sewing. By the choice must be taken with the utmost responsibility, it will depend on the appearance of the models and their practical operation.
Sew them yourself is very simple.
Important! The fabrics selected for tailoring should possess sufficient density and weight. In this case, you have sewn things will not slide on the table top or lap.
Material for the manufacture of napkins must be dense, but lightweight, easy to wear and to maintain its original shape.
For everyday use, best suited cotton napkins.
Napkins and tablecloths can sew their own hands from a different cloth. Textile tablecloths and napkins can be made using both natural and synthetic fabrics, combining flax, lace, organza, satin. Combining opposites, you will realize how beautiful you can sew linen napkins with flaps organza, satin.
Napkins made of natural fabrics are not easily soiled and retain their shape quite well.
Natural fabrics (thick cotton, linen)
Practical, possess sufficient density and weight. Excellent absorb moisture. Material practical and hardwearing well ironed.
Option of linen and satin looks more festive.
Traditionally, sewing table linen used cotton, linen and satin.
Natural fabric with an admixture of synthetic fibers
The most common synthetic additives - polyester. Models made from mixed materials, more practical to use, less susceptible to shrinkage. On their surface are easy to remove even the most difficult stains.
The choice of color depends solely on your desire.
Important! Things stitched mixed fabrics, can not be subjected to high-temperature processing mode.
synthetic material
This fabric, made of 100% polyester. Suitable for sewing tablecloths, but it is not advisable to use for sewing household wipes. Fabric practically not able to absorb moisture. Napkins are made from synthetics will be difficult to use. It does not remove the moisture from the table, it is difficult to wipe his hands.
Napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth and the overall design of rooms, both in color and in texture.
Harmony is not only full of color matching, but also a good contrast or mix.
Important! It is impossible to conduct the washing operation at temperatures greater than 40 degrees.
Stylish look napkins on the table with his hands stitched fabric similar to the fabric table cloths.
Choose shade cloths, if you pick them under the cloth, easy enough.
How to calculate the flow of matter
Consumption on tablecloth
Flow rate depends on the length of the table top, the width and the desired length of the overhang. Standard overhang length:. 25-45 cm or rests on the floor.
It is necessary to take into account the density of the material.
The greater the length of the overhang, the more beautiful it looks model, but the tablecloth with a long overhang is not practical for everyday use. For practical everyday use pattern with overhang length not exceeding 25 cm.
Cotton cloth should be washed prior to cutting, as they give a strong shrinkage.
Important! When calculating the overhang length consider shrinkage percentage of the material. We recommend that before cutting to wash and iron the fabric.
Material consumption at wipes
Originally designated to the desired size. The most convenient size of 50x50 cm. In this embodiment, the workpiece size shall be 58h58 cm.
For cutting the material, use only sharp scissors. Otherwise, the edges of the fabric will begin to crumble, and will cut uneven.
Before cutting iron material. Spread it on a flat surface, using a ruler and pencil, make a mark on the surface. Combine to make a mark in a light line which is then cut off the extra flaps. Special pattern for rectangular or square models do not need.
The finished cloth is possible to iron and starch.
Important! The slices should be completely smooth. Use sharp scissors. Otherwise, the edges will crumble, making it difficult to further processing.
Processing preform
How beautiful and stylish tablecloth hem? In this process, the main stage - cornering. We will teach you how to sew the corners on the tablecloth and napkins. How gently and quickly hem tablecloth or napkin area? To do this, follow these steps.
Corners should look spectacular with both the front and reverse side.
- Put up the wrong side of the workpiece, do a bend on the wrong side. The bend should be 1 cm. We fix the fold by means of pins. If uncomfortable with pins, you can be trained. Iron to iron along the length.
- On either side of the corner define segments in the double size of the planned width of the hem. Then connect the two marks, using a ruler and pencil.
- Fold the material in order to make a mark in line in the corner. Anchoring pins bend place. Stitched by a typewriter for marking up area.
- Cut off the excess, leaving a seam allowance of not more than 5 mm. Gut-wrenching stitched area and to iron his iron.
Such a wonderful elegant napkin is easy to do with their hands.
In the same manner as described above, it is necessary to process sequentially all angles tablecloths.
This type of needlework is very popular in recent years.
hem stitching
We are told how to quickly make a beautiful corner of the napkin or tablecloth. After processing, the four corners of the question is how to handle the edges of napkins or tablecloths from the selected tissue. Spread the web on the working surface tablecloth wrong side up. Make a folder on the wrong side. Fasten them with pins or baste, then press out. Stitched by bends along the entire length on the machine. If desired, one can treat the sides of a special seam hiding.
Processing each edge wipes occurs similarly.
decorating models
Tablecloths and napkins can be stitched from dense natural fabrics with the addition of light around the perimeter lace inserts with flowers. A good addition to the models will be embroidery or applique.
On sale you can find a variety of accessories for napkins.
The model with the addition of organza - a luxurious, beautifully decorate the table in the dining room will be appropriate to complement the romantic dinner.
By choosing the fabric for wipers, use segments matter remaining from the manufacture of other products such as tablecloths after manufacture.
We show you how to quickly sew organza tablecloth or decorate her napkin applied to the festive table.
Make such wipes his hands on forces even novice needle women young age.
Organza inserts are usually sewn into the center of the tablecloth or decorate their corners of the eaves. Pattern with flowers in organza perfectly complement a festive textiles.
Most prized wipes, made with his own hands.