Plaid - is an integral part of home comfort, probably every person knows, it's nice to wrap it and read a book or watch a favorite movie. But also need care for blankets. So how do you wash a blanket at home, while retaining the brilliance and form a covering First you need to identify the material from which it is made, such information can be found on a label there and learn about the washing instructions.

Blankets are divided into types depending on the material and method of manufacture
- 1 The most common rugs
- 2 Training
- 3 washing rules covered in polyester and acrylic in a washing machine
- 4 Viscose and microfiber material
- 5 How to wash a blanket of artificial fur, the so-called "double" in the washing machine
- 6 natural materials
- 7 Wool and cashmere products
- 8 Cotton
- 9 dry method
- 10 Video: How to wash a blanket in a washing machine
The most common rugs
- Made of natural materials
- Cotton.
- Cotton and linen.
- Woolen fabric - heavy and warm, usually used in cold seasons.
- Cashmere blankets.
Natural fabrics are relatively expensive, but the use of natural fabrics has a number of advantages: less absorb odors, breathable, keep the heat, do not cause allergies and other. However require special and gentle care.
- Fabrics of artificial origin
- Polyester.
- Fleece - one of the most popular in use, good air permeability. Blankets from fleece harbor even children. The only drawback is the high degree of flammability and electrifying.
- Microfibre - breathable. Microfiber is made mainly from polyester and acrylic.
- Viscose and acrylic - no electrostatic fabric, color well kept, so the brighter the order of other products to the same are "breathable" fabrics and well retain heat.
- An artificial fur - is generally used in combination with other materials, whether synthetic or natural fabric. This fur is very long and looks harmonious.
The owner eventually will notice that the thing should refresh. How to wash a blanket or damage of any color or structure? Is it possible to be washed in the washing machine? Sure!

If your machine is designed for 5 kg of laundry and more, you can safely download it in plaid
But it is necessary to select the correct temperature and pressing force, to take into account the possibility of concrete washing apparatus, the drum volume and weight limit.

Possibility to wash the rug in the machine depends on the size and material
washing rules covered in polyester and acrylic in a washing machine

Acrylic blankets durable, beautiful, last a long time if used properly

Tag plaid polyester indicating recommendations on the garment label
- Select the lowest possible; temperature conditions (up to 30C) for delicate fabrics.
Machine delicate washing at 30 degrees
- Use liquid powder and fabric softener, so avoid white stains and reduce your property electrostaticity. Air conditioning filled with freshness and softness.
There are special facilities for washing rugs
Conditioners for Linen will plaid soft and pleasant-smelling
- The program includes automatic machine choose "Manual mode" or "synthetic".
- Put minimum spin.
Manual cleaning of rugs made of acrylic and polyester - is no easy task. Please note that these things are gaining a lot of water, so they are difficult to lift and carry.
Hand washing is necessary to:
- type in bathroom, water (up to 30C);
- Add powder;
- Soak for at least 10 minutes;
- Lightly tampered 5-10 minutes;
- Drain off the water and collect new and rinse process repeated several times;
- Add fabric softener and rinse again;
- Drain off the water, hung over the bath and allow to drain;
- Bring to a balcony and hang up, avoiding direct sunlight.
Hand wash the rug in the bathroom
Viscose and microfiber material

Blankets made of viscose can shrink, but they are soft, durable and practical

Plaid Microfiber erased in the same way as rugs made of other materials, but is afraid of drying on the battery or the sun
- Placed in the machine drum machine. Set the mode of "delicate".
- The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, or settles, change shape and size.
rug washing must be done in the cool water - zo degrees
- Add liquid powder.
Laundry plaid use liquid gel
- Spin expose no more 800-100 rpm.
- Hang the reach of sunlight.
Laundry manually fit the above method, as well as for polyester and acrylic. The only difference for the microfiber do not use fabric softener and air conditioning. The latter may damage the structure of the tissue.
How to wash a blanket of artificial fur, the so-called "double" in the washing machine

Plaid faux fur better wash liquid means and with minimal spin
- Before the procedure is required to shake out and dispose of garbage (chips, wool animals);
- Make sure that the drum bear the weight load, otherwise you can damage the unit.
- Pour the liquid into a special compartment powder conditioner;
- "Synthetic" put mode.
wash mode "synthetic" is perfect for plaid faux fur
- Choose the most minimal spin.

Blankets made of faux fur, it is better to wash the car to spin off function
Upon completion of the process of terry products be sure to hang outdoors, ideally in the draft, why? Yes, because if it is dry indoors, it will smell, unpleasant odor of damp and staleness. Wash terry plaid manually will be very hard, and the water will go away from it for a long time, which is guaranteed to provide an unpleasant odor. But if there is no alternative, then follow the below stated rules.
- Collect enough liquid in the bath to fully immerse the water veil.
- The temperature should not exceed 35C.
- Add the liquid powder for delicates.
- Evenly agent across the bath.
- Immerse and wait 10-20 minutes.
- Not by force, flowing movements wash.
- Rinse several times and allow it to drain naturally.
- Dry blanket, observing the recommendations for both cars.
Gentle care will certainly preserve the delicate fabric and fill blanket softness and freshness. Remember that when washing products of any material do not use bleach or containing powders. Never apply cleaning agents into separate sections and aggressive rub them. It will ruin the texture and color.
natural materials
Curtains of natural materials are very capricious in care, spoil such materials very easily. However, all housewives know that washing can not be avoided. Then the question arises: is it possible to erase a blanket in a washing machine or a better hand?

Beautiful silk bedspread looks beautiful, but requires special care
Silk materials - these are things of delicate fabrics, they are not recommended to be washed in the washing machine, especially the squeeze.
- Wash by hand and only liquid detergent. Do not use fabric softener and fabric softener and conditioner.
Wash silk covered only by hand and in cool water
- Use cool water.
- Wash without applying effort not to rub some areas, otherwise appears a marked spot.
- To give the water to drain naturally.
After the liquid has drained, silk covered should be expanded on a flat surface away from sunlight. Desirably outdoors and turn as it dries.
Wool and cashmere products

Plaid cashmere soft, fluffy and silky, but very capricious in care

Bedspreads and blankets from the wool is better to wash by hand
Practice shows that such covers can be washed in the washing machine, but it is not always safe, even observing all recommendations, it is sometimes impossible to achieve the desired result, possibly even ruin the thing, so it is best to contact the profchistki and dry cleaning. Of course, if this is not possible, then proceed to hand wash or machine.
- Select typed "wool" mode, "manual", "delicate cycle."
- Press the on the minimum speed of 400 revolutions per minute, or discard the squeezing.
- Choose only the liquid powder, soap, preferably special agent for cashmere and wool.
For any method of washing is best to use liquid detergent for delicate fabrics
- Do not expose to high temperatures, no more than 30 degrees.
If you give up the spin - Allow the liquid to escape naturally, away from heat. Do not hang woolen items. They are deformed or settle and reduced in size.
Hand wash wool products
- The capacitance type large amounts of water, not more than 35 degrees.
- Dissolve the detergent evenly.
- Immerse the blanket and soak for a couple of hours.
- Lightly wash and rinse several times.
- Gently squeeze his hands and put on a horizontal surface, as straight as possible.

we can remove the dirt from the wool or cashmere another way - dry cleaning
Cotton, cotton blankets can be washed in the machine using any powder and rinses. The maximum allowable temperature of 60 degrees. Hand washing is no different.

Product of cotton is washed in the machine at a temperature of 40-60 degrees
dry method

Surface cleaning with soap solution
If you do not feel like messing with the laundry or until there is no such possibility, bract can be refreshed through dry cleaning. It is necessary to prepare a solution.
- Take half a liter of warm liquid.
- One teaspoon of vinegar.
- Two tea spoons of shampoo for washing the hair.
- Beat to a foam state.
Next you need to take a soft brush to clean and accurate movements to clean the blanket on both sides. To consolidate the effect of vacuum and shake, hang outdoors. Thus, your cover will retain the freshness of a couple of weeks.

Very dirty plaid large size is better attributed to the dry cleaners
Home textiles fastidious care, but nothing is impossible, and a good hostess knows for sure. Keep these things need to be sensitive to cotton pillow cases, this will eliminate the unpleasant odor in the future. Be sure to put next to a sprig of lavender, so that you keep the product from moths and other pests.