Baby blanket size: how to choose the right age?

Baby blanket - one of the most important parts on a bed, and must comply with many requirements to fully carry out its functions. Oddly enough, but the size of children's duvets and its composition affects the quality of sleep. Child to full sleep, it is necessary to provide a comfortable environment, and to do this - to be able to choose the right parameters described above.

Blanket in a cot

The choice of blankets in a crib needs to be done correctly


  • 1 How to choose the right size
  • 2 Why is it important
  • 3 On the choice of size influence different factors
    • 3.1 Each age has its own standards
      • 3.1.1 Newborns
      • 3.1.2 Preschoolers
      • 3.1.3 younger students
      • 3.1.4 Pupils
      • 3.1.5 Teenagers
      • 3.1.6 custom options
    • 3.2 select material
      • 3.2.1 flannelette
      • 3.2.2 duvet
      • 3.2.3 wadded
      • 3.2.4 bamboo
      • 3.2.5 woolen
      • 3.2.6 fleece
      • 3.2.7 Pay attention to the synthetics
    • 3.3 select design
  • 4 Video: blanket for a newborn
  • 5 Photo gallery of children's blankets in different sizes for children of different ages:

How to choose the right size

The approximate size ratio

The approximate ratio of baby bedding and age of the child sizes

To begin, you have to wonder what to do to choose the size of blankets properly. It is advisable to approach the solution systematically, and build a certain algorithm. So you do not miss important factors, and will be able to choose the perfect option.

You need to make a start on the child's size. Measure the height, weight and volume. So, the blanket should not be too large, but it should be 10-20 cm. longer growth. The width is typically chosen according to the length.

Described parameters are valid in the first place and for the selection of a good bed.

On a note!

To blanket was properly selected, it is necessary to buy a bed, proper baby size.

Suppose bed is correct, taking into account the child's size. Now we will start from the bed parameters. Thus, the standard blanket is the length of the bed, and the width is greater than on 7-10sm. Such an option would not allow the product to slide out of bed while it will be enough for comfortable use.

Why is it important

proper blanket

Buying the right baby blanket can make the difference between a comfortable or uncomfortable sleeping baby

Young parents often overlook such factors as the selection of the correct size baby blanket. But this should not be allowed, as improper settings can cause some discomfort. What happens when the wrong choice of size.

  • Difficulties in finding a blanket cover. Often baby blanket size is adjusted individually, that is, non-standard measurements are obtained. Subsequently, there are difficulties with the selection of the cover, which leads to the fact that the blanket can become wrinkled during sleep.
  • Slipping blankets. Too little product can fall off the bed, hanging under its own weight. As a result, disturbed sleep baby.
  • It does not fit in the bed. This is also a disadvantage, and to take the baby blanket "for growth" is not necessary. If the product is not placed on the perimeter of the crib, it will skomkivatsya and interfere with normal sleep.
  • The veil covers defective baby. This may occur when it is too small, and when the baby turns during sleep, slipping from it, leaving it open.

As you can see, this factor should always be taken into account, otherwise the appearance of a certain discomfort and sleep disorders guaranteed. But this issue should go to training, and to take into account various factors that influence the choice.

On the choice of size influence different factors

Standard for all ages

Table of standard sizes of children's blankets

To make a successful purchase is necessary given certain criteria. They will help to more accurately determine the model. We picked up the key factors that you should consider.

Criterion options
Age For:
  • newborns;
  • preschool children;
  • younger students;
  • schoolchildren;
  • adolescents;
Material The most common:
  • bike;
  • fluff;
  • wool;
  • bamboo;
  • wool;
  • fleece;
  • synthetic materials.
Design It varies depending on the color and print.

Now you can see more of these criteria, so you can easily decide what you need.

Each age has its own standards

The first criterion - age. Accordingly, this factor is a measure of size. Often, a baby blanket is denoted by age. Therefore it is necessary to know to what age what options are available, and if your request does not comply with the proposed measurements, choose a different age category.


Baby quilt square

Baby quilt square with owls for a newborn

Size blankets for babies generally standard. If you get an envelope, unfolded it is 80x80cm. Envelope - the best option. It has chosen the optimal length and width, and also you after discharge you can use it as a cover for a cot.

small Blankets

Small Blankets for baby cribs

There are also envelopes 60h60sm and 100h100sm. The choice depends primarily on the parameters of the baby. It is worth noting that standard envelope in 80x80cm not get used to cradle, because its width is 40 cm. If before purchasing a cot you plan to place the baby in the cradle, it is better to choose the smallest envelope. But, in general, a newborn can be immediately placed in the crib.


Blanket for Children

Blanket for Children sinteponovye the substrate is suitable for preschoolers

If you chose an envelope 60h60sm or 40x40cm, the preschooler will be uncomfortable for him: this product is already too small for him. In this case, you must purchase a new, size 80x80cm. This is the optimal size for children aged 3 to 6 years. If you see in the store on a blanket designation of "3-6 years", it is meant to preschoolers, and has the above parameters.

Now you can determine that for obvious reasons is better to buy an envelope to extract dimensions from 80cm on one side. However, individually, and if you plan to buy a cradle, prefer a different size or there might be problems, as specified above.

nursery kit

Nursery bed linen with dimensions

younger students

Blanket - blanket for schoolboy

Blanket - blanket for the bed-schoolboy boy "Clippers"

The child grows up, especially quickly this process occurs in the days of elementary school. Accordingly, at the age of 6-7 years will have to change a baby blanket, as the previous clearly become scarce. Now try to trim the product by 100 cm. depending on the child's height and volume.

On a note!

When choosing important, not only growth, but also the volume measurements.

For younger students item may remain square and have parameters 100h100sm. Or you can choose the rectangular 100h80sm. Such an embodiment is also considered optimal. The width in this case depends on the size of the child, bed sizes and sleeping style. If the baby is a lot of tossing and turning, better to pick a square blanket.


Blanket for schoolgirls

Cot with a nice little bed and blanket suitable for girls schoolgirl

At the age of 10 years, the size of bed linen should be changed. product width in this case is 100-110sm, and the length is increased to 140 cm. However, it should be noted that this subject should be replaced when you notice that the child is under it uncomfortable, and became too small for him. Perhaps, for a student suit 100h100sm format.

On a note!

The periodicity of the blanket replacement affects the child's growth rate, regardless of age.

for the student standard 100h140sm. But if he was not so comfortable, choose option 100-110 cm wide by 120 cm in length. These options are also available in the textile shops.


Quilt for teenage girls

Quilt handmade teenage girl

To suit teenager 140h100sm blanket, but if he has already grown out of it, get a normal one and a half. Its name corresponds to the size, that is, with a length of 150cm. Width is 100-110sm, depending on the model.

The second option is more rational. By purchasing a quality one and a half blanket for a teenager, you can not worry about its durability, because the product may be used is in adolescence.

1.5 bedroom set

1.5 bedroom set suitable for grown children when the children's version is not suitable

custom options

Blanket and bed linen

Blanket and bedding sets for children's beds, made by hand on the desired size

In addition to these, there are non-standard models. They are designed for an unusual size or shape beds. And also depends on the individual child's settings.

Custom option difficult to find in the mass market. In this case, you will likely have to sew it on order. However, some models you can find. For example, there are products in the convenience store formats 100h118sm, 100h125sm, 100h135sm. Recently, the stores there are more non-standard forms, so that the chances of finding a suitable option, without recourse to the studio, are increasing.

select material

In addition to the size it is worth considering the material of the product. This is a very important factor. Indirectly, it also influences the size of the selection, because some fabrics tend to sit after washing. Moreover, the production of the material has a direct impact on the sleep of a child, so it can not be overlooked.


Gentle and soft flannel blanket

Gentle and soft flannel blanket is harmless and environmentally friendly and is suitable for a newborn, still a child older

Let's start with natural materials. They are hypoallergenic so perfect for the nursery.

Flannelette blankets quite common. They are great for zakutyvaniya crumbs in a stroller while walking in the autumn or cold summer nights. In this case, the product must be compact. Worth noting that its thickness 5mm makes it as easy to use outside the home.

This material is used during the sewing of bed for different age groups. It's pretty warm, but not suitable for winter. Well lets air and absorbs moisture. With this blanket your pipsqueak always be dry during sleep.



Duvets are one of the most pleasant and comfortable, among many other species

With this kind need to be careful. For the smallest of its use is not recommended. Avian fluff being filled easily attract dust. As a result, there can start up dust mite that causes various allergic reactions. For fledgling body, it does not constitute a great danger, however, for infants and primary school children down is better to replace safer materials.

But this option has a positive side. Pooh perfectly breathable and gives the child a much sweat. The biggest advantage is the ability to retain heat very well. This option is perfect for cold winter walks.



Quilt - not the most comfortable and cozy look blankets as weighs a lot, absorb odors, moisture

One warm version. It is a good alternative to Pukhov. Cotton filler has similar parameters, because it has excellent breathability, hygroscopicity and excellent heat stores. But, unlike the previous one, does not tend to accumulate a lot of dust. As a consequence, is not adverse environment for breeding bacteria and dust mites. Thus, the natural cotton filler - a hypoallergenic material that is perfect for a warm bed linen every child's age category.


Blanket made of bamboo

Unusual variant - a blanket from bamboo, well so that it is non-allergenic and antibacterial

This quality material being hypoallergenic and even has antiseptic properties. He is preferred for children with weakened immunity and prone to allergies.

Thing Bamboo has a great "breathing effect" does not accumulate foreign odors, thus has its own unique flavor, a soothing effect on the nervous system of the baby. This type does not require any special care, does not shrink after washing and not break during it.



Blanket - one of the best value in its own way, as excellent saves heat, and is very comfortable and soft

Natural things from wool has long been appreciated. They are excellent accumulate and retain heat. Camel or sheep wool, used as a filler, have their own energy. Wool blankets are usually made in the form of a rug, but there are models with wool lining. For the child, the second option will be more appropriate. Wool Fabrics tend to be electrified, prickly to the touch, so they contact with an open skin is better to limit.


fleece blanket

Fleece blanket made of synthetic knitted fabric of polyester, very warm and pleasant to the touch

Fleece has good fiber structure and is very soft. This is great for any age. However, use of fleece blanket to be careful and not to let the baby was sweating under it, because of the low hygroscopic base. The air, this material is also not very good passes.

This option is ideal for cold winter walks, as it retains heat very well, but do not "breathe".

Pay attention to the synthetics

Usually natural materials are credible, and are most often used for sewing of various children's textiles. However, they also have a negative side, can cause allergies, accumulate dust and static electricity. Therefore, you should pay attention to high-quality synthetic fillers.

sinteponovye blanket

Sintepon - the most famous and the most common material, but it is poorly breathable and quickly deteriorates from washings

The most common is sintepon and holofayber. They have good air permeability, well retain heat. Such materials are hypoallergenic and have long since become a full replacement of natural fillers. There are many other variants of synthetic bases for children's textiles.

Baby blanket from hollofaybera

Baby blanket from quality hollofaybera will last longer and will be better in terms of quality

select design

Now we have one of the criteria that indirectly influence the selection of size. To start on the general provisions regarding the design.

Baby blankets are filled with a variety of prints. Here and fabulous and multgeroya, nature, flowers and various other figures. Much depends on the age. Each period corresponds to a different subject print. It is worth noting that psychologists are advised not to choose too bright textiles for baby, as it is a stimulant effect on the psyche of the child. It is also necessary to take into account the material, which is applied to the print.

Blankets with prints

Baby blankets with your favorite prints multgeroya


For printing be sure to select only high-quality paint.

The product can be decorated with their own hands, do embroidery, adding fringe. Here it is necessary to consider its options, to design not prevented him from fully perform their functions.

Quilt with embroidery

Baby blanket with a nominal embroidery

Taking into account the criteria discussed, you will be able to choose the right baby blanket, and not to be mistaken with the size.

knitted blanket

Double-sided baby blanket from the front part of the related manual

Video: blanket for a newborn

Photo gallery of children's blankets in different sizes for children of different ages:

Baby blanket on the marine theme
Quilt with butterflies for teenage girl
Square-plaid blanket for a newborn
Warm woolen oedyala for children
Flannel blanket for your baby in the crib
Quilt patchwork of student
A warm blanket in a playpen with zveryata
Delicate set of bed with elephants for preschoolers
A small blanket and a mattress with a pillow to the crib or stroller
Blanket for teenage bed
A small blanket newborn crib
Quilt on a single bed
Cartoon blanket for preschoolers
White duvet oedyalo to bed preschooler
Bilateral baby blanket for the little ones
Yellow blanket for student srednihh sizes
Kvadranoe small blanket to extract and cots
Blanket for girls, appropriate size for a single bed
Baby blanket with a hood for the little ones
Small rectangular blanket in a playpen
Woolen blanket for two-way baby
Small quilt patchwork dyal youngest
Warm blanket for the little ones
Baby quilt for girls doshkolnitsy
Baby quilt with sovushkami
Convenient and practical for the baby blanket
Warm white blanket with sheepskin medium-sized
Baby quilt for grown children
Warm blanket for the student
Easy quilt for the baby in the crib
Bilateral stanartnoe blanket for preschoolers
Quality desks blanket for the little ones
Square warm blanket for kids
Blanket for the newborn of syntepon
Soft, light and soft baby blanket for preschool children
Warm duvet for the preschool child
Plush blanket in a cot
Soft light and a beautiful blanket for a newborn
Thin plush blanket newborn crib
Square quilt in bright colors for the little ones
Blanket of wool for the winter newborn
Blanket-transformer for the newborn - the winter version
Oedyalo comforters and pillows for the grown child
Knitted blanket for the little ones
Summer small plaid-blanket for a newborn
Beautiful little baby blanket with teddy bears
Baby quilts with "Flower fairies"
Patchwork bedspread, blanket for a child's bunk bed