Plaid large knitted merino wool with their own hands

There is no more intimate, original, truly home textiles than large knitted blanket. Huge knitting has become a fashionable trend. It is interesting how knitters and lovers of unusual things. For those who have left the necessary materials and spare time, useful tips on making such samovyazov.

It looks like a blanket of merino wool knit big


  • 1 Blanket of merino wool for a cozy atmosphere in the house
  • 2 We make a large knitted blanket with his hands
  • 3 How do large knitted blanket
  • 4 Trendy plaid large knitting without needles
  • 5 How long should the yarn
  • 6 Blankets of fragments: knit and sew
  • 7 Plaid of pompons children and not only
  • 8 Video: How to knit a blanket large knitted from thick yarn from producer DomPryazhi.rf
  • 9 50 beautiful warm and cozy blanket large knitted merino wool:

Blanket of merino wool for a cozy atmosphere in the house

Blankets made of thick yarn - elegant luxury comfort

The most successful acquisition for the house will be a blanket of merino. Finished products are found in the collections of the American brand Modern Wool. But the price of branded goods bite, and delivery will cost a round sum. Much more interesting and cheaper to bind the product of merino wool alone.

Plaid merino - a high-quality product, which has a completely natural composition

Thick knitting yarn available to a wide range of consumers. Can knit from the conjugate fibers and combed sliver.

The thick merino wool yarn in the skein

The latter is popular among knitters, but things are made from raw material have disadvantages:

  • they can not be erased;
  • finished product is prone to deformation;
  • when working with the tape is highly likely broken due to low strength materials.

Merino spun thread is more expensive, but at times better. He does not stretch, does not break and is not divided into fibers. Samovyaz not lose shape, and with careful care will last many years.

Gentle thornless torsion thread premium of thin fibers merino wool

The finished knitting from merino get cozy, home, warming and pleasant to the touch. Things from worsted wool can not be compared with the production of synthetic fibers, knitted cord.

Merino wool is hypoallergenic and antibacterial thanks to lanolin - pure natural antiseptic, so it is suitable for children

We make a large knitted blanket with his hands

To a large knitted blanket with his hands turned practical and beautiful, it requires a special yarn. It is commonly used twisted merino thread. More affordable option considered combed sliver of wool fibers. You can make a blanket or rug large knitted knitted cord.

How do large knitted blanket

It remains to determine how to create a soft blanket at home. If the choice of material is clear, it remains an open question about the tools. Conventional hooks will not work. Unfortunately, large diameter tools are not implemented in all stores.

Thick wooden spokes should be fine for knitting

Come to the aid available means: plastic tube with a conical apex, tightly rolled paper rolls, tapered, etc. tape. The circumference of the tube can reach 20 cm and over. The thicker the yarn, the greater must be the diameter.

Device for knitting plaid large knitted

Merino wool succeed lush and light things on large needles. If you work crochet fabric will frequent. This solution will fit for the rugs and bedding, but blankets and bedspreads should do more friable and soft.

Plaid can knit not only face a smooth surface, but also patterns

Trendy plaid large knitting without needles

You can associate a blanket of chopped knitted bands or combed tape without using a familiar tool of knitters - and crochet.

Combed wool in the tape is often called felting combed tape or TOPS

Heavy merino wool succeed volumetric webs made directly with the hands.

We begin to set the loops on his hands

Adding the second and the following loop

Set carried on a brush, after which the resulting rings are formed in a straight line without tension.

When you set the loops need to keep track of their size

Next, the yarn is unwound for performing the first row. From this form the new loop and pull in are available. In this case, knitting is how to open, because there is nothing to hold the thread. However, this does not interfere with work. Due to the thickness and weight of a large yarn nothing slips.

Knit a second series of our plaid on hands

Without special tools it is possible to knit the front and purl stitch, plaits and braids, uncomplicated patent designs. The last row is closed as usual threaded through a new thread, it is to the next block in the loop and again drawn into two loops. And so on until the row is completed.

Closing the last row of the loop

The main problem in the work is maintaining smooth series in this technique. If the spokes have a specific diameter, the thickness of the brush varies hands. For this reason, you can not make a completely flat broach, and the required skill.

Ready plaid gray color of thick yarn with their hands

How long should the yarn

Assign a blanket of thick yarn will be able in a short period of time, after two or three rows enough to cover a large area. Consumption solid filament, coils so often have a greater volume than for a conventional knitting. How many skeins required depends on the desired size. It is recommended to adhere to the following scheme:

  • baby model at a length of 120 cm 2 leaves kg;
  • on the product size of 100 x 170 cm (plus or minus one or the other side) would require about 4 kg;
  • for high-grade blankets per adult must be 5.5 - 6 kg of material.

Blankets of fragments: knit and sew

The original plaid merino yarn of multicolored pieces sewn together

Crochet patchwork always popular because it allows you to make rational use of yarn remnants and their own imagination to create home textile masterpieces.

Bright and warm, tender to the touch blanket "Autumn" made of thick merino wool

For bulk goods invoices required by the impressive diameter of the tool, but not as great as for tselnovyazannyh paintings. Sew together the patches can be of different sizes and textures. The main thing - before crosslinking to steam all the pieces, so they took final shape. Otherwise, the completed quilt will skews.

Beautiful blanket "Checkerboard" can be connected from the individual components or whole web

Produce patches can be from any available material. Sew the resulting fragments are best contrasting thread, then the fabric was particularly expressive and bright. This same thread should tie a hook on the perimeter of the product.

For compounds yarns during knitting and upon binding of individual elements is better to use a special needle felting

Plaid of pompons children and not only

Toddler parents always want to create something special. Oversized loops and the front surface of as a pattern may seem too harsh for baby skin. More attractive appearance and pleasant to the touch look plaids of pompons. They made it easy, but important pre-treatment. First you need to create a frame, the size of which should be a little more than the desired result (in the frame of the canvas will be stretched form). Along the perimeter of the frame are driven long nails in increments of 4-5 cm. They should stick out of the bar at least 5 cm. If pompons are bulky, then all of 8-10 cm.

Prepare a wooden frame for thread

Next, take the warp thread (aka - substrate) and wrapped her nails. This should be done in a certain order. First are the horizontal rows, and then - vertical. The procedure is repeated several times.

Yarn is wound horizontally and vertically in rows, alternating

If you plan pattern, the color change. To get a colorful pompons take more than three colors. It is important that the thread has a similar composition and thickness. After performing the joints of winding is fixed knots.

Bandages all intersections reliable strong nodes to prevent unraveling

A further colored tension cut without affecting the substrate. Obtained lush pompons. The threads on the perimeter and cut through, leaving a brush.

To form a pom-pom, cut the thread with scissors in the middle between the intersections

For the kid is such a thing will be a boon, and if you make the frame a little more, you get a magnificent and cozy blanket for adults.

Beautiful fluffy plaid children with their hands ready

Video: How to knit a blanket large knitted from thick yarn from producer DomPryazhi.rf

50 beautiful warm and cozy blanket large knitted merino wool: