Ironing of bed linen after washing: mandatory or not?

Valet bedroom suites - it is unpleasant any hostess. Large sheets, duvet covers, pillow cases, where the tissue tries to emerge in difficult otglazhivaemuyu crease... Do ironed linen after washing is always necessary? Let us in this article.

Is the procedure obligatory ironing

You can make your choice - whether the procedure is obligatory ironing your bedding


  • 1 Do I have to iron the linen after washing?
  • 2 In some cases, ironed linens are not necessarily
  • 3 Are linens ironed in other countries?
  • 4 How to iron bedding?
  • 5 When you do not do without the ironing bed linen?
  • 6 Secrets of the correct ironing
  • 7 Linen fabric which does not require ironing?
  • 8 How to fold the linen, so it does not myalos
  • 9 Total
  • 10 Video: How to iron linen percale

Do I have to iron the linen after washing?

ironed sheets

Ironed bed looks more aesthetically pleasing

Ironed bed - an aesthetic pleasure. Dents, creases sheets look sloppy. But picky people accept. But the point is not only in the appearance of the sleeping products.
Ironing, especially the "steaming" mode, making the fabric softer. If used in the wash conditioner, the hot temperature "complete" his work, making things smoother and more aromatic.

Iron makes linen softer

Ironed sheets and duvet covers, you increase tissue resistance to wear and do laundry softer

In some cases, ironed linens are not necessarily

There are situations where iron items for sleep is not necessary. For example, when the washing machine is "ironing" mode.

Mode "Easy Iron"

"Easy Ironing" implies a steaming

After washing, remove things, straighten things on a flat surface, let it dry. It is important that no folds. Smooth hands.
It was found that the things regularly laundered in this way have a longer service life. They better absorb moisture (eg, sweat). Still important to save money when paying for electricity, as well as the preservation time.
Do I need to iron the linens, terry cloth containing? No. iron work makes it less pleasant to the body.

terry bed

If the bedding is sewn terry cloth, iron such a thing can not be - it will be tough, rough and unpleasant to the touch

Tips for those who irons linen:

  1. Check for stains;
  2. Try to iron things from the inside;
    And ironing the reverse side

    Bed linen better to iron inside out

  3. If there naleplennyh applications use the grid;
    Grid ironing

    Safety net for ironing

  4. Utyuzhte things on the seam line, from beginning to end;
    Ironed things in common

    Ironed things in common and transverse filaments to avoid their deformation

  5. Before you start, spray the spray on stuff. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
    Spray bottle for humidification

    Spray additionally moistened cloth

Are linens ironed in other countries?

It is surprising that in some countries the rejection of utyuzhivaniya has become a trend.
For example, some residents of the countries of Europe and America have completely given up the use of iron, since realized that the pressed poorly absorb moisture, ie. E. reduced hygroscopicity.

How to iron bedding?

Should I iron bed

Should I stand on the ironing board or can be neatly folded and save valuable time

Each family has its secrets. We tell you about some of them:

  1. Reduce the time to help advance the folding elements. Fold the sheet in half in advance. In the presence of gum in advance screw it into the edges to give it a shape normal. This will facilitate the work of iron.
    Iron sheets

    Sheets before Collapsible ironing length in half, and then is ironed

  2. Fasten buttons, zippers, buttons, flatten irregularities, blanket cover folds. Then fold in half.
    zipper fastens

    Fastens with buttons, buckles, zippers

  3. Pillowcase need turn advance, then ironed with the outside.
  4. When a pet is not possible immediately, you need to gently fold every thing to put on a hard, flat surface. In order to achieve greater effect, on top put something heavy, such as a book.
  5. Iron dark objects only from the inside, otherwise it will get ugly shine.
  6. The fabric must be clean, otherwise the high temperature "hammered the" dirt. It will be more difficult to wash off.
  7. Observe temperature. Usually it is indicated on the label things.
    Compliance with the temperature and iron clothes yarlachka

    Before pet bedding, pay attention to compliance with the iron temperature to the temperature in the care instructions

When you do not do without the ironing bed linen?

It is necessary to iron bedroom suites, clothes, belonging to children. It is especially important to do if children's clothes in a washing machine comes with adults.

Valet child bed

Baby bedding and clothes for the little ones sure to stroke

A mixture of powder and water are rarely disinfects washable items, so the germs get on children's clothes. The result may be the emergence of allergies or diseases, including skin. Ironed with a hot iron kills the harmful bacteria by heat, so the risk of getting an infection nearing zero.

You must utyuzhivanie the people reacting to dust mites allergic reaction. Therefore ironing required.

Processing iron bed from ticks

Bed mites kills only a high temperature, which provides processing iron

Remember the people who is visiting the house. Post rumpled bed, even if it is clean - a bad taste. A small number of willing to put up with chaotic folds.

Bed sets

Guest suites also necessary to iron after washing - so they take up less space and will look neater

Secrets of the correct ironing

Properly ironed Postelno

It is important to learn how to iron bed, this process to bring the fun and excitement

There are secrets that help relieve housewives life while using the iron, to save time, improve the quality of things.

  1. A bit wet sheets is better than completely dry. Save on a completely dry sheet can not even additional spraying of water, steaming iron. Therefore, we must remember that the sheets are better left vlazhnovatoy than retain moisture.
    Iron clothes immediately

    It is desirable to smoothen the washed clothes immediately after drying

  2. To save time, spread sheets, utyuzhte on it. So you will be able to iron two things at once, which greatly saves time.
  3. Cotton Iron the outside, ie. K. On the front side visible dents.
    cotton underwear

    Cotton underwear should be to iron wet regularly sprinkling a little warm water

  4. Utyuzhte silk on the reverse side.
    Ironed satin and silk

    Pat silk satin and at low temperatures the reverse side without stopping iron

  5. Discard the iron, proglazhivaya terry toiletries, towels, bathrobes - a procedure will make them stiff, uncomfortable skin.
    Products made of terry

    Products made of terry do not like washing powders conventional iron and ironing

  6. In order not to increase the humidity cabinet space, give a little "rest" after ironing on the board. The droplets evaporate moisture.
    Things after ironing

    After ironing things are better left for a while on a board or table

Do not put your clothes immediately into the closet

After the pat clothes, just do not put it in the cupboard - laundry should dry

Linen fabric which does not require ironing?

Modern irons and ironing systems

Modern irons and ironing systems are suitable for all types of linen fabric - it is necessary to determine the temperature regime during ironing

There nemnuschiesya tissue eliminates the iron due to elastic fibers.

  • Silk fabric

Eco-friendly fabric skin is pleasant, has a high hygroscopicity, prevents the growth of bacteria.

  • unbleached calico

Calico wrinkled, but slightly, because of its elasticity. Fairly evenly post it to avoid forming creases.

  • sateen

It is similar to silk, but has a more complex structure of compound filaments, because of what is more stable.

How to fold the linen, so it does not myalos

There are situations when things are needed immediately, but after long-term storage they have to iron again. Deal with the problem will correct method of folding in the closet, invented by housewives.

The main essence of the method lies in the folding with fewer wrinkles, first thing folded in half and then twisted "roll." This prevents the number of folds, considerably saves storage space.

Folding things roll

folding roll things will help to avoid wrinkles

What to do to from bed linen did not smell when stored

  1. Check the smell of the air conditioner. Perhaps an unpleasant odor from him.
  2. Do not put in the cupboard after ironing immediately. The remaining droplets of moisture contribute to the formation of fungi, mold, because it increases the humidity of an enclosed space. If the smell has appeared for this reason, remove all, straighten, dry in the sun or space walk iron by turning off the stripper.
  3. Use additional flavoring agents. For example, the Soap. It disinfects, gives a pleasant fragrance. Readily absorb the aroma of coffee beans.


Iron - a useful, necessary exercise. It gives a neat appearance and accessories, as well as disinfects, removes dust mites.

However, by ironing can be dispensed with by using specific types of tissues and proper method of folding bed set, after which do not need to go for re-iron fabric. This will increase the service life, the degree of hygroscopic properties of tissue products.

Video: How to iron linen percale