Furniture made of cardboard - this is the original, affordable way to turn waste material into an unusual, charming thing. Appearance is not very different from the furniture bought in the store, but much cheaper. If there are cardboard boxes, you will need to purchase only the paint and glue. By following certain rules of material processing, cardboard interior items are very durable and do not bend under load items.

Furniture made of cardboard - this is the original, affordable way to turn waste material into an unusual, charming thing.
- 1 Pros cardboard shelves, do yourself
- 2 The necessary materials and tools
- 3 Guide for the production of cardboard shelves
- 4 The final stage - decoration
- 5 Master class: decoration products using the pages of glossy magazines
- 6 Master class: decoupage surface
- 7 VIDEO: How to make a cardboard rack cabinet with his own hands
- 8 50 photo ideas how to make a rack made of cardboard
Pros cardboard shelves, do yourself
- Elegant design - you design the thing with his own hands, relying on personal preferences.
- Practicality - embezzlement will need only to buy the necessary tools.
- At any time, the cardboard furniture can be dismantled and folded again, which is very convenient when traveling or during repair.
- You do not have to spend time searching for a practical, vending things, which is ideal for the interior.
- Cardboard furniture does not contain harmful, toxic and other hazardous substances.
- Durability - the term cardboard furniture service will be long-term if it is not exposed to dampness and to create was a true processed.

By following certain rules of material processing, cardboard interior items are very durable and do not bend under load items.
The day before the first work steps necessary to determine the design and construction of shelves made of cardboard, it may have a classical form, be in the form of a rack or a figure (elephant, bear, other animals, or images) - it all depends on your imagination and abilities. The most simple, accessible to each option is a classic-rack or shelf, since its creation requires a minimum of skills. More complicated to manufacture are unusual, shaped shelves. They need a creative approach, in most cases - the ability to draw, take more time to create.

Elegant design - you design the thing with his own hands, relying on personal preferences.
Note! Do not use cardboard racks in places of high humidity (bathroom, street), because they quickly lose their original form, it will be ruined. It is also necessary to protect the furniture from the fire, it is highly flammable.

Practicality - embezzlement will need only to buy the necessary tools.
Cardboard products best fastened to each other by special plastic clips instead of glue. In this case, it can be easily disassembled.

At any time, the cardboard furniture can be dismantled and folded again, which is very convenient when traveling or during repair.
In order to increase the strength, in a box of thick corrugated cardboard insert a second, slightly smaller. Then construction will acquire a sufficient stiffness to be able to withstand severe loads.

You do not have to spend time searching for a practical, vending things, which is ideal for the interior.
Helpful hints: instead of paint you can use wallpaper or fabric. Thus your product is suitable for any unique interior or give him such a look.

Cardboard furniture does not contain harmful, toxic and other hazardous substances.

Demonstrating imagination, creativity in full, you will create a unique masterpiece of the interior, which will admire the family and guests to your home.
The necessary materials and tools
- Cardboard. It should be understood - the thicker the material, the stronger will be the furniture. There is an opinion that the cardboard darker color indicates its high density and vice versa - a light board thinner. But do not rush to get rid of fine material, it is useful for pasting joints. Or paperboard glued together, thus obtaining a fat. If you use this method, all subsequent bond the waves perpendicular to the previous layer.
- Adhesive tape and glue. Acceptable application of any of the species, but the best option would be to glue torque. Due to its properties, not the cardboard gets wet, all the parts you need quickly and securely fixed.
- Kraft paper is used for strengthening the edges of furniture, it can be used instead of thin cardboard.
- White paper or tracing paper. Mount it on the whole surface for ease of decoration. Please note: before applying tracing paper or kraft paper it is necessary to tear rather than cut.
- Materials for decorating the finished product - paint, wallpaper, fabric, and anything else that your imagination wants.
- Pencil roulette for measurement and scribing parts.
- Stationery knife or jigsaw. Watch out for the exigencies of the tool from her accuracy and cutting quality depends. Often cutting parts replace the device. When the jigsaw can be used to cut several layers of cardboard.
- Sandpaper is useful for polishing slices.
- To quickly dry the glue, use a simple building or a hairdryer.

Durability - the term cardboard furniture service will be long-term if it is not exposed to dampness and to create was a true processed.
Guide for the production of cardboard shelves
The idea №1. Shelf for shoes
- You need the cardboard sheets measuring 21 × 24 cm. Divide them into 3 equal strips.
- Using a blunt knife must be carefully push the strips so that they bend. Then, an adhesive tape can be colored glue long sides of the sheet. Next, make a triangular sheets of oblong shape, secure them with tape.
- Thus you make the right number of triangles. To fix these shelves you need to entire sheet of cardboard to glue a triangle two-sided tape or glue. The required number of rows and sections you choose at its discretion.
- Instead of triangular sections you can create oval, connecting them well together. Calculate the required diameter under your shoes and rectangular cardboard glue strips so that they form an ellipse.

On the eve of the first work steps necessary to determine the design and construction of shelves made of cardboard, it can have a classical form, be in the form of a rack or a figure.

The dimensions of the desired shelf, the amount of material depends on personal preferences.
The idea №2. Hanging shoe shelf
- You will need several large sheets of cardboard. Relying on the size of your shoe, raschertite cardboard to equal rectangles, and cut them out.
- Each of the rectangles divided into three parts, bend. Two sides bend obliquely and connect with each other so as to obtain a pocket at the top and narrow at the bottom.
- The bottom of each of the pockets should be attached with glue or double-sided tape to the top of the previous on the inside, leaving a space for shoes.
- This shelf can be mounted on the door or on the wall near it - in any case, so the original decision takes little space.

The most simple, accessible to each option is a classic-rack or shelf, since its creation requires a minimum of skills.
№3 idea. Bookshelf
- The dimensions of the desired shelf, the amount of material depends on personal preferences. Optimal - rack into five sections of 110 cm in height from three sections and a height of 69 cm with two sections. Each section is a square, the size of the parties - 30 centimeters.
- For each part necessary for two blanks to be glued together. All you should get 4 with three, 8 with two, 2 parts with a single section.
- All drawings produce a ruler, cut parts with a knife and a dense line. If the cut will be on the floor or on a table, pre Protect the surfaces from the appearance of cuts.
- Before beginning assembly, make for the construction of additional stiffeners, they create extra volume and strength of the walls. To do this cardboard strip width of about 4 centimeters, glue them sideways one undulating perimeter of the part, and then attach the second portion.
- Next to a good fixation of the workpiece you want to send the press. As the press can use a stack of heavy books or stool.
- After thorough bonding parts can proceed to the shelf assembly, to connect all of this portion between a cut in the ground, concatenating them together. Then align the surface of filler, give evenness corners and hide all the other shortcomings. For complete drying shelves need day. This will provide a perfectly flat surface for easier dressing.
- Arrange the finished rack at its discretion.

More complicated to manufacture are unusual, shaped shelves.

Sandpaper is useful for polishing slices.
The final stage - decoration
Decorate cardboard articles with their own hands can be of any material, it all depends on your wishes and fantasy - a lot of options. The most simple - wallpaper, film, paint.
Old pieces of wallpaper obkleyte the entire surface of the product, or only the inside, outside and dye in a favorite color. You can completely paint the shelves, but with the help of stencils or create your own unique designs or drawings.
The simplest way is to use a self-adhesive film. It has an attractive appearance, quickly and securely bonded to the surface, as opposed to wallpaper, it can be washed. If the film is a defect or you wanted to change the design, enough to buy and stick another.

More complicated to manufacture are unusual, shaped shelves.
Master class: decoration products using the pages of glossy magazines
You will need:
- any paper for the base, it is possible the newspaper;
- glossy magazines;
- Universal glue or PVA;
- acrylic lacquer.

It is also necessary to protect the furniture from the fire, it is highly flammable.

Pencil roulette for measurement and scribing parts.
Pages logs cut strips of a width of 1-2 centimeters, from them with a thin pencil or spokes twist rolls. On paper, taken as a basis, the resulting paste in a number of glossy straw. The web is then cut into tubes of suitable width corresponding place decorations and plant glue. When the surface of the well is dry, cover it with acrylic paint.
The process is very long and tedious, but the effect is stunning.

Cardboard products best fastened to each other by special plastic clips instead of glue.
Master class: decoupage surface
You will find useful:
- napkins with drawings;
- acrylic paint, acrylic paint and brushes;
- scissors;
- iron.

In order to increase the strength, in a box of thick corrugated cardboard insert a second, slightly smaller.

Materials for decorating the finished product - paint, wallpaper, fabric, and anything else that your imagination wants.
The surface of the rack cover with several layers of paint, each layer must be dry, and then apply another. The most recent layer is not dry completely, it should remain sticky. With wipes remove the top layer, walk thereon iron and place on the surface. On top of the napkin place a blank sheet of paper and iron, warmed at low power, progladte.

Instead of paint, you can use wallpaper or fabric.
Napkin should fully adhere to the surface, but if not - add a brush under it a little bit of paint, let dry. Do not hurry to proceed to the next step, decoupage should thoroughly dry, otherwise the picture is deformed.

It should be understood - the thicker the material, the stronger will be the furniture.

Please note: before applying tracing paper or kraft paper it is necessary to tear rather than cut.
When the surface is completely dry, cover it with acrylic paint.

But do not rush to get rid of fine material, it is useful for pasting joints.
Demonstrating imagination, creativity in full, you will create a unique masterpiece of the interior, which will admire the family and guests to your home. Do not be afraid to experiment, go with the times, because of the cardboard furniture is not only affordable, but also the original version for comfort and unique atmosphere.

Acceptable application of any of the species, but the best option would be to glue torque.

Kraft paper is used for strengthening the edges of furniture, it can be used instead of thin cardboard.
VIDEO: How to make a cardboard rack cabinet with his own hands
50 photo ideas how to make a rack made of cardboard