How to make a shelf for flowers with his own hands: step by step guide

Beautiful complement decor premises are houseplants. They are suitable for absolutely any interior, pleasing to the eye and purify the air in the room. Gardeners love to replenish their stocks in pots. And when the end position on the windowsill and table, for things have no place. We have to find a new place pets habitat. A large variety of floor and wall shelves will help compact the hostess set the plant in the right place. And the unusual design of the shelves for flowers with his own hands will give a room originality and brightness.

shelves for interior colors

Beautiful complement decor premises are houseplants.


  • 1 Variants of arrangement of shelves
  • 2 We determine the design and construction
  • 3 Which material is best to choose
  • 4 The benefits of creating your own masterpiece
  • 5 Necessary materials
  • 6 Required tools
  • 7 The manufacturing process: step instruction
  • 8 Corner wooden rack with their own hands
    • 8.1 Step-by-step instruction
  • 9 The final stage - decoration
  • 10 VIDEO: Shelves for flowers with his own hands. Hanging shelves
  • 11 50 photo ideas: shelves for flowers with his own hands

Variants of arrangement of shelves

Systems come in both single and double. All depends on the number of vases. distinguished by location:


  • floor;
  • Wall (straight and angled);
  • for balconies.
Shelves for flowers

The unusual design of the shelves for flowers with his own hands will give a room originality and brightness.

Rack of colors with their hands placed in a convenient location. In addition to his room, you can put on the balcony. And configuration is easily hung in the yard or on the window.

Design shelf for flowers

Systems come in both single and double.

We determine the design and construction

The easiest and the original configuration of the suspension system is considered. In this version, you can come up with any design and shape. It is possible to build in a tree or branch. This masterpiece can be hung in any convenient place, it does not take up much space and perfectly looks in any interior. Very popular unusual design decisions:

  • configuration as a single continent, or a piece of the planet;
  • honeycomb, rings, ovals (placed together or separately);
  • "Ladder", "Christmas tree" or "branches";
  • ribbon-shaped.
Standard glass shelves

Rack of colors with their hands placed in a convenient location.

On the Internet there are a lot of options for floor and wall shelves. But before you start to make a favorite option is necessary to understand whether it is right for you. How to understand what kind of a shelf for flowers need?

Hanging shelf for flowers

Configuration is easily hung in the yard or on the window.

To determine what is necessary for you, you need to know some nuances:

  • the number of pots to be placed on the surface;
  • plant species;
  • interior space, where are the shelves for flowers;
  • the desire and taste of the hostess.
Shelves for flowers

Very popular unusual design solutions.

These are the main factors that must be addressed first consideration when planning the design.

It is worth remembering that the shelves for flowers are single, double and multi. Number of seats depends on the number of indoor plants.

Stand for flowers made of wood

In addition to hack it necessarily became a beautiful painting or something to fix it.

Single variants can be placed only pot. Such structures mounted indoors and outdoors. They curly houseplants look good. This type of shelving is wall and floor.

shelves for flowers on the windowsill

Single variants can be placed only pot.

The second option is usually hung on the wall. Multi-seat options can accommodate a maximum of 5-7 flowerpots. Their great advantage is the compactness and large capacity.

If the only available space for furniture - corner. It does not hurt us! There are special angular structures that will help us. They will perfectly into a corner and will keep 5-7 pots. Furniture placed on the walls and on the floors.

Supports for flowers

There is nothing that decorates their own house as a hand-made things.

Design of the new shelves, you can choose any. Sections can be either rectangular or zigzag. Wall sections can be constructed in a tree or branch. If sections are available on the street or balcony, they can be dyed in a bright color.

Supports for flowers on the wall

If the only available space for furniture - corner.

Furniture made of glass give the room style and elegance. It is good "fit" into any decor. This option is well suited for small rooms as glass things do not take space, but due to its transparency, on the contrary, expand the room.

Which material is best to choose

Several distinct types of raw materials for the construction of shelves:

  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • glass;
  • composite material.
Combined shelves for flowers made of wood and metal

Design of the new shelves, you can choose any.

Construction of metal is very durable and can withstand a lot of weight. This configuration looks expensive and solidly. But her need special care and special handling may otherwise appear corrosion and shelves for flowers deteriorate.

Plastic locker build itself is almost impossible. It bought in stores or online. They are unpretentious and very easy to operate. Section, you can choose any shade. Since plastic is very flexible, crafts from it may have a different shape and size. They are easy to clean and move, as they have a low weight.

Vertical shelf for flowers

If sections are available on the street or balcony, they can be dyed in a bright color.

Very popular crafts made of wood. But the furniture is not easy to operate. When watering plants water often falls on the surface of the stand, the board can rot and swell. If you decide to build a shelf made of wood, it is necessary to carefully handle and well cover the surface with a special varnish.

Glass structures have a simple elegant look, but you need to build, have experience of working with glass. Behind them need special care. And on the pedestal these can not put a lot of weight. They fit well, if you want to place one or two pots.

Shelves for flowers

Construction of metal is very durable and can withstand a lot of weight.

Combined sections include several components. Usually it is a tree with a metal or glass to metal. Crafts have an unusual appearance. Can withstand a lot of weight due to a combination of matter and not very capricious in cleaning.

The benefits of creating your own masterpiece

The main advantage is that this work is much less than buying a rack for flowers in the shop. For furniture need a little patience, the raw material from which will be made crafts and tools.

Shop-stands very low. Not all purchased good quality. Most often in stores and on the Internet the same type of cabinets that are in every home. Some sections are not suitable for your home decor or room dimensions.

Stand, decorative shelf

It needs special care and special handling may otherwise appear corrosion and shelves for flowers deteriorate.

Making crafts with their hands, you have the opportunity to choose the size, color, design and layout design. New versatile furniture will be only in your home.

Creating outdoor furniture for plants, it is possible to take into account the nuances of its placement. To build so that the rack under the flowers do not get in the way, and it did not have to get. You can create sliding or move around the design, which at any time can be moved to the right place.

Plants and flowers in the house

Very popular crafts made of wood.

To make a stand, not necessarily to buy something at the store. You can build a stand of old locker in the garage or unnecessary steps.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture of classical shelves need:

  • wood board, chipboard, MDF, plastic or metal;
  • plywood;
  • screws;
  • plugs;
  • additional tools;
  • paint decoration;
  • lacquer (at work with the boards).
Wall shelf for flowers made of wood

Combined sections include several components.

As well as additional tools for decorating construction can be used. If outdoor furniture may need legs or casters to fix the cabinet on the floor.

Required tools

To collect configuration will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • electric drill;
  • saw;
  • pencil for marking;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • line.
wall shelf for flowers with his own hands

Can withstand a lot of weight due to a combination of matter and not very capricious in cleaning.

Selecting the fasteners will depend on the feedstock future configuration. The heavier materials, the stronger the need to mount. If you plan to install wall-mounted rack-shelf metal color, the welding machine must be used for fastening. Otherwise, it is likely that support will soon fall.

The manufacturing process: step instruction

Before starting to design wooden crafts need to make sure that the correct drawings and parts fit to one another. This is very important if you plan to do with the cabinet doors or rear wall.

Once materials are selected and verified, it is possible to start the main operation.

shelf for dark colors

For furniture need a little patience, the raw material from which will be made crafts and tools.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Preparation of the material.

The length of the boards should be selected based on the space where is located the rack. The width of the artifact to be rather big. It must be placed freely pot medium or large sizes. To make the same distance between the shelves, in the middle can be put extra bars.

  1. Drill holes.

For manufacturing crafts necessary to the usual drill with a large drill. Each shelf is necessary to make two holes. They should be parallel to each other. In general, it turns out, two holes on each piece. The hole should be free to enter into a thick rope. If the holes are smaller, it is likely that the shelf will be fragile.

Shelf for flowers with his own hands

Making crafts with their hands, you have the opportunity to choose the size, color, design and layout design.

  1. permeates rope

Almost everything is ready for the construction of the stand. It remains only to thread through the holes and a thick rope to hang a shelf for flowers. After the rope to push through all the holes knot tying strong bottom product. From the top of the rope makes a loop so you can hang a shelf.

Installing structure.

Once when most of the work is done, you can install the finished product. Since almost all the walls of the houses are made of brick or concrete to work, we need a power drill.

Shelves for flower-making

To make a stand, not necessarily to buy something at the store.

Making the marks on the wall, where it will be located. Drill holes for fasteners and install it. Firmly fix the product on the fasteners. Now it is possible to put the pots with plants.

Corner wooden rack with their own hands

To save space in the room can make a corner shelf for the violets and lilies. Stages preparation material are almost the same as in the conventional construction of the cabinet wall. But there is a caveat. The ends of the top and bottom of the need to cut at an angle.

Wrought iron wall shelf

If outdoor furniture may need legs or casters to fix the cabinet on the floor.

Step-by-step instruction

All elements of the upper part need fluff and adhesive join (must turn angle of 90 degrees). We do the same thing with the bottom of the structure. After the glue has dried wood being treated soil mixture. We make two holes for mounting. Make a hole in the wall and install the fasteners. Fix a finished product at the right place.

Shelf for flowers on the wall

It is worth remembering that the shelves for flowers are single, double and multi.

At first glance, to make a normal rack is not so difficult. But this simple design stands. There are more complex configurations, where the shelves must be fixed in a specific pattern. It should be with extreme caution in choosing material. It is necessary to take into account climate, where the rack is located, objects weight and humidity of the environment. To understand how best to build a shelf, you must first decide on skill building. Depending on how well you get along with the tools and know how to do certain things depends on the quality of work.

The final stage - decoration

Creating a rack, you can come up with your own design products. Picking the right materials and spending a bit of time, you get a unique masterpiece!

Shelves for flowers with his own hands to do

Selecting the fasteners will depend on the feedstock future configuration.

For example, the plastic article is different palette. For the original design it is possible to attach the decorative railings.

Shelves for flowers outdoor Photo

To determine what is necessary for you, you need to know some nuances.

Shelf made of wood varnish with sparkles. This gives luster and shine product.

Glass shelves are often decorated with patterned metal elements.

In addition to hack it necessarily became a beautiful painting or something to fix it. Simply place it on the pots and beautiful stones, toys, shells. As well as furniture can be decorated with a variety of fakes and toys. Do not be afraid to experiment! Create new masterpieces and improve your skills! Rack for indoor plants - is just the beginning. There is nothing that decorates their own house as a hand-made things.

Wall shelves for flowers

On the Internet there are a lot of options for floor and wall shelves.

VIDEO: Shelves for flowers with his own hands. Hanging shelves

50 photo ideas: shelves for flowers with his own hands

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