Pillow with a camel-hair filler: reviews, pros and cons

Camel wool is very popular for use in bedding, including the manufacture of pillows. But, with respect to this material, it should be noted this feature as a higher price compared to other products. But before you buy a pillow made of camel wool for its own needs, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of such a purchase.

Quality and comfortable pillow - a pledge of healthy full sleep.

It is thanks to this bedding your head remains in a comfortable position during the night.


  • 1 material Features
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 3 How to choose the right
  • 4 Myths about camel wool and products made of it
  • 5 Compare sheep or camel wool
  • 6 Fleece against down and feather
  • 7 How to properly care for a pillow made of wool camel
  • 8 VIDEO: Overview of pillows from camel hair.
  • 9 VIDEO: Brand cushion made of camel wool.

material Features

Immediately it should be noted that the pad with a filler made of camel's hair, is environmentally friendly and natural material. This fiber contains lanolin, which has a composition similar to human sebum. As a result, contacting directly with the skin, it is able to provide a softening effect.

Today have become very popular pillows made of natural materials such as camel hair.

Material for making such cushions is the two-humped camel hair baktirana.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the benefits, it is necessary to highlight:

  • such products are not electrostatically charged, whereby not accumulate inside the dirt and dust;
  • wool hygroscopic, therefore absorbs excess moisture due to the specific construction of hairs;
  • ease;
  • Operating duration - life can be up to 15 years;
  • thanks to secrete lanolin, wool is not covered on the outside with mud;

Most quality raw materials produced in Mongolia.

  • pillows from camel hair perfectly leak air, which contributes to proper temperature control in any season;
  • This environment is not conducive to the development of various types of bacteria;
  • perfectly retains heat;
  • It is sufficiently flexible that promotes comfort and ergonomics of the product.

The villi are the coat like a very thick - up to 100 microns, and absolutely feather - no more than 20 microns.

Despite these advantages and excellent quality, yet cushions made of camel wool has its drawbacks:

  • fillers camel hair can frequently be allergens to individuals who are prone to this kind of diseases;

Camel wool can not be stained, and therefore, there is no fear that the material will be spoiled by any chemical means.

  • due to its high elasticity airbag can not provide enough elastic effect to maintain the spinal column in the right position - so it may not be appropriate for persons suffering from various types of disturbances in the locomotor system in the area of ​​the neck and the upper part breast;

Pillows made of camel wool - very safe and environmentally friendly product.

  • quite moody such cushion in terms of care for her;
  • the cost is quite high.

Total with a camel can be extracted from 5 to 10 kilos of wool.

How to choose the right

In order not to be disappointed in this purchase, you should consider the following features of this product. It is important to consider all options to cushion lasts as long as possible and to reduce thereby minimizing the possible manifestations of allergic reactions.

In the production of pillows are used liner - a small pad of synthetics (padding polyester, for example) or fluff poultry.

Here are the basic guidelines that you need to consider when buying.

  1. Be sure to study very carefully the label from the manufacturer. They should display complete information about the percentage of camel hair. Only in high-quality products the percentage of natural materials will reach 100%.

    If the product is completely made of wool, it is rapidly deformed and roll less than six months.

  2. It is also very important to pay attention to the manufacturer's name. Only genuine branded items can give full guarantee as quality of raw materials used in the manufacture of pillows from camel hair, and the quality of its finishing and processing.

    Pillows made of natural wool baktirana enjoy plenty of advantages.

  3. It is very important when choosing a pillow to look at product design. If you want to get a more efficient product, you should pay attention to the pillows, which are built on the principle of two sections. This design implies a 2nd side cushions, which are separated along the article. In one part of the packing is natural camel hair, whereas in the second part - a synthetic filler. But despite the presence of synthetic products it is quite convenient to use in different seasons and at different temperatures in the room.

    Sometimes you can see a two-section pillow, one part of which is packed full of camel wool, and the second is filled with down and a bird feather.

  4. It is also important enough to pay attention to the case, and more specifically, on the material from which it is made. If it is synthetic, it can minimize all the positive qualities of camel's hair. Thus, the synthetic cover is not breathable, despite the fact that the fur of the animal is able to do.

    Even in ancient times they were used to improve the quality of sleep and overall health.

  5. The same applies to the anti-static properties.

    With the cushion of a material you will be comfortable in the heat of summer, and during cold weather.

Myths about camel wool and products made of it

Since only states the pillows made of wool such an animal like a camel, then a sufficient number of people have negative associations. First of all it is connected with the myths and fantasies that exist about this type of wool.

According to its lightness COAT baktirana not inferior to bird feathers.

Here are the main ones:

  1. The smell of natural wool. Many believe that the camel wool enough "fragrant". In fact, this is not a reliable fact. Indeed, in itself capable of wool highlight weak sweet, sticky smell. But it appears most often when the hair slightly wet and exposed to heat. However, responsible manufacturers do not allow the display of the properties of wool to the finished product. They treated her with special compounds, harmless to human health, but the ability to neutralize the odor. The result - in the operation of a camel cushion the consumer does not feel any smell, even though it will be slightly damp in a warm room.

    Pillow is not as heavy as it might seem at first glance.

  2. Thermal conductivity and hygroscopic product. Many believe that this pillow is due to the fact that a well-warmed, can cause an active process of sweating in humans. As a result, it becomes wet and uncomfortable tactile. Actually this is not true. Moisture that falls on the pile structure, completely absorbed in the hairs, while the surface of the product remains dry and comfortable for humans.

    Camel wool is able to quickly absorb and evaporate instantly up to 35% of moisture.

  3. Prickliness wool. Many people believe that the camel wool enough barbed. Despite the fact that this is true, at present high-quality products from branded manufacturers are processed in such a way that the barb fibers minimally reduced. In addition, the responsible approach is still in the fact that the pillow-case made of a dense material, which does not allow penetration of the villi on the outer surface of the product.

    Material perfectly breathable, allowing the product to "breathe".

Compare sheep or camel wool

As the camel and sheep wool are natural fibers of animal origin.

But wool is coarser, it happens due to the specificity of the hair structure. Thus, the fleece may be more irritating to influence people who are prone to tingling sensations from contact with such material. But this fiber products have a larger volume at the expense of the same, more rough structure.

Camel wool does not accumulate static electricity and to protect people from the adverse electromagnetic fields.

Camel hair, in contrast has a softer hair. So the pillow will be less luxuriant, but rather to have a greater tendency to collapse. But as for the thermal conductivity, the camel hair clearly superior to sheep. Also more effective "breathing" in the product, which serves as a filler for a camel coat.

Under the influence of human warmth wool is heated and acts on the human skin, improving circulation and rejuvenating tissues.

Fleece against down and feather

Speaking of the pillows to sleep more often imagine filling of feathers and down, combined in different proportions. But if we compare the two types of products, we can say with certainty that the down-feather filling holds its shape better. Whereas camel hair due to its subtlety and tenderness hairs sufficiently flattened intensively. And it may not seem comfortable for people suffering from deformities and pain in the neck, as well as migraines.

If you suffer from neck or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is likely that such a pillow you will not fit.

How to properly care for a pillow made of wool camel

It is important to cushion made of regular dry filler camel wool in full sun to access a constant air flow.

This cushion can not simply be washed in the machine with a conventional powder.

If there is a need for the washing, it can be done by observing the following rules:

  • Hand wash only mode;
  • remove before washing necessarily pillowcase;
  • used exclusively biologically friendly powders which well decompose in water - This makes it possible to get thoroughly rinse the product and to avoid that the powder remains inside.

Have to regularly ventilate the product and expose it to dry clean only.

The powder itself better to choose as a liquid or gel, since in this case it will not be able to act aggressively on the dot wool.

In principle, the product can be washed by dividing it into parts. That is, removing the wool and clean separately. While napernik cleaned separately.

Do not neglect the systematic care and purification, so as you eliminate the appearance of the material disease-causing organisms.

Excluding the impact of bleach on the animal fiber, as it is capable of destroying its structure, what will cushion in bad appearance for a very short period of time.

If you use all of the above recommendations, then buying a pillow made of wool camel filler, you can get a very comfortable thing to sleep.

VIDEO: Overview of pillows from camel hair.

VIDEO: Brand cushion made of camel wool.