Pillow-flower: forms, patterns, materials and fillers

Bag - an important accessory for sleep. But it can perform not only entrusted to her important functions, but also to be a simple decoration. For this purpose, reasonable to make uniform the pillow. We propose to allocate cushions in the shape of flowers. This form of the most common, as the flower is suitable for any age and gender. This accessory can make each needlewoman own hands.

Beautiful knitted cushion flower, made with his own hands


  • 1 choose form
  • 2 Select fabric and filler for pillows
  • 3 How to sew a pillow daisy
    • 3.1 Preparatory stage
    • 3.2 doing the pattern
    • 3.3 cutting fabric
    • 3.4 sewing process
  • 4 Video: pillow fleece flower (or felt)
  • 5 Photo collection of pillows, flowers of different sizes, textures and shapes:

choose form

It should decide on the form. Colors in nature, there are many, and each type can be transferred to an artificial material. Daisies, roses, peonies, violets - everything your heart desires. The main thing is to choose a shape, which is also able to perform the functions of a pillow that is comfortable to sleep on it.

Pillow Rose is very beautiful and austere

Exclusive pillow handmade peony flower

Important! When choosing the form do not forget that the pad should carry out its basic functions.

Pillow-flower in the first place - an accessory, but it still has to perform the essential functions. It all depends on personal preference. If you think that is an accessory form can select any, if combine two functions, choose the practical form. A better option would be to form a daisy or rose.

Pattern for making pillows in the shape of roses

Select fabric and filler for pillows

No less important indicators - the fabric for the shell and filler. Among the good one for the first indicator can distinguish such.

  • Velours. Consists of small villi, thereby it has an excellent appearance. Often used for upholstery and curtains manufacturing. The fabric is not wrinkled and quite pleasant on sensations - it is very soft. But there is a significant minus - abrasion. Therefore, it is suitable only if the product is intended as a decoration. Otherwise it will form bald spots.

    Velor fabric cherry color looks beautiful and is suitable for decorative pillows

  • Velvet. By properties similar to the previous embodiment, but has its own particular advantages and disadvantages. This fabric has excellent appearance: soft to the touch and has a noble gloss. This high-quality material, and accordingly, it has a high price. It is advantageously used for making clothes. If you are willing to pay a premium for skin pillows, velvet - exactly what you are looking for.

    Velvet fabric silk viscose on the basis of the luxurious emerald looks spectacular and expensive

  • Silk. It is radically different from previous versions. But perfect for our purposes. It has a beautiful appearance and comfortable to hold. This material slips and cool feeling, so is suitable if the product is only accessory. Another significant disadvantage - the high price. But if you're staying in this embodiment, the high price can be circumvented by choosing a cheaper counterpart - satin or rayon.

    Silk - precious fabric, which is known for the unique smoothness and high strength

  • If this is a daisy pillow, you can choose an ordinary jersey.

    Knitwear - one of the most popular and sought after fabrics, pleasant to the touch and practical to use

Next you need to choose a good filler. There is also the importance of future product functionality.

Fillers: duck and goose down and feather

Bamboo fiber is thin, silky and soft, it has high strength

Consider the popular options.

Filler pros Minuses
Feathers Natural material, high service life, with the right ratio of the product is light weight Collects dust, electrified, can fall down, it requires special care
Bamboo Lightweight, easy to clean Poor holds its shape
sintepon Good holds its shape, allows moisture and air, not electrified Significant shortcomings were noticed
buckwheat husk The product is pleasant to the touch, has an anti-stress indicators The product turned out pretty heavy, require special care, regular drying
Tea Pleasant anti-stress fragrance, lightness, cheapness Require periodic replacement filler

Filler for pillows and stuffed toys - balls of syntepon

Buckwheat husks as a natural filler

These are the most frequently used options. The best of them will sintepon, buckwheat husks and tea. If you want to use a pillow as a functional item, use the padding polyester or its analogs. But haggard tea leaves or buckwheat husk sure you can sleep. Usually the latter two options used to create accessories that are placed in the bed to improve sleep.

On a note! To create a cushion accessories can be used organic coffee beans or the drinking of coffee.

How to sew a pillow daisy

We offer to go to independent manufacturing cushion flower. As a material for the outer shell we have chosen silk (you can replace it with satin or natural silk). The filler take sintepon. As the shape we chose a daisy. Such an embodiment would be good for external data and functionality.

Preparatory stage

At this stage it is planned to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. In any case, you will need:

  • Material for the shell;
  • material for filling;
  • scissors;
  • thread in the color of the fabric;
  • paper or cardboard patterns.

You may need beads or rhinestones to create a decor. For their attachment needs glue.

On a note! As decoration, you can make the dew of rhinestones.

doing the pattern

Pattern for making daisy petals

Special measurements do not need to build patterns. Just decide what should be the pillow size and calculate the dimensions of the components in such a way that together they constituted a desired cushion size.

So it is possible to construct a pattern for an 8-petal daisy petals with the same

Now we proceed to the construction of a pattern. You will need these details:

  • pitch (12 items);
  • leaves (6 pieces);
  • core (1 pc).

Important! To construct the pattern only one sample.

Take the cardboard and draw on it silhouette of daisy petal. He has to get from one side rounded, the other - smooth. Next cut silhouette - Pattern №1 ready.

With petals perform the same procedure - just draw it on a sheet of cardboard. Be sure to make sure that the leaves were not more petals, as the product in the final form ironed ridiculous. For the pattern will take a few details, because it is better, if the leaves of different sizes. But you can make them the same size.

Cut the preform with paper, making it by two identical patterns of fabrics of the same color

For the core enough to draw a circle, and cut it.

Determine the size of the central part of the workpiece and cut circle

On a note! For a better selection of the size of the components is better to draw a daisy in full size pillows and measure the size of its parts, and then just start drawing patterns.

cutting fabric

Now take a tissue and lay it on the table. Before cutting the fabric it is necessary to iron, or parts made of clothes patterns can be smaller or larger than the size of the put.

  1. When the fabric is ready for use, spread it on a cardboard cut out of the part. Try to lay them as close as possible to each other, so economical. But make sure that in the end the details are not pressed forward at each other.

    Colored daisies 1 the pattern of colored fleece fabric

  2. Circle pattern with a pencil and remove them.
  3. Enough to cut out silhouettes of fabric and cutting fabric over.

Now we have the elements to work, proceed to the creation of chamomile.

sewing process

It remains to take a few steps:

  1. Sew pairs details on the contour, leaving a flat part of the open.

    We sew the central portion to the petals, sew two main parts of chamomile interconnected with the reverse side

  2. Details practically, start filling them.

    Fills the pillow filler selected

    Everts through a small hole and fills

  3. Sew the remaining hole.
  4. At the last stage slide assembly When sewing pitch to the core at the junction of its two elements together.
  5. Sew or glue daisy petals together.

    Sews each petal thread, thus separating them from each other and our flower pillow-ready

  6. To the back side cushion stitch pitch.

Set of beautiful multi-colored daisies on a simple scheme

All! Pillow-flower is ready. You can use, or simply enjoy the product.

Master class on making daisy of individual petals sewn together

Simple two-tone design in a daisy

Volume cushion daisy with round the middle, on the same principle

Video: pillow fleece flower (or felt)

Photo collection of pillows, flowers of different sizes, textures and shapes: