Beautiful manicure table for the master nail service
The main work area is a master of nail service manicure table. This subject is becoming an integral part of it, when you take their clients in the salon or at home. It is on the table can be a professional to install special equipment that will allow you to collect on the saw cut nails.

Convenient table and armchair for manicure
However, the use of this item can be not only for its intended purpose, the equipment can be used for the procedures related to cosmetics. Faced with the need to purchase professional equipment, it becomes clear that in specialized stores, it has a very high price and may not be suitable in size.

Small manicure table in the interior manicure cabinet
Do not worry, there is a solution and very easy. Manicure table to make their own hands.

Folding manicure table with shelves takes little space and at the right time is converted into the workplace
Now let's talk more in detail about that, from what he is.

Detail drawing nail section with drawers with dimensions
- 1 Design manicure table
- 2 How to make the manicure table at home?
- 3 What is needed for the manufacture of
- 4 detailed instructions
- 5 Manicure table with hood
- 6 Video: Folding manicure table
Design manicure table

Table for manicure: user-friendliness, functionality and attractive design
Of countertops, cabinets with drawers and support legs is any professional equipment. When manufacturing it should be noted that the size of the table surface must comply with the possibility of landing him two people. On the one hand, the table must have a cabinet with drawers or shelves usual.

Table manikjurnyj pedestal - drawing with main dimensions
The best option is still a cabinet, there it is possible to remove the larger objects. Surface countertops can be issued mini marts. It's a small width of the beam, allowing them to place frequently used tools. It is important that the table was not long foundations that support him. To save space in small size of the room you can use the table that will be unfolded. For the manufacture of such items can be used as a basis for the design of the table-book.

An unusual set of manicure - a table and a chair with tie and short Karetnaya narrow locker for materials and tools
How to make the manicure table at home?

White table with a pedestal for a professional manicure
This article will be discussed is a professional manufacturer of equipment with a bedside table and focus on one leg.
In fact, manicure table is made from any available handy building material. Very good raw material for such works - a sheet metal timber, it can be of the following types: MDF, chipboard and particleboard.
What is needed for the manufacture of
To make a table for the masters of nail service required:
- Chipboard 16 mm;
- PVC edge 2 mm (for countertops);
- PVC edge 0.4 mm (for the remaining parts);
- Table leg (thick metal);
- Handle for cabinet pedestals;
- screws, SCREW, cams and rods under them;
- dowels 10 mm - 16 pcs .;
- chetyrehsharnirnye hinges for furniture - 2 pcs .;
- holders for shelves (can be replaced shkantami) - 4 pcs .;
- PVA (or carpenter's glue) glue.
Tools needed for the manufacture of:
- scissors;
- metal ruler;
- drill;
- screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
- hexagons;
- iron;
- pencil and meter tape measure;
- electric jigsaw
detailed instructions
- First step. Raskraivajut parts for assembly product on the following parameters: door (40 * 30cm), bottom panel (46 * 30cm), the rear wall tables (75 * 30 cm), side walls (75 * 46 cm), a large shelf (45 * 29 cm), a small shelf (45 * 28cm), the working surface (table top) (95 * 48cm).
The cut parts of chipboard manicure table
- Step Two. Fining edge side portions of polyvinylchloride all parts. For convenience it is better to fix every detail in the special clamps. Applied to the surface of the edge with the cut stock and place the heated iron. After melting glue remove iron and smoothes with a cloth surface of the soft tissue. As the adhesive hardens immediately it must be done very quickly. Unnecessary parts cut the edges with a metal ruler. It is important to remember that the thin edge with the help of iron glued very easy when using thicker edge edges are first processed by a mill. To glue melted taken dryer used in construction work.
The ends of all the details you need to paste over the edge of the PVC
- The third stage. Putting the nightstand. To fasteners tightly connected parts, it is necessary to make two holes in the side machine for shelf 45 * 29 cm and two holes on the other side. Shelf will be attached to the dowel, as their application is fully collect the nightstand. To boring machine is well anchored, wetting them with glue.
We make a hole and insert the dowels into them
- Step Four. The rods are screwed into the eccentrics in the region of 1.5 cm from the hole made under the shelf 45 * 29 cm.
- The fifth stage. The web, prepared for the rear wall, four holes are drilled, put on reinforcement parts PVA glue and put them into the holes. The details of the shelf 45 * 29 cm drilled hole, departing from the edge of about 1 cm along the side of the part making holes for the eccentrics.
Working with a rear wall and a shelf cabinets - drilled holes according to the scheme
- Sixth Step. Located on the side of the fasteners impregnate glue set and fasten the shelf.
- The seventh stage. Take the second piece septum, smear glue and connect with shelf size of 45 * 29 cm, using a pre-prepared eccentrics.
Fasten the side to a large shelf
- The eighth stage. It is necessary to make holes, departing 20 mm from the edge part. To do this, use the drill Forster. Using screws, fasten the hinges with four hinge. In the same manner fasten mounting plates, departing from the edge of about 3-5 cm.
We make holes for hinges and fasten them with screws
- The ninth stage. Finish assembly tables. It needs to be reversed, and drill a hole diameter of 5 mm. The bottom should make the same holes for a better connection. The strength of attachment provide dowels with glue smeared. Also for these purposes may be used eccentrics. For their use need to drill Forster. With regards to the legs of the table, then you can buy them ready-made or made of small bars and fasten to the bottom using the screws.
Overturn the cabinet and drill holes for the dowels, dowel then lubricates adhesive and inserted into the sidewall, top closing head
- Step Ten. Now you need to attach to the surface of a table leg. To do this, use the screwdriver to make two holes about 20-25 cm from the edge. These holes will put dowel and eccentric. This mount is suitable for portable equipment. In the manufacture of the subject to a permanent location in one place, as fasteners can be used corners dockable to shkantami surface. Make sure that the seats making holes coincide with side tables. To be sure it is best to schedule them with a pencil.
To fasten the leg surface countertops
- The final stage of the eleventh. Is fixed on a pedestal table top. For a small shelf must be inserted into the holes Realized advance holders for shelves and put it on them.
Fasten the table top to the cabinet, insert the shelf supports in the holes and set them on a small ledge
Manicure table with hood

Extractor hood manicure table
If you want to equip your table completely professionally and make it the hood, you can buy it in the store, or make your own.

EXAMPLE nail section with base and fixed hood
Make exhaust cleaner is quite simple. This will require a small electric motor power to 60 W having a blade. You can find it in any device. If you have an old kitchen fan or cooler from the computer, they will be an excellent basis for the production of extracts. It is important to find a power supply that will be appropriate for this device voltage. When used in do not have to look for the power supply as the basis of the kitchen ventilator, because it is already equipped with them.

Extractor fan of the cooler for manicure
In the manufacture of the vacuum cleaner exhaust cooler is needed for the computer power supply having a correct polarity. Equipment suitable for such blocks having a voltage of from 5 to 12 watts.

A vacuum cleaner for drawing in air and reliable software dust discharge
Having defined the basis for a working part of an elaborate ways to dust extraction and air retraction. They must be reliable. If you plan to make a portable hood, then its case is very well suited such as plastic material. He is easy to work and during transport does not have much weight.

Comfortable and functional manicure table with built-in vacuum cleaner
It is important to cut a hole into which fit the fan housing, and so it is important to secure it well. as well as housing foundations perfect plastic for fixing the protection grid.

Powerful device with floor location for large saloons that require regular intensive ventilation
Dust conclusions in a special dust bag on the back of the attached hose of flexible plastic, it is important to choose it precisely in diameter. Available at your fingertips material can be an excellent basis for the dust collector.

Vacuum cleaner for manicure table with a removable dust bag
In the manufacture of a fixed hood, which will be located in one place, should be used for exhaust hoses. They are made from materials such as acrylic plastic and having a corrugated appearance. These hoses are easy to find in any hardware store. Show this kind of drawing the best out of the window or general exhaust system. This saves you from frequent cleaning of the dust collection bag.

A necessary attribute of the nail masters - a good manicure table