Even if the production of furniture - not your sphere, make a holiday table with their hands to gather with family and friends on warm summer evenings - it is quite a feasible task.
Its main advantage, unlike purchased - the undoubted savings. Does not necessarily make a table from scratch: simply mount the purchased parts, you will save 30-50% of the cost. If it is possible to use the materials remaining from the construction or repairs, - the costs be limited to the purchase of hardware.

To select a design, you need to decide where it will be used.
Using for holiday or kitchen counter cheap, substandard boards - nekonditsiyu - you get benefits that are not available for mass production. It sounds doubtful? But this is so: bitches, because of which the board rejected, there are interesting decorative features. If it works well to emphasize them - you become the author of a completely unique design product, which is a pity to leave the garden in the rain.

Make a holiday table with their hands to gather with family and friends on warm summer evenings - it is quite a feasible task.
- 1 We determine the design and construction
- 2 How to choose a tree?
- 3 Choice of paints and glue
- 4 What tools are needed
- 5 Homemade table from pallets
- 6 Wooden table with laminated worktops
- 7 Table with straight legs
- 8 Table X-shaped legs
- 9 Table with benches
- 10 VIDEO: Wooden table in the arbor with their hands
- 11 50 photo ideas: how to make this product consult the table with his hands
We determine the design and construction
To select a design, you must decide where to use the product on a grassy lawn under the tree, add to the gazebo, standing in the studio or at home.
The easiest holiday table can be installed in a few hours with a minimum of materials, but it will last for long. To get a product that is really fun to use, you need to carefully prepare the boards and efficiently fulfill all the technical operations at each stage.

Its main advantage, unlike purchased - the undoubted savings.
If you have found in the woods a big stump of it can get easy to manufacture garden table. Required only to remove a stump bark to make on top of clean cut, grind it, to treat with antiseptic and cover with varnish. Enough to beat or tie to the "legs" of the finished stump wood panels - and ready.
Look good countertops made of planks, fastened at the bottom of the transverse rails. If you are more to your taste laminated countertop, it can be done by hand, but it will require more effort.

If it works well to emphasize them - you become the author of a completely unique design product, which is a pity to leave the garden in the rain.
The novice master is difficult to reliably secure the leg, so try to choose the design, assess their skills and taking into account the labor costs and time. Most simply make cross-shaped and L-shaped legs. To attach straight legs - need to carefully make the connection details.
One of the most comfortable options for the garden - a folding table with benches, which can be installed in the gazebo or on the veranda. It is easy to perform, the main thing to choose quality materials and properly prepare them for work.

The easiest holiday table can be installed in a few hours with a minimum of materials, but it will last for long.
How to choose a tree?
For the garden or the kitchen table suitable wood of many species, both soft (pine, spruce, cedar, fir) and hard (oak, birch ash, walnut, maple, apple, pear, acacia, etc.) An exception is too soft wood (poplar, alder, aspen and willow).
One of the main tree suitability parameters for the manufacture of furniture is resistant to rot: rock this requirement listed above correspond.
If you do not plan to engage in upholstery work permanently or just starting to practice, give preference to the most common species of wood - pine and birch.

Look good countertops made of planks, fastened at the bottom of the transverse rails.
For table tops, frames and legs is possible to use wood of different breeds. At the assembly stage of dowels needed: they are usually made of acacia wood or boxwood. Birch wood has featureless pattern and can significantly warp due to spilled liquids - in As a material countertops it is better not to use, but because of the hardness of the rock can be made from it legs.
Countertop perform better from an oak or pine. If you know how Brushed wood kitchen table surface can become a true work of art. Brashirovke susceptible softwood species: wood fired gas burner, and the soft fibers removed a wire brush. The work is best done in the yard because of the large amount of dust. If you can burn the wood evenly, the result will please you. Brush can be tinted stains, stain, diluted with water art with acrylic paint. Of course, brashirovka tree is not required: it is only the option of finishing.

If you are more to your taste laminated countertop, it can be done by hand, but it will require more effort.
Choice of paints and glue
Before proceeding to the installation, the boards must be protected from decay. The tree needed to impregnate the water-emulsion polymer (EPE): treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 3-5 days. That's enough to last a long time product.
For some models require glue. Along with special glues joiner (. BF-2, etc.) may be used building PVA: it is applied to both glued surfaces, is dried to "tack", is then coupled parts and kept under pressure of up to three days.

The novice master is difficult to reliably secure the leg, so try to choose the design, assess their skills and taking into account the labor costs and time.
The choice of coating materials is determined by where you plan to use the product in the yard or indoors. For the garden table, which is inevitably exposed to rainfall, suitable alkyd, alkyd-urethane, nitrocellulose lacquers and oil paints. For the kitchen table, as well as any furniture, constantly being in the room, it is better to use acrylic paints and varnishes: they are more environmentally friendly, does not have a strong odor. Lucky marked with "Blue Angel" are recommended for children's furniture and toys.
If you decide to cover the wood stain, paint or just a tinted varnish, it is necessary to perform the assembly. It is necessary to take into account the compatibility of materials. Toned varnish composition suitable paint if paint alkyd paint should be oily if you use acrylic paint - it can only be tinted with acrylic paint. First, a small amount of lacquer is thoroughly mixed in a separate container with paint, then the resulting mixture is added to a larger volume lacquer.

One of the most comfortable options for the garden - a folding table with benches, which can be installed in the gazebo or on the veranda.
What tools are needed
To work needed:
- hacksaw,
- a circular saw or a jig saw;
- drill;
- screwdriver;
- hammer (if you decided to use nails).

For the garden or the kitchen table suitable wood of many breeds.
This list includes only the most necessary tools, but the work to be more comfortable, and the finished product look aesthetically pleasing, it is desirable to buy or rent a swivel miter box, random orbit sanders and milling machine.
Swivel miter box allows you to do exactly the saw cut at the desired angle. Random Orbit Sanders will prepare the details simply, quickly and efficiently: you an hour otshlifuete board, instead of doing it all day manually with sandpaper. For high-quality processing ends handy belt sander, milling machine and allows you to select a tree for the required slots and finish the edges.

If you do not plan to engage in upholstery work permanently or just start practicing.
Homemade table from pallets
Spectacular rustic table can be constructed from pallets (wooden pallets). If you are lucky enough to own such a container, in particular pallet dvuhnastilnogo - simply dismantle it: the problem of acquisition boards, no!
You think that to buy new boards are always better? You probably have never worked with wood: raw wood can not be used (the product in a few months is deformed), and dry boards are much more expensive. To dry the board from raw wood, they are stacked in a well-ventilated room: this is a necessary process will delay your project for 4-6 months! A good choice for the kitchen table can become the already mentioned board rejected, too dry.

For table tops, frames and legs is possible to use wood of different breeds.
Let's go back to the pallets they dismantled. Now you have a strong board with different patterns and colors, it is possible that the trees of various species. These features are not be regarded as drawbacks: they will give the product a highlight: you only need to create one interesting composition, alternating planks of similar hue.
From the side of the pan make a great frame, and the remaining strips to be used for the assembly of countertops.

The work is best done in the yard because of the large amount of dust.
To make the legs need a bar with a minimum thickness of 5 cm. All items must be prepared: strictly on fibers sanding with sandpaper first major (No120-150), then the finer grain (No400-600), carefully remove dust.
Some boards can be painted with acrylic or oil paint. loft style Fans can be used stencils in the form of numbers or simple graphic symbols. Boards with a beautiful natural pattern "morim" or simply varnished. After staining, or first layer of acrylic lacquer soft fibers are raised; they must proshkurit medium grit sandpaper and apply a new coat of varnish.

Spectacular rustic table can be constructed from pallets (wooden pallets).
If used on non-aqueous base lacquer is sufficient cause the layer 2-3, and if acrylic - number of layers may be up to ten.
After painting the details you can proceed to the installation, which consists of several stages.

A good choice for the kitchen table can be a discarded board, too dry.
Boards tabletops fastening strips that are placed on the joints of the boards. Using a drill, screwdriver and screws fasten the board to the bar (at the joints using two self-tapping screws on the whole boards - one). Using the drill is necessary that when screwing screws wood is not cracked. Putting the frame sidewalls of the prepared trays. By means of a suitable drill diameter for the screws are drilled holes on the joints. Joints coat with glue and fix screws. Set foot: just fasten the boards to the frame by screwing the screws diagonally. To strengthen the construction, in an analogous manner we do bottom webs.

To make the legs need a bar with a minimum thickness of 5 cm.
Wooden table with laminated worktops
For laminated countertops need to pick up boards of the same width. If the table is for the studio and its appearance does not really matter, you can use the old floorboards: there are already grooves. To make their own slots require milling machine.
To collect the necessary smooth surface countertops. Just coat with sidewall glue boards butted without gaps and detaching the resulting construct clamps. Depending on the adhesive, should dry tabletop 1 to 3 days. If done correctly, you will get a countertop with a completely smooth surface without cracks. It remains to work out butts - trim first fret, and then sanded. In the absence of this belt grinders must be done manually - with sandpaper first large, then the average grain size.

After painting the details you can proceed to the installation, which consists of several stages.
If you do not want to mess around with glue and clamps - you can use ready-made wood panels from DIY stores. Then cover the tabletop is transparent or colored varnish.
For best results you need to apply 5-7 (for acrylic varnish to 10) layers. After each of the third layer of the working surface countertops need proshkurit fine sandpaper, carefully remove dust with a damp cloth. In step varnishing important not hurry: each layer of varnish should dry well.
It left leg to make the garden or the kitchen table: dwell on the option with L-shaped legs. Boards need at least 22-25 mm thick.

For laminated countertops need to pick up boards of the same width.
L-shaped leg made up of two parts joined at an angle of 90. On the joined boards need to take a sample, fluff joint joiner's glue, and then install the screws.
When the glue dries, cover the legs and after drying varnish simply fasten screws on to the table top.

Compound with top legs has several options.
Table with straight legs
To make the legs straight, thick enough to saw timber into pieces of equal length. A compound of the legs with worktop has several options.
To straight legs are securely installed in the home, you can use the connection to shkantah. They can be made independently of acacia wood, or buy ready-made. To assemble shkantovyh compounds need fast drying glue joiner (BF-2).

To make the legs straight, thick enough to saw timber into pieces of equal length.
Table X-shaped legs
X-shaped legs are made from bars or boards at least 50 mm thick.
The sequence of operation.
- On the inner side of the table top is attached to the screws on the two brackets on each side.
- To table looked good, edge strips need to pre-cut at an angle of 52.
- Paired strips fastened so as to fit feet, doing laps of 2-3 mm on each side.
- Put the board on a flat surface, crossing them at the right angle. Measure the distance between the ends of the boards: it must comply with the table width.
- Place intersection encircle chalk: here need to select half of the thickness of the boards, so that after the assembly, they lie in the same plane.
- Coat with glue and put a notch part in a press for 1-3 days. For greater reliability of connection can be reinforced with screws.
- Varnish legs.
- It remains to attach them to the table top by placing the strips formed in the grooves - and a table to give your hands ready.

X-shaped legs are made from bars or boards at least 50 mm thick.
Table with benches
The optimal solution for the gazebo - a dining table with attached benches. This design is better to do the folding, to clean up for the winter in the room.
For desktop boards require thick (32 mm) to be sawed into pieces according to the drawing. In this embodiment, the table attached two benches. When all the parts are cut, they must be sanded, focusing on the ends. Each board separately varnished.

The optimal solution for the gazebo - a dining table with attached benches.
, Prepare studs (length 160 mm) to connect the construction parts, nut and washer - 24 pcs. For the other compounds using nails or screws of suitable length. Using a drill to prepare all the necessary holes for mounting.
By drawing collect countertop and the upper part of the benches. Transverse slats Cut down at the edges, the angle should be 45. This can be done easily using the rotary miter box.
We do and fasten screws on all legs. Fasten sawed at an angle parts.

Each board separately varnished.
Contractible product studs with screws. Holes studs must first drill a drill. By installing the pin, it is necessary to put the washer on both sides and tighten the screws, using the key.

Contractible product studs with screws.
fasten seat boards with gaps of 5 mm. When the seats are connected to the legs sawed, fasten them to the assembled body of the board of 160 cm: need 4 boards.
Install remaining studs and enjoy the result.

Using a drill to prepare all the necessary holes for mounting.
VIDEO: Wooden table in the arbor with their hands
50 photo ideas: how to make this product consult the table with his hands