Plaid hearts: beautiful patterns for knitting and crochet

Recently, the trend plaid hearts. It is a good decoration in the nursery, and they can wrap your baby in a cold season. Make a gift to your children by linking a blanket, very easily. There are many different ways to do the job, you can link it, crocheting or knitting machine.


  • 1 Knitting needles hearts plaid
    • 1.1 Shadow patterns spokes pattern heart
    • 1.2 Children plaid openwork patterns
  • 2 Knit plaid hearts crocheted
    • 2.1 Children with bulky plaid hearts
    • 2.2 Knitting granny square plaid hearts
  • 3 Video: Children's plaid hooks with hearts (part 1)
  • 4 50 beautiful quilts and crochet with big and small hearts:

Knitting needles hearts plaid

For those who love to do needlework, not be easy to link a blanket. First of all, you need to choose the appropriate thread, it is important that they are soft, then the product will turn pleasant to the touch.

  • The choice of yarn

When choosing yarn must be remembered that the density of the rug will depend on the thickness of the thread, so who wants to have a good amount, selects the thread thickness. yarn quality also affects the structure of the web. For example, a woolen thread get a very warm blanket, and with the addition of polyacrylic product will not be much stretch. To get a soft product, do not need to knit a dense viscous.

  • How to determine the amount of yarn

Getting to work, we need to calculate the number of yarn. If we were binding small plaid (95h115 cm), then we will need 600 g of yarn, a large (112h168 cm), we will spend 1 kg 300 g

  • Color selection

For girls is better to choose such colors as pink, red or purple. For boys - blue, blue, green. Plaid has turned out beautifully, if alternate colors, making it a multi-color

Shadow patterns spokes pattern heart

Such patterns can perform even a novice who has mastered the basics of knitting and can knit the two main loops. They consist of alternating front and seamy smooth surface, using this technique, you can vyvyazat on the canvas the whole picture.

  • "Simple Heart"

Very simple knitting, here the main pattern - hearts, carried out against the background of the backing loops facial pattern, and vice versa, on the underside of the background facial loops. Hearts are on the canvas evenly, every 10-15 cm, their size depends on the number of loops, it is possible to make small or large loops 10-16 20-30 loops.

Detail "heart" - scheme with explanations

Sample heart motif on the proposed scheme

Baby blankets related face and reverse loops with three pictures, one of which - heart

Starting knitting plaid - bottom right angle with the rim pattern pearly

Pearly or rice and the separation pattern edging strips

Pattern for a strip in the form of irregular checkerboard

  • "The heart of the boxes"

Plaid configured squares, each of which is disposed pattern - hearts amid backstitches loops. Each square, is knitted by the same scheme and consists of 28 loops. Starting from the fourth row of the middle loop begin to form hearts, by replacing backstitches loops facial.

Such a blanket for the newborn will be a little difficult to implement, but it is very unusual and beautiful

Scheme knitting motifs for plaid

Scheme A knitting motif

In Scheme knitting motif

Scheme knitting motif C

Children plaid openwork patterns

Very nice and gentle blanket for babies with delicate hearts

Blanket with openwork patterns always looks gentle and refined. Ease it gives the air loop, made with sc. Such a pattern may be associated with both needles and crochet.

  • "Pierced heart"

Performed on the wrong coats. Heart itself consists of facial loops, with knitting which, in the report every time added on two air loops. In the schemes, adding denoted by triangles, and sc - circles. For registration of the edges of the heart, when subtraction using one sc.

The scheme for the pattern "pierced heart"

motif pattern for the pattern "pierced heart"

  • "The heart of the peak"

The pattern is knitted on the needles. This is the heart of the "eyes" that have the outline of the heart and are performed as follows: in the personal number instead provyazyvaniya 1 individuals. 1 PHI. We do double sc, winding the thread on the needle twice. In the purl row, sc provyazyvaetsya seamy loop.

The circuit pattern for "Heart of the peak"

motif pattern for the pattern "Heart of Pico"

  • "Little Heart"

This pattern is performed on the front surface of, it can be used as a basic pattern of the product, also be combined with other patterns.

The circuit pattern for "Little Heart"

motif pattern for the pattern "Little Heart"

Scheme plaid needles made hearts and braids

Small interesting plaid spokes made hearts and streamers

Knit plaid hearts crocheted

Children with bulky plaid hearts

  • "Hearts in the web"

Such a blanket of knitted hook bars with sc. Hearts tally at the same distance from each other, 15-20 loops, each of which begins to form a single loop. They seem to rise from the crowd.

Scheme knitting openwork hearts for plaid

Rainbow plaid with delicate hearts

  • "Hearts knobs"

Performed on the smooth surface of the bars, without sc. Bumps are knitted along the edge hearts every 2 loop. From one loop 5 loop gain, then they are connected together by a single loop. It turns shishechka.

The scheme for the pattern "Volumetric hearts - bumps"

Children with bulky plaid hearts crocheted

Knitting granny square plaid hearts

This is a very old and simple method of knitting, which was used by our grandmothers. Blanket consists of a plurality of separately linked squares that are sewn or linked with one another. Knitting can be optional or crocheted.

Plaid of my grandmother's squares with big hearts

In operation crocheted motifs start from the middle, then make the extension by one loop of knitting a few bars with sc. In order to achieve greater softness and lightness in the product, making the bars with two or three sc, and vice versa, will give a density of plaid knit columns with or without one sc sc.

Driving grandmother square with heart

Squares are knitted with needles upwards. Each square is knitted separately and then connect them to each other. Joining can be by means of a hook or a needle.

Make a holiday yourself and your family is not difficult, you only need to want and to make this a little effort!

Video: Children's plaid hooks with hearts (part 1)

50 beautiful quilts and crochet with big and small hearts: