Fitted sheets: cutting and sewing on a regular and round mattress

It is no secret that we spend a third of life in a dream. At the same time we want the convenience and comfort. But ordinary sheets are constantly slipping, sliding to the floor. How to deal with it? Use the stretch option. They are securely wrapped around the mattress and remain smooth throughout the night.

You can not always choose the right sheet size bed of the desired material. In this article we will teach you to sew bed sheets with an elastic band for a normal, round and oval mattress. You will see that it is just able to do it yourself.


  • 1 The choice of materials
  • 2 cutting of material
  • 3 sewing sheets
  • 4 options sheet
  • 5 If your mattress is round?
  • 6 additional locks
  • 7 Video: A sheet with an elastic band with their own hands

The choice of materials

To work fit linen, cotton, calico, silk and jersey. Material for his bedsheets choose any, to your taste. We recommend to stay on the cloth with which you're familiar.

Sheets with an elastic band is better to sew of cotton of any kind

What amount of tissue required? It depends on the size of the mattress.

Do the calculations for the size of 160x200cm. The usual height of the collar 15 cm. Adding it to the double rate to width - 160 15h2 + = 190 cm, and the length -. 200 + 15h2 = 230sm. In addition, we add 20 cm. to the wrong side and hem. 210h250sm happened. In the store to look for fabric width of 250cm. and buy 210 cm. According to this formula, you can calculate material consumption for its size alone! If the fabric is wider - it is necessary to cut off the excess.

Still, you'll need an ordinary underwear elastic, thread the tone of the chosen fabric, scissors and pins. Everything is ready for cutting.

At the edge of the sheet, you can sew the elastic band (2-3cm), it will give savings in calico cut and last longer

cutting of material

Attention! Before cutting tissue that is prone to shrinkage, it should be soaked in hot water, and dried to iron. Or just have a good steamed iron.

Pattern for sheets with an elastic band 160 * 190cm

On Tissue Preparation Measure out the required dimensions - get a rectangle with sides 210h250sm. Fold it in four, aligning the ends. Now we take a corner where gathered 4 free ends of the fabric, measured from the right and left angle of 15 cm. rim height + 10 cm. on the hem. In our case it is 25cm. Feel free to cut the size of the box 25h25sm. Pattern is ready. It is a rectangle with the corners cut off.

Cut a square of drafted lines, repeat the procedure with the other three corners

sewing sheets

First we add our cut squares diagonally facing inward. Sewn on the machine, then processed on the overlock or "zigzag". Also we treat all fabric edges except the edge.

Sginaem web connecting the side of each square cut out between them, the front side of the fabric inside

Next step: do kuliske for gum. Buckling edge over the width of the selected perimeter gum + 2 cm. allowance, stitched by. Dressmakers advise inexperienced first iron the hem, and even better trained.

Stabs pins place tissue connections in the corners, the corners are doing in line with an allowance of 1 cm

There are two versions of the hem:

  • single,
  • double.

In the first case, buckling once and sewn in the second - to bend double. But the first layer of fabric do less.

Loose-leaf sheets with podgibaniem edges of 1.5 cm

Tuck the edges of 1.5 cm, shear them, make a line on the perimeter, leaving holes for the gum

It is important to remember to leave an opening for prodergivaniya gum. How much it will need? In half the perimeter of our fabric.

Cut the four pieces of gum a length of 35-40 cm, insert one segment gum corner sheeting, and pinned at its end openings 1 and 2

Performing seam safely gum paste using ordinary pin. We sew the edge of the gum.

Sew the elastic on both sides of the angle of the sheets, is repeated in the other three corners

Here is the finished line with a sewn rubber

You now have a beautiful, exclusive sheet, made with his own hands.

Comfortable bed sheets with an elastic band with his hands ready

options sheet

We have considered an ordinary sewing stretch sheets.

And if you want to sew bed sheet with an elastic band oval? In this case, you need to carve out two parts: an oval the size of the mattress and the piping rail. It is important to take this into account when buying fabric. How to calculate the right amount - discussed below.

If the mattress is made in the form of an oval oval can sew the sheet with elastic

If you want to make a sheet for baby cot 120x60 cm., The fabric for the oval will be this size plus 5 cm. the seam allowance. It turns 125h65 cm. Fold fabric in four. Now take the edge with 4 corners and do the rounding. We note the angle in both directions about 20-25 cm. and conduct an arc radius of about 20 cm. Cut off the excess fabric.

Now cut out the piping. It is 20 cm. width (a double rim height) and a length equal to the perimeter of the primary pieces - 380 cm. (125 + 125 + 65 + 65) Cut the web into strips 20 cm wide. Child mattress narrow and fabric for the sheet width usually not less than 150 cm. With the pattern of the oval along the tissue, thereby leave material for piping strips. Therefore, you must buy the fabric length 125 cm.

So we cut the strip to the piping. Now sew the seam of linen. Fold the oval and piping, right sides together, basting and stitched by. Do not forget to treat the seam stitching "zigzag". Drawstring left to do for the gum. How to do it - we have been told. Insert gum for the child sheet ready.

If your mattress is round?

Bed sheet with an elastic band "Mint Stars" in the newborn crib

Circular can sew the sheet in the same manner as oval. The difference in cutting out a circle.

Calculation of fabrics round of the sheets on all Mattresses diameter of 2.40 meters

Calculation of the side of the sheets on the mattress round

For example, the diameter of the mattress 150 cm., The height of the collar 15 cm.

  1. Put a mattress on the material, draw out tailoring chalk. The result was a circle with a diameter of 150 cm.

    Cut a circle of fabric with the addition at the seams

  2. Add 2 cm. the seam and cut.
  3. Also produces piping to a side length equal to the perimeter of a circle and a height of 25 cm. (15sm.- rim height + 15 cm. hem on the bottom of the mattress and the encirclement).

    Cut the fabric skirting, if there is no fabric width - do 2 parts

    Combine 2 parts rim on a typewriter

  4. Stitched by piping strips into a single sheet, to sew a circle.

    We sew circular rim to the main body

  5. We treat the seam around the edge on the overlock. Making the width of the hem to gum, as in the first case of selecting the two.

    Overlochivaem details in a circle, making the hem, 1-1.2 cm gum stitched by

  6. Prometyvaem and sews.
  7. We put the gum, stitching together the ends.

    Cut the elastic band of the correct size and left a hole in vdevaem

    Sew the ends of the gum, gum stitched by left to the hole

round shape sheet ready.

We get ready sheets with elastic on all children's mattress

additional locks

Way to secure the sheets with an elastic band

Tension sheet well keeps on a mattress. To ensure greater strength and, if desired, you can use the locks. This is a wide elastic band on the type of old children 'pazhikov ". They can be bought ready-made and can be sewn to the inside corners of the cross-wise. This mount is not exactly give the sheet to stray.

You could see that the production of tension on your favorite bed sheets - quite complex and interesting and creative occupation. You can easily apply their knowledge and produce a sheet of your dreams that will not run off, sliding, and take a lot of pleasure to you and your loved ones. A compliment to you as a caring owner, will be the deserved reward for your hard work. Now you can safely go to the store and choose the material to create your masterpiece!

Video: A sheet with an elastic band with their own hands