How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the carpet at home?

Purity and freshness in the house - the key to health and mental balance of the hosts. Unfortunately, everything carpets tend to absorb moisture and keep the different smells. Every parent or the owner of a pet at least once in his life faced with the emergence of "puddles" on the carpet. Particularly problematic when it comes to cats. After all, if a cat once went to the toilet in the wrong place, it is likely, this place in the future will become a favorite for him. This article will be gathered all the effective ways on how you can get rid of the pungent odor of cat urine and baby urine on the carpet at home.

To remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet, you can use professional products based on enzymes, or folk remedies.


  • 1 Features odor of urine from the carpet according to the "freshness" of spots.
  • 2 Don'ts
  • 3 Overview home recipes and methods
    • 3.1 Vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide
    • 3.2 Laundry soap
    • 3.3 Lemon or citric acid
    • 3.4 hydrogen peroxide, ammonia
    • 3.5 Potassium permanganate and iodine
    • 3.6 Soda and hydrogen peroxide
    • 3.7 Glycerol
    • 3.8 The mixture of ammonia and vodka
    • 3.9 Soda and liquid soap
    • 3.10 Vinegar and salt
    • 3.11 Specialized chemistry
  • 4 Preventive actions
  • 5 conclusion
  • 6 VIDEO: How to quickly bring the smell of cat urine.
  • 7 VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of cat urine.

Features odor of urine from the carpet according to the "freshness" of spots.

Fight urine on the carpet - not an easy task, but it is doable. The older the stain, the more effort will have to make to get rid of the smell of urine completely on the carpet. Therefore, it is necessary to act immediately, without delay "for later".

Funny little animals bring a lot of joy to their owners, but there are also disappointments.

If the puddle is still fresh, the initial task - as much as possible to collect moisture from the carpet. To do this, lay a stain the surface with paper towels and by press palms to absorb their urine. And so I have wet wipes to dry up as long as they do not stop to collect moisture. It is then possible to start cleaning (methods listed below).

Even the most cultured animals may sometimes leave their mark or puddle on the carpet.

If the stain has been observed already dry, the main goal - is to remove urine from the carpet. To do this, it needs to be wet again. On the spot you need to pour a glass of water, wait for it to be absorbed, and the above steps to absorb moisture wipes. So to repeat at least 3 times (the more the better), depending on the size of the initial spot, and only then start brushing.


The basic rules of what not to do when cleaning carpets.

These labels are resistant, pungent odor and spoil the appearance of the flooring.

  • Pouring hot water. Heat treatment is not suitable for all carpets and can cause deformation of the product.
  • Strongly rubbing the stain. Friction can spoil the texture of the material.
  • Must spot using chemistry previously not check response on a separate piece of carpet. It can lead to discoloration.
  • Treat the stain with bleach or white.
  • Dry the hair dryer or iron.
  • Use colored napkins or cloth to remove the moisture.

Overview home recipes and methods

At the moment, there are many ways to clean a carpet of high quality cat urine in the home. Therefore, if the spot has been found, do not panic and run to the dry cleaners! Simple, but very effective popular recipes will help to quickly clean up even the most inveterate pollution.

Most of the funds based on the enzyme does not act immediately, it may take several days before the smell will disappear.

By the way, these methods are able to withdraw from the carpet smell like cat urine and infant. After all, kids are getting used to the pot, too, can sometimes write in the wrong place.

So, clean the carpet of urine you can use:

  1. hydrogen peroxide, soda ash and vinegar;
  2. laundry soap;
  3. lemon or citric acid;
  4. hydrogen peroxide and ammonia;
  5. potassium permanganate and iodine;
  6. soda and hydrogen peroxide;
  7. glycerol;
  8. a mixture of ammonia and vodka;
  9. soda and soap;
  10. vinegar and salt;
  11. specialty chemicals.

If you do not want to spend money on a professional chemistry, you can use one of the folk remedies.

All of these methods and the application of the rules will be described in this article.

Attention! All actions should be carried out with gloves to avoid damaging the skin of the hands and prevent the ingress of bacteria into the bloodstream. Before starting cleaning, as well as possible need to remove urine from the carpet dry wipes (as described above in Section II)

Vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide

In cat urine has a composition of ammonia, however it has such caustic and pungent smell. Urine child feeding "with common table" also has a characteristic odor, which is not easy to get rid of.

The sooner you find the stain and make this something, the more likely to get rid of the annoying smell.

Vinegar - an indispensable ingredient that without special efforts will help restore the carpet original freshness. And in combination with soda and peroxide does not have any chance of contamination.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Mix vinegar with water 1: 3, respectively.
  2. Pour the mixture on the stain, cover with a paper towel and left to 10-15 minutes for the chemical reaction process.
  3. Wet wipe excess moisture.
  4. Top spot to sleep a little ash layer.
  5. Mix hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts.
  6. Spray the solution on the soda and leave to dry.
  7. Vacuum the remains of soda.

Laundry soap

Soap known to all as a very effective tool in the fight against all sorts of dirt and odors. At a time when there was such an abundance of powder and stain removers for hostesses help comes soap. It consists of glycerol, which cleaves on the uric acid crystals, and hence to easily deliver the house from the penetrating odor.

Very good can cope with pungent odor of urine as well as glycerin, is contained in the soap is a good solvent of uric acid.


  • The spot must first be wetted with water.
  • Liberally apply the soap on the soft surface of the sponge and foam.
  • Thick layer of foam applied to a carpet and accurate movements from the edge to the center in the rub foam pile.
  • Leave on for 15-20 minutes interact.
  • Clean thoroughly with a damp cloth to collect any soap residue from the carpet.
  • Wet paper towels to dry.

Wet the stain smeared gruel of soap diluted in water, after a while this place thoroughly zastiryvayut.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure one more time, if necessary.

Lemon or citric acid

If a cat has written on the carpet, then clean it and remove the unpleasant smell of lemon juice can help. It can also replace the ten percent solution of citric acid.

For the treatment of carpet, we need the juice of one lemon in a glass of water divorced.

First you need to blot the stain with toilet paper or towels to remove as much as possible from the pile urine. Squeeze the lemon juice and pour it evenly place puddles. Remove moisture wipes and again to repeat the process, and then leave to dry. After that, you can sprinkle this place soda and vacuum after 20-30 minutes.

Citric acid neutralizes aromatics urine.

Lemon takes away the stench and gives the carpet a pleasant citrus scent.

hydrogen peroxide, ammonia

To implement this method to mix 15-20 ml of hydrogen peroxide with two spoons of any liquid detergent or powder. In this solution add two teaspoons of baking soda and mix. The resulting mixture was applied to the stain and rubbed with a soft brush. After 20-30 minutes sprinkle the surface of the damaged area of ​​the ammonia spray.

Leave to dry, then remove the remains with a vacuum cleaner soda.

Potassium permanganate and iodine

How to get rid of the smell of children's or cat urine on the carpet by means of manganese and iodine? This method is suitable only for carpets with dark colors.

To stir the mixture as long as the crystals are completely dissolved in water.

For this solution to be mixed 1 liter of water, 15-20 drops of iodine and potassium permanganate bit - pinch.

You need to clean the carpet in several steps: Apply the liquid to the stain, rub with a brush or sponge to remove moisture wipes. Repeat several times, then leave the stain to dry completely.

Soda and hydrogen peroxide

Another effective means - is based mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide. It reacts with uric acid and cleaves it, outputting by the formation of gases.

After a couple of hours can be removed from the carpet balances.

To prepare the mixture will need:

  • Dining room soda - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 15-20 ml;
  • dishwashing liquid - 2 tablespoons.

All the ingredients are mixed, applied to the damaged area and leave to dry. Then rinse with warm water, wet wipes excess moisture and then leave to dry.


Any soap or detergent base which is based on glycerin, help win the fight for the purity and freshness of the house.

Glycerol serves as a good solvent of uric acid.

We need only apply lather sponge or brush to the contaminated area and clean neat motion blur. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then clean with a wet sponge to remove foam. residual moisture to collect paper.

The mixture of ammonia and vodka

This tool copes well even with old stains. True then need to thoroughly ventilate the room, as a mixture of vodka and ammonia - this is not the most pleasant aromas.

Wipe the stained portion of a cloth soaked in vodka or alcohol, and leave to dry.

For the surface treatment is mixed vodka and ammonia in the proportions 2: 1, respectively. Pour this liquid stain and allowed to react for half an hour. Then make a soap solution of warm water and any detergent. Sponge, wipe the surface of the carpet and blotted her dry towels to remove excess liquid.

If particularly dirty, you can sprinkle the surface with baking soda, it will help to bring the remaining odors.

After drying should be vacuumed carpet.

Soda and liquid soap

First you need to remove urine from the carpet using the wipes. Top spot sprinkle baking soda and leave for 15-20 minutes so. Then poured on the sponge containing liquid soap with glycerol foamed. Foam carpet clean and then leave for 15-20 minutes. After this you must wash it clean with a damp sponge and blot with paper towels.

Next urine smeared soda, after drying and removing purified brush cleaner or a broom.

Vinegar and salt

To thoroughly clean the carpet from urine is also used step by step application of vinegar and salt. First vinegar should be diluted with water in a ratio of 3 to 1, then distribute the liquid over the entire surface of the former puddles cover cloth and leave to affect 15-20 minutes. After this wet stain paper towels or toilet paper and sprinkle with salt.

After complete drying, vacuum and clean this area is a place with a solution of vinegar and water if necessary.

Specialized chemistry

To remove ingrained smell of urine from the carpet should take advantage of the specialized chemistry.

To solve the problem fundamentally, get money in specialized stores.

Important! It is not recommended to acquire the means chlorine-based!

When urine interaction with chlorine will bombicheskaya mixture, which publishes more eerie and acrid odor, which is even more difficult to get rid of. In addition, the evaporation of this chemical element is not safe for health.

Best suited means, which is composed of enzymes or enzymes.

Therefore, here it is better not to experiment, and to buy a special solution designed to eliminate urinary bacteria and fight bad breath. Such funds are sold in stores or livestock departments of chemicals.

Price range for every budget, but experience has shown that efficiency does not change.

Here is a list of effective chemicals.

  • Urine Off.
  • Liquidator smell "Zoosan".
  • Odorgone Animal Gold.
  • "DezoSan".
  • Neutralizer Spray Fresh.

Preventive actions

It is important to understand that cats - animals and ambitious, if they go to the toilet in the wrong place, then you must often clean up their stalls.

If the animal has already been described carpet, then do not take any measures, the owners at risk of puddle again in the same place. Therefore, to remove urine and combat unpleasant odors should immediately! In addition, to remove the smell of cat urine has already dried up from the carpet is much harder than fresh.

Cats love cleanliness, often change the toilet filler and do not forget to wash the tray.

For the prevention of possible biweekly do wet carpet cleaning with the addition of water, lemon juice. Cats do not like the smell, and therefore will not write on the carpet.

You can also buy in a specialty store remedy for repelling animals. Pet of course this will not be afraid of the carpet, but also make him the toilet did not want to.

Your cat may just not like the place of the toilet, there is too often go or noisy household appliances.


In conclusion I would like to note that the tamed animal, the man responsible for it. Therefore we can not throw the animal into the street, even for such a gross misdemeanor. Try to find the reason why this is happening and perhaps eliminate it, a pet will not deliver a hassle.

For physiological needs cat choose a secluded place where they will not be disturbed. Try moving the tray to another location.

Well, if you are still affected by this problem, now you know how at home to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the carpet.

VIDEO: How to quickly bring the smell of cat urine.

VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of cat urine.