How to wash a blanket of syntepon in a washing machine

Blankets periodically require washing, and if they are filled with synthetic padding, it will hold it in the washing machine on its own. When the procedure is important to observe a number of rules that will prevent damage to things. Errors during the wash can make the product unsuitable for further use.

Machine wash is absolutely no influence in any way on the texture of the blanket, but it should be acquainted with the tag and instructions for its cleaning


  • 1 Syntepon especially important when cleaning
  • 2 Features washing machine
  • 3 Step by step instructions for washing in the machine
  • 4 Handwash
  • 5 drying rules
  • 6 Which tool to use
  • 7 Video: Master Class washing my big blanket .Iyun 2015

Syntepon especially important when cleaning

Blanket of syntepon - lung volume and retains heat well, but because of its structure, absorbs a lot of dust and sweat, and therefore requires regular washing

In the care sintepon unpretentious and absolutely not afraid of water. If necessary, you can even leave a considerable time soaked in cold water. Hot water filler may easily deteriorate.

designation icon

Symbols for care

Also has a negative impact on the material effects of aggressive chemicals for washing and the use of spin. Hand-washing can not pull much filler, disrupting its structure, otherwise the thing will lose its quality and become unusable.

Labels on tags, which tell you about how to properly care for the product

Features washing machine

washing modes, which can be used for washing blankets

Machine washable quilt filled with padding polyester, it is possible, but only if it is small, or when permissible loading drum 6 kg. This is due to the fact that light to wetting, it is considerably heavier, having absorbed the water. In the standard machine, in most cases there is an overload of the drum and its imbalance, because of what the machinery breaks down.

The blanket should be placed in the washing machine so that the drum is left a little more space - this will allow it to be removed by better

Carried out in the machine clean bedding can be only if the equipment is designed for loading large items. When permitted by the manufacturer, a washing machine is designed for the weight of the drum contents and wet. The rotation speed is selected from 200 to 300 rpm.

Choosing a washing machine drum rotation speed during the spin cycle

Spin in the washing machine and dryer where prohibited. Such measures are convenient for other things, will make the product unusable. Blanket with synthetic filling after removal from the drum must drain.

Machine pressing and drying the product in the machine are prohibited

Step by step instructions for washing in the machine

Poroshkopriemnik washed by detergent residues. Use the usual laundry detergent for cleaning blankets impossible. The compartment for the liquid detergent is poured into a special composition which is intended for items with sinteponovye excipients.

Wash blankets need, taking into account the recommendations of the material for the care, of which it is made

Zastiryvaem spot to main wash with a suitable stain remover and or soap

Cleaned only allowed completely whole bedding. Even if found small holes, they definitely need to sew. Without this syntepon fibers may be beaten out and damage the equipment.

Before you proceed to washing, you need to ensure the integrity of the cover, otherwise the material can fluff up, clog the filter, wear in some areas

Further action should be as follows:

  • folding the product in a few times and then twisting it into a tube;

    , You need to roll it into a roll to the right to download the covers to the drum

  • laying correctly folded items into the drum;

    For washing liquid blanket is recommended to use (especially gel) Enzyme concentrates

    Types gels and powders for bulk wash blankets

  • installing the washing mode, which should have a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, the slow rotation of the drum and to exclude spinning and drying;

    To preserve the quality does not exceed the wash temperature shown on the label to the blanket

    Before washing, you can put into the drum 2-3 tennis or special rubber balls that are in the process will not allow the filler matted

  • to set the dual rinse, if any.

    Super rinse mode without the spin perfectly to rinse detergent residues

Immediately after the end of the entire process to extract quite wet bedding should not be. It should leave for an hour in the car. Dry subject will be much easier, as during this time most of the water has time to drain. During this process, yet friendly product in the drum, the machine door must be opened. This will avoid the appearance of a musty smell.

Cleaning of bedding filled with synthetic padding, in the washing machine is the best option. It allows you to remove all contamination and fully refresh the filler.


Not every washing machine has a large drum, which would put a blanket, then there is only one option - Hand wash

Hand washing is necessary in cases where the available washing machine is not intended for large items. Wash will have in the bath. Such cleaning is carried out in the following sequence:

  • filling the bath with cold water 1/4 -1/3;

    Collect water in the bath

  • dissolving in water a liquid detergent sinteponovye blankets;

    Liquid gel for washing down, feathers, syntepon

  • stitching holes in the blanket, if available;
  • placing things in the bath;

    Wash blankets by hand in the bathtub

  • maximally even distribution soaked object on the bottom of the bath;
  • razuvshis crumple product feet in the bath for about 30 minutes, making pulling sideways movements;
  • draining dirty soap water;
  • filling pure water baths and rinse blankets (procedure was repeated 3 times);
  • draining the water from the article in the bath for 1 hour at the open drain;
  • Removing items from the bathroom and room for drying.

Handwash sinteponovye blankets need to spend a lot of effort, and get wet thing would be difficult. Because of this, it is necessary to soak accurately assess their physical abilities. If you are unsure what happens to cope with the problem on their own, it is best to turn to the dry cleaners. Wash sinteponovye fillers should only special liquid detergent compositions.

drying rules

Such a blanket can not hang, it should be dried in a horizontal form

Drying sinteponovye blanket should also be subject to certain rules. It is best to wash the thing in summer when you can dry it out of the apartment. However, hang the product in direct sunlight should not be, as this may damage it.

If you can not dry the quilt on the street, you can do it in a well ventilated room

When dried at home we must ensure that the next there was a heater. An exception is the heater which is put in 2 meters of wet things, that accelerates the evaporation of water.

Useful apparatus for drying products

Every hour, it is necessary to shake and turn the bedding, to accelerate drying. In addition, this action will enable and properly distribute the filler in things. When shaking is not necessary to make any sudden braking movements, so as not to stall syntepon.

Which tool to use

Washing blankets in the washing machine is best to use not ordinary powder and liquid detergent, a mild detergent that is added to the drum

Wash only be a liquid detergent, which is designed for bedding items filled with synthetic padding. Conventional powders can not rinse well and staying will spoil the quality of the thing, and also provoke allergic reactions. Also wrong detergent is easy to cause a stall syntepon, because of what the product will become unusable. It is necessary to choose the detergent from the category of professional. Those that are in the Economy category, often do not have adequate quality and are not washed out of things completely.

Proper cleaning products filled with synthetic padding, not too difficult, but requires strict adherence to a set of rules. Errors in the care of a thing lead to irreversible damage to her, because of what you want to buy new bedding.

Video: Master Class washing my big blanket .Iyun 2015