A Beginner's Guide: How to make a rug out of old T-shirts with their hands?

All things eventually lose its relevance, and the former neat appearance. They can be disposed of, and may be given a second life: create mat Relations old T-shirts.

A good option to diversify the interior of the apartment, make any elements of antiquity - to execute a hook rug that is easy to make out of old things.


  • 1 Materials and tools
  • 2 Pad out of old T-shirts: methods of making and instruction
  • 3 finished yarn
  • 4 Knits
  • 5 Basketry
  • 6 Products based on grid
  • 7 Products on the basis of tissue
  • 8 Mat pigtails
  • 9 Mat on the hoop
  • 10 Mat, tied with crochet
  • 11 VIDEO: How to make a round rug from old t-shirts.
  • 12 50 variants of the original floor mats from old T-shirts:

Materials and tools

Prepare scissors, plastic hook large, soap, old clothes from knitwear, needle and thread.

For mats of the old shirts associated hook, can be used any circuit, e.g., a similar scheme for napkins.

Note! The material of the yarn should be taken solely on the basis of natural materials.

Pad out of old T-shirts: methods of making and instruction

There are several ways of how to make a beautiful rug of unnecessary old T-shirts: on the hoop, braiding, shreds of the fabric, grid, knitted, plaited, tied with a hook. Each method will create a unique work, which will decorate the house.

The first step is to try to make a simple round doormat, which start from the center, gradually increasing in diameter as knitting series.

For the technique of "weaving" take a round base or a rectangle.

When braiding is completed, the tip of the ribbon is fixed with a needle and thread.

The base mat - Paint and plaster mesh. Cut a piece of mesh size of the future carpet.

finished yarn

Before, how to start binding the rug from a variety of T-shirts and knitted cloth of different colors with their own handsIt is necessary to prepare a yarn.

Attention! The denser the tissue, the already cut the tape for the job.

Consider a step by step yarn preparation process:

  • well wash and dry things;
  • cut them into strips of equal width straight (about 1.5 cm -2.);
  • slightly stretch the tape as they rolled into a yarn;
  • sew strips between themselves;
  • gently fold the stitched ribbon in glomeruli (make sure that they do not twist or have uniform tension).

It would be great if the glomeruli are obtained colored.

The width of the strips depends on the density of the material. The thinner it is, the wider the cut into strips.

Note! Knitwear for work can be cut in two ways: in a circle and a spiral.


take the number 15 hook to create a carpet of shirts.

Well, if the front of the establishment mat of obsolete their old T-shirtsYou have had the experience of crocheting or knitting.

Instructions: knit ringFurther binds him in a circle, using columns with sc, Air loop and omissions.

Openwork product is obtained by stitches.

Knitting circle pad is performed to the required size.

Can knit shirts of beautiful crocheting rugsFilled with a variety of patterns.

Alternating different techniques knitting, you will get a beautiful and practical mat.


Choosing the shape: a circle or rectangle. that make mats with their hands in weaving technology from old T-shirts, Prepare the substrate, depending on the chosen form.

Braided rug can be made without a hook.

To create a round shape products will need a circle of paper, diameter must correspond to the desired size of the work. Divide it into equal segments passing through the center, you can use a ruler. At the edges of bore holes for fixing yarns. When the workpiece is ready, go in framing a thread. After fixing it, braid the yarn in a circle, over and under the wire. yarn ends fastened from the inside, using a needle and thread.

Here's how to tie a rug from old and have not trendy T-shirts without a hook.

Products based on grid

Buy conventional mesh repair and prepare material of scraps of fabric. The optimum size of patches - 2 10. Making the carpet.

Grid - a good assistant in creating a carpet of old and obsolete T-shirts.

  • Cut the mesh desired shape future work.
  • Product Center - Getting Started. Shred threaded bottom mesh top so that you can tie the knot.
  • We perform this manipulation in each cell.

    Recede from the edge of 1 cm and begin to fix the size of 2 cm * 12 cells in tissue scraps.

Such mat without hook and special tools to make quick and easy from old T-shirts with their hands.

Scraps of plants with the bottom of the grid, pulling them up with a hook.

As a result, you will cozy shaggy rug.

Products on the basis of tissue

The substrate can be used fabric: burlap. Prepare 2 scraps 10 and start to work. Thread the every shred the cell evenly across the width of the foundations, the thicker the better. So rug will be fluffy and soft.

Before you create a mat turned into yarn of old T-shirts, pull up the ends of the fabric, pick up a form.

This mat is perfect for hallway and bathroom.

Mat pigtails

Three tangle of ribbons woven into one, knit braid. To proceed with the necessary support. It can be done with a towel or a thick cloth. Cut out on the basis of a sample of what was intended and the desired shape of the product. Sew thread to the fabric in a circle pigtails. When the length is conceived to be sewn, the remnants of the substrate fabric can be cut or hem.

Mat braids can make even a novice master.

All are able to plait braids, so the process does not cause difficulty.

Make sure that the materials were about the same thickness, it is otherwise difficult to weave the same pigtails.

Mat on the hoop

When the piping is finished, cut the thread at the base and wrap tightly bind them.

An interesting variant of mating with the hoop. Take a hoop around the circle and pull it bases thread. Starting at the center of the circle, "snake" strapping frame yarn. Pattern can think on their own, in the preparatory phase of the work.

Mat, tied with crochet

Take a tape and start knitting in a spiral thread undergirding it. In the process of strapping tape wrap in the ring. When the rug size is sufficient, carefully attach the end of the tape.

This way you can get a tight, practical rug from old t-shirts created by hook and thread with a needle.

we incrementally reviewed the process of creating a rug of t-shirts with their own hands using different methods: this is a very exciting and interesting procedure. At the end of work you will get an excellent thing that will come in handy in the bathroom and in the nursery, bedroom.

VIDEO: How to make a round rug from old t-shirts.

50 variants of the original floor mats from old T-shirts: