How to store linens in the closet: the methods and rules

Perhaps the most space in the linen closet every occupied bed linen. It does not matter baby kit or a family, or a semi-Euro size - each sheet includes at least one duvet cover (and often two) and pillowcases. Given that sets in every home a few, you get a whole bunch of things!


Solid color double set of bed linen

Space in our cupboards are not many, so the question is how compact fold linens, relevant for the majority.

Proper organization of storage of linen

Proper organization of storage of linen - a simple process if you know all the nuances

There are several variants of folding bedding. The most common methods are:

  • classic (stacks);
  • vertical;
  • storage of the kit in a pillowcase.


  • 1 classical approach
  • 2 vertical method
  • 3 Set in a pillowcase
  • 4 Linens elastic
  • 5 Rules linen storage cabinet
  • 6 Video: How to fold the bedding (sets) 4 ways?

classical approach

Laundry in piles

Underwear in the closet in the stacks of the classical method

The essence of this method lies in the traditional storage underwear sets in the stack. To smaller places were occupied in the closet, an important step is the pre-ironing: it will allow to pack as compact as possible.

Iron bed

After the laundry is very important to make ironing - stroked clothes will take up less space in the cabinet

Ironing process can be replaced by a thorough shaking things before drying. However, shake the duvet cover or sheet so that they are more or less equal, is not so simple: you will need a certain force.

kits Sort

After ironing kits must be sorted into sets

set of objects accurately, corner to corner, fold into a small boxes (for example, semi duvet covers or sheets folded about ten times, pillowcases - four) and placed on top of each other stacks. Then, the stack is placed on the cabinet shelf or in a drawer.

Bed in a closet in the stacks

Storage option bed linen in piles

Hanging fabric Regiment

In bed linen storage is well proven fabric hanging shelf

The disadvantages of this method is the difficulty in removing the clothes from the shelves: with a high degree of probability when trying to get one set you will touch another or crumple.

Storage option in the closet

With this embodiment, the storage inconvenient extract kit from bookshelf

Connect a tape deck

You can sort the laundry according to the kit and connect them with beautiful ribbon

vertical method

Vertical storage method

Method Mari Kondo - vertical storage method

This method of addition bed linen came to us from Japan. Things are not collapsed into flat rectangles, and in thick rolls, and placed on top of each other, and are placed in rows.

Vertical storage method

Vertical way of linen storage with storage bed in rolls

So, if you rolled a classical way a standard quilt folded back in three times (of course, everything depends on the size), the result is a small bundle of rectangular shape, and store it is necessary to "put" the narrow part. Sheets and pillowcases "put" together.

Convolution in baskets

Convolution can be stored in baskets or boxes if the shelves are inconvenient for vertical storage

This linen storage option is convenient because you can immediately find the desired accessories, and get them quite easily.

Vertically folded linens

Vertically folded linen in the drawer - you can easily stay right kit without hurting others

However, for stacked items such manner required or a special niche or high drawers: keep them on a shelf in the usual standard cabinet uncomfortable.

Convenient vertical storage

Convenient vertical storage drawers

Set in a pillowcase

Pillowcase envelope for bed

If you add in a pillowcase folded duvet cover and sheet, tuck the ends of the pillow cases - get a neat envelope

Very convenient storage option is folded bed linen pillowcase. This method has virtually no drawbacks: different things are not confused, neat piles take up little space, and get the right kit, without hitting other very easily.

All set in a pillowcase

Convenient and practical way to keep the whole set in a pillow case - easy to get a whole set of cabinet without unnecessary movements

Consider the steps as laid linen set in a pillowcase:

  1. to iron things (or be firmly and shake them off before drying);
  2. gently fold the duvet cover corner to corner (about ten additions) in such a way that it can easily fit in the pillowcase;
  3. also neatly into a rectangle rovnenky roll sheets;
  4. Collapse all pillowcases (except the one in which we "packaging" kit);
  5. add up all the items set in one pile;
  6. place the stack in the rest pillow, straighten the edges and fold them so that underwear lay in a kind of pouch.
Bed on a double bed

Bed on a double bed perfectly fit in the pillowcase

Get packed stacks piled on a shelf in the closet - and you're done!

Linens elastic

Fitted sheets

Driving folding clothes on elastic

Recently sheets with an elastic band is becoming more popular: it is easy to use, practical, does not stray from sleep. However, difficulties may arise in order to gently fold them in storage.

Twisting sheets with an elastic band

For sheets with an elastic band have the option not only to fold but also twisting

There is a simple way to compactly fold the sheets with an elastic band. To do this, spread sheets and alternately put all its angles into one. In the resulting rectangle should be spread all the folds, and then fold it so as to be convenient (depending on the selected method of storage).

A simple way to stretch the sheet

A simple way for small and large tension sheet

Rules linen storage cabinet

sorting boxes

You can use baskets or boxes for sorting linen

To bedding remain fresh and pleasant smell, even after lying in the closet a few months, you need to follow a few simple rules of storage:

  • in any case not keep clothes in plastic bags - this musty odor may appear;
    Polyethylene bags and packages

    Polyethylene bags and packages are not suitable for storage of bed

  • on a shelf, which houses the laundry, we can put scented sachets, orange peel or a piece of soap without packaging;
    Aromatic oils

    Aromatic oils or special sachets with herbs or citrus notes to make your underwear fragrant

    wax sachets

    Wax sachets - flavor laundry closet with your favorite flavors

  • clean the cabinet can only be fully dried things, or the smell of dampness provided.
Bed in vacuum packs

If you have a rarely used linens - you can pack it in vacuum bags and reduce the space occupied

Video: How to fold the bedding (sets) 4 ways?