How to choose a blanket fillers, materials, degree of heat

Choosing blankets are now so great that when buying a new domestic appliance, you can fall into a stupor - the names of materials and manufacturing techniques seem incomprehensible gibberish. In this article we will help you to understand the abundance of products on the market for sleep and make the right choice.

Odeyalopo your needs

To blanket completely meet your needs, decide to what time of year it is intended and how severe climate

Choosing blankets

When choosing comforters, pay attention not only on its composition, but also on the size and properties of terloizolyatsionnye

If you want to know what is the warmest blanket, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the filler. It can be synthetic or made from natural materials of animal or vegetable origin.

Blanket 4 seasons

Blanket season 4 consists of two halves (made of wool and cotton), which are connected by buttons or Velcro, they can be used together or separately

The warmest blanket contains materials of animal origin: fluff or wool. Feather can be made of goose, duck or eiderdown. If the package is specified as a filler swan down, most likely it is an artificial substitute, as Swan is listed in the Red Book.

Blankets made of fluff loon

The best, but most expensive blankets made of down loons, which even has healing properties

Cheapest down and down-feather products make them duck down, are considered to be the warmest of the loons down. The disadvantages of economy duck down blankets include their low wear, internal filling product gets off after some time and become lumpy.


Duvets are able to warm even in the coldest winters, but are contraindicated for allergic and asthmatic diseases

Downy filler for those who prefer to buy the warm blanket, or prefer to sleep in a cool bedroom. Duvet highly hygroscopic, absorbs perspiration and breathable. The downside of down products is the high allergenicity, the complexity of the treatment and the likelihood of the filler dust mites and various fungi and mold.

pen filler

10-20% feather filler - the best option, which will provide high quality products

Wool is also leading in the choice of a warm blanket, and they are more hygienic - they can be washed in a delicate washing operation with a special tool for wool.


Blanket environmentally friendly, practical and hygroscopic

For producing such blankets use wool sheep, camels or llamas. Woollens can be not only warm, but also the off-season.

Warm blanket bilateral

Warm bilateral blanket, which on the one hand wool and other cotton

The heat blanket in this case depends on its thickness, thin wool can be excellent for this summer. Blankets differ not only in the thickness, but also on the manufacturing technology.

  1. Blankets are made with an open coat on textile machinery and resemble rugs.
    Open a blanket of wool

    Blanket with open hair

  2. Blankets with a closed manufacturing technology consist of a cover and a wool filling.
    Closed woolen blanket

    Closed quilted wool blanket more common and more practical

cashmere blankets

Tender to the touch, light and warm cashmere blankets, are able to provide comfort and warmth during sleep

Cloth reduces Case "barb" natural wool and provides a large heat due to the presence of additional air gap. wool quality is also determined by the method of distribution of wool and filler technology quilting blankets. The best choice would be a blanket, made of tape technology, where the filler is fixed in a case of longitudinal and cross-stitches.

flannelette blankets

Flannelette blankets are considered universal for any season due to the fact that differ in density

If you prefer a light blanket or choose bedding for the summer season, pay attention to their vegetable filling: cotton, bamboo.

  1. Cotton filler has advantages - the material is hygroscopic, good air permeability, does not require special care.
    Easy cotton blanket

    Easy cotton blanket jacquard satin gives a cool in the heat and warm when it's cold

  2. Bamboo products have similar advantages, but can be a bit expensive. At the same time, this material is more wear-resistant, which means that the bamboo will last you longer. Blankets made of vegetable fibers are ideal for children because they do not cause allergies and is easy to clean in the washing machine.
bamboo blankets

Bamboo blankets are very popular due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of filler

Range synthetic fillers ranges from cheap sinteponovye blankets to modern synthetic fibers, simulating swansdown. When choosing synthetic products do not always is an issue, which is the warmest blanket. The main disadvantage of synthetic fibers - low hygroscopicity. Outsider this indicator is polyester, whose fibers have a circular cross section. They do not leak air and moisture, keeping the sweat out during sleep. In the manufacture of modern synthetic blankets often use hollow fibers, e.g. hollofayber. This technology makes it possible to produce heat and light blankets, which do not require special care and provide comfort during sleep.

synthetic blankets

Synthetic quilts are relatively inexpensive, but in terms of quality inferior to more expensive counterparts from natural materials

Popularly blanket and a polyester fiber filler. The advantage of this filler is a low cost, easy to maintain, and hypoallergenic high elasticity - a warm blanket retains its shape even after repeated washing mode forty degrees.

As a filler for blankets can be seen more exotic materials - eucalyptus fiber, silk, latex, algae, and others. When choosing a warm blanket with an unusual "stuffing" pay attention to the percentage of natural fibers in the composition of the filler. Unscrupulous manufacturers add 5-15 per cent of the vegetable filler, a lot of money you can get a synthetic low hygroscopic and beautiful word on the package.

Blankets filled with silk

Blankets filled with silk - elite blanket filled with purified protein from the resin, which generates a caterpillar-silkworm

This trick will not work with latex products, which are usually sold without the cotton cover. Buy warm blanket latex until recently it was only possible in the countries of Southeast Asia. Now is not difficult to find them, and in Russia, and the inhabitants of small towns can buy a warm blanket in the online store.

latex blanket

Elastic and comfortable blanket latex gives a cool in the heat and warm when it's cold


  • 1 Blankets for children and adults
  • 2 Choose domestic products
  • 3 Video: Quilts from an expert. blankets filler. How to choose a blanket?

Blankets for children and adults

When buying blankets for adults should take into account personal preferences. Fans bulk lush blankets choose for themselves down or bamboo, and those who prefer thin products, prefer wool or cotton. In addition to the material it is important to take into account the size, based on the habits of family members and the size of the bed. If the spouses are sleeping under a blanket need euro-product size width of 200 centimeters.

Blanket euro size

In recent years, great demand blanket size "euro"

Over time, many couples come to the abandonment of a common blanket, since preferences in the selection may vary. There are cases when one of the spouses chooses the warm blanket, and the second is quite pleased with thin and light. In this case, often the size of one-bedroom or one and a half. If one spouse suffers from asthma or allergies, the second will have to give up personal preferences and also forget about the fluffy, wool or latex products.

Family package with two blankets

Bed with two blanket covers suitable for that pair, which has different preferences on the heat

Choosing a blanket for the baby in the first place should take into account the risks of allergies. From duvets should be abandoned and to opt for vegetable or synthetic fillers. It is important that the covers can be washed in a washing machine and easy to dry. If the baby's room temperature is above 20-22 degrees, it is not necessary to choose the most warm blanket, better to use a light blanket filled with cotton or bamboo.

Baby blanket from bamboo

Hypoallergenic bamboo baby blanket

Convenient and practical options for dual products, which consist of two thin blankets. It is possible to use both in the off-season, and the hot summer season or in a cold unfasten additional layer.

Double baby blanket

Double baby blanket on the buttons allows you to adjust the heat according to the season

When shopping for a newborn choice may not be limited to one product, for summer and winter seasons require different blankets. The main quality of the filler that is worth considering when buying:

  • breathability;
  • hygroscopic;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • opportunity frequently wash the product at home, quick drying.

During the heating season, the temperature in rooms in our country, often even higher than in the summer. But in the offseason nights can be quite cold. This period is best to use a warm blanket of synthetic fibers with a marked 4 or 5 points. These designations are used to determine the index of the heat blanket, the maximum value corresponds to 5 points.

The warmth of blankets

The degree of heat blankets manufacturers indicate the points of the package

From duvets is to refuse because of their high allergenicity, cotton cotton too heavy for newborn babies. Quality wool may be a good alternative to the synthetic, but also the price of products of high quality soft wool can be high.

If the room is warm, the ideal choice would be a gentle flannel baby blanket. Easy Bamboo Blankets are also good warm baby, but do not opt ​​for infants too dense volume model.

Flannel baby blanket

Baby blanket flannel can be of different colors and with different patterns for boys and girls

When choosing a blanket for the baby forget about models with a long nap, decorative buttons and ribbons. Additional decorations can present risks to the baby safety. You can use special clamps that will not let your child throw a blanket in a dream and not be allowed to slide Blankets to baby's head, making it difficult to breath.

Fixers for blankets

Special locks for baby blankets

Modern range of baby bedding makes it possible not to constrain the imagination of parents, but pediatricians recommend to stick to the classic versions of colors and avoid bright acid flowers.

No less important factor when choosing a warm blanket is a fabric cover. Most often it is cotton or coarse calico fabric, dense teak is used for down and feather products.

Baby cotton blanket "Funny owls"

Baby cotton blanket anti-allergenic filler "Funny owls"

For more expensive and sophisticated options include silk items, soft tissue pleasantly cools the skin in the heat. However, the sanitary doctors do not recommend the use of a blanket no duvet covers, besides an extra layer of air between him and the blanket provides great insulation. Therefore, if you wish, you can save money and buy a quilt with cotton cover, but the bedding purchase of cotton.

Choose domestic products

When choosing a brand of blankets should not skeptical domestic textile producers. Many of them work according to GOST, which is a guarantee of product quality. The specifics of the Russian climate also speaks in favor of Russian factories - who does not like Russian Technologies knows how to choose a blanket in biting cold or hot summer! Quilts Textiles brands, Couch Potato, OlTex, VEROSSA received high marks within Roskachestva research. Specify dye stability, matching filler information on the label, uniform distribution filler inside cover, quality quilting, insulation and hygroscopic properties of the above-mentioned products have received maximum points. Turkish textile factories are also regularly provide the Russian market with quality and affordable bedding.

Video: Quilts from an expert. blankets filler. How to choose a blanket?