Pillow-heart - a pleasant surprise that will not take much of your time, but will be a wonderful gift!
How often do you want to surprise a dear person! We just do not do to impress a partner! We drive on unusual places, soaked in a romantic atmosphere, or on the contrary, make him experience the adrenaline, visiting amusement parks.
Or simply donate a gift! And to get the thing made by the hands of a loved one, and not someone else - much nicer! We offer you to make pillow-heart with his own hands! After all, it is capable of the most boring and dull room to make an original and beautiful. This decoration fills the room with new colors, creates an unusual atmosphere in the house!
It may look quite different: to have arms and legs, face, bow, all at your discretion. Consider only the preferences of the person!
Very original look pillow-heart with hands
Template for making a pillow with his hands
Tselnoskroennaya pillow-heart with handles

The scheme for the construction of the heart with hands of two halves
To make a pillow-heart, we will need the following materials.
- Fabric the color you want. It can be a fleece or of another material liked.
- Any filler.
For stuffing pillows need to use special fillers
- Threads of matching colors.
For the work we need fabric, thread, filler and sewing tools
- 1 Step-by-step instruction
- 2 A product with a mesh or flower
- 3 manufacturing features
- 4 Video: The pillow with his hands. HEART
- 5 Beautiful and unusual pillows with heart-shaped, made with his own hands:
Step-by-step instruction
- Drawing our product on paper or cardboard exactly how it will look. We draw all: eyes, mouth, etc., if they will.
Simple pattern pillows, hearts desired size
- Cut the paper all the details by making so patterns. Do not forget about the smaller parts.
Cut 2 pieces for easy heart pattern
Rag heart must be more than a paper by 1-1.5 cm, which leaves for seam allowance
- Kroim details: fabric cut out two hearts using the template, as well as the mouth, etc. If you have a simple pillow without small parts, then they should not be cut.
Pattern pinned down and draw out the contour of chalk, cut 2 pieces
If the pillow is the volume separately make a template for this part of the pillowcases
- Take one half of the heart and sew the small details (if needed) - this is the front part.
- We take the second part of the heart and sew them to the wrong side, leaving a small hole nezashitoe a few centimeters.
With the help of a sewing machine stitched by the edge of the folded flaps of the drawn line, do not leave stitched short period of 5-7 cm long
We make a small incision perpendicular to the curved lines without affecting the joints
We sew pillowcase to surround the heart of a cut fragments separately, their pre-shear and accurately combine several pins
- Gut-wrenching tissue. Stuffing inside the pillow filling and sew up the rest. Pillow-heart is ready!
Heart-wrenching face outwards uniformly fill synthetic down
Not stitched a hole in the side seam neatly sewn up with a needle and thread to match
Finished pads donate favorite
Stuffing and sew up the opening for the bulk pillow in the same way and get the finished product
A product with a mesh or flower
Rose from a tape obtained by folding the triangles as you move
You can also make a decorative pillow-heart. There is already one that had the fantasy - it is possible to produce small rosettes of fabric and sew them to make a pillow using drapes, patches, bulk hearts and ribbons!
Step by step the production of a bow of ribbons
You can sheathe a pillow interesting buttons and other trinkets, the main thing - to be beautiful.
Decorative pillows embroidered with a heart
Interesting decor will mesh - fabricate it separately, decorate balls made of cloth or something else, it will at times interesting.
Simple in design, but effective for decoration flower-aster
We suggest you make a flower as decoration. It can sew anywhere, or attach a safety pin.
Materials for the flower.
- Satin tape width of 4 cm.
- Thread, suitable color.
- Beautiful Buttons.
- A small patch of felt.
- Glue.
- Take a strip 4 cm wide. Cut 5 pieces 7.5 cm long and 5 pieces of tape 9 cm long. Treat the edges in any convenient way, so they did not disperse.
- Fold in half cut and sews it with small stitches along the cut, we pull together.
- Not tearing thread is sewn remaining segment 4 in the same manner by connecting a circle contractible.
- On the wrong side in the middle of a small circle will attach to the thread could not see, and on the other hand sew a button in the center.
Simple flower with petals 5 of strips or tapes
Flower for decoration is ready! You can sew.
manufacturing features
Pillows with heart-shaped hand-embroidered and decorative elements
By itself, the cushion manufacturing process is not complicated, the difficulties are due to the decoration cushions. But over time, skillful needlewoman forget about this complexity, it becomes a joy. Undoubtedly, pillow-heart will be an unforgettable and pleasant gift! Give joy to your loved ones!
Pillow-heart perfectly complement the set of decorative pillows the usual rectangular shape