Padding of chairs with their hands: step by step guide

Most of us do not often change the furniture: the familiar interior creates a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth. There are the other explanations - to buy a new "environment", as said before, is not cheap. Therefore, many domestic masters are trying to update the favorite, but lost views and shaky from time elements of the interior and restored with his own hands. But even if there is no experience of such work, you can learn to repair their own furniture and start with a better recovery and banners chairs.

Padding of chairs with their hands

The self-restoration of furniture has its advantages.

All chairs have a single purpose

It is only important to be attentive and careful and follow safety measures.


  • 1 Advantages of the waist with their hands
  • 2 We determine the design and construction
  • 3 Necessary materials
  • 4 What tools will be needed
  • 5 The manufacturing process: step instruction
  • 6 The final stage-decoration
  • 7 VIDEO: Padding of chairs. Master class from the workshop Kraftman. 8 (495) 506-01-24

Advantages of the waist with their hands

The self-restoration of furniture has its advantages:

  • repair skill acquisition;
  • the opportunity to choose the best material for upholstery;
  • budget savings;
  • the joy of self-made business.
Padding of chairs with their hands on their own

Padding of chairs - a window of opportunity to make changes in design or design chairs.

new bright fabric for chair

When prepared with all the tools and materials, you can begin to work on the reconstruction of the waist and the chair.

We determine the design and construction

Padding of chairs - a window of opportunity to make changes in design or design chairs. To add a touch of freshness and beauty, it is possible to choose the seat upholstery fabric in the Russian motives, for example, "Khokhloma". For this purpose, worsted scarves: they are bright, beautiful, strong. For children's also possible to choose the appropriate coloring tapestry or any other tissue, which is used for stitched. Interesting chairs with colorful upholstery smooth: they make to the interior of the apartment a feeling of joy and happiness. You can change the design of the chair, removing or, conversely, adding armrests, changing the configuration of backrest, etc.

restoration of chairs with their hands photo

It is possible to change the construction of the chair and, removing, or, conversely, adding armrests, changing the configuration of backrest, etc.

Padding of the seat of the chair with his hands

The update process begins with the removal.

Necessary materials

To get started, you need to pre-purchase the necessary materials. List them in each case may be different, but there is a list that is always used. It includes:

  • upholstery fabric (its colors and the density of the master chooses to taste, in accordance with the design of the apartment);
  • filler;
  • heavy paper or cardboard for patterns;
  • PVA glue.
Repair and overtighten

To add a touch of freshness and beauty, it is possible to choose the seat upholstery fabric in the Russian motives, for example, "Khokhloma".

cut out the pattern

Compounds that are already weakened, it is necessary to tighten.

Type of material Features
Cloth banners The most popular fabric is a tapestry featuring good density and a variety of colors. Also used for the waist jacquard, chenille or flock, as well as leather.
Filler The filler is useful sintepon or foam sheets. Both materials are dense, but soft enough. The pattern can be made of heavy paper, but it is better to use a thin cardboard, flexible, but not shrinkable and do not break.
option waist stool

Interesting chairs with colorful upholstery smooth: they make to the interior of the apartment a feeling of joy and happiness.

Hauling furniture with their hands

If the bottom of the seats is made of plywood, then, depending on the condition, it can fully replace or to remove traces of the old filler and adhesive.

Council. The adhesive can be selected either at the discretion of the master, but the PVA - safe, contains no toxic elements, after drying, does not leave dirty traces. However, we must note that it should be a special building, not clerical PVA.

waist chair with his hands, before and after

To get started, you need to pre-purchase the necessary materials.

Remove the old upholstery

While the frame dries, you can make a template and cut out the fabric for the upholstery.

What tools will be needed

The process of constriction of chairs consists of several steps, so to fulfill every need its own set of tools:

  • nail puller
  • furniture stapler
  • mallet
  • scissors
  • bit
  • pliers and screwdrivers
  • scissors or a large writing knife, measuring tape
  • ruler, pencil, crayons for marking.
Padding of chairs - step guide

The most popular fabric is a tapestry featuring good density and a variety of colors.

update an old chair with his hands

On the size of the seat is cut filler office knife or scissors, and upholstery for chairs banners - given the allowance.

Set small, and does not require special training for handling. It is only important to be attentive and careful and follow safety measures.

new life for the chair Photo

The filler is useful sintepon or foam sheets.

The formation of the angle at the waist stool

Once everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the neck of the chair.

The manufacturing process: step instruction

When prepared with all the tools and materials, you can begin to work on the reconstruction of the waist and the chair.

  1. The update process begins with the removal. Turning the chair to open and remove the old mount. It should be done slowly, very carefully so as not to spoil the furniture pieces.
  2. Now the frame is checked and its integrity. Compounds that are already weakened, it is necessary to tighten; If cracks are found, they are glued, and was sticking to a solid, parts tightening the clamps n few hours.
  3. If the bottom of the chair is made of plywood, then, depending on the condition, it can completely replace or to remove traces of the old filler and adhesive walk sandpaper, and then cover the stain or acrylic paint.
  4. While the frame dries, you can make a template and cut out the fabric for the upholstery. Pattern is very simple: you need to circle the seat with a pencil and make allowance on each side for seven to ten centimeters. Done! On the size of the seat is cut filler office knife or scissors, and upholstery for chairs banners - given the allowance.
  5. Once everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the neck of the chair.
upholstery of the chair with his hands

The pattern can be made of heavy paper, but it is better to use a thin cardboard, flexible, but not shrinkable and do not break.

Furniture restoration will allow to transform the old into a modern furniture

Once completely dry attach the upholstery fabric: she gives the wrong side, and put on her seat.

Its procedures are as follows:

  • glued to a plywood seat based filler;
  • after drying fasten upholstery fabric: she gives the wrong side, and put on her seat;
  • furniture stapler tightly stretched fabric fixed on the basis of;
  • excess tissue cut with scissors;
  • Adjust the seat to the frame.
bright fabric for banners

The adhesive can be selected either at the discretion of the master, but the PVA - safe, contains no toxic elements, after drying, does not leave dirty traces.

Padding of chairs with their hands

When major renovation work is complete, and hauling chairs is complete, you can start decorating.

The final stage-decoration

When major renovation work is complete, and hauling chairs is complete, you can start decorating. Depending on the available materials and aesthetic preferences, here - the full scope of fantasy. For the decoration of the chair back fit:

  • decoupage napkins;
  • tree ornaments made using a jigsaw and glued construction adhesive;
  • drawings, hand-painted DIY or made from a template and painted with acrylics.
The most important and difficult moment in the restoration of furniture is hauling

The process of constriction of chairs consists of several steps, so to fulfill every need a set of tools.

update an old chair

Drawings on cloth, hand-painted DIY or made from a template and painted with acrylics.

They will give your favorite furniture a new life and make unique apartment.

hauling an old chair Photo

They will give your favorite furniture a new life and make unique apartment.

Turn junk into the highlight of the interior with their own hands,

Even if you have no experience of such work, you can learn to repair their own furniture and start with a better recovery and banners chairs.

VIDEO: Padding of chairs. Master class from the workshop Kraftman. 8 (495) 506-01-24