From the drum stiralki absolutely suddenly were heard smell of unknown origin? This fragrance is intended for each wash and rinse your forces some textiles by hand? You do not know what to do in such a situation: to wait for the help of experts, to try to deal with the problem on their own or look for a new washing machine?
It is interesting: protected from the appearance of persistent odors and other problems Ardesto stiralki can buy On the page.

The first thing to do - to find the source and cause of the odor, and after - to develop a plan of action. Ways to fix the problem depends on the degree of its complexity.
Some causes of unpleasant "smell" can be solved without outside assistance in a matter of minutes. The main thing - to get the patience and carefully examine the washing machine for dirt and damage.
Obvious and incredible cause of the "flavor"
- The most obvious cause of the unpleasant and pungent smell of the drum is considered as operation stiralki basket for dirty clothes. Unfortunately, most users stiralok have one bad habit - folding dirty textiles directly into the drum until it is filled. Of course, because of the high humidity inside the drum to create the most favorable conditions for the development of bacteria. It germs and mold on the surface of the dirty textiles and provoke musty smell.
- Equally common cause of trouble can be considered and the habit of the drum door tightly closed immediately after completion of the washing cycle and removal of laundry from the drum. Such manipulation does not evaporate moisture, which remains inside the washing machine that provokes the appearance of fungus on the rubberised treads door and metal walls of the drum itself.
- Another common cause of odor of damp from the washing machine - the use of excessively large amounts of chemicals for washing. Excessive "generosity" in this case can result in not the most pleasant consequences. So, wet powder easily can "adhere" to the inner wall of the washing machine, and eventually to take very persistent and unpleasant damp smell.
- In the TOP reasons also worth mentioning pollution tray for washing powder and liquid chemicals for washing. This, at first glance, a small problem can easily lead to a sharp, very stable and unpleasant odors.
- Musty and putrid smell of "subsurface" washing machine may also appear due to the formation of excessive amount of scale on the surface of the heating element. Occurrence provoke scale detergent residues, impurities in the water, microparticles of dust, dirt and textiles.

To avoid the appearance of strange flavors from barrel stiralki should:
- Regularly and thoroughly washed with a special means of rubber sleeves and cuffs;
- Avoid the use of poor-quality and outstanding household chemicals, as well as funds of unknown origin;
- Do not ignore the need for regular diagnostic work for the purpose of early detection scale on PETN;
- Resort to preventative start with an empty drum and citric acid instead of powder.