Every woman wants in her kitchen was the order and beauty. But even the trifle can disrupt full idyll, for example, stale tea towel. It is necessary in an economy thing, without it is difficult to imagine cooking. It is important to know the proper way to wash kitchen towels at home.
- Means for removing stains
- Whitening techniques kitchen towels
- Washing with boiling
- Tips for using the kitchen textiles
Means for removing stains
Towels better to wash in the machine, special otstiryvaniya same methods used at home only once a month. Otherwise fiber fabric quickly wear out. To get rid of grease and stubborn stains, you can use the following means for washing kitchen towels:
- salt. It is used to remove stains from coffee, tomatoes, with white and colored fabrics. To wash kitchen towels with salt, dissolve in a basin with 5 liters of water 5 large spoons tools and soak the dirty towels for an hour, then wash your hands or let down in machine. Salt is also used to get rid of red wine stains. To do this, you need to make a very strong solution for soaking linen in white or color, and then faded spots.
laundry soap. It is applied for remove stains from butter with white and colored fabrics. Dirty towels liberally rubbed with soap and left overnight in the package. After that washing takes place in the normal mode.
- Detergent, stain remover and vegetable oil. This method is taken on a note, if you do not know how to wash very dirty kitchen towels.
- Shampoo for hair. This method is used to remove fruit stains. Shampoo need to pour directly on the stain, leave for a while and start erasing.
- Ammonia and glycerin. These are two ways to help, if you do not know how to wash kitchen towels with stains from coffee and tea. Soak dirty towels in ammonia solution and water for an hour, after which the wash. The mixing ratio of one to one. Wash out traces of a mixture of one part of ammonia and four parts of glycerol.
- silicate glue. It is suitable for washing different tracks with a white cloth. Textiles boiled for 30 minutes in a solution of a piece of soap and silicate glue.
- Dishwashing liquid. This method is good for washing or light colored products with traces of oil stains. Take the textile and apply directly on Fairy Sorti or stain, leave for a day, wash and rinse.
- vinegar. This method is suitable for the removal of mold. Textiles soaked in a solution of acetic acid 9.5% (70% can be diluted concentrate), left for 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinsed.
citric acid. It is used by trace tomatoes and beets. How to wash dishcloths: under hot running water to erase towel using soap, gently squeeze the cloth, pour on the stain citric acid, leave for five minutes and rinse. This method is also good for removing various chronic tracks. To do this, wipe with a solution of citric acid pollution, leave for an hour to act and rinse.
- hydrogen peroxide. The method is applicable for the removal of old tracks with kitchen textiles of various origin. Impurities were soaked in the solution and is left for half an hour, and then erase the usual way.
Old pollution will help to remove the following recipe:
- Washing is carried out in a large pan in which is brought to 6 liters of boiling water and then removed from the plates.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of detergent "automatic", since it does not form excessive foam. After that, pour 2 cups of vegetable oil, add 2 large spoons stain remover or bleach, and all mixed.
- In a pan placed dirty towels, then must wait for the solution and stir the cooling water. Then, not pressing, shift the textiles in the washing machine and turn on the rinse mode. Products must be thoroughly rinsed. Sunflower oil helps soften the stains, and other components will contribute to their removal. Boil wash and further it is not necessary - on the tissue will not remain stains from oil.
Whitening techniques kitchen towels
If textiles have lost their original appearance, you can try it out to bleach. Return whiteness possible by boiling, and without it.
thanks mustard You can avoid boiling. This method is not only bleach, but also disinfects. Reconstitute the dry powder in hot water to a consistency of sour cream and then put on a damp cloth and leave for 8 hours wash.
You can also whiten the gray or yellow old products potassium permanganate. This method is considered to be very effective and helps in all cases. In a basin of hot water, pour about 200 grams of powder detergent and a little potassium permanganate. At the same time, make sure that the water was a little pink. Products should first be washed before being lowered into the solution and the cover film. It should wait until the water reaches room temperature. Then rinse thoroughly.
bleach boric acid without the need for boiling. The method is used for dense towel, for example, terry, waffle. The basin with hot water mix two tablespoons of boric acid. In the resulting solution textiles soak for two hours, washed in the usual way.
Bleaching without boiling using bleaches. Thanks to some tools you can literally before the eyes to get rid of dullness and spots on the towel. For example, the hands can be washed a few things the Amway universal bleach, is used for different types of tissues. As a rule, it is added in the wash in the washing machine, but the stubborn stains of kitchen towels is best removed by hand.
You can wash out kitchen towels rapid method:
- A liter of boiled water, pour into a bowl and load it with textiles, add a tablespoon of Amway and stir powder. The resulting solution will begin and hiss forms a foam.
- Soaking can take up the cooling water, and can be diluted with hot water and cold start wash. If the towels are very dirty, it should be left for a longer time, or use boiling.
Washing with boiling
For gentle whitening should use boiling with soap and soda 72%. Soda safe bleach, bring towels with stains and help keep the fabric structure. Take about 50 grams of soda ash and mix it with shaving soap. Pour the water and put on fire together with the products for an hour and a half.
Tip! Air Conditioning for kitchen towels can be replaced by baking soda with essential oil. When washing is necessary to add them in the water, so cookware will find not only the original freshness, but also a pleasant aroma.
Tips for using the kitchen textiles
To take care the hostess was less, it needs to adopt some tricks:
- For dry hands while cooking better suited fabric with mottled coloring or dark as dirt and grease on them is not so conspicuous. Also, you should use paper towels or hand washing, if you work with fatty foods.
- The kitchen is better to use a lot of towels to wash not turned into a torment. The ideal embodiment will sorting textile by purpose. For example, to cover the baking for drying hands after washing dishes, for drying fruits and vegetables and so on.
- Terry towels is better not to use the kitchen. Their fabric easily absorbs impurities and quickly loses its appearance.
- Unattractive towels that you use during the day, can be hidden in a pretty basket, so they do not spoil the interior. For example, suitable rattan wicker. Clean towels can be left in plain sight.

Thus, because the present methods remove stains and recommendations for the use of textiles for the kitchen can achieve the perfect look towels, and along with them and the kitchen interior.