How to whiten nylon tulle: whitening recipes at home

Light, transparent curtains on the window can revive and embellish any interior. As a rule, tulle pick up white, so that it blends in with thick curtains, not distract the attention and create a sense of spaciousness in the room and air. Over time, the white cloth turns gray from washing may acquire a yellowish tint. Tulle in the kitchen can ruin pesky stains. Return the original whiteness of the curtains during normal washing does not work, you want to whitening. This process is not complicated, but it is important to choose methods that do not damage the textiles, time-optimized costs, available technology and the cost.

There are many ways to return the old white curtain


  • 1 Types of tulle, especially care
  • 2 How to whiten tulle at home
    • 2.1 Means bleaching of fabrics shades of gray
    • 2.2 The use of salt and soda whitening tulle
    • 2.3 Bleaching tulle Zelenko
    • 2.4 The use of hydrogen peroxide
    • 2.5 Means for soaking tulle
    • 2.6 Effective bleaching in washing machine
  • 3 Useful advice to housewives
  • 4 Video on how to whiten tulle at home

Types of tulle, especially care

Care tulle curtains depends on the material quality and is characterized by the choice of the means and technologies. Transparent curtains are made of several kinds of materials:

  1. Capron. Bleaching should be gentle, be permitted to apply only to those funds that are listed on the label by the manufacturer. Possible to use such agents which do not require boiling substances can enjoy improvised - starch, salt, brilliant green, potassium permanganate.

    Capron has a low melting temperature, therefore in the hot water curtain can "story"

  2. Organza. Thin material requiring careful handling. Can not be boiled, washed in hot water, but absorbs orgnaza becomes dust and sulfur from time to time. For bleaching a salt, with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide Zelenka.

    Tulle organza can be washed only in lukewarm water

  3. Veil. The tissue can not be bleached with chemical bleach and apply household chemicals. When washing well help starch or ammonia.

    Veil is easily damaged, wring the cloth is not recommended

  4. Linen. Resistant and durable linen textiles can be boiled, but you need to remember about the shrinkage of natural fabrics. Before sewing the fabric to be seated. You can use household bleach, but with caution. Good whitens ammonia.

    The fabric of linen - a natural material that is easy to crumple and it is difficult to iron, it is better to use a steamer

  5. Wicker cotton fabric. Easy to wash, bleached household cleaning products and many folk remedies, is particularly well suited starch. Do not strongly pressing and twisting as it can shift weave.

    Starches can be cotton, linen, silk and synthetic fabrics are not processed starch solution

How to whiten tulle at home

For home whitening tulle everything you need can be found in the medicine cabinet and kitchen cabinet. The old traditional methods of working softer than modern household chemicals, so delicate fabrics suitable conventional powder laundry soap and warm water. Some curtains can be washed in the machine, especially for fine textiles is only suitable hand washing and rinsing.

Before washing tulle of any material Be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations on the label

Means bleaching of fabrics shades of gray

Home remedies for bleaching may be used alone or sequentially. Old recipes recommend the following options:

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • starch;
  • zelenka;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide.
Coarse salt
soda ash
Potato starch
brilliant green
ammonia solution
A solution of hydrogen peroxide

Important! The traditional way - boiling - is ill-suited for delicate fabrics. In some cases, the curtains can be boiled, but only if the label is not the sign "forbidden to boil" and it is not necessary for the temperature limit.

Tips on how to whiten tulle almost never recommended to use a white background. If the white curtains on time purchased a gray shade, some housewife trying to soak them in a solution of bleach or household whiteness. The effect may be an - acid fibers are burned and tissue acquires yellowness.

The use of salt and soda whitening tulle

Tulle household bleach agents in a large basin. To give kipelno white curtains take 3-5 tablespoons of salt. Well there are large salt, not iodized. Suitable for washing powder without any additional effects (one measuring cup). The salt and powder are mixed and dissolved in warm water (6.5 L).

Hostess with experience say that salt is well removes soot stains

Curtains are immersed in the resulting composition for 3-4 hours. If the pollution is very strong (eg, curtains, or along the bottom of the window sill), the curtain can soak overnight.

During this time, the solution becomes yellow or brown, if the curtain was very dirty

The material was then washed and rinsed in clean water and then again in saline.

Soda for bleaching used similarly. A mixture of powder (about 50 g) and 1 tablespoon of soda in 5 liters of water. The mixture is stirred until complete dissolution, soaked cloth 20, a maximum of 30 minutes. Then washed in a conventional manner and hang to dry.

Soda deliver curtains of smoke

Plus these methods is very low cost. All the necessary ingredients are there will always be at home, they are not required to buy specially. None of the elements does not cause allergies. minus method - the duration of soaking.

Bleaching tulle Zelenko

The original, but effective way - giving textile whiteness using green fodder. Old books on housekeeping give instructions on how to bleach tulle at home, using only 5-10 drops of this remedy for 5-6 liters of water. This method is not suitable curtain painted organza, as they can change the shade or go to spots. Curtains need to wash prior to bleaching.

"Whiten Zelenko" - sounds like a paradox, but the long-term practice shows that Zelenka quite effectively eliminates yellow tint with tulle

Zelenka first stirred into a glass of water, only after there will precipitate, the mixture was poured into a basin for washing prepared. To get the confidence that there will be no white streaks of green, liquid can drain. For complete dissolution of the green stuff you have to wait a few minutes. In this water tulle not washed and rinsed after washing for 5 minutes.

Curtains need to constantly flip to the fabric bleached uniformly

Plus method, - availability, lack of unnecessary spending, execution speed. Minus - Zelenka must be very thoroughly mixed to a white color does not remain divorces.

The use of hydrogen peroxide

Tulle bleach with hydrogen peroxide is possible, simply by adding 1-3 tablets of hydrogen peroxide in the wash basin with the powder (5-7 liters of water, 50 g of powder). It is important to thoroughly dissolve the solid pill before you put curtains in the pelvis and start washing. This advice, how to make a tulle really snowy, is not suitable for thin and delicate veil.

For this bleaching process need gidroperit tablets

A more reliable method proposes to use hydrogen peroxide in solution with ammonia. We need a regular pharmacy ammonia and 3 percent peroxide in a dark bottle. Wash water temperature of 60 degrees make added bleaching mixture. The ratio of ammonia and peroxide of 1: 2-3. Measure the amount of the substance tablespoon. Thoroughly mixed, then immersed in water curtains 30 minutes. Before you hang out to dry, the fabric is required to be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

Bleaching tulle cotton with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Plus method is an excellent result for the bleaching of the most modest money. The whole process will take a little time. Less - so you can whiten only natural materials, it is not suitable for organza and nylon.

Means for soaking tulle

It is not always possible to immediately wash out curtains for half an hour, sometimes it takes a whole day or night. Consider tulle whitening at home is the best way to soak.

Home remedies are good for washing curtains in the nursery

The most effective means for whitening are not always safe for the fabric:

  • White (not recommended);
  • special powder (can not work without additional soaking);
  • laundry soap;
  • salt and soda.

To soak the curtain material with soap, his pre grate. So it quickly dissolve in water to make a soapy solution from a hard bar. The mixture was washed with water brought to a boil in the steel plate to the pelvis (2-3 grated soap 5-7 liters of water). The solution was allowed to cool, and the curtains are soaked for 8-12 hours.

You can use ordinary soap, but the best effect will Soap with whitening effect

A good effect is achieved in the soaking solution zelenki salt. 5-10 drops require brilliant green and 2 tablespoons of salt. At first, all substances thoroughly mixed with water in a glass, and then make a solution in a basin for soaking. This express way - tulle enough to put in a bowl for just 5 minutes.

To enhance the bleaching effect in this method, two means are combined folk

After washing to give a white curtain before it was decided to soak in curdled. Suitable only natural product, not powder. Pack of yogurt diluted in a basin of water, soaked the curtains at night, then thoroughly rinsed with fabric softener to eliminate the smell of sour milk.

Real yogurt can be purchased on the market or do on your own cow's milk

Natural fabrics to bleach soaked in starch. In the basin of water (5-6 liters) taken 1 cup starch, it is diluted with cold water (it is cooked in hot and will jelly). Tulle is soaked for a few minutes. The method is very good to get rid of yellow.

Starch forms a film that protects the tissue from dust

For nylon curtains used in the bleaching solution of potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate (half teaspoon maximum, the minimum possible) diluted in a beaker of hot water. The solution was added to the soapy water (or a mixed powder - half a glass) and nylon soaked therein for 10 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse and dry the can.

Using potassium permanganate bleaching importantly - do not overdo it. The solution should turn pale pink and without sediment

A quick way to remove dullness and yellow with nylon with aspirin have come up with our grandmothers. Take 4 pills in 5 liters of heated water. Tulle soaked, then washed, rinsed and hang to dry in the expanded form. Suitable just an ordinary aspirin tablets, but not powders with different flavors.

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Effective bleaching in washing machine

Tulle - large curtains which are usually posted on the ceiling to the floor. So much tissue is difficult to wash by hand in a basin and not just in the pelvis, they fit. Much easier to send them to the washing machine, if the composition of the material allows it. With this method of washing bleaching never make using chlorinated agents. They can damage appliances. Machine washable with bleach can be used on board the hydrogen peroxide bleaching as described above.

When choosing a bleach carefully study the package, which must be specified active ingredients and shelf life

Currently sold in the store, choose oxygenated bleach. They contain conventional hydrogen peroxide, which successfully removes yellowness and gray. You can try the more expensive optical brighteners. They are well suited for nylon, voile and organza, because they contain fluorescent molecules, creating paintings on these transparent white effect.

For a traditional whitening curtains can take bluing, which will give the curtains a light blue tint, and thus eliminating the dullness. When the tab is added to the washing machine and the usual amount of powder 1-1.5 cap blueprints in the tank for the air conditioner. Such whitening is fast, but find bluing in the store is difficult. minus method - if the blue is poorly soluble, it will remain on the fabric stains blue.

If the tab count means the dosage according to the instructions

Important to choose the wash mode so as not to damage the material. If this setting is, then choose the "delicate wash" or "silk". Well suited "hand wash only" mode at a temperature of 30 degrees, as well as the "pre-wash". Thin tissue send carefully folded and packed into the net bag.

For bleaching thin expensive fabrics, use a special bag for laundry

Instead of powder in the wash is better to use gel. "Spin" mode must be disabled, otherwise the fabric will be badly folded, ironed it very difficult.

After washing, do not wring or twist the tulle - just hang the curtains on the rope

Useful advice to housewives

Among the not well-known and popular tips for whitening tulle there are recommendations for boiling, but this method is not sufficiently safe and reliable. Much more important to soak thoroughly shake textiles to the accumulated dust is not absorbed into the fibers. Then give the white curtains are capable and softer substances such as starch.

Firstly tulle need to carefully remove and shake the street

When bleaching is not necessary to pour very hot water, enough to a maximum of 40 degrees, the optimum - 30-35. The hot water will help to wash off dirt, and "sealed up" spots. Especially dislikes hot water and chemical bleaches organza. Do not wrinkle fabric in the wash and do not remove it, it does not create creases. After rinsing, you can simply hang the curtains and let the water drain out.

Curtains of delicate fabrics require careful handling

To give the textile gloss should be added to the water with a tablespoon of vinegar rinse. It not only cause the fabric to shine, but also to remove odors, soak in the curtains. Valet tulle is not required. After the water glass, wet curtains hang on the curtains. So they straightened under its own weight, and do not have to wait for the curtains are dry.

Video on how to whiten tulle at home