How to wash the curtains, so it was a snow-white: folk remedies and tips

Tulle has long been an integral decorative element of the window opening. Air, light, beautiful curtains are used in bedrooms, nurseries, living rooms. They complement the interior space, protect from prying views, the bright sun. Correctly picking a shade, you can transform the design windows of any shape, size.

Pure snow-white tulle - the card of a good housewife

However, every woman knows that even the most beautiful, high-quality cloth during the operation may lose its original appearance. Exposure to sunlight, dust, dirt - all this has a negative impact on the state of the curtains. This requires special care - washing, ironing. On how to wash up white tulle, discussed in detail in this publication.

Dust, sun rays and cooking fumes contribute to the fact that over time the lace curtains lose the original appearance, and yellow sereyut


  • 1 Briefly about washing tulle: types of tissue, the basic rules
  • 2 General rules
  • 3 Organza, nylon: how to wash, to make a snow-white
    • 3.1 Nylon tulle
    • 3.2 Tulle Organza
  • 4 The basic rules of washing machine
  • 5 As starched curtains: do quickly, efficiently
    • 5.1 Training
    • 5.2 The choice of the processing method
    • 5.3 Soaking in solution
  • 6 Traditional recipes for white
  • 7 Videos about bleaching tulle in sodium bicarbonate solution

Briefly about washing tulle: types of tissue, the basic rules

The choice of method depends on the washing tulle fabric features from which made curtains

Type of fabric Quick tips for care
Linen Such models can be hand washed. After the cars they can give a strong shrinkage. This will lead to the need to replace the curtain on a new one. Drying may be only on a flat surface, iron - steam.
sateen Make a clean satin fabric is easy - with the help of a delicate mode of a washing machine. Important not exceed temperature. The water temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees.
Velvet There are two main conditions - Hand wringing, drying in a hanging.
Silk Expensive, delicate, thin material. It requires professional care. Only professionals know how to wash tulle that was white, without causing harm to the silk.

All delicate fabrics do not tolerate hot water

General rules

  1. Before the washing it is necessary to know the type of fabric, follow the specific guidelines for it.

    Explore the label on the material, wherein the washing temperature and the possibility of using chemical bleaches

  2. Expensive curtains better to take to the cleaners. It is not so expensive.
  3. Clean the material can not be too often. Only when necessary - when dust builds up will plyamy.

Dry cleaning is always less harmful to any tissue than washing. Therefore curtains better more often vacuuming than wash

Organza, nylon: how to wash, to make a snow-white

Inexpensive, popular, practical fabrics for the manufacture of light curtains are nylon, organza. They do not require complex, costly care. However, each type of material requires its own effective means. Instructions on how to wash the tulle to make it pure white folk remedies, tips discussed in the following paragraphs.

Nylon tulle

This unpretentious material. Nylon curtain can be cleaned by hand in the machine - the way not critical. First we need to put the linen into the machine, turn on delicate cycle, set the temperature of thirty degrees. Turnover during the spin cycle should be minimal. High temperature, high speed can cause substantial damage to the canvas.

The main condition for washing nylon tulle - the curtain can not be strongly pressing

Note! The machine should be washed nylon curtain without adding another laundry. If this is not possible, the web is better placed in a special bag.

Laundry bag - a good thing, it is useful for washing delicate fabrics and curtains with decorative elements

If you want to whiten the material is better to resort to folk remedies. Bleach can not be used. Whitening experienced housewives used bluing. Make a weak solution therefrom, it rinsed snow-white curtain for a few minutes. But finding the bluing in our time is not easy. Replace it will be able to weak health zelenki solution.

Blue is able to return the fresh look of lace curtains in a few minutes, but if you overdo it with concentration, the cloth painted in blue tint

Tulle Organza

Organza - soft, lightweight fabric. It is better to clean by hand using a mild detergent. Intensely to rub it is impossible. This will damage the fabric. If the contamination is small, it is easy to wash off, even with manual processing. The water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees.

Soft curtain organza better wash by hand

Organza Heavy contamination can be removed with the help of folk remedies. Effective assistance will soap, soda. Soap can be faded small spots, a snow-white cloth will return soda solution. The solution must be left blind for ten hours.

A solution for soaking tulle prepared based on the calculation - 1 tablespoon baking soda in 5 liters of water

The basic rules of washing machine

What should be the washing net curtains in the washing machine, so that it was snow-white? Consider the general rules.

  • Using a special bag. Tulle is usually very light, translucent. It can damage the other laundry, metal parts of the machine. For this reason, you should always use a protective pouch.

Note! Replace special bag can be plain white pillowcase. The main thing - it must be clean.

  • It is only necessary to set the temperature according to the type of fabric. Nylon, organza, chiffon to temperatures above thirty degrees. Cotton can be processed in sixty degrees in water.

    The temperature was 30 degrees and should be selected if you do not know the composition of tissue

  • To add home remedies should be good reasons. Do not experiment. If enabled, it is better to buy chemicals for delicates.

    An important advantage of special funds for the delicate wash - low temperature conditions

  • Spin should be minimal - 400-500 RPM. Higher turnover potreplyut matter.
  • Whitening substance in some cases can be used bleach in others - soaking with peroxide, soda, methylene blue, green paint. To choose the right method can only be based on the type of matter. Too delicate, fragile curtains better to soak using folk remedies. Bleach is sometimes permitted to be used for cotton fabrics.

    It is noticed that the chemist Zelenka works well in tandem with salt. 10 drops of green fodder and 2 tbsp. of salt diluted in a glass of water, then poured in a basin and after complete dissolution soaked tulle

As starched curtains: do quickly, efficiently

Greatly extend the purity of the product, to bring into the house a sense of celebration, give clarity of drawing - all this can be done using a conventional starch. Starching does matter is stronger, denser. With this procedure fabric keeps its shape longer, not wrinkled, less dirty. As well starched tulle? Consider the process stages.

Starched curtain looks fresh, elegant and festive


Before the procedure, the curtain is necessary to prepare: wash, bleach. To do this, use approved home or chemical means.

Wash tulle can be manually or in the machine, it depends on the type of fabric

The choice of the processing method

There are three options:

  1. Gentle way.
  2. Average.
  3. Hard.

For each method provides its amount of starch. To handle tyuley fit gentle way. For this it is necessary to prepare one teaspoon of starch per liter of warm water.

There is no difference, some starch use, but much softer corn and potatoes is more soluble in cold water

Soaking in solution

This is the last stage. To prepare the solution per liter of warm water is placed only one teaspoon of starch.

It is important to make the starch in the correct proportions

The liquid should be boiled until a paste. After that it must be given time to cool down, a good filter. The cold solution should be poured into the basin, to the same place the curtain. Should be soaked for about thirty minutes. After tulle can be removed by drying.

After soaking tulle no twisting in the starch solution and shaken just hang to dry well and straightened

Traditional recipes for white

There are many popular ways is to wash the curtains, so it was snow-white. Most popular recipes are given in the list.

    1. Liquid soap peroxide, ammonia, starch. This solution can be processed cotton web. Means save fabric from stains, will return to her snow-white appearance.

      Liquid soap acts on the fabric delicately, to rinse well and does not leave any streaks

    2. Salt, bluing, soda. This mixture will help get rid of yellow nylon curtain.

      Remember that nylon tulle afraid of hot water

    3. hydrogen peroxide, ammonia. For this purpose it is necessary to mix the alcohol with a spoon two spoons hydrogen peroxide, poured into a bowl of warm water. In such a mixture must withstand about half curtain.

      These means are well separately, but in a pair of their bleaching effect is enhanced twice

Dishwashing detergent, laundry soap. This recipe is suitable for removing greasy, difficult stains. Soap directly processed stains, the detergent - is diluted in water and used for further soaking.

From soap can also prepare a solution for soaking, pre-chopped into small grater

Videos about bleaching tulle in sodium bicarbonate solution