Installing of eyelets most at home: how to deliver without tools

Over the past 10 years of industry different areas got great development. Consumer products with different attributes and accessories differ from store shelves with a bang. Clothing, home textiles, cottage and tourist products - have an item such as eyelets. To find out what the eyelets, how to install these items yourself, for which they apply, when born, which there are many more questions, read this article.

Grommet is designed to strengthen the edges of holes, used for threading webbing, cords, ropes or cables


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Which uses eyelets?
  • 3 Who invented the product?
  • 4 Characteristic
  • 5 Self-assembly: step by step guide
  • 6 Video on how to set eyelets without special tools


Eyelet - an element that strengthens the edge of any material. It is a sleeve with a cap on one side, and the other bill washer. Inside the product there is a hole, which is used for threading the yarn, rope, string, or just as a decorative ornament.

Grommet consists of two parts - rings and bushings, she Blocks

Eyelet made in factories or manufacturing plants of various products. Such an element attributes of each individual item, is widely used in several industries. Without this, the amplifier is impossible to imagine ordinary shoes, or a modern book with recipes housewife.

Grommet apply:

  • in the manufacture of outerwear;
  • for making shoes;
  • with the release of the goods home decoration;
  • in the tourist and holiday purposes;
  • in commercial activities;
  • the manufacture and shipping moreplavatelnoy products;
  • in the office and printing.

As can be seen from the description of spheres of use of this wonderful accessory, it is widely used in almost all sectors of the release of goods. Basically, the device carries a functional nature, which is to strengthen the edges of the material for subsequent threading through the rope, cable or the thin threads.

To set eyelets with your hands, you need to know what they are doing factories fittings.

  • Steel.
  • Aluminum.
  • Brass.
  • Copper (rare).
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Overcast thread.

Of precious metals amplifiers manufactured jewelers or jewelry factories. These elements serve as jewelry bracelets, straps of bags, footwear, clothing design. Aluminum products, as well as brass, are used for office / printing activities. Quarterly calendars, "scrapbook", notebooks and other products to be finalized by means of eyelets.

Interesting. In the office of such an attribute is called Blocks enhance. "Piccolo" themselves printing field workers call it the ring.

Blocks - this ringlet without grommet

Which uses eyelets?

To answer the question, how to set eyelets without a tool, it is necessary to know which household furnishings and clothing used these things the product. They are widely used for:

  • T-shirts, sweaters, pullovers, cardigans;
  • jackets, windbreakers, sheepskin coats, fur coats, capes, cloaks;
  • trousers, jeans, shorts, bridge;
  • shoes, running shoes, sneakers, shoes, moccasins;
  • hats, caps, hats with earflaps;
  • straps, belts, bracelets, strap bags, watches;
  • notebooks, books, calendars, decorative gift items, Kraft packages;
  • Tarpaulin trucks, tents, awnings, general purpose;
  • sea ​​ships sail;
  • curtains, porters, swags;
  • decorative trim elements indoor decoration, as well as clothing.

This list can be continued indefinitely, because the product is really very popular.

For paper / paperboard products used eyelets ( "piccolo" ring). Their main difference is the lack of eyelets additional washers on the reverse side of the rivet. Blocks have one sleeve, rounded at one end to form caps. a special tool is used to install rings.

Blocks secured by sleeve gap on several cloves

Who invented the product?

Every person who is wondering how to put eyelets at home, it is interesting to know whence came these things the product. For sure to know in what century was first used by the strengthening, there is no possibility. But here is the use of industry there: for sailing business. Sail demanded strengthening of the edges to them it was possible to thread the Rigging the entire vessel.

Historically grommet came from sailing case where still used as the primary method for enhancing holes

Interesting. Rigging called all the elements of the ship that are used to control the sails.

The first rivet looked very simple. The edges of the sails made of special fabric (Cotton et al.), Pierced by several ties thick thread. suturing techniques were different: for their choice largely dependent upon the desired strength and durability of the structure. After complete development of the technology as well as at the beginning of sunrise metallurgical industry to use metal staves steel ring. The whole process of fixing was reduced to manual installation, as a specialized tool to quickly and put a rivet, while still not been without problems. People treated with improvised means.

Flaring rim eyelets can use various tools

So why do not we learn from the experience of our ancestors? Further, in a separate section of the article describes in detail the methods of how to put the eyelet in the home, without the use of specialized tools.


For each subject, whether it is an element of interior decoration, interior environment, a piece of clothing or a tourist paraphernalia, reinforcing rivets produced completely different. It is characterized by:

  • reliability requirements;
  • strength;
  • Operating conditions;
  • visual quality.

Taking into account the needs of each customer, the manufacturer is constantly developing new products, improving its technology.

To accommodate the needs of each industry, riveting characterized by the following indicators:

  1. The diameter of the attribute. There are two characteristics of the numeric indicator: an inner and an outer diameter. External dimension greater impact on the visual quality. But the inner diameter influences the choice of hole size in the material, as well as the maximum thickness of the rope / crossbar, which can be passed through holes in the sleeve. diameter size range from 2-3 mm, and up to 10 centimeters.

    The inner diameter of the grommet must exceed the diameter of the rod cornice

  2. The depth of product. It is measured as the maximum distance from the top of the cap, to the end of the sleeve. This figure defines the maximum possible thickness of the amplified product, but which can be delivered without substantial deformation of the rivet cloth / paper, and also without losing the visual qualities.

    The thicker the fabric, the higher should be the height of the rim eyelets

  3. Material. With this option, we have sorted out earlier. It should be noted that plastic and wood are usually used as a decorative component for window textiles (curtains, drapes swags), and the metal base has a functional character (gain tents edges, shoes and etc.).

    At home, the most frequently used metal eyelets

  4. product form. The shape of top hats are not only standard round. Modern manufacturing plants of the hardware producing oval, square, rectangular, star-shaped rivets. In specialty stores, and there are all shaped home decoration: bath typical seals and dolphins, for children's rooms it can be a Disney cartoon characters.
    round grommet
    oval grommet
    square grommet
    Square with round hole
  5. Color. If we talk about metal rivets, the colors of their diverse. In addition to all possible shades of the rainbow, is used patina, chrome, gold-plated, and other methods of applying paint to the surface. In addition, modern paint formulations allow you to attach articles exclusive look like marble, wood, ceramic tiles.

    The color scheme of eyelets is very diverse, not be difficult to choose the right shade

Before you start to set eyelets, you must buy them in the store. And before you buy be sure to understand what you need them, and to understand the existing types and their characteristics. After reading this section, you will have no further questions to the seller. All parameters mentioned above.

Attention! Before going to the store for a rivet fittings, read the 5 basic characteristics.

Self-assembly: step by step guide

At home, there is a need for self-assembly of reinforcing rivets. For example, you want to give your life an old T-shirt, transforming it with the decoration colored holes, or are going to sew his own curtain to the kitchen. In all cases, you will be useful to study the method of self-setting rivets.

To enhance the grommet attachment points using a special plastic ring, in the home of their analogue may be dense fabric

Consider for example, step by step instructions for installing blind rivets. To carry out this work, it will take some material and tools.

Here it is necessary to:

  • Fabric for curtains. Her selected based on the element to be created, that is, if it's curtains - the tulle, curtain - thick satin, silk.
  • Multi-colored thread.
  • Overlock.
  • Band to strengthen the installation locations of plugs.
  • Set of needles, a thimble.
  • Marker, crayon.
  • Sewing machine (if available).
  • Big and small scissors.
  • Directly themselves sleeves with caps.

First thing is to make the curtain. To properly calculate its size, it is necessary to take into account all the necessary supplies. On the cornice curtain hangs loosely, with evenly distributed pleats, without any tension. This determines the length of the margin. It should be 50% of the length between the walls of the window opening. That is, the length of the curtains should be increased by half.

The width of the fabric for curtains depends on the desired depth of the folds

The height of the curtains are also required to take on more. It is necessary for the stock to the top and bottom folds. The bushing installation locations fold is made from the calculation of the diameter of the hardware, plus the necessary margin of 1 cm from the edge of the curtains.

marking scheme under the fabric Eyelets

Once you are finished sewing curtains, you can proceed to install the rivet fitting.

First you need to cut a special tape that is needed to eliminate potential pinch, unwanted wrinkles, sags, and to visually improve the appearance of curtains. We need to cut the size of curtains, multiplying by 2 (since the tape is sewn on each side). Do not forget to leave allowances for quality framing edges. One centimeter is enough.

Markings - the main stage, in the way of effective performance. As described above, between the edges of the curtains have to fall back to 1 centimeter. Between each future hole should be 15-20 centimeters. This dimension is measured from the center. To obtain symmetry, make an even number of holes.

From a distance, the depth of the folds of curtains between the rings will depend

For the application of the centers of holes, use a marker or crayon. Do not get too thickly smeared cloth to avoid residues on its surface.

For making holes using ordinary nail scissors. Mandatory requirement for scissors - they have to be very sharp. Hole do accurately, eliminating the possibility of damage to neighboring tissue surface in place.

When cutting holes need to consider the possible displacement of the tissue

Hole Diameter - an important parameter that determines the efficiency. The correct choice of the value of the hole depends on the aesthetic appearance of the curtains, as well as the duration of their operation. There is one rule: if the fabric is flexible, the hole diameter should be smaller by 1.2 mm than the inner dimension of the sleeve. But for the dense material hole is necessary to do the same with the size of the sleeve.

Proceed with the installation. Before you install grommets, experts advise to treat the edges of the hole with a special tape or glue. This procedure can also be used as a resuscitation if turned hole larger than the diameter fittings.

After cutting the holes are assembled grommet

Installation accessories - is simple enough, but not entirely easy. To do this you will need:

  • convenient table of large size;
  • backsheet solid material (wood, metal sheet);
  • hammer;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • metal bolt.

The diameter of the working faces Phillips screwdriver selected 2-3mm larger than the inner dimension of the sleeve. Be sure to take a screwdriver under the cross. You need to achieve the effect of the gap edges of the metallic rivets.

Size "cross" on the screwdriver must exceed the inner diameter of the grommet

Hardware is inserted from the front of the curtain. After the first piece in place, the curtain is required to turn over, with his face down on a solid backing sheet.

The main thing - do not mix up the front side from the wrong

On the protruding metal part of the slide washer. Taking a screwdriver with a hammer and placing it into the hole, several hammer blows to tear metal edges.

After each stroke turn the screwdriver bit to get the "Flower"

Prior to the full alignment of fasteners using a bolt. His wide face put on the puck and the blows of a hammer Give mount a finished look. This process is called beading.

Evenly bends the edge of the stop so that the grommet is not hanging

The whole process of working on each fixture takes less than 5 minutes. Therefore do not worry, if you just can not. Setting 3-4 pieces, you nabete hand, and the work will go like clockwork.

It looks like the grommet on the front side - pretty well and reliably

The same method used to make the eyelets on the clothes.

Shops and factories use a special tool. This punch pliers for making holes, as well as installers-cores. There are also universal tools, including just two appointments. But to buy such devices are not suitable for home use. Simply use the advice of this article, and make a separate installation.

Video on how to set eyelets without special tools