Underfloor heating is now increasingly used as a room heating system, displacing the usual radiators. To increase the temperature of the liquid previously mainly were connected gas or solid fuel installations - everything depended on the capabilities of the owners and the building itself. Today it is more commonly used electric boiler for hot water floor. It works with virtually no noise and does not emit any harmful substances. A control is carried out by means of automation.
Electric boilers for water sexes
It should be noted immediately that not every electric boiler is suitable for creating a warm floor. Low-temperature equipment has several limitations. This is directly related to parameters of the heating fluid circulating in the system.
For example, the temperature of the coolant, the water supplied to the floor should not exceed 55 degrees. When this is considered sufficient heating to the level of 27 points.
During the selection of equipment for water floor heating should be paid attention to three key aspects:
1. Type of instalation. Especially for this device have system and floor wall form factor.
The electrode patterns have a small size and weight. They are often installed in the heating pipe at a height of half a meter.
TENovye units represent the same boiler. Inside them is insulated container and a tubular device that performs heating fluid. All this significantly increases the weight. Such devices are often designed for outdoor installation.

2. The number of circuits. The device can be designed for one or two rings.
Single-unit (TENovye and electrode) are used for direct heating of the liquid floor. hot water, if necessary, Indirect heating boiler is connected.
Combi boilers, electric represented exclusively by type of electric heaters. They are designed specifically for the heating of coolant and water for household needs. Such models are considered to be ineffective, because at the time of raising the temperature of the liquid is a loss of a large amount of heat. That is why they are often fed to an external power battery.
This scheme is well suited for using a counter two different tariffs. At night, when electricity is cheaper, water is heated in the tank. During the day energy is directly used for underfloor heating.
3. heating principle. For underfloor heating is most often the connection of electric heaters electric boiler, as it offers a variety of power settings.
The standard electrode boilers minimum fluid heating takes place from 60 degrees. This is directly related to the features of the work. That is why when it is connected to the low-temperature systems need to use the mix with knot. Although today's market there are models in which a special device is integrated, allowing for the connection directly to the system.
Important! For maximum efficiency, the floor connection must pass through the comb, which provides mix with knot. This is what ensures the prevention of supplying too hot water into the circuit.

The main parameters of the unit selection
Choosing electric boiler to create a warm floor the first thing you need to look not only at the price tag, but also on the quality of performance. It is therefore important to pay attention to such moments:
- Buck inside the boiler must be made of stainless steel.
- It is important that the heating element has a corrosion-resistant coating.
- Insulation resistance.
- Protection against non-standard situations (for example, to run dry).
- Regulation of heating capacity.
In addition, it is necessary to look at both the producer. Foreign installations often have a high-quality internal components and a good assembly. Domestic boilers have a more simple structure and reasonable price.
In most cases, devices consist of:
- heaters;
- thermostat;
- temperature controller;
- pressure gauge;
- starter.
Imported aggregates in most cases have a more complex structure. Most often, they also provide for such matters as:
- soft start;
- connecting the programmer;
- LCD display.
Knowing all the features that have electric boilers for heating private house or apartment, you can really choose the appropriate option. Thus it is necessary at the outset to decide what role will play a home heating water floor. If it is used as a backup - the unit does not have a pump. It is better to install one on the entire system.

If the electric boiler connection is planned in close proximity to the living room, it is advisable to pay attention to import devices. They are controlled by a microprocessor, which ensures quiet operation. In addition, it is possible to connect the programmer and thermostat.
Lower costs
One of the main disadvantages of such a system can be considered energy costs. Despite this the simplest calculations show that the water floor costing owners cheaper than central heating. Especially for this, many manufacturers offer cheap boilers with high efficiency.
There are several key points that reduce the operating costs of the water floor heating:
- Quality connection. On this in any case is not worth saving. All investments will pay off in the future.
- The use of automation. Only after connecting the room temperature controller, the costs are reduced by 20%. Not to mention the many additional devices, only helps to increase this percentage.
- Selection of single-circuit system. Boiler consumes 40% less energy carrier than the aggregate calculated once and for water and for heating.
Well, to be sure the selection should be approached electric boiler for underfloor heating is serious, because the whole system has its own characteristics. Many frequently used units of domestic production. They have a simple system and have a low price. The imported units "boast" some additional features. It is better not to save on connection - it will save on operating costs.