There are several situations where you need to remove the heater from the liquid. But how to drain the water from the boiler is painless for the hosts after just open the shut-off valve will be insufficient. In addition, it is important to take into account the diversity of connections.
When it is necessary to drain the water?
There are several key points that you need to remove the liquid from the electric heater.
Firstly, at least once a year to conduct an internal tank cleaning from scale and large items that could get in through the cold water pipe. This will help to significantly extend its service life. Otherwise, a few years after the beginning of use may be problems.
Secondly, the device may be damaged. A return to its performance will only after draining the internal fluid.
Third, this issue is relevant for owners of country houses and cottages, where they do not reside permanently. Drain water from the equipment and the system is necessary when the room temperature drops to +5 degrees and below. The fact that there is a high probability of frost in the winter, which will break not only pipe, but also all connected equipment, including tank.
Important! When the temperature is higher than 5, you can not pour anything. The fact that many manufacturers do not recommend to empty the container and then leave them for a long time without being used. In such circumstances, a fast-paced attack, striking the tank.
How to drain the water from the heater in different types of connections?
Be sure to say that before you start the boiler is disconnected from the mains. Otherwise, you can not only burn, but also to get an electric shock.
Standard connection type
The normal mode of connecting the connection unit is considered to be of two cranes on a cold water pipe. In this case the boiler has a proximal exit of the tube or hoses. Further, the hot tube is mounted a shut-off valve.

The order of discharge at the same time as follows:
- Inlet valve overlap.
- Residues are released through the mixer hot fluid in the pipe.
- Next opens the second stop valve and the cold water shutoff. By means of additional pipes drained all of the container.
- Remove all of the system, close the shut-off valve.
Standard №2
This connection is practically repeats the first. The only - there is no shut-off component, allowing to prevent the ingress of water into the heater through the mixer.

In this case, we must be careful. For example, the unit is located in the bathroom. The water is drained out of it in the same way. At this moment, someone suddenly wanted to turn the hot tap in the kitchen. Fluid enters the mixer through an open tube that can lead to flood. This laughter is often used when connecting. Just have to be careful during the disassembly of the system.
Such a connection option is mostly used services that set the water heating system on behalf of the vendor company that purchased the equipment. The device in this case is mounted in just a few hours, and low cost of the work. Safety valve is installed directly in the boiler, and is supplied to it and the pipe crane with cold liquid. Hot water is available and everyone is happy.

But the planned cleaning or breakage problems begin. How to drain the water from the boiler with this connection? To do this:
- Shut off cold.
- After closest mixer withdraw hot residues.
- Open check on the safety valve, through which will be produced and drained. At the same time, it will be many.
It is important to remember that to get rid of the water into the air must flow. From the mixer the number required in the unit do not exactly fall. Therefore it is necessary to unscrew the sleeve with hot water. You can certainly try to blow into the mixer as the advice of some "experts", but most likely it will not help.
In this case the connection is used, as in the simplified embodiment, only the valve is not checked. remove all the water will be more difficult with such a connection. Need to:
- Shut cold.
- Drain residues via hot mixer.
- Disconnect hoses.
- Valve twist is not worth it, because in the future you may need to further seal. Therefore, you must open the hot and cold taps on the heater and through the latter constantly put pressure on the fuse spring. This process is long, but safe.
Important! Prior to this, it is desirable to give a few days to cool the fluid inside the equipment in order to avoid burns.
The most comfortable
There is a connection that allows you to quickly and easily drain the water from the boiler. To do this in the cold water input to the heater screwed tee. In one outlet mounted valves. The second set pressure relief valve followed by a mechanism overlapping pitch. For hot water is set almost the same system. The only - no valve.

There are many ways to connect a conventional boiler system. Many users often choose simple ways. However, when it comes time to perform routine cleaning - the problem starts with the discharge of water.