Among the diversity of modern building materials in the category of best quality and are easy to use aerated concrete blocks Ytong. They are quite strong in spite of the low weight, have good acoustic and thermal insulating properties, are environmentally friendly raw materials.

Main characteristics
Ytong aerated concrete blocks are different from other building materials used for similar purposes. They are strictly verified geometry (the maximum allowable deviation is only 0.3-0.8 mm). For their laying uses a special adhesive solution, the use of which greatly speeds up the building process. aesthetic advantage is that the wall erected using blocks, almost completely no visible joints in the brickwork.
aerated concrete Ytong It is durable. He is able to withstand more than 100 cycles of thawing and defrosting. Subject to all rules of construction with the use of this material you can expect a long service life of the finished building.
The structure erected from Ytong aerated concrete blocks, has an internal microclimate completely corresponding sanitary and environmental requirements. In addition, the material has a low thermal conductivity levels. Blocks accumulate heat and after lowering the temperature of the environment is given to him inside the room.
Another significant advantage - highest soundproofing. Aerated concrete absorbs the sound and prevents their further dispersal.
Types of concrete blocks Ytong
Construction products Ytong - is not only a partition and wall blocks. It includes other varieties of raw materials, the use of which makes it possible to quickly build a solid house.
For this purpose, blocks are made, they differ in size, designed for masonry walls and load-bearing walls. Also release their arched options needed for the construction of ring beams with reinforcement. If necessary, you can purchase a brand jumper for door and window openings on the brand Ytong, prefabricated monolithic slab.
For best results, it is desirable to use a proprietary tool, thanks to which work with aerated concrete blocks becomes more convenient.