Some furnaces need decorating. If resources permit, it is possible to issue them a natural material. Since this solution is not for everyone, many people choose the lining of the furnace artificial stone. In this embodiment, many advantages.
The article discusses the types of suitable materials, issues of training bases and styling. Using instructions available self oven finishing. But even if lined with their hands in the plans is not included, the information will not be mistaken with a choice of stone and control specialist job.

The advantages of artificial stone
Natural stone path. In this the "fake" an undoubted advantage. But the cost - not the only plus artificial stone. Among the advantages of the latter:
- the relative ease of placement; for finishing with tiles or stone slabs need high qualifications; strict material dimensions make the slightest miscalculation fatal - rough result is guaranteed;
- Artificial stone is different, and a clear geometry may be present in this case; but there is nothing stopping to buy a stone with a shape close to the natural - hence there is no need to observe the "mathematically" smooth seams;
- inclusion of excipients lung responsible for significant relief finishing structure; this is important because the stone is characterized by a considerable thickness, and excess weight would reduce adhesion (adhesion) of the coating to the base;
- the possibility in no way restrict the flight of fancy - the market is replete with proposals for all tastes;
- no need for expensive professional tools; natural stone and ceramic tile may require the presence of Categories; artificial variations may also dictate similar requirements, but the stone with a ragged silhouette - is another matter.
Types of stone suitable for finishing furnace

Types of artificial stone are many. Not all of them are suitable for wall bases, which are subject to temperature changes. Consider appropriate.
Porcelain tiles
Artificial stone - Another common name of ceramic granite. Visual material is not obliged to remind that with which he is associated. Rather, it is an analogue of ceramic or glass. Nevertheless, on the strength of granite is superior and that, and another, and natural prototypes. Being baked blocks in an oven at an enormous temperature, the material does not react to-heat the fireplace. Transcend it and the mechanical load - within reasonable limits.
There are several types of ceramic granite. If desired, one can find hundreds of collection, simulating stone not only at the level of physical and chemical characteristics, but outwardly. There are materials such as strict geometry, and with the 'natural' silhouette. You can use any plate, but the latter type is preferable for those who have decided to decorate the oven yourself.
The porcelain composition of the various grades of clay, feldspar, mineral additives and pigments. Multicompound mixture was compacted under tremendous pressure, and then calcined at a temperature over 1200 degrees. This provides excellent strength characteristics.
concrete brick
One of the most popular types of artificial stone, which most often comes into play when decorating furnaces. The composition comprises sand, cement, dyes, plasticizers, water repellents and fillers. Materials of this type have good contextual performance and availability - the furnace lining concrete artificial stone not napryazhot budget.
Stone on the basis of plaster
Characterized excellent strength characteristics. There may be any imitation. Due to the properties of the plaster it is well suited for lining the hot surfaces.
The criteria for choice of material

When choosing a stove stones, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:
- cost; very often the price of imported materials above domestic - though the quality is not better; this is not an axiom, but it is recommended to take a closer look at the market;
- compliance with the essential requirements of plates; primarily, the stone must be thermally stable - otherwise the coating will stay long; material must be strong and durable, preferably - a chemically inert; on the packaging there is a marking declaring essential characteristics;
- date of manufacture; No, it's not about "delay", but just the opposite - too "fresh" concrete materials are not yet ready to become a finishing, especially in the context of the furnace lining.
Remember! The lower your qualification, the desirability of a diffuse form of plates. It allows to hide the flaws that inevitably will for self-installation
Substrate preparation
The choice is made, the stone in place. But to finish this is not enough - you must first prepare the ground. It should be smooth and firm. If the oven is not new, it is necessary first to dismantle the old coating. It is necessary that after the dismantling of the foundation remained pure. Grease stains, pieces of the solution, tiles or paint residues must be removed. In the case of the surface being heated, this aspect is very important - it is necessary to provide maximum adhesion of the plaster mixture with a base and with an adhesive plaster.
Clutch will be of higher quality if the brick seams deepen. It's easy and fast can be done with grinders and diamond disc. Suffice recess 5 mm. After the basic preparatory work is necessary to check whether the foundation loose. To do this, go through the surface and seams of metal brush - nothing should crumble.
- soak the walls with primer - it will strengthen the base and increase adhesion of materials;
- zaarmirovat base - it is also necessary to strengthen the ligaments; the reinforcing layer - plastering mesh;
- drench prepared surface water; Ignoring this point will lead to the fact that the foundation will involve a large part of the liquid from the plaster - a very negative effect on the final strength.
Alignment furnace base

In theory, you can do without plastering. It is possible for the furnace lining stone solution. But this is the last century - the market today a lot of special heat-resistant compounds, which increase the life of the coating. A regulated flow of such formulations technical and financial considerations. Accordingly, the substrate must be as smooth.
For those who want to work in the old way, the recipe kneading heat-resistant plaster mixture:
- sand;
- cement;
- clay;
- water.
The ratio of sand, cement and clay - 0.2 / 1/3. Water is added on the situation - consistence depends on the solution layer and sheet size.
Yet it is more expedient to buy a ready mixture. It is characterized by a verified structure and rigorous stirring. On sale a variety of options.
Important! Carefully study the packaging - the mixture and instructions. And dry plaster and tile adhesive must be heat-resistant
To learn how to plaster, be sure to read the articles dedicated to this process. It is important to work to heat the stove, and then give the finished plaster to stand for several days. This will increase the life of the coating and to avoid cracking.
It will also be useful: BBQ oven - the types and characteristics.
Choosing tile adhesive

Stone laid on the tile adhesive. The importance of the resistance will not be repeated to a high temperature. But this is not the only criterion for selection of the composition.
Artificial stone is not usually characterized by its large size. But if the furnace is lined overall material, you need to take care of adhesion. In such cases it is necessary to purchase the glue designed to work with heavy slabs. And in general it is better not stingy and buy a mixture with excellent adhesion.
If the base is prepared on the conscience adhesive calculation performed respectively scheme specified in the instruction. Otherwise, the amount should be adjusted taking into account the deviations from the furnace surface and the vertical plane.
The tools needed to finish the adhesive furnace

For stone cladding will need:
- level (laser, or water bubble);
- Bulgarian for cutting stone;
- spatula for applying the mixture;
- notched trowel (comb) to form the adhesive layer;
- rubber spatula;
- rake or rules;
- tile wedges;
- a sponge.
If the furnace is necessary to revet granite, tile cutter does not hurt. With it much easier to cut the tiles smooth and splinter-free. Ragged Stone Tile is not cut, and the effects of work on the grinder it almost invisible.
Clay is best to mix with a mixer or a drill with the mixing nozzle. But if the drill is not, you can be kneaded by hand. So it does not recommend - it's long and less quality, but not critical. It is only important to bring the mixture as homogeneous as possible.
Small tools do not mention. Surely roulette and other stuff is in every house.
Substrate Preparation for laying
Before lining plaster coating primed. The reason is the same - increased adhesion. The adhesive surface finish does not require wetting immediately before installation. This manipulation is required for laying the mortar, but in the case of the adhesive will only worsen the adhesion.
Marking the base
Where to start? And keep straight seams? This helps the marking of walls. It is necessary to define the initial point of installation. For this purpose, the level of - laser or water. The latter option is preferable to a limited budget. He does not yield-tech version. Plus, on a small area using a laser does not differ pronounced advantages.
To understand where to start and how to work, to follow these guidelines:
- in most cases it is necessary to start with the angles (at least at the corners of the elements must be integers);
- with seamless wall better stone laid upwards and when laying followed by jointing (especially when laying porous plates) will be more convenient to go top down - so not soiled plates;
- whole slabs - the most visible place; usually any - top and corners, but we need to look at the situation;
- usually the bottom row left to finally - a convenient cover trimming the floor, rather than adjust the floor under the oven stone.
Based on this and define the initial point. Thereafter, any number of stacked first laser tag or lighthouse pull cord (by marks).
Recommendation! When laying down from above is desirable to use an adhesive with a low flowability. In this regard, the compositions differ from each other - there are those who do not give the tile "float", while maintaining ductility for half an hour
The process of laying

cladding process easier to show in a list format with points-recommendations:
- better apply the adhesive on the stone, and on the ground; in one case, the adhesive immediately removed, leaving the minimum layer in the other - the mixture is spread notched trowel, forming a layer of predetermined thickness on all plates;
- stone to gently, but firmly, pressed to the ground;
- angular zone must be completely filled with glue - voids are fraught destruction coating;
- working with mixed elements, it is necessary to alternate the plate - it will give a natural look trim;
- focus - the first row; matter how well set start, the result depends;
- at stacking from the bottom up for fixing the rail of the first row are used; working with vyalotekuchim adhesive support can not be used, but will have to give the mixture a little grab, to continue lining;
- for forming joints using tiling wedges, crosses, or any other auxiliary elements;
- applying stones of different thicknesses on the same plane, it is necessary to start from the most thick slabs;
- The more porous the stone, the more careful you need to work - got into the pores of the adhesive is very difficult to remove;
- facing flat plates periodically need to control rail or rule; tile with difficult terrain (eg stones) does not need it.

Stone on the basis of concrete cut grinder with diamond wheel. Laying ceramic granite, use a specialized tool - Tile.
Making stone facing corners, do not apply tiled corners. Instead, make zausovku - Signature of the sidewalls at an angle of 45 degrees. For industrial scale in order to use these Electrobar, but in our case it is enough grinders. If the soft stone, the process does not require a lot of effort and skill. Cut angles can effectively attach to each other.
Grout and grouting

For aesthetic and hygienic purposes seams fugujut - filled with a solid heat-mix-grout. There are two main options for jointing - with a rubber spatula and through the syringe (or replace it - conventional bags with a hole).
Spatula is suitable in situations with a smooth stone and thin seams. Wide joints and porous tiles - the reason for referring to another embodiment.
Process jointing spatula:
- grout is applied diagonal spatula (relative joints) movements;
- fugue must fill at least 2/3 of the thickness of the seam;
- preventing grout grab, its excess was removed from the stone surface, and puffer in joints formed by a pin or, for example, a piece of wire;
- Floor bring to mind via foam sponges.
Kulka jointing process by:
- be filled plastic bag with a mixture of a solid and trim one corner; turned analog syringe, through which the grout can be extruded into the joint;
- avoiding contact with the fugue on the surface of the stone, it is filled joints;
- after filling a certain portion embroider joints similar manner - using suitable diameter round object.
Artificial stone - a great option for independent tiling. The result is a smooth and aesthetic coating. Thanks to the huge selection of materials can be adaptive to any interior.