Modern heating systems are assembled from components, aesthetic level of performance which is not commensurate with the appearance of the aggregates used in the past century. And yet, the constituent elements of the heating circuit, even the most advanced in terms of functionality, often do not fit into the interior of the room and look out of place in the room. Not to mention the equipment, which due to a flawless operation for many years It continues to exploit the hosts, despite the frankly poor design, or rather, its complete no. Examples are AOGV boilers with cast-iron radiators heating system, which in the age at several decades and completely withdrawn from building automation continue to properly serve owners.

But if you change the design of the heating boiler is difficult, the laths in the heating pipes radiators - are feasible and effective solution to enhance the aesthetics of the Elements heating. Consider used for this technology and materials.
Methods of concealing heating pipes
Any pipeline, even the most advanced performance, the room does not decorate, because there are no pipes, the design of which in the production would be universal for any interior. One way to remove the visual presence of the heating system in the interior space of the pipeline is the concealment that is performed in several ways.
Installation of the pipeline wall under the molding grooves
In the production of major repairs housing walls runs a linear layout of the future of the heating circuit. Then, the plaster layer of the partition walls and bearing walls with the disc grinder for concrete are made parallel cuts at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other.
Important! Stroebe bearing wall construction is prohibited, so cut grinder such walls is made only to the depth of the plaster layer, taking into account the location of the wiring.
The partitions can increase the depth of cut, but with the wall thickness, so as not testing external loads, yet it is self-supporting structure whose weight is significant.
Plaster layer between the incisions is removed with a nozzle-perforator chisel. The resulting Stroebe-slot brackets fastened and produce pipeline installation, which, depending on the depth obtained channel is completely or partially recessed in a wall, but not in bricked it.

Such a provision allows the circuit to neutralize the linear deformation of the pipeline, as well as the displacement of building structures in the event of uneven precipitation of the building.
On top of the channel with the conduit attached to the wall with screws decorative plastic or metal moldings of suitable size, color and profile (flat or convex).

Such method allows to hide steel or PVC wiring system inches diameter up to heating, maintaining the possibility of its inspection and maintenance after a simple dismantling of decorative overlays.
Hiding wiring false wall
If the room is quite spacious, and the reduction of its length or width of 5-10 cm is not essential, the wall on which the already existing heating wiring can be completely hidden behind a light partition - false wall made of, for example, from drywall.
Operation starts with the marking frame which can be made of wooden bars, of rectangular section steel profile or special profile for the cd-HA-sheets. frame design should include the availability of audit hatches for access to the shut-off valve and the ability to control the state of the circuit.
To enhance the functionality of the GCR-partition wall before mounting frame can paste over foiled penofolom, which will be an additional means of insulation of the room.

Mounted on the frame and is fixed with screws placed sheets of drywall, over which runs one of the types of decorative finishes.
The decoration of the heating pipe
If you hide the heating pipe is not possible, then choose one of the ways of its decoration:
- finishing teams universal covers, boxes;
- decoration.
Universal cases-ducts
National universal covers for pipes made of metal, plastic or of wood and are of a structure, strengthens the wall using special brackets and, depending on the version, accommodating one or more parallel spaced tubes.

Material of manufacturing such shells to the pipeline must have a sufficient degree of heat resistance not to be deformed or lose aesthetics under the influence of heat from the loop heating. For more evenly distribution of the heat flows through the room escutcheon of the pipe may be perforated or slots, providing heat exchange conduit with room air, but such performance elements complicates their purification from dust.

The decorative plate for heating the pipe and performs a protective function - eliminates the possibility of burning the body from direct contact with the loop.
Choosing a universal casing in a shop should be preferred species, which installation is not accompanied by corruption existing finishing facilities, and demolition will not take long, if necessary time.
Hide heating pipes and the boxes can be self-made. Of cd-profile mounted skeleton, which is sheathed with plasterboard or plastic.
Decoration heating pipes
Anyone who wants to go beyond the scope of the template and enter the heating system in the interior of the room, looking for innovative ways of processing pipeline, which are as numerous as the options of interior design. You should begin with the analysis of the available finishes and colors to fit into the design of the circuit facing tone or, conversely, effectively contrasted with her. Here are a few specific examples.
Vertical riser heating circuit can be finished with a bamboo trunk. To do this, selected a piece of the desired diameter of the bamboo tree, which is split longitudinally from two opposite sides. Then, the inside transverse partition halves are removed to obtain the two longitudinal halves of the wrapper tube. On the surface of the splitting PVA glue is applied, half is applied to the riser and aligned in the initial position, after which the clamps are tightened kapron before the adhesive dries. After a day clamps are removed, the yellow dry bamboo can be painted green.

Vertical pipe, you can also decorate a trunk of a birch tree or another, if the paste over its bark or perform art painting - the coolant temperature is not so high as to threaten these finishing materials ignition.

The horizontal sections of the heating system, usually a smaller diameter than vertical risers, and can be applied to their design sezalskuyu manila or twine, which is wound on the tube tight turns with inserts of decorative elements - flowers, leaves and etc.

Important! This finish will reduce the heat transfer pipe, but keep the heat will still be given to the environment in the room through the surface of the heating radiators.
Making pipe joints with bases
When wiring holes for heating input (output) heating pipes in a wall or floor is always performed larger than the diameter pipeline, so around a heat conductor in the place where the underlying structure is a gap that even after sealing the look not aesthetically pleasing. The problem of registration of such interfaces can be solved very easily - for installation on joints are available for sale Split circular and rectangular laths-rosettes of plastic, metal or wood, which differ in size, color and profile performance. Setting them in place is simple - the product halves are placed on the pipe in the circumference and are fixed by latching between a pre-contact area on the ring with any base is applied a drop of glue, so that the product is not displaced pipe. Such decorative trim ring for heating pipes products are reusable and can be removed for cleaning or installation in another place.

Methods of finishing radiators
Currently produces decorative cast iron radiators with voluminous design, it is a true work of art.

The cost of these accessories is high, so to improve the aesthetics of classic radiators popular following more affordable ways:
- manufacturing a box or a screen;
- art paintings.
Decorative box for radiator
box construction differs from the screen apparatus not only the presence of the front and top panels, but also side walls. Both types of decorative skins can be attached to a wall bracket or simply superimposed (hinged) to the radiator
These decorative elements are not only made in universal design, suitable for a certain amount of heating battery section, but They are made according to individual orders, taking into account the dimensions of the radiator, its location, the method of manufacturing a box fixing material and accessory.

Regardless of the design and the material, all decorative ducts for heating system radiators have the following characteristics:
- strength - the product must be resistant to common mechanical stress in everyday life;
- sufficient thermal stability - under the influence of heat duct must not be deformed;
- good heat transfer - accessory design must ensure constant air circulation for its heating;
- environmental and safety - of the screen material during heating does not release hazardous substances;
- aesthetics;
- easy installation, removal and daily care.
Important! Screens made from wood, treated with special compositions that make them nonflammable.
In the manufacture of wooden boxes preference is given to oak or beech wood, which is little subject to deformation by heat.
Metal casings and screens are made of galvanized or stainless steel having a classical or decorative perforations. Common products based on a metal frame covered with steel mesh.

Knowing the list of requirements for protective boxes, with the purchase of this accessory can only choose a product whose performance is harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.
Production of decorative boxes with their own hands
If the purpose of the manufacture of decorative nakladki- improving aesthetics of the heating system, then do cover better than wood or her budget substitute (MDF, laminated chipboard), are easier to handle than metal.
Operation starts with the determination of the dimensions of the box, distance from the radiator to the wall which should be at least 3 cm.
Then the frame is made - of wooden bars or cd-profiles. The bars are fastened together with screws using rectangular inserts gussets between the uprights perpendicular to each other for stiffening the structure. Cd-profiles can also be attached with screws for metal or use exhaust rivets.
The frame structure brackets must be provided for mounting to a wall or a leg to be mounted on a special platform on the floor.
By the size of the frame is made frontal (face) and side panels, which are initially collected for a frame of the frame profile for MDF flaps.

Then the selected outer skin material (rationally - MDF sheet), in which, after the cutting-to-size core bits are arranged openings for air circulation. The sheets are inserted into the frame, and finished panels are fixed to the frame.

If the aesthetics of the heating system is poor, and there is the presence of residues in the appropriate material, make a decorative box for the radiator makes sense, even if it had never before do. The operation is not complicated, and the necessary skills are acquired after the manufacture of the first product.