For many of us today is of great interest heating. What is an independent heating system in an apartment or in a private house? What are the technical details of the method of heating residential premises? On these and many other questions will have to look in most cases independently. In our country transition to a stand-alone heating system has not acquired a mass character yet, so many tenants have to solve this problem individually. If a heat source available today the situation is more or less clear, the issue of that is heating project and how to implement it in practice - it is a problem with many unknown.

As in most cases, any engineering solution begins with the project. It is at this stage, you can give your ideas and desires quite tangible features and images. The project is the first step towards the practical implementation of your ideas, the more so when it comes to the important issue of how to ensure warmth of your home.
What is the project? What is its essence and what is its value?
Standing in front of the need to radically change the situation with home heating, we have to solve many current issues. Availability of finance is only a starting point for the implementation of your plans. Practical plane to accomplish the task in front of him - a sequence of actions, which in the course of implementation, stem from this situation. One of the most important elements on which depend your plans and hopes, the heating system is the design of your home, apartment or a country house.
Independent heating system is a complex set of common energy, which focuses is to ensure that the inhabitants of a residential building in a cold period of warm and hot water supply. Create effective in the living room, working and economical heating system without a precise definition the location of each element of the system, without calculating heating equipment operating parameters not out. Just buy a boiler, gas or electric, to collect and acquire modern radiators kilometers of pipes - this is only the first step of the entire chain of your actions is the easiest.
In each case, an independent heating system needs to adapt to the prevailing conditions.
Important! The project is a document on the basis of which the subsequent installation of heating equipment in the apartment or house. Project documentation is considered to be the starting point of the subsequent action. The accuracy of calculations, correctly made equipment layout and connectivity - the key to the subsequent efficient operation of individual heating.

The project contains all the raw data, on the basis of which the subsequent development of technical solutions. The draft takes into account all the external and internal factors which will determine the type and the type of heating system. In each case, the project documentation is based on the following data:
- climatic conditions of the region, which is located house, apartment, alternative accommodation;
- engineering and technological aspects of the building (high-rise apartment, private house or villa);
- the availability of affordable energy;
- technical parameters of the heated room (number of rooms, floors, household needs housing inhabitants);
- the financial component of addressing.
Using baseline data on the technological characteristics of the residential facility, heating equipment options, you can plan a future system. The project makes it possible to technically correctly, taking into account all the nuances and peculiarities of a specific situation, to combine all of your thoughts, plans and desires.
Note: The new LCD "Eco Vidnoe 2.0" in Prominent developers built a premium, warm and spacious home. complex site
Who is and is developing a project?
Develop a project for heating his apartment, how to make the heating system at the same time efficient and cost-effective, questions, a task that should be solved by specialists. To develop the project, which in the future should be justified and approved by the regulatory authorities and energy companies need to attract specialized organizations. The presence of special software, the necessary experience, technical knowledge and skills will provide you with the design documentation on the heating system in accordance with the requirements.
On a note: Rejecting the central heating, it is possible to order the development of his apartment heating project can the power company, then you have a good chance that the project will automatically get approval. To bill you for the development of the project, the company expects to receive a kind of financial compensation for your rejection of heat supply services.

Design involves close collaboration of the customer and the project organization. In order to get a result in the optimal and successful technical solution considered several options. Based on customer needs, building on the technical parameters of the object is determined by the required equipment heating equipment, produced by the method and order of the heating installation system. Development of the project involves a number of important interrelated stages:
- Development of the sketch;
- TTX rationale heating system in accordance with the technical specifications and the offer;
- drafting heating system circuit on the basis of which will be assembling the heating equipment;
- preparation of project documentation for future heating system;
- budgeting.
At each stage it is expected the participation of certain categories of professionals, the skills and professionalism of which depends on your future comfort.
Important! Development of the project should be carried out by experts with appropriate qualifications. In some cases, at the design stage to harmonize certain aspects and nuances can involve experts in the field of architecture, heat and power.
Components of the project
Descriptive part
heating design consists of separate parts, each of which contains the necessary amount of information and technical data. Traditionally, the project starts with a descriptive part, through which you can get an idea about the importance of the document and its content. Description in turn consists of the following items:
- location of the house, apartments;
- the unusual layout of premises;
- factors determining the appropriate type of heating for the room.
The narrative is necessary to dwell on the technical characteristics of the room, given the characteristics of its location, location and climatic conditions of the region. Based on the technical description of the apartments are listed are recommended for creating efficient heating, kinds and types of heating equipment. Listed in the specification the information will be sending point to perform correct calculations required power of the heating system and the parameters of temperature inside the room.
After the descriptive part of the draft specification is a key issue - the section in which to contain all data and coefficients used to perform optimum power calculations of the heating equipment. This should include the cubic content of the interior apartment (house), the presence or absence of insulation in the apartment, the climatic parameters of the region. On the basis of all these data is the optimal calculation of heat consumption for heating each dwelling in the apartment.
The specification includes not only the transfer of parameters of individual components and assemblies, but also the heating system schematic diagram
On a note: accuracy specified in the data specifications is key to the subsequent calculation of hydrostatic resistance in the system and determining the optimal heating temperature. Otherwise, it may be overrun gas, the system will be uneconomical and inefficient.
Graphic image
For any project important aspect is the graphic component. With the help of a special program it is now possible to create as close to the real conditions of the graphic Image of heated area in a three-dimensional projection, with a clear indication of the location of the boiler, radiators heating. Thanks to computer graphics, you can see firsthand how the pipeline will look like and where you need to install some system components, valves.

process calculations
Main, the documentary part of any project - calculations. The result of the calculations will be consumed amount for heating the natural gas system, the intensity of the boiler in different modes. Coolant temperature indicators to ensure optimal heating of all rooms of apartment houses.
For the project the most important autonomous heating system is the calculation of thermal power equipment heating and hot water system. Based on calculations made by the selection of appropriate equipment is carried out, the main components of the heating system the apartment.
Estimates of heat loss pipe will give you an idea of how the future system will be effective.
Using the calculated data in the project is determined by the appropriateness of a particular type of wiring pipes, a decision about the type of connection of the radiators in the system. Justification of the chosen type wiring and connection of radiators on the basis of the calculations. In the process of the settlement must take into account the presence of automatic control devices of the system.
On a note: calculation must be stated in the scheme of the heating system, which will be the basis for the installation work. Any deviation from the calculated data presented in the draft smears cause failure in entering the heating system in operation.
The project is executed in accordance with the requirements of normative documents, will provide quality installation of the heating system in your home. If the project complied with all existing requirements of SNIP and GOST, the chances of getting approval from the regulatory agencies are increasing.
The main detail that should be paid attention to in the development of the project - the rationale for the installation is this type of heating in the apartment. The more real arguments in favor of this heating circuit apartments, the more accurate the calculations of the efficiency of the heating system, the higher the chances of getting approval. The accuracy of these calculations provide the correct choice of radiators. The subsequent installation of the equipment and connection based on an existing project will greatly facilitate the task.
A copy of the project autonomous heating system is supplied to the energy company, which will continue to be engaged in maintenance of your heating equipment. When significant technological differences the actual heating system with data and parameters specified in the project documentation can be obtained failure on entering the facility.